Chapter 407
a while? !
It's been a long time for you!

Shen Mo and Takano Taihuang waited for a long time, but the red tengu in the midair did not move, as if some big move was brewing, but it didn't feel very real.

Silent's power of mind and eyes was completely released, and the projection of the aura of Red Tengu appeared in his mind, and the opponent's every move could not escape the perception of Silence.

But... this is too anticlimactic!

Just a moment ago, you had the posture of waiting for me, why did you froze in the air the next second, playing the autumn wind?
Shen Mo asked Tako Takano next to him in a low voice, "Do you know what Red Tengu's ability is?"


What waited silently was not Taeko Takano's answer, but a staff that directly pierced Taeko Takano's abdominal cavity. The blood continued to flow down the long handle of the staff, and Taiko Takano's face was filled with relief. Complicated feelings.


If you don't know, you won't be able to kill yourself with a stick!


Takano Taihuang violently pulled out the staff in his abdomen, blood and flesh tissue splashed, instantly staining the ground red, his expression gradually became crazy, and the corner of his mouth twisted into a strange evil smile.

"You give back my daughter's life!"

Buzz ring!The staff trembled, accompanied by fluctuations in blood and mana, and turned into waves of air waves with some mysterious secret method, approaching the vital points of Silence.

Dangerous warning rose in the silence of his heart, he stepped on his feet, and easily avoided the attack of the air wave, but the next moment, Takano Taihuang's remnant body appeared behind him, with his staff hanging high, accompanied by a disturbing buzzing sound. Ming, slammed silently on the head.

How can it be? !How could Takano Taihuang have such a fast speed, and it is even more unbelievable why Takano Taihuang, who was obviously seriously injured, is still alive?
The abdominal cavity of an ordinary person is pierced, the murder weapon is pulled out, and they will die due to excessive blood loss within a few minutes.

Takano Taihuang's bleeding was not 4000ml, but 2000ml, half of the blood was gone, and he was still alive and kicking?What about cheating ghosts?
Mo Mo's wrist shook, and Calamity · Yata Orochi · Tomahawk appeared in his hand. The evil tomahawk was like a strange beast breaking free from the darkness, and let out a deep roar, which made Mo Mo's temperament suddenly change.

This time he didn't dodge, but directly met Takano Taihuang's attack.

boom!There was a loud sound of metal clashing as the axes clashed.

Mo Mo used his strength to distance himself from the opponent, a layer of blood oozed from the tiger's mouth under the impact just now, and his internal organs felt like colic from being hit by a truck. He was even more puzzled, how could Takano Taihuang have such great strength , and the staff in his hand, it can actually compete with Calamity Yamata no Orochi and Tomahawk.

This is not the Takano Taihuang that Shen Mo knows at all, he must be a counterfeit.

hum!The power of the silent mind swept across, and the red tengu was still looking down at the fight between the two ants playfully in mid-air, and Takano Tako's projection was still the projection of Takano Tako, without any deviation.

How can this be? !
The power of the silent mind has always had the ability to see everything, but now a discerning person can see the tricky battle situation at a glance, but with the power of the mind, they can't see the slightest clue.

Takano Taeko is indeed Takano Taeko, and the ordinary staff is indeed an ordinary staff, but the combat power of the opponent is displayed to an extremely strange degree.

"Return my daughter's life!"

Takano Taihuang let out a creepy growl from his throat, twisting his body strangely, and holding his staff, he approached the silence step by step.

Silently understood, this must have been done by Red Tengu, what exactly is his ability?
Demon pupil secret technique? !What kind of secret technique would it be, that it would endow Takano Taihuang and Mo Mo with tough frontal strength.

Mo Mo didn't dare to be careless, and immediately took out an inch-shrinking talisman from his waist. With the pinch of the hand, the yellow talisman ignited spontaneously without fire, and the moment before Takano Taihuang's staff was about to fall on Shen Mo, Mo Mo flashed Go behind the red tengu.

As the saying goes, when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first; when you catch a thief, you catch the king first; when you catch a traitor, you catch the traitor...
tui! In short, no matter what the ability of the red tengu is, it is always right to cut it first.

Ax skills!Collapse!

When the battle ax swung down, it was like a Yamata no Orochi descending from the sky. With the roar of the evil spirit, it instantly split the red tengu's body in two.

Some are just evil smiles under the red mask of Red Tengu.

