The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 412 Potion of Perfect Ability

Chapter 412 Potion of Perfect Ability
Shen Mo stared at the pocket pot in his hand with all his attention, and saw Nan Nan's immature palm exuding a red evil spirit lightly pushed it, and the pocket pot rolled to the ground under the external force, accompanied by a burst of cracking ceramics, Cracks like spider webs appeared, and dazzling colorful brilliance flashed out of the cracks, dazzling the eyes.

Mo Mo was shocked. The previous pocket jars only shone with white or golden brilliance, but this time the pocket jars actually shone with colorful brilliance. The change is definitely not simple.

Click!As the colorful brilliance dissipated, the broken pocket jar turned into dust and disappeared into the void, and an item quietly appeared on the floor.

Nan Nan showed doubts, trotted to the side of the prop, lowered his body to pick it up, turned around and raised the prop in his hand for Shen Mo to see.

"Stupid boss, what do you think this is?"

In Nan Nan's hand was dangling the scarlet reagent in glass, Mo Mo hurriedly came to Nan Nan and took the reagent, for fear that Nan Nan's hand slipped and the reagent would be reimbursed.

After getting the scarlet reagent, a reminder sounded in his mind.

[Ding, get the perfect potion of Yamata no Orochi]

[Yaota no Orochi's perfect ability potion, using this potion you will get Yata no Orochi's perfect ability, including the eight attributes of darkness, light, water, fire, wind, earth, wood, and poison. 】

[Acquisition time limit of six 10 minutes]

[This potion is a perfect potion that does not change the appearance and shape of the user]

[After using this potion, you will get various attributes and ability panels. 】

Holding the scarlet potion in his hand, Mo Mo had mixed feelings. If you say this potion is good, it is a bit different from Mo Mo’s expected result; if you say it is not good, it is a precious prop that can be used as a trump card.

In short, silence can only give 8 points for the effect of opening the jar, and the remaining 2 points are reserved.

Shen Mo put away Yamata no Orochi's perfect ability potion, put it in his personal warehouse, and took it out for use when necessary.

When Mo Mo recovered and looked at Nan Nan again, she was already sitting by the computer with Xue Nu Ji Nai.

"Jinai, let me show you something fun."

"what is this?"

"You'll know in a while."

Under Shen Mo's gaze, Nannan opened the long-lost L-shaped icon, skillfully logged into the game account Shen Mo had applied for her, and started the fierce battle in Summoner's Canyon.

Why!Shen Mo let out a long sigh, Internet addiction monsters are so much fun, Nan Nan is going to drag Ji Nai into the pit together.

Silence doesn't object to them playing games, as long as they don't delay their business, it's also great to relax occasionally.

He stepped to the computer mainframe, put his palm on the mainframe, and used his mimicry ability to turn his palm into countless tiny vines, which penetrated into the network cable.

"Boss, you're rubbing my internet speed again!"

Shen Mo replied, "It's okay, when I go in, it won't affect your internet speed for playing games."

The computer screen froze for a while, and the silent consciousness followed the network cable and entered the virtual network world under the blessing of weapons.

With the experience of entering several times before, Mo Mo found the server where Linger was located familiarly.

I haven't been here for such a long time, and the server at this moment has undergone tremendous changes.

The originally chaotic infinite world of spiritual energy has gradually manifested the embryonic form of the world. Inside the egg-like eggshell, the clean air rises to form the sky, and the turbid air sinks to form the earth. There are spirits living in it, crossing their legs. Sit down, constantly swallowing ghost energy to refine the heart of the server at the dantian.

Linger's sleepy beautiful eyes are lightly raised, as if sensing the breath of silence, she slowly opens her aura-filled eyes, as ethereal and illusory as a celestial maiden descending from the earth, with slender hands frivolous and clear and turbid, a door opens on the eggshell , Ling'er took a step forward, and came to Shen Mo with the heart of a server.

"Silence, long time no see."

"Long time no see, you seem to have become..."

Ling'er Yinling chuckled softly, "It's becoming more and more beautiful, isn't it?"

Nodding in silence, Ling'er has indeed become more and more beautiful compared to her previous simplicity. Silt and decayed soil.

"It's all thanks to it."

Ling'er handed the server heart in her hand to Shen Mo, and as soon as the server heart exuding chaos and mystery fell into Shen Mo's hand, an information notification sound came.

[The heart of the server (the current integrity is 5%), the priest who keeps pace with the times!Your wit and opportunity create new worlds.This is the heart of the world born in the server, as long as you control it, you can control the world. 】

【Ding!The spiritual body Lin Ling'er has been continuously refining the server's heart, and has been fed back by the server's heart, and the spiritual body has become more condensed and pure. 】

Silently, it turned out that Linger's change was the effect of the server's heart.

During this period of time, Linger increased the integrity of the server's heart from 1% to 5%, and the increase of only 4 percentage points gave Linger's spiritual body great benefits. I can't imagine that when the integrity of the server's heart reaches 100%, what kind of qualitative change Linger will get.

