The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 420 Our Meat Is Not Tasty

Chapter 420 Our Meat Is Not Tasty

King Ada discovered the mutation of the plant, and Shen Mo had already discovered the mutation of the plant. Facing the vines strangling from all directions, an inch-shrinking talisman instantly burned, accompanied by the power of the talisman. Just as the vine was about to touch Silence, it disappeared in place.

Due to the occlusion of sight, King Ada did not see the disappearance of Silence. She mistakenly believed that Silence had been bound by the vines, so she got up from the ground without thinking and rushed to the vines in a hurry.


Accompanied by King Ada's shout, those vines also discovered Ada's existence, and turned their spears to point at Ada.

"Are you worried about me?"

A silent voice suddenly sounded from behind King Ada, and a huge pulling force made King Ada avoid the attack of the vines and threw her back into the dog hole.

"Come out after I finish them!"

King Ada was stunned. She clearly saw Silence surrounded by vines, but she appeared behind her strangely. Such an unbelievable speed once again refreshed King Ada's understanding of Silence.

I saw Silence facing those vines, instead of showing his weapon, he talked with them with a smile on his face.

That's right, King Ada read it right, Silence is really communicating with the vines.

"Are you trying to eat me?"

"Eat... eat, eat everything you can eat."

The murmurs of the vines gradually evolved from intermittent to clear thinking. Under the effect of [Title: Ruthless Lumberjack], these vines temporarily possessed the ability to think silently.

"You can think clearly, our meat is not delicious."

The vines stopped attacking, and squirmed and twisted for a while, not sure if they were thinking about the silent words, or why they suddenly had the ability to think.

Silence gave the other party some time to think, and then he added, "Why don't I take you to eat delicious food?"

This time the vines finally responded. They were like orcs who would never be slaves. After hearing the conditions of providing food and leading the way, they immediately compromised.

"Eat! Take us to eat delicious food."

"Come on, how many companions do you have, how about calling them together and having a gluttonous feast?"

"Let's eat together with our companions!"

The vines kept dancing and retracted into the ground. Immediately, the ground began to shake violently, and a humanoid plant emerged out of the ground. It had a human body, but was covered with tough and ferocious vines, like a vine that had become a spirit. Strange.

It is actually a parasitic germ, a parasitic beast born from the fusion of human and plant genes.

There are many other parasitic beasts like it in this garden.

"Come out! Let's go eat delicious food together!"

The vine monster let out a low growl, and the soil behind it sprung up like mushrooms after rain. Sixteen monsters emerged out of the ground. Although their appearances were somewhat different, some were pine needle monsters, some were grass monsters, and some were tree monsters, but they were essentially the same. , are all heterogeneous parasitic beasts produced by parasitic germs using human and plant genes.

hiss!Shen Mo took a breath, fortunately he brought the title of Ruthless Lumberjack to negotiate with these plants, otherwise he would have to be consumed by these plants.Even if the consumption is not dead, Ada's team will inevitably suffer casualties.

"Where is the delicious food?" The leading vine monster asked silently.

"It's there!" Silence pointed directly at the old castle behind them, tempting, "The food in the old castle is not only rich, but also very delicious. Go and eat!"

"Castle, food, eat, eat!"

The parasitic plants turned around one after another, looking at the cold and gloomy old castle, showing extremely greedy desires, they rushed towards the old castle one after another like a colony of ants who found food, looking for all the creatures that could be eaten.

After the parasitic plants left, Silence called out everyone in the dog hole.

"Where are those monsters?" King Ada kept asking, looking at the pitted holes on the ground, his brows were tightly furrowed.

"They went to clear the way for us. I convinced them."

King Ada was surprised, "Can you communicate with trees?!"

"Know a little tree language."

"Can you teach me?"

"You can't learn."


"This secret technique is passed on to men but not to women."

Chris frowned, "I'm a man."

Shen Mo added, "Only pass on to the son!"


Silence chuckled, Chris, you are such a little spirit ghost!
Thinking about him, when Chris was serving in the Air Force, he often became a grandson, not to mention a son. This difficulty did not help him at all.

"Okay, stop joking. We have to find William as soon as possible. There are already parasitic plants opening the way for us, just keep up with them."

Everyone nodded and entered the castle under the leadership of Shen Mo.