Under Shen Mo's unbelievable gaze, the two red tengus turned into two balls of red liquid like the liquid robots in the Terminator, floating in mid-air and reuniting to form a new appearance regardless of whether the gravity is happy or not.

Ok? !

Mo Mo looked at the reunited Red Tengu, and couldn't help but tremble with the Calamity Tomahawk in his hand. What did he see?
He actually saw himself!

Red Tengu turned silent, every move was imitated, and even the disaster battle ax in his hand could not be distinguished from the real one.

Could this be the ability of Red Tengu?With fake ones, even the combat power can be reproduced perfectly?
Impossible, how could there be such a perverted ability in the world, how could it be true, how could the Red Tengu clan be exterminated.

Well, there is only one truth to the question!
They are all fake, all of them are fake.

hum!The power of purification was activated, and the milky white halo instantly enveloped the silence, and a wave of warmth rose from his lower abdomen and rushed straight into his mind, shocking him mentally.

"Red Tengu, you are wrong, you should never have turned into my appearance..." Shen Mo raised the corner of his mouth, and slammed down the disaster battle ax in his hand, slashing in the air, "everyone in this world They are all unique, and if they are not, there is only one possibility, this place is not real."

Bark!Accompanied by a milky white halo, the Calamity Tomahawk actually tore apart the space beside him, like a curtain being torn from the middle, revealing the world outside.

Shen Mo stepped out, opened his eyes again, and found that he was still standing in the same place, Takano Taihuang was also standing beside him, and the red tengu was floating in mid-air, with a faint red light emitting from its red proboscis mask. The silent awakening gradually loses its brilliance.

"How could you see through my illusion..."

Red Tengu questioned the silence in panic, and backed away subconsciously.

"Hey, haven't I already told you the answer?" Shen Mo flashed out his calamity axe, and rushed out like a dormant tiger, shooting at the red tengu in mid-air, "Although your illusion is strong, you don't understand people's hearts ... To be more blunt, you have no culture."

Puff!The calamity battle ax slammed on the red tengu's body, this time it really split him in two.

【Ding!Discovered special material: ghost eye demon pupil]

[Ghost-eyed demon pupil: This is the demon pupil from the Red Tengu clan, which can pull the enemy into a high-level illusion.The damage received in the illusion will be fed back to the body of the caster.It is an extremely powerful sorcery. 】

snort!Shen Mo sneered, playing illusion in front of me, you don't know that I have a trick called purification!

However, the red tengu's ghost eyes and demon pupils are really powerful, and they can actually feed back the damage in the illusion to reality. Coupled with the illusion created by the caster, it is generally difficult to escape from his illusion.

It's a pity that Red Tengu has no culture. Although he is talented, he doesn't know how to use people's hearts at all. The illusion he created is full of flaws, how can he deceive Mo Mo.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if a psychoanalyst who understands psychology and underhanded science is given these ghost eyes and demon pupils, even silence will fall into the hands of the other party.

These days, talent is important, but knowledge is even more important!

Shen Mo put away the pair of ghost eyes and demon pupils, thinking about the opportunity to find a suitable owner for these eyes.

"Baga!? Let go of my daughter!"

Takano Taihuang finally woke up from the illusion. The illusion he experienced was completely different from Silence. Because Silence broke the illusion in advance, he was not injured, but he was a little emotional... He didn't explain the details to Silence.

"Mr. Shen, did you kill the Red Tengu?"

"Or else!"

Takano Taihuang was inexplicably surprised. He was still immersed in the illusion just now and couldn't extricate himself. Facing the red tengu, he thought that the two of them would die tragically under each other's demon pupil secret technique like the previous Takano clansmen. Unexpectedly, he killed the Red Tengu without any damage.

"Mr. Shen's strength really impresses Taihuang. Your status in the Huaxia Super League must be very high!"

Silence said bluntly, "I'm just a rookie, so I don't have any status. I'm the worst one in our bureau."

Tako Takano: "..."

Mr. Shen, please don't frame me. I can tell right from wrong at my age. People like you have power and status at your fingertips. If you don't have it, it's just that you don't want it.

"Okay! Stop it, let's hurry up the mountain!"

Silence has always disliked listening to people flattering him. Although these flattery sounds very comfortable, they really have no substantive effect, and it is not as real as a dollar.

