The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 413 New Daily Tasks

Chapter 413 New Daily Tasks
After a gluttonous feast, Hua Yingjun went to help Shen Mo mail the forwarding talisman, Shen Mo went back to his bedroom, closed the door tightly, and got up.

This time, he did not enter the infinite world of aura and continued to create the world with Linger.

Instead, sink your consciousness into the list of daily tasks and check the refreshed daily tasks.

Daoguo and his party, Shen Mo has been in the side mission, so the daily mission has not been refreshed, until the side mission is completed, the daily mission is unlocked again, and the normal refresh starts.

Thinking about it carefully, Shen Mo hasn't paid attention to daily tasks for a long time, and I don't know what kind of daily tasks the refreshed daily tasks will be this time.

[Simple task (real world): Nightmare tapir]

Nightmare tapir, elephant trunk, rhinoceros eyes, bear body, tiger claws, ox tail.Feeds on human dreams, likes to eat nightmares, and often appears in the dead of night, wandering between beds.

A nightmare appeared in Baoshan, the capital city, devouring dreams wantonly and inducing human beings to eat it in frequent nightmares. The priests are invited to catch the nightmare.

[Mission reward: 500 aura points.Nightmare Potion of Dreaming. 】

【Dream Potion of Nightmare Tapir, use this potion, you will be able to enter the dream of human beings and feel the mystery in the dream. 】

[Reminder: Human dreams are full of twists and turns, please be careful when dreaming. 】

[General Mission (Mirror World): Flight of Death]

You will appear on a flight to the United States, and the power of your mind tells you that the plane has been shrouded in the breath of death. Before the plane lands, if you do not do something, what is waiting for you and other passengers is die.

[Mission reward: 1000 aura points.Special Title: Vehicle Destroyer. 】

[Special title: Vehicle Destroyer, wearing this title, any vehicle you come into contact with will crash or malfunction unexpectedly after a period of time. 】

[Reminder: This title is a passive blessing attribute, and the ability cannot be controlled after wearing it. 】

[Reminder: This title will have magical effects if used properly. 】

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): Parasitic Town]

The small town of Donglan was originally a peaceful town, but one day, when night fell, many parasitic germs fell from the sky. They parasitized humans and manipulated humans to kill each other.

The whole town is gradually shrouded in the shadow of terror. Is there only death waiting for them?
Invite the priests to enter the town of Donglan, save as many residents of the town as possible, and eliminate as many parasitic beasts as possible.

[Task reward: 1000 aura points.Earth Jar's Thanksgiving Pocket Jar.Reward 100 aura points for each town resident saved.Each kill of a parasitic beast rewards 100 aura points. 】

[Reminder: There is a side storyline (the source of the parasitic germ) in this task. Complete the side storyline to get extra rewards. 】

Mo Mo went through the three missions carefully, without stopping too much on the simple missions and general missions, and directly focused on the nightmare mission.

Parasitic town? !This plot is somewhat familiar, but for a while, I can't remember where I saw it.Rather, it feels like a low-cost, small-production bad movie in the United States.

But this is not the point, the point is that this task is properly a task of scoring points!
In addition to the basic 1000 aura bonus, you will get 100 aura for killing a parasite or saving a town resident.

How many people are there in a small town?How many parasites are there?

Shen Mo took out his mobile phone, opened the search software, and after a while of operation, he got the basic information.

A town of 400 hectares, with 1000 people living in every square kilometer, is 4000 people.If you catch up with the more densely populated towns, this number will be even higher.

This means that Shen Mo can obtain extremely generous aura rewards in this mission. It is not an exaggeration to say that after this mission, he will have enough aura to raise his level to level 18, triggering the job change of the priest Task.

Thinking of this, Mo Mo was a little eager to try. A priest who doesn't want to change his job is not a good priest. He took the task this time.

"Nannan, we have work to do again."

Nannan was fighting in the Summoner's Canyon. Hearing Silence's words, he didn't turn his head and said, "When I finish this fight, my Queen Ashe will be super god soon."

