The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 417 There must be some misunderstanding between us

Chapter 417 There must be some misunderstanding between us

Silence actually stole Jennifer from the parasitic spider's forehead in front of the parasitic giant spider. Its level of sophistication and cunning almost made the parasitic spider collapse.

"how did you do it?"

Shen Mo sneered, "Go to hell and ask Hades!"

Calamity · Yamata no Orochi · Battle Ax - Black Hole!
The ferocious and terrifying Calamity Battle Ax overflowed with a terrifying black aura, tearing apart the surrounding space and condensing into a huge black hole that swallowed everything. The black hole hovered, and even the surrounding light could not escape from it.

"Go! Black hole!"

Accompanied by Zhong Er's moves and advice, the huge black hole slammed into the remnant head of the parasitic spider, and together with its struggling spider body, they were all torn apart and swallowed into the dark abyss.

"'s impossible..."

The parasitic spider screamed in disbelief, but still couldn't get rid of the fate of being swallowed by the black hole, until the last trace of flesh and blood was swallowed up.

Shen Mo finally received a boosted tone for the completion of the side mission.

【Ding!Kill the parasite (spider) to get 1000 aura points. 】

【Ding!Rescue Jennifer Shelley, once the side mission is completed, get 1000 bonus points. 】

[Follow-up task reminder: Not so smart and lucky clerics!Have you noticed that Jennifer Shelley is different from other parasites, why is she not completely occupied by parasites?This may be the secret hidden in the parasitic germ. 】

Mo Mo looked down at the unconscious Jennifer in her arms. To be precise, she was still a child, so why was she connected with the secret of the parasitic germ?
hum!The power of slow healing and purification was exerted on Jennifer's body one after another. With a groan, Jennifer finally woke up faintly from the coma.

"Where is this place?"

Shen Mo hugged Jennifer and slowly landed on the playground, and replied with a very kind look, "Jennifer, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person."

Jennifer: "My sister told me that's what bad guys usually say."


Don't get me wrong, it was your sister who asked me to save you.

"My sister told me that bad guys usually use the name of their relatives to gain our trust in him."

Silently blushing, he never expected Jennifer's late sister to have such a strong sense of terrorism.

Didn't Jennifer's older sister teach her something other than how to recognize bad guys, like how to thank her lifesaver? !
"Jennifer, I'm telling you for the third time, your sister is dead!"

Jennifer: "..."

She stared at Silence in astonishment, and something seemed to sound in her empty eyes.

"Sister, she's dead! Did she go to see God before me?"

Forehead!These words don't seem like what a six or seven-year-old girl should say!

Shen Mo realized that there must be a story in it, and quickly asked, "Jennifer, can you tell me about you and your sister? My instinct tells me that this crisis is related to you."

Jennifer lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Since I was born, my parents abandoned me. My sister adopted me and worked in a bar to raise me. Because I have a congenital heart disease, the doctor said I would not survive." Three years old."

Looking at the six or seven-year-old Jennifer, Shen Mo knew that the next step was the focus of the story.

"And the reason why I can live until now is because of Uncle William's potion."

【Ding!Trigger the branch plot: the source of the parasitic germ. 】

[Submission [-]: William Birken's Secret Base]

[According to what Jennifer said, the reason why she has survived until now is entirely because of William Birken's mysterious potion. The clergy were invited to William Birken's secret base to investigate the relationship between the mysterious potion and the parasitic germ. 】

"Uncle William has a very good relationship with my sister. The medicine he researched has kept me alive until now. He is my sister and me's benefactor."

Silence asked quickly, "Jennifer, can you tell me where your William lives? Where does he usually treat you?"

Jennifer stared at Silence vigilantly, "What do you want to do to Uncle William?"

Hey, isn't it what I want to do to William?It's about what he did to Donglan Town!The entire small town of Donglan was brutally massacred because of him. Someone should seek justice for all this!

"Jennifer, your sister has died tragically under the fangs of the parasitic beast. If we don't rush to William's secret base as soon as possible, more people may be attacked by the parasitic beast. This includes your Uncle William .”

Silence is still very good at coaxing children, "I know, William treats you very well, and you don't want anything to happen to him, right?"

Jennifer pondered for a while, then pointed in one direction and said, "Uncle William's research institute is in South City, where his father left the old castle."

William? !Castle! ?Parasite? !

Shen Mo felt more and more familiar with this mirror world, but it was somewhat different from the world in his memory.

In short, no matter what the prototype of this mirror world is.Shen Mo must rush to William's castle as soon as possible to explore the secrets of the parasitic germ.

"Jennifer, would you take me to your Uncle William?"

"Well! He is now Jennifer's only relative!"

Nodding silently, she felt a little strange about Jennifer's behavior. The little girl was extremely cold emotionally, but her words revealed a desire for family affection.

Foreign children are really difficult to understand, unlike domestic children, they can figure it out after a beat.