【Ding!Convincing parasitic plants to share food with a parasitic dog.Reward 100 aura points. 】

【Ding!Convincing parasitic plants to partake of a parasitic spider.Reward 100 aura points. 】

【Ding!Persuaded parasitic plants share a parasitic aphid.Reward 100 aura points. 】

The reminders kept ringing in his silent mind, further proving the correctness of his persuasion of the parasitic plants.

Seeing the parasitic beasts being eaten by parasitic plants all over the ground, his heart blossomed with joy.

But happiness is always fleeting. When Shen Mo counted to 2900 aura, the parasitic plants encountered a hard dish.

【Ding!The parasitic plant of persuasion was killed by the tyrant! 】

【Ding!The parasitic plant of persuasion was killed by the tyrant! 】

A series of beeps made Shen Mo realize that the danger was gradually approaching.

Tyrant is the most powerful and domineering biochemical weapon in Resident Evil. It is a masterpiece of careerists. No one knows how it was made. Most people think that its prototype is human because it has human limbs and body. .

But its combat power is far beyond the limits of human beings, and it possesses extremely strong mental power. A tyrant in a runaway state can even crush all enemies that block its footsteps with powerful mind power.

This is a formidable opponent.

As the last parasitic plant was killed by the tyrant, Mo Mo and the others also heard the tyrant's roar at the end of the corridor.

"Be careful! A big boss is coming."

There is no need to be silent to remind everyone. When they heard the roar, they were already fully alert. Chris raised the silver pistol Aili in his hand, and the black muzzle pointed directly at the end of the corridor.

King Ada drew a big sword from a medieval armor by the corridor of the old castle, put it on her chest, and prepared to meet the enemy. Although her fighting skills were not as good as Chris, but after being strengthened by the parasitic germ, her overall combat power was a little bit stronger. Not weaker than Chris either.

Compared to King Ida and Chris' calmness, Ben and Jennifer are much inferior. They can only hide behind everyone and be vigilant around them. Especially Jennifer, after seeing the desolation all over the ground, her expression is even more serious. Pale, unable to control herself, the little girl has never seen such a hellish scene.

If she could retain her memory when she turned into a parasitic beast, she would probably feel better.

Roar!There was another loud roar at the end of the corridor, and the clear footsteps approached everyone from far to near.

Until the end of the picture flashed, a ferocious and terrifying tyrant appeared in front of everyone.

It has a humanoid appearance, its maroon skin seems to have been soaked in fresh blood, sharp claws grow from the end of its huge and thick right arm, and a large tumor protrudes from its rotting chest, as if its beating heart beats at 260 beats per minute. The high frequency is working, providing powerful power for its body.

Perceived by the power of the silent mind, the tyrant in front of him is a biological tissue composed of countless parasitic germs. Its prototype is indeed human, but it is no longer in the category of human beings, because all its tissues and organs are infinitely close to parasitic beasts .

What is more worthy of being silent and careful is that the tyrant's forehead condenses extremely powerful spiritual power, and the strange energy around him becomes restless and violent under the control of this spiritual power.

Roar!The tyrant found Silence and the others. Like all big bosses, it likes to roar before each attack, as if worried that its enemies will not know that it is about to attack.

Boom boom boom!The tyrant's seemingly clumsy body exploded with a jaw-dropping terrifying speed, comparable to Bolt's sprint speed of [-] meters. Added to the tyrant's body, coupled with that sharp giant claw, it can easily tear apart a ten-meter thick steel plate.

Under the sharp claws of a tyrant, the bodies of ordinary human beings are as fragile as white paper.

"Back back!" Shen Mo shouted loudly, and quickly patted the snowflake pendant on his waist, calling out the snow girl Ji Nai.


It is not suitable to use the Calamity Tomahawk in the narrow corridor, so Shen Mo had to use the ability of Yuki Nai to freeze the corridor to slow down the sprint speed of the tyrant.

The ice crystals condensed and rose from the ground to erode the tyrant's ankles, reducing its movement speed a lot, providing precious time for Silence to activate its skills.

The dark, abyss-like demonic energy rose from the ground and swept across the long and narrow corridor like waves. The black mist spread and soon radiated to the tyrant's feet.

boom!In the tyrant's angry eyes, a ferocious giant hand protruded from the black mist, restraining him with a bang, like a depressed person pinching a stress-relief ball angrily, squeezing the tyrant's parasitic tissue into disorder.

