The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 416 Parasitic Spiders

Chapter 416 Parasitic Spiders
Under the silent gaze, the originally empty playground was quickly occupied by the teachers and students of Donglan Primary School. They gathered together in their respective square formations, some playing football, some playing basketball, some playing rugby, some Playing baseball, and playing house with dolls... In short, they kept the habits they had in life, doing the right thing at the right time.

During his lifetime? !
That's right, before his death.Perceived by the silent power of mind and eye, these teachers and students are no longer human beings. They have been parasitized by parasitic germs, their eyes are empty and silent, and they repeat movements mechanically, like puppets on strings, which makes people feel cold behind their backs.

What made Shen Mo even more surprised was how these teachers and students appeared in Donglan Primary School. According to the school system of Donglan No. [-] Primary School, teachers and students all go to and from get out of class early in the morning and late in the evening. If the parasitic germs broke out in the middle of the night, These people should be in their own homes, not at schools.

Could it be that something called these teachers and students who should have been at home here? !
Was Jennifer Shelley in the crowd?Which one will she be?Or maybe there wasn't Jennifer Shelley among these parasitic beasts at all.

"Jennifer Shelley!"

Shen Mo shouted out the other party's name loudly, but the teachers and students on the playground ignored them and continued to do their own things mechanically, as if Shen Mo and his shouting did not exist at all.

hum!The lucky cat trembled at Shen Mo's waist.

"Boss, the person you are looking for is not here, she is in the classroom opposite you."

Shen Mo frowned, and looked in the direction Nan Nan was pointing at. It was the classroom marked Class [-], Grade [-]. The cartoon-colored classroom door was open, and one could vaguely see the tables, chairs and teaching aids inside.

Mo Mo raised his guard and walked towards the classroom of Class One, Grade Two. When he stood at the door of the classroom, he finally saw the figure of a little girl.

She wore golden double ponytails, her pink dress looked very cute, and her bright red princess shoes swayed back and forth with her snow-white calves beside the stool. The smile on her mouth was as sweet as a lollipop in her hand.

She is the only one in the whole classroom, so, is she the Jennifer Shelley that Silence is looking for?

"Are you Jennifer Shelley?"

The little girl licked the lollipop sweetly, staring at Shen Mo with curious big eyes, "It's me, but I don't seem to know you."

"It was your sister who sent me to the school to rescue you. She is dead, killed by a parasitic beast."

Silence emphasized the news of Jennifer's sister's death, carefully observed the changes in Jennifer's expression, but saw Jennifer's strange smile without any fluctuation in expression.

"Hee hee, I don't want to go back. As I said, I only like to stay in school, because the children here are really fun, and what they say is really interesting. I like it so much."

Silence emphasized again, "Jennifer, your sister is dead!"

Jennifer's red tongue, which was licking the lollipop, finally stopped, and immediately covered her head in pain, and roared in a low voice, "Don't tell me these unhappy things, I won't listen, I won't listen, I don't want to listen···"

Click!As the lollipop fell to the ground and shattered, the teachers and students on the playground began to become agitated. They swayed their bodies stiffly and looked at the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-] in unison. With staggering steps, they slowly gathered.

Silently staring at the painful Jennifer, the power of the mind instantly enveloped it, and found that there was a strange spider-like creature parasitized on Jennifer's chest. Countless brown tentacles pierced her thin body, and the scarlet spider's abdominal cavity was constantly wriggling It seemed that some kind of hormone was being released to control Jennifer's will.

After a moment of silence, I realized that this is the first side mission: to solve Jennifer.

A spider-like parasite parasitizes Jennifer's body and controls all the teachers and students of Donglan Primary School.

boom!Just as Shen Mo was thinking, those teachers and students who were manipulated had rushed into Class One of the second year. They kept flocking to Silence, one after another, fearless of death, trying to tear Silence into pieces with mechanical movements.

"You... go to hell!" Jane
There was a low growl in Nifer's throat, Shen Mo knew that it was not Jennifer's original intention, but a parasitic spider.

