Chapter 406 Red Tengu

Gongmi Mountain is just behind the back mountain of Zhengjue Temple, about [-] kilometers away from Zhengjue Temple. The mountain roads are rugged, dense forests are overgrown, and wild animals frequently appear. It is designated as a forbidden area, and no clansmen are allowed to set foot on it.

It is conceivable how much Gao Ye Jianren risked his life in order to investigate Nan Nan's life experience.

Why!What a good girl, how can she be gone without it!

Silence looked at Gao Ye Taihuang who was leading the way ahead, and asked with a feeling, "Who was the one who sent you the message? Are you sure Gao Ye's daughter has passed away?"

Takano Taihuang opened the way with his dagger, and replied heavily, "The person who reported the message is a Zashiki boy, they will not lie."

Zashiki Warji doesn't lie! ?Have you never seen Nan Nan's mouth?
A woman's mouth, a liar.

Even monsters can lie.Strictly speaking, as long as Gao Ye Jianren's body is not seen, she still has the possibility of surviving, even if this possibility is infinitely close to zero.

Takano Taihuang's arms stopped, he was silent for a moment, and hoped, "I hope it's as you said, and I also hope that Jian Ren is still alive..."


There was a stir in the grass in front of Tako Takano, and there was a slight sound of objects rubbing against each other.

"Hush! Don't move! There is a situation ahead!" Takano Taihuang was highly nervous. Although he was still far away from Gongmi Mountain, he didn't dare to be careless. As far as mages are concerned, they are good at dealing with ordinary monsters, but they are somewhat powerless when dealing with jackals, tigers and leopards.

hum!The power of the silent mind swept across, instantly covering the grass, and the situation inside was immediately projected into his mind.

It was a snow-white rabbit with a slightly bulging belly, obviously pregnant.

Clap!Silently patted Tako Takano's shoulder, "Let's go! It's just a pregnant rabbit!"

Takano Taihuang was taken aback, how did you know it was a rabbit...Putong, a rabbit jumped out of the grass, saw Shen Mo and Taihuang, and ran away immediately, its belly was indeed a bit bigger than ordinary rabbits.

hiss!How did Silence figure it out? He could even know that the other party was pregnant. With such an ability, it can be called a foresight.

He was really unfathomable as his daughter said.

So under the perception of the power of Shen Mo's mind, the two walked quickly, passed through the forest, and took another half an hour to reach the foot of Gongmi Mountain smoothly.

hum!Shen Mo opened his mind and projected it towards Gongmi Mountain. Not surprisingly, the entire Gongmi Mountain was shrouded in a barrier, and it was impossible to see through the reality with only the power of the mind and eye.

Takano Taihuang took out two palm-sized hooked jade talismans from his arms, on which some kind of formation was depicted with tadpole patterns, and he handed one hooked jade talisman to Shen Mo.

"Mr. Shen, please wear it, this is a talisman that passes through the barrier."

"Why do you have the enchantment talisman of Mount Gongmi?"

Takano Taihuang explained, "The enchantment here is the same as the enchantment on the back mountain of Zhengjue Temple. It was laid by Zashiki boys, so the enchantment talisman is universal."

Silently, if there is no explanation, anyone will feel that Takano Taihuang is tricky, and give birth to the idea of ​​"this old man doesn't look like a good person anyway".

Under the perception of the power of the mind and eyes, the enchantment here is indeed exactly the same as the enchantment in the back mountain, presumably it was laid by Zashiki Doji who lives in Yumi Mountain.

Clap!The lucky cat on the silent waist trembled slightly, and Nan Nan's voice sounded in his mind.

"Boss, are we almost there!"

"Well! Are you coming out?"

"No... I'll come out when I find her."

Up to now, Nan Nan, who has always been cheerful and lively, has become a little shy and stage-frightened. She hides in the lucky cat, and wants to find her mother first, and then recognize her after she is mentally prepared.

The mind of a child is always so elusive.

hum!Silence and Takano Taihuang stepped forward, with the help of the enchantment talisman, as if passing through a layer of icy water curtain, it was a feeling of breaking through the membrane, a very fragrant fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed in The silent nasal cavity, the dazzling sunlight pouring down, shining on the silent face, made him feel extra comfortable, and the chirping of birds and insects sounded in his ears, as if he was in a paradise.

This is Mt. Yumi!
A paradise where Zashiki Doji lives, without the hustle and bustle of the city, without the pungent car exhaust, without the glare of glass flashing, everything seems to return to nature.

Between breaths, Ling Mo has an indescribable sense of pleasure.

It's just amazing.

"Be careful! There are enemies!"

Takano Taeko's voice sounded, and the silence was brought back to reality from the enjoyment in an instant. Two wild boars with a single horn on their foreheads swooped down with their feet on the flames. With their impact, the ground seemed to start to tremble. Their fangs His teeth gleamed with a piercing cold light, and his long nose groaned, hesitating.


Two strong winds pierced the sky, and in Takano Taihuang's unbelievable eyes, two steamer wild boars crashed down, the single horn on their foreheads broke, and two stones were embedded in their heads respectively, blood mixed with brain tissue It splashed out, instantly staining the ground red.

who is it! ?Who stoned the two steamer boars? !

Takano Taihuang couldn't help looking at Shen Mo, there happened to be traces of two stones being taken away at his feet, and there was a little sand left in his hands.

It's him!silence!He actually used two stones to kill a monster of the level of the Fire Wheel Wild Boar. A Fire Wheel Wild Boar needs at least four mages to work together to trap it.

How strong is the limit of silence.

Clap!Silently clapped his palms, and cleaned up the sand on his hands. The two stones thrown by his throwing proficiency just now seemed to have a good effect.

In the future to deal with this kind of mob, you don't need to show your weapon at all, just pick up a stone, isn't it also very fragrant!

"Bold! Who killed my mountain monster."

Following the death of the two steamer wild boars, a sound of fury came from the top of Mt. Yumi. Immediately under the watchful eyes of Shen Mo and Takano Taihuang, a man dressed in a mountain training suit, stepped on single-tooth wooden clogs, and held a goose feather fan. A humanoid monster with a red-faced proboscis mask flew in from the sky.

Ding!The silent detection skill was thrown and landed on the monster, and a message was immediately fed back to the mind.

"Red Tengu, a branch monster of the Tengu clan, can disguise itself as a human, live in seclusion in the mountains all year round, and like to eat the brains of little demons."

Takano Taihuang also recognized the identity of the monster at a glance, and exclaimed, "It's actually a red tengu. Isn't this kind of monster already extinct!"

Um?Extinct monster?
how do I say this?

Takano Taihuang said with a solemn face, "Red Tengu is a heterogeneous species in the Tengu Clan. They like to eat the brains of monsters, and they have a violent personality. So many years ago, the Tengu Clan teamed up with other monsters to exterminate them... I didn't expect there was a red tengu hidden on Mount Yumi."

Silently asked, "Why, is it very strong?"

"Very strong! Very strong! Because it also has a name called Ghost Eye Mage, a monster who knows how to use the secret technique of demon eyes."

Sounds great.

Then, it was the monster that killed the Takano Jianren and the Takano clan.

"Tsk tsk! Do you mean the humans who rushed into my territory some time ago?"

"What did you do to them?" Mo Mo asked sharply, his murderous aura concentrated, ready to go.

"Quack! You'll know in a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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