The two ignored the dead body of the red tengu who had lost his eyes, and hurried up the mountain path of Mt. Yumi.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, there is a place with extremely dense energy on the top of Gongmi Mountain, and it is also a place with extremely noisy atmosphere.

There are not only a large number of Zashiki Wards entrenched there, but also a lot of human breath.

It's a pity that the energy density is too high, which interferes with Shen Mo's identification of their individual identities.

When the two came to the top of the mountain, they couldn't help being stunned by the scene on the top of the mountain.

There is a naturally formed mountain spring on the top of the energy-intensive mountain. The mountain spring is clear and rings like a silver bell. When the sun shines, it shimmers like an arowana swaying on the water... This is a very comfortable environment , but was ruined by another scene that made it difficult to look directly at.

I saw countless corpses of monsters and humans being randomly discarded in a corner of the mountain top. The head of each corpse was lifted off by a huge force, and it was covered with dense bite marks. It is easy to imagine the tragic situation at that time.

At the same time, in the center of the mountain spring, there are many Zashiki boys and human beings imprisoned. They are in a state of confusion. Under the nourishment of the mountain spring's aura, they will not starve to death, but they are not far from death.

Shen Mo took a closer look, and immediately found the unconscious Gao Ye Jianren in the crowd. She really didn't die.

"Jiren! Hunren! You are really still alive...everyone is still alive!"

Gao Ye Taihuang saw that his daughter was still alive, and the people who came to rescue him before were also in the spring, so he immediately rushed to the mountain spring excitedly.

"Don't go there!"

Shen Mo pulled Takano Taihuang back, and murmured warily, "Don't you see anything unusual?"

abnormal? !What's wrong here?
"This mountain spring contains great aura, which is a great tonic for humans and monsters, but why are they unconscious in it?"

The anomaly here was hit by silence, and Takano Taihuang also realized the seriousness of the problem.

yes!Reiki is a great tonic for human monks and monsters, but why are they unconscious?There must be something tricky in this.

"But we have to rescue the Jianren as soon as possible!"

"Don't rush for a moment. This should be the legendary Yumi Spring."

"It should be. The legendary Yumi Spring is the starting spring of Kitakami River, implying the spring of life, with great power of life. But now it seems..."

"She's like a fountain of death, isn't she!"

With a silent thought, the detection skill was activated.

【Ding!The spoiled Yumi Izumi. 】

[Originally known as the spring of life, Yumi Spring has been reduced to a fountain of anesthesia under the pollution of the feces of the red tengu. Any creature that steps into the spring will be paralyzed by the filth in the spring and become the food of the red tengu. . 】

【Ding!Unusual material found: Fountain of Anesthesia. 】

[The fountain of anesthesia, the spring water that can anesthetize humans or monsters. 】

[Reminder: This spring water can be purified into a fountain of life. 】

[Fountain of Life: A spring that can restore the vitality of humans or monsters. 】

Shen Mo stared at the information in his mind in a daze, wondering whether it was better to be the fountain of life or the fountain of anesthesia.

Someone once said that a warrior with a ring of paralysis is a real warrior.

Now is the time to make a silent choice, whether to choose the fountain of paralysis or the fountain of life.

snort!Only children make choices, and of course adults want them all.

【Ding!Collect the Fountain of Paralysis*10]

Looking at the spring of paralysis that was halfway down, Shen Mo put his hand into the spring water and activated the purification magic skill.

Fountain of Paralysis!Purify...the fountain of life.

The milky white halo radiated from the silent palm, and gradually radiated to the entire spring surface in the form of ripples. The spring water that originally exuded a faint stench, under the effect of purification, exudes a cheery fragrance.

【Ding!Collect the Fountain of Life*10]

Looking at the fountain of life that dried up in an instant, Mo Mo smiled with satisfaction.

And Takano Taihuang on the side saw his eyes straightened, what did Silence do to the spring water?Why did the spring, which was overflowing just now, dry up in a blink of an eye? !
Um? !With the disappearance of the spring water, those trapped Zashiki warji and the Koya tribe woke up slowly. They looked around in confusion, not knowing why they were here and what happened.

hum!The beckoning cat on Silence's waist flashed, and Nan Nan jumped out of it. She blinked her teary eyes and searched endlessly among the Zashiki warji group, and the memories buried in the depths of her memory gradually surfaced.

"This is really my home... Nannan finally came home."

(End of this chapter)

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