The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 414 Donglan Town

Chapter 414 Donglan Town
After a change of scenery, Silence disappeared in his bedroom and came to another scene.

Hoo hoo!The bleak cool wind blows slowly, rolling up the fine sand and dust that confused the silent eyes. It was just dawn, but the silence on the street made people feel chills behind.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, knowing that he had entered the mirror world, he immediately opened his eyes to perceive the surrounding situation.

But what surprised Shen Mo was that his power of mind and eyes was restrained by some external force. The power of mind and eyes, which could detect a radius of one kilometer, could only detect the situation within a hundred meters at this moment.

What's happening here?Under Shen Mo's perception, there is a strange energy between the electromagnetic force and the soul force, and it is it that interferes with the power of Shen Mo's mind.

There is no doubt that this weird energy must be overflowing from the so-called parasitic beast.

From this point of view, the parasitic beast mutation incident has exploded in Donglan Town, and the goddess of death has already enveloped the town.

Clap!Silently patted the beckoning cat on his waist, calling out Zashiki-douji Nannan inside.

"Nannan, our mission is to kill the parasitic beast, save more people, and investigate the reason why the parasitic beast appeared. So, where should we go next?"

The scarlet demonic aura on Nannan's body was concentrated, and after some deduction, he pointed to the bar not far away and said, "Boss, I think you should go and have a look there, maybe you can find some clues."

Silence followed the direction of Nan Nan's fingers, and it was a very stylish bar called Austin Late Night Bar.

Shen Mo glanced at the rising morning sun and the dead silent street, and decided to go to Austin's late-night bar to find some clues about the source of parasitic beasts, and see if he could kill some parasitic beasts by the way. Beast or save some townspeople.

He stepped to the door of the bar, and habitually inspected it with the power of his mind and eyes, but found that the whole bar was shrouded in strange energy, and he could not know the situation inside the bar at all.

Judging from the energy density, there must be a parasitic beast that Silent was looking for in the bar.

So, is silence to enter or not to enter?

Nonsense, of course, has to be entered, and the silence that dare not face the danger, can it still be called silence?Why is he silent? He has never seen such a big wind and big waves, and he is still afraid of a few small parasitic beasts? !

After all, Shen Mo pushed open the half-length wooden door of the bar with a coquettish pictorial, and a stench mixed with alcohol, blood, and unknown sourness came over the surface, making Shen Mo almost spit out the meal he had just eaten.

Why is this smell so strong? !

Silently looking closely, the bar is extremely dark, only a small neon light is on at the bar counter, and a young Caucasian man in waiter uniform is shaking the wine glass in his hand, making the sound of liquid colliding. .

"Sorry, our bar is closed."

Shen Mo's heart trembled, just by observing with the naked eye, it was impossible to tell whether the other party was a human or a parasitic beast, but the strange surroundings had already told Shen Mo that the other party was definitely not a human.

"I just want a drink, don't you mind!"

The wine cup in the young man's hand stopped, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Since you want to drink so much, please come in!"

Shen Mo nodded, and walked towards the bar with full vigilance. Although the power of mind and eyes was temporarily restrained, Mo Mo's eyesight that looked at the night was enough to see everything.

The center of the dark dance floor is covered with dry blood and rotten flesh, and the scattered booths are full of fragmented corpses, and densely packed human-shaped silkworm chrysalis are suspended from the high ceiling, and the sound of breathing comes from it. ···This bar has become a slaughterhouse for parasitic beasts.

Mo Mo was slightly startled. According to the mission introduction, the parasitic incident happened last night. In such a short period of time, the parasitic beast caused such a large number of casualties. It seems that 100 points of aura is really not easy to earn!

"Sir, what would you like to drink?"

Mo Mo sat on the swivel chair in front of the bar, and carefully looked at the young man in front of him. He looked fairer than ordinary humans, and his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes. The slender fingers shaking the wine cup were like bamboo roots. Because the blocking at the bar cannot be seen carefully, the overall feeling of silence is extremely incongruous, and it is impossible to tell what is incongruous for a while.

"What are you tuning now? Let it be!"

The young man paused, "Are you sure you want to drink this?"

"Why, can't I drink?"

"Of course you can, as long as you can drink it."

As he spoke, the young man took out an empty wine glass from under the bar, and skillfully poured out the wine in the wine glass. The scarlet wine flowed out, exuding a disgusting stench.

Mo Mo couldn't help frowning his nose, what kind of wine was in the wine cup, it was clearly human blood.

"Please enjoy!"

"Use your uncle!"

There is no doubt that the young man in front of him is definitely a parasitic beast.

"What did you say?!"

Facing the sudden, sweet-smelling silence, the young man almost didn't turn the corner.

"Don't care what I said, eat me with an ax first!"