Become the female Pangu who created the world? !Or become the Goddess who created the world? !
Tsk tsk, this is all for the future, Shen Mo dare not think about it, the only thing he can be sure of is when the integrity reaches 10%, he will complete the first infinite aura task, and get the title of [Lord Lord God of Stinking Land], Be able to create the first copy of the world, and get [Random Lucky Player Extractor (repeat permanent props)] to pull people in this world into the infinite world of aura, and extract the aura you need from them or task rewards.

Seeing Ling'er who is working so hard, Mo Mo is very relieved. With Ling'er like this, he can do whatever he wants.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard. This is the world we created together. I'm very happy to see it becoming more and more complete."

Nodded silently, handed the heart of the server to Ling'er, and used the mimicry talent to open up his Heavenly Demon Realm, "Okay, then let's create our own world together."

hum!Monster energy and ghost energy are intertwined, ghosts and monsters are intertwined, Mo Mo and Ling'er walk into the eggshell-like infinite world of spiritual energy with the heart of the server, and continue to refine further.

Perceived by Shen Mo's eyes, the heart of the server is like a collection of countless mysteries. Under the refinement of evil and ghost aura, it constantly feeds back mysterious laws and principles, slowly changing the world...
With silent comprehension, one cannot comprehend the profound truth in it for a while, but in the dark, there is another feeling. This kind of understanding of the law and the truth is by no means a one-time practice.

Silence can only be based on the mentality of resignation, to understand the mystery. As for the harvest, it is even more resigned.

Nothing to say all night, time flies.

By the time Shen Mo left the infinite world of aura, it was already the morning of the next day.

Nan Nan and Ji Nai had already slept soundly in the beckoning cats. The silence dissipated their mimetic abilities. They moved their limbs stiff from standing for a long time, washed up briefly, and came to the desk they hadn't seen for a long time.

Shen Mo took out the luck talisman of the Gaoye clan from the Yin-Yang Bagua sword pouch, spread it out on the desk, and looked at it carefully, every stroke, every stroke, every peak and edge turned, and fell into the silent world under the perception of the power of the mind's eye. mind.

After a long time, Mo Mo finally picked up his pen. He spread out the yellow paper he had prepared, and based on the comprehension in his mind, he engraved the cipher text of the transfer talisman, one, two, three...

Mo Mo practiced continuously, until his replica reached a [-]% recovery rate, and then called out the lucky cat Zhong Nan Nan.

"Nannan, it's your turn."

Nan Nan rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked in surprise, "Boss, what are you doing?"


"Hey! Are you so decadent that you even need my help in drawing symbols!"

Nan Nan looked contemptuous, a little contemptuous of Silence.

"This is the luck charm of the Gaoye family. Without your evil spirit as a guide, even Chopin, who is so awesome, can't express Lao Tzu's sadness. Don't argue, let out your evil spirit, I will use it."

Nan Nan pouted, wouldn't this idiot boss finish talking in one go?If it wasn't that I couldn't beat you, Nannan, I wouldn't bother to talk to you.

hum!Nan Nan's immature arm stretched out, and the scarlet evil spirit hit the talisman pen in Shen Mo's hand. Under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, it turned into dao dao talisman ink and merged into the pen tip.

【Ding!Failed to characterize the transporter.The proficiency of intermediate talisman is improved. 】

【Ding!Failed to characterize the transporter. 】

【Ding! 】

It wasn't until the sun was rising, Hua Yingjun downstairs looked at the door twice, that Mo Mo finally made the first fortune talisman.

【Ding!The characterization of the transfer character is completed.The proficiency of intermediate talisman is improved. 】

【Fortune Talisman: Using this talisman can improve the user's luck attribute. 】

After waiting in silence for a long time, there was no information about the upgrade of the intermediate level talisman. It seemed that only one transfer talisman could not upgrade the intermediate level talisman to the high level talisman.

But after the first success, Mo Mo's subsequent portrayals will be much smoother.

Shen Mo was busy until late at night, and finally drew a sufficient number of transfer charms. Looking at the piles of transfer charms exuding blush, Shen Mo became more and more confident in Yu Zihui's work.

In a short while, let Hua Yingjun express all these talismans to Niutoushan and give them to Yuzihui.

Boom boom boom!
The silent door was knocked again, this time it was not Hua Yingjun's voice, but Ma Shisan's voice.

"Silence, you have been hiding in the house since last night, not even eating, tell me, what are you doing in there?"

Silence shrugged indifferently, what could he be doing in the house?
Of course it's serious business.

Creaking, Shen Mo opened the bedroom door, and immediately saw Ma Shisan's angry face.

"I was going to leave at noon, but now it's night to wait for you."

"What are you waiting for me to do?"


Ma Shisan shook his face angrily, and went straight downstairs. Before leaving the house, he did not forget to tell him, "You must come to Yanjing's Supernatural Exchange and Study Conference. There are surprises waiting for you there."

Shen Mo frowned, "What surprise? About the Foundation?"

"When the time comes, you'll know."

Hey, Ma Shisan, this Eternal Violent Rose, is actually a sell.

Regardless of whether you are surprised or not, I will eat something first, and I will talk about it after offering sacrifices to the Wu Zang Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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