While speaking, Nannan manipulated Ashe to move in a snakeskin to avoid the opponent's skills, and used the A skill miraculously to kill several heroes of the opponent.

Ji Nai on the side quickly asked, "Master, are we going out?"

He nodded silently. He had brought Nannan and Goudan into the mirror world before, but it was the first time for Xuenv Ji Nai to enter the mirror world. As for Xuenv Ji Nai's ability, it should be useful in this mission.

"Jinai, I'll carve a woodcarving for you right now, you come with us."

"Thank you master, the master is very kind."

Shen Mo took out a piece of mahogany raw material from the desk, and took out the tools needed for carving, activated the wood carving master skill, and carved her own wood carving for Snow Maiden Ji Nai.

【Ding!Master woodcarving skills activated! 】

After a burst of brilliance, the original raw material of peach wood turned into a snowflake-shaped waist pendant, with milky white master's light shining, and the delicate and smooth texture is worthy of the silent hand of the woodcarving master.

If such a work is placed at an auction, with the recent reputation of Laifu Woodcarving Shop, it will definitely fetch a sky-high price.

【Ding!Master woodcarving proficiency increased by 1 point!Current proficiency (1128/10000)]

Shen Mo cast a glance at his skill proficiency. During this period of time, he has not neglected his master woodcarving skills. Every time the cooling time ends, he will carve some small objects and give them to Liu Xiaoci to sell in Laifu woodcarving shop. After working hard these days, his proficiency It has been raised from the previous 1002 to the current 1128.

But the distance from the improvement of the realm is far away.

As the saying goes, the water flows forever, and there is no rush to be silent about it.

Silence put his consciousness into the snowflake pendant, and information about it emerged.

[Snowflake Waist Hanging: (Master's Light) (Weapon Blessing)]

[This is a waist hanging accessory carved from ten-year-old peach wood, which can accommodate monsters. 】

[Master's Light: Increase the overall attributes of the host monster by 20.00%. 】

[Weapon Blessing: The damage of ghosts and ghosts has been increased. 】

Shen Mo tied the snow flower waistband with a red string and coiled it around her waist like a lucky cat.

"Come on, Jinai. Come here quickly."

Ji Nai nodded again and again, turning into a blue light and sinking into Snowflake's waistband. As the waistband trembled, Ji Nai finally had her little nest.

"Master, it's really comfortable here. Ji Nai is really grateful to Master."

"Nothing, this is what I should do for you."

Shen Mo glanced at Nan Nan again, her game is not over yet.He simply came to the desk again and refined some intermediate talismans for himself.

For Silence, the more these consumables, the better.

After about another 10 minutes of waiting, Nannan finally ended her game.

"Boss, you don't know how good my teammates are. If it wasn't for my Queen Ashe to fly them, they wouldn't deserve to win at all. Hmph!"

Silently patted Nannan on the head, "I know, your Ashe is invincible."

Mo Mo really felt sorry for Nan Nan's teammates, to be despised by a goblin across the screen, how good it must be.

"So, boss. Where are we going this time?"

Silence said solemnly, "This time, let's fight monsters! By the way, we will be the savior."

"Wow! The master is really handsome." Ji Nai was full of little stars, and looked at Silence with admiration.

Nan Nan, who was well aware of his silent nature, made up his mind and said, "Ji Nai, don't be fooled by the boss's words. From what I know about him, he will never do things that are not beneficial. Be the savior It’s just a pretense, and the truth is only when it’s beneficial.”

Ji Nai was still obsessed, "There's nothing wrong with that. If it's not beneficial, no one would do it even for a hero. Isn't it told in fairy tales? The prince killed the dragon for the sake of the beautiful and beautiful princess." .”

Um!What Ji Nai said makes sense!It's much more thorough than the little guy Nannan.

Mo Mo took a deep breath and said seriously, "Okay, let's go! Go to Donglan Town."

(End of this chapter)

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