"Ji Nai!" Shen Mo shouted loudly, and countless winds and frosts rolled up behind his back, directly freezing the controlled teachers and students into ice sculptures, and then his eyes fell on Jennifer again.

He had to find a way to remove the parasitic spiders from Jennifer's body. Only in this way could Jennifer be rescued and the first side mission completed.

Click!At this moment, the parasitic beasts in the ice sculpture changed again. They melted into a scarlet liquid in the ice sculpture like ice cream that melted when heated. After corroding the ice sculpture, they gathered together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few breaths, a three-story tall scarlet liquid creature condensed on the playground. If it wasn't for its disgusting stench, Shen Mo even thought it was a mutated slime.

Let's just call it a slime!

hum!Jennifer's figure flashed, and she appeared above the scarlet slime out of thin air. With a low growl, she slowly fell into the slime's body like a queen who came into the world.Along with the wriggling and hardening of the liquid, a ferocious and terrifying human-faced spider appeared in front of Silence.

It is very similar to the spider on Jennifer's chest, the only difference is that its face is Jennifer's immature body embedded in it.

"Hiss! Hiss! I want to eat you!" The parasitic spider roared intermittently from its mouthparts full of fangs. It danced its sharp spider legs and strangled towards Silence.

boom!The teaching building was instantly destroyed by the spider's legs and turned into a ruined wall. The dust raised up covered the sky and blocked the sight of the parasitic spider.

But it didn't stop attacking. Instead, it agitated its mouthparts, spraying out a cloud of miserable green thick liquid, with extremely corrosive thick liquid, shooting directly into the smoke and dust.

call!There was a stir of smoke and dust, and the silent body flickered out of it, avoiding the attack and corrosion of the thick liquid.

"Will you be able to find my location hiding in the smoke?"

Silence was a bit surprising, but it was not surprising when he thought that parasitic spiders could control the entire Donglan Primary School teachers and students.

Parasitic spiders not only have strong spiritual power, but also have strong physical power after absorbing all the teachers and students.

This is a very difficult parasitic spider to deal with, especially when Silence has to rescue Jennifer from its forehead, which is twice as difficult.

Well, the problem is coming.

How should silence rescue Jennifer Shelley!
hum!An inspiration flashed in Silence's mind, and the more dangerous the moment, he could always have a flash of inspiration.

There is a way!

Smiling silently without saying a word, facing the parasitic spider on the playground, he first showed the disaster · Yamata no Orochi · battle ax in his hand, pointing directly at the parasitic spider's head.

"Jennifer, your sister is really dead!"

Parasitic spider: "..."

hiss!I saw Jennifer struggling on the forehead of the parasitic spider for a while, and the latter's body trembled uncontrollably, revealing a flaw.

Right now!

hum!The ground-to-inch talisman burned instantly, turning into Taoist talisman power that reached Mo Mo's body. The next moment, he had disappeared in place, appearing at the place where the head and body of the parasitic spider were connected.

Ax Skill - Collapsing Mountain Strike!
The powerful lethality of the calamity battle ax was pushed to the extreme under the blessing of the Collapsing Mountain Strike, and the armor-piercing effect of the giant axe was triggered at the same time, instantly beheading the parasitic spider on the spot.

"Hiss! Do you think you can kill me like this?" The head of the parasitic spider growled contemptuously, "I can heal this small injury in the blink of an eye..."

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, "I have already understood the recovery ability of your parasitic beasts, do you think I only have this trick?"

Parasitic spider: "???"

Just when the parasitic spider was stunned, Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and a pair of thin gold silk gloves appeared on his hand, and he put them on instantly. His hands frivolously lifted the head of the parasitic spider, as if turning clouds to see fog, mysterious and very .

"What are you doing?!" the parasitic spider muttered strangely, not knowing what Silence was doing.

In the next second, a figure appeared in Shen Mo's arms, and looking at the forehead of the parasitic spider, Jennifer's body had disappeared.

Parasitic spider: "???"

What just happened?My host was actually stolen!

With a skillful hand and an empty glove, no one can see its use, and no ghost can follow it.

It is really wonderful to use.

(End of this chapter)

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