The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 415 Jennifer Shelley

Chapter 415 Jennifer Shelley

As the reward prompt sounded in his mind, Mo Mo had already walked out of the Austin bar. He looked at the rising morning sun and waited quietly for a while before Ji Nai walked out of the bar.

The master and the servant didn't speak too much, and they understood each other's intentions just by making eye contact.

Most of the following work will be handed over to Ji Nai.

Silence is not willing to deal with these poor bastards with his own hands, even if they are just illusory mirror images.

If you do this kind of thing too much, your psychology will be somewhat abnormal.

Donglan No. [-] Primary School is the only primary school in the small town of Donglan. Residents in the town will send their children to study here, so it is an extremely iconic building in the town.

It's a pity that Silence still doesn't know where it is?

"Nannan, take me to Donglan No. [-] Primary School."

"Okay, boss. Next, please follow my guidance... Oh, by the way, if you encounter those parasitic beasts, do you need to take action to deal with them?"

Nodding silently, of course we have to deal with them. Those are all white aura points. I just hope that the parasitic beasts we encounter next will not be as disgusting as the parasitic beasts in Austin's bar.

"Understood, boss!"

Under the guidance of Nan Nan, Mo Mo walked through the streets and alleys of Donglan Township. The strange thing was that he didn't meet even a single parasitic beast. The whole street was still empty, and no living things appeared on the street.

Are all those parasitic beasts dead?
Silence asked Nan Nan, but Nan Nan gave the same explanation, "Boss, all the monsters you encounter along the way are hiding in the house. If you solve them one by one, it may be difficult to reach Donglan No. [-] Elementary School smoothly." .”

Hiding in the house and not coming out?It's hard to understand what fears this parasitic beast has during the day?

Mo Mo didn't feel that these parasitic beasts were afraid of him, that was obviously not scientific enough, he raised his head and glanced at the half-hanging sun, perhaps, what they were afraid of was the power of nature?

Mo Mo pointed to a dilapidated private house, "Nannan, is there a parasitic beast in this room? Solving it will delay my mission?"

The scarlet brilliance flashed, and Nan Nan used her ability to deduce, "There are some, if we only solve it, it won't delay the schedule."

good!Then use the parasitic beast inside to confirm Silence's guess.

As soon as Shen Mo thought about it, he stepped to the front of the house, pushed open the dilapidated wooden door, and a cold, damp, decaying smell rushed to his face. According to Shen Mo's combat experience, this smell was unusual, similar to the stench of Austin's bar. There is a resemblance.

Boom boom boom!Shen Mo didn't rush into the house, but slammed the door with his fingers, pretending to be a passing traveler, "Excuse me, is there anyone in the house?"

For a long time, there was no echo from inside the house.

Mo Mo looked into the dark room with his night vision, and found that the photo in the corridor was a family portrait of a family of four. The male master is in a suit and leather shoes, the female master is virtuous and dignified, and their children are smart... It's a pity that this photo Full of traces of time, the yellowed corners tell Silence that its age is even older than Silence.

Combined with the embarrassment of this dilapidated house, it is not difficult for Shen Mo to deduce that the owner of this house was happy in the early years, but suddenly encountered an accident and ended up in a dilapidated state.

Silence hesitated for a moment, and knocked on the door again, "Is there anyone at home?"

"Who is it? Is Jack back?"

This time there was an echo in the house, it was a very old woman's voice, just through the sound, Silence could be associated with an old man walking tremblingly with a cane.

"No, I'm not Jack, I'm just a pedestrian passing by here."

As soon as Silence finished speaking, he saw a black shadow flickering at the corner of the corridor. He took a closer look and saw that it was an old man with gray hair on his temples. The weight of her whole body was on the crutches, and every step she took seemed to be struggling. With all his strength, his gray pupils lost focus, and his palms trembled uncontrollably.

"Jack, is that you? You are finally back, and I am your Reese."

"No, I'm not your Jack..."