I saw Shen Mo flicked his wrist, and the phantom battle ax appeared in his hand. The young man couldn't dodge such a close-range slash, and was directly split into two. Thick bodily fluids splattered in all directions, and his shocked eyes turned violently. , Almost want to break through the eye sockets.

Mo Mo didn't choose to take out the Calamity Tomahawk, mainly because he didn't understand the nature of the parasitic beast, and wanted to test the waters with the Specter Tomahawk first.

One hit hit, but Shen Mo didn't receive any reward reminder. He subconsciously distanced himself from the young man, only to see the young man who had been divided into two squirmed for a while, with countless granulation criss-crossing, and it took only a few breaths to recover.

hiss!Disgusting!What a terrifying resilience!
"Quack! Did you find out... If that's the case, you should also become our food!"

As the young man screamed, the parasitic beasts crawled out from the shadows, surrounding Silence.

Counting them in detail, there were eight parasitic beasts, and Shen Mo finally saw their appearance clearly. They had human upper bodies, but their lower bodies were octopus-like blood-red tentacles. Each tentacle had a sharp mouth growing on its head. A tool that can easily tear steel plates...

Parasitic octopus? !The name is quite appropriate, but it can't explain why they wrap humans into pupae and drop them on the ceiling. Octopuses don't have this habit, but they are a bit like spiders.

Facing the siege of the octopus men, Silence remained unmoved. He patted the snowflake pendant on his waist and muttered in a low voice, "Jinai, it's your turn."

"Okay, my master!"

hum!I saw a blue demonic vortex rising under Shen Mo's feet, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and countless ice crystals condensed in the air. With Mo Mo as the center, a piercing ice burst out, attacking the eight parasitic beasts.

Click!The eight-headed parasitic beasts had never seen such a move before, before they could react, they were instantly frozen by Ji Nai's ice, turning into ice sculptures.

Silently sneered, don't you have a strong self-healing ability?I will directly freeze you and see how you can heal yourself? !
"Jina! Smash them!"

hum!I saw Ji Nai's immature palm raised, and countless ice crystals turned into sharp blades to wrap the eight ice sculptures. Along with the terrifying blizzard, the ice sculptures were cut into pieces of ice slag and scattered all over the ground.

【Ding!Kill parasitic beasts (tentacle monsters)*8.Reward 800 aura points]

Shen Mo frowned. According to the information prompt just now, there is not only this kind of parasitic beast, but also other types? !
The parasite seems to be different from what I expected!

Mo Mo temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, and turned his gaze to the human chrysalis hanging from the ceiling. They still had a faint breath. For Mo Mo, they were the suspended aura.

"Jina! Let them down."

"Okay, master!"

Ji Nai manipulated the demonic energy again, condensing it into a series of ice blades, and rescued the hanging people.

Silence approached one of the human pupae, and found that she was wrapped in thick tissue fluid, in a deep coma, with only a faint breath.

Bark!Mo Mo used the phantom battle ax to cut through the tissue fluid and rescued it. Her clothes had already been corroded completely, and her body had become extremely pale. She could even see capillaries clearly. What's more frightening is that her The abdomen is high and protruding, and densely packed round insect eggs are wriggling and climbing in it, making people feel chills on the back...
hiss!Silence took a breath. The reason why the parasitic beast suspended them was to cultivate larvae. Their bodies had already been eaten away by the larvae, leaving only a weak breath.

These people are hopeless!

Even the full-level slow healing can't heal them successfully, and the power of purification can't remove the larvae in their bodies.

All that awaits them is a painful death...or, early relief.

Silently patted Nan Nan on the waist, "Nan Nan, where is the clue I want?"

The beckoning cat trembled slightly, and pointed to one of the pupae, a young and beautiful white woman, but unfortunately her life was coming to an end.

Mo Mo hurried to her side, but didn't find anything special, so he could only slowly heal her with a shot, making her wake up from a deep coma.

"Don't...don't eat me..." the woman growled in horror, and when she realized her situation, she moaned again, "Kill me, I feel them in my body, they are eating me Meat, drink my blood, kill me quickly."

Mo Mo exerted the power of purification, temporarily exempting her from the perception of pain, "Sorry, I can't save you, do you have any last wishes?"

"Last wish?! My sister, please save my sister Jennifer, she is still a child. She should live."

【Ding!Trigger the branch plot: the source of the parasitic germ. 】

[Submission 1000: Please go to Donglan No. [-] Primary School and rescue Jennifer Shelley.Mission reward: [-] aura points]

"Don't worry, I will rescue Jennifer."

Mo Mo stood up slowly, and said to Ji Nai who was at the side.

"Ji Nai, I've given them to you. Let them go peacefully."

【Ding!Kill the parasitic beast cultivation body*16. Get 1600 aura points]

(End of this chapter)

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