So Silence took Jennifer to the castle where William was, where the source of the parasitic germ outbreak was.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and escape this damn town! I don't want to stay here for a moment."

"Chris, stop complaining. If you hadn't insisted on taking us here for vacation, how could we have encountered such a horrible thing... Both Brian and Brand died at the hands of monsters. Ada was also killed The monster was scratched and unconscious, we must find a doctor to revive Ada as soon as possible."

"Ben! What you said is simple. Did you see a living person along the way? This is already a dead city, and there is no living person at all. Where can we find a doctor? We should leave here immediately and go to other towns to seek help. help."

"Wait, Chris, what do you think that is?"

Chris looked angrily at the direction Ben was pointing at. At the end of the dead and silent street, the man was running with a little girl. His speed was so fast that even the speeding cars could not match his speed.

Chris stared at the speedometer on the car in disbelief and exclaimed, "Ben, what did I see? Is that man flying? How could he be running so fast? With a little girl in his arms. "

"Chris, you read that right, that man is not simple."

creak!Ben quickly stepped on the brakes and parked the car on the side of the road. After a while, the man brought the girl to their car.

"Huh! I finally saw a living person!"

The man slowly put down the little girl in his arms. The little girl who had been baptized by the strong wind was a little dizzy. If it wasn't for the man's support, she might lose control and fall to the ground.

"Shen, I, Jennifer, swear, I will never let you hug me again. Let's drive!"

Mo Mo smiled awkwardly, he didn't expect Jennifer to brag so much, she complained again and again after running for a long time, the body that the parasitic beast lived in was still so weak, it was simply disappointing.

Shen Mo glanced at Ben and Chris who rolled down the car window, the latter stared at Shen Mo with disbelief, especially when he saw that he was still blushing and breathless after such a strenuous exercise , Instantly refreshed the three views on the limits of human physical fitness.

Are you still human?
Hey!Why do you scold people as soon as you meet?

Silence originally thought that he could earn a fortune by meeting a living person, but now it seems that these two people are really rude.

Wait, there are not only two people, there is also a comatose woman in the back seat, she is wearing a coquettish wine red cheongsam, the side collar forks reveals her perfect devil figure, the black stockings are torn and torn, covered with black blood stains, A palm-sized wound appeared on the firm and round thigh, and the granulation and dirty blood were mixed together, which was shocking.

hiss!Silence doesn't care about the woman's sexiness and beauty. What he cares about is the injury on the thigh of the other party. The horrible wound is obviously caused by a parasitic beast, and, judging from the constantly wriggling granulation, the woman is likely to be infected and mutated.

"Open the door! Get out of the car!"

Mo Mo frowned, now he had to think of a way to save the woman in the back seat, how could he just throw away the aura value that was finally delivered to his door!

"What... what?" Chris wanted to get angry, but when he thought of the super physical strength that Shen Mo had just shown, he was a little scared.

"I said, get out of the car!" Silent eyes stayed on the woman's wound.

Ben, who was sitting in the driver's seat, noticed the silent gaze. He seemed to remember something, and quickly said to Chris, "Chris, get out of the car and let him get in the car!"

Chris hesitated for a moment, but chose to open the back seat door and jump off from it, but at the moment he jumped off, the wound on the woman's leg changed suddenly, and countless granulation squirmed and exploded, turning into six or seven streams of blood red The tentacles twisted towards Chris' body, suspending him in the air.

"Ah! Help!"

Puff!Mo Mo raised the axe, and the phantom battle ax cut off the blood-red tentacles instantly. With one hand, he threw Chris to the side. At the same time as he was thrown out of the car, all the doors were instantly sealed, and the mutated woman was tightly restrained.

The Phantom Tomahawk pressed down fiercely, cutting off the woman's mutated thigh by the roots, accompanied by squirming blood-red tentacles, and the Sky Demon Tentacles tore it into countless pieces of meat, and with the power of Ji Nai's frost, , turned into roads of ice crystals, scattered all over the place.

Slow healing!

The milky white holy light shone on the woman's broken leg with the silent palm, and his mental power dropped crazily like the Yellow River breaking its embankment. The woman's wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and pink and tender granulation sprouted, gradually growing new ones. thigh.

"Damn! Back to blue!"

Wang!Goudan's demon soul was entrenched in Silence's palm, and while stroking Goudan's head, he healed the woman's broken leg.

Shaoqing, the woman's broken leg was reborn, but there was still no sign of waking up.


The power of purification struck the body, removing all the negative states from the woman. This time, the woman finally woke up.

【Ding!Save a human.Gain 100 aura points. 】

Mo Mo took a long breath, the 100 aura points were finally not lost.

Ada, who had just woken up, stared at Shen Mo in surprise, and saw him resting one hand on her thigh, and the other hanging in the air, making stroking movements...
Ada: "..."

Silence: "Ah! Wait, I think you must have misunderstood me!"

(End of this chapter)

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