Shen Mo wanted to continue arguing, but shook his head helplessly, and changed his words, "It's me, dear Reese, I am your Jack. I'm back."

"Oh, Jack, you're finally back. I've been waiting for you for a long time... so long that the children even forgot to come and see me."

The old man walked towards the door at a turtle speed while talking, until she came to the junction of the sunlight and the black hole, she couldn't help but stop.

"Jack, why are you still standing outside the house, you should come in and give me a hug."

Silently watching the old man's every move, he slowly raised his arms and muttered in a low voice, "Race, I'm right here, waiting for you to hug me."

The old man hesitated for a moment, and took a tentative step forward. Immediately, under the sunlight, her feet emitted a thick black mist, the stench overflowed, and thick bodily fluids spread from the soles of her feet, filthy Wooden floors throughout...
"Hiss!" The old man screamed like glass friction, her wrinkled face twisted and deformed, her whole body squirmed and swelled, turning into a bloated, ugly, hairy monster, like a man, a cat, a monster, or a beast .

"Jack, come here, let me eat you, and then we can be together forever... Just like Mike, look at it, it has already merged with me."

Why!With a long sigh in silence, this is an old man with a story, but it is a pity that she has become the host of a parasitic beast, a monster that is neither human nor demon, and, from her words, it is not difficult to guess that she has the ability to devour and fuse other creatures. ability.

Sure enough, parasitic beasts have different abilities and traits.

Mo Mo patted the snowflake pendant on his waist, signaling Ji Nai to freeze the old man.

hum!The wind and frost came suddenly, and the cold ice hit. Before the old man figured out the situation, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by Ji Nai's frost.

Puff!The silent arm turned into countless tentacles extending to the sky, directly pulling the ice sculpture out of the house and falling into the sunlight.

Zizi!When the parasitic beast was exposed to sunlight, the parasitic beast inside the ice sculpture melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into thick mucus, which disappeared with a violent reaction.

Sure enough, what the parasitic beast fears is sunlight.They have extremely obvious weaknesses like vampires.

【Ding!Kill Parasite (Fusion)*1.Reward 100 aura points. 】

Silence looked at the disappearing old man, and muttered in a low voice, "May you still meet your Jack in the next life."

After all, Mo Mo continued to take Nan Nan, Ji Nai and Goudan to Donglan No. [-] Primary School.

After knowing that parasitic beasts are afraid of the sun, Shen Mo has some confidence in the ordinary people in the town. As long as they survive the night of mutation safely, they should be safe now.

After a 10-minute trek, Mo Mo and the others finally arrived at Donglan No. [-] Primary School, where Jennifer Shelley mentioned in the side quest was studying.

Silence first sensed it with the power of the mind and eyes, and found that the entire elementary school was surrounded by strange energy, forming a mirror-like reflection arc, which isolated the sunlight from shining on it. Donglan Elementary School, like Austin Bar, had long been It has become a lair of parasites.

Silence can't help worrying, can Jennifer Shelley really survive in this environment?
If she dies, does the side quest end?

If she didn't die, how did she escape the attack of the parasitic beast?

Mo Mo didn't dare to hesitate, took a deep breath, and rushed into the campus. He had to find Jennifer Shelley as soon as possible, rescue her, and trigger the next side mission.

What's dad's dad's name? !

Dad's dad is called Grandpa!

What is the name of father's mother? !

As soon as Shen Shen entered the campus, a familiar nursery rhyme rang in his ears. Looking at the time, it should be the inter-class music played automatically by the school broadcasting room.

It's a pity that there is no one on the playground at this moment, it is empty and silent.

Just when Shen Mo was about to go deeper, there was a burst of hurried and chaotic footsteps from the gate of the teaching building, accompanied by laughter and slapstick, a group of children appeared in front of Shen Mo under the leadership of the teacher.

They are the teachers and students of Donglan Primary School, but at this moment, they already look quite impressive.

(End of this chapter)

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