Even so, Silence still did not receive any notification sound, which means that the tyrant is not dead yet.

Shen Mo was about to make up the knife, but saw the tyrant in the demon's hand trembling violently. The spiritual power on his forehead erupted, like a fuse that ignited a powder keg, causing strange energy mutations around him.

hum!The strange energy became manic, turning into countless sharp thorns as thin as a cow's hair, rushing fiercely towards Silence.

Tyrant—Psychic power!break out!

Silence didn't dare to take it too seriously, mental attacks were always weird and powerful.If an ordinary person is swept away by mental power, even if he does not die, his internal organs will suffer heavy damage.

hum!The middle-level talisman is instantly blessed on the body, and the calamity · Yamata no Orochi · battle ax is shining with the holy light of weapon blessing. Under the blessing of purification power, it is blocked between silence and spiritual power.

"You hide behind me!"

As soon as the words of Silence fell, a powerful mental power swept over him. He only felt a buzzing in his eardrums, and his whole body seemed to be hit by a high-speed car. A fishy sweetness emerged from his mouth, and the power of purification and blessing of weapons dimmed instantly. Coming down, the powerful vibration made the battle ax hum, and his arms went numb and trembled.

"What a terrifying mental power!"

Different from Silence's Power of Mind, the former is an auxiliary skill, while Tyrant's Psychic Power can be said to be the best among offensive skills. Although they are both mental powers, their appearance is completely different.

Slow healing!

Shen Mo immediately blessed himself with healing skills to relieve physical damage. Although his physical body was strengthened by the flesh and blood of the dragon god, his internal organs were still fragile, and he could not withstand the penetration and shock of spiritual power.

Looking at the people behind him, although they were only slightly affected, most of their mental power was resisted by Mo Mo alone.But even so, they were all dazed and in a trance by the shock, and their combat power was not one in ten.

At the same time, due to the silent mental shock, the devil's hand lost its support and collapsed into nothingness.

The tyrant with twisted and disorganized parasitic tissues crashed to the ground, and slowly stood up with the sound of bones and flesh wriggling.

The tyrant didn't seem to have suffered any damage except that the spiritual power on his forehead was gone.

Shen Mo frowned, originally thought that the tyrant was just a small character, but he didn't expect to see the horror of the tyrant when he actually faced the tyrant. The tyrant who is good at hand-to-hand combat not only has sharp giant claws, but also has a powerful self-healing ability. Its strange spiritual power can be described as an extremely comprehensive biochemical weapon.

Except for Alice, who is a thousand-year-old comparison, no one can easily defeat a tyrant.

So, here comes the problem.How is silence supposed to defeat a tyrant?


That's right, it's hand-to-hand combat!
Only close-range hand-to-hand combat can weaken the tyrant's speed advantage to the extreme, and then create an opportunity to kill it.

"Back further!"

Mo Mo woke up everyone and set up the Calamity Tomahawk again. Although the use of the Tomahawk was extremely limited, Mo Mo had to choose to use the Calamity Tomahawk.

Because it is the key to winning.

"Tyrant! Let's have a meat-to-meat battle!"

Roar!The tyrant roared. It couldn't understand the words of silence at all, and it didn't want to understand the words of silence. The previous battle had already put it in a state of rage, and now it just wanted to tear the silence into pieces.

Boom boom boom!The tyrant's huge body stepped heavily on the stone floor, making a deafening noise. It raised its sharp giant claws and came to kill Silence with a flashing cold light.

I saw Shen Mo's eyes condensed slightly, unlike the tyrant's violent charge, Mo Mo's combat skills were enough to make up for the disadvantages in strength and speed.

Puff!The giant claws pierced through the air and slashed at Shen Mo's waist, but he retreated after seeing Mo Mo's bang, avoiding the tyrant's attack. on the shoulders of tyrants.

The sharp Calamity Tomahawk could easily tear apart steel plates, but when it hit the Tyrant's body, it only broke through its cortex and got stuck in its reddish-brown muscle tissue.

Roar!The tyrant roared and raised his giant claws, trying to knock away the silent Calamity Tomahawk.

"You are already dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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