The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 421 Tyrant Controller

Chapter 421 Tyrant Controller

You are already dead? !

The tyrant understood this sentence, but it did not stop its raised giant claws. The sharp giant claws collided with the disaster battle ax fiercely, making a loud sound of metal clashing, and there was a huge reaction. The force of the shock made Shen Mo's hands holding the handle of the ax faintly ache.

But Shen Mo still didn't let go, because he knew that once he let go, what awaited him would be death.


The ax blade stuck on the tyrant's shoulder came off with great force, blood spurted like a fountain, but it took only a few seconds for the tyrant's powerful healing power to restore it to its original state.

From the tyrant's point of view, it was obviously the advantage, and the next blow would definitely cut the silence into two pieces, but the other party spoke out loudly.

dead!It's you!
The giant claw struck again, but it didn't break in the middle as the tyrant imagined. I saw the calamity battle ax in Shen Mo's hand humming, and a huge black hole appeared out of thin air, swallowing everything around with extremely terrifying gravity. The nearest tyrant was the first to bear the brunt. Its sharp giant claws were torn apart and swallowed by the black hole after resisting for only one tenth of a second. The body of the tyrant was swallowed by the black hole after resisting for only one second.

Mo Mo held the disaster battle axe. Under the protection of the battle axe, he was not affected by the black hole. He did not release the black hole until the reminder of the death of the tyrant sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Kill the Parasitic Tyrant.Reward 5000 aura points.Special Reward: Tyrant Controller (one-time item)]

[Tyrant Controller (one-time item): Use this item to summon and control a parasitic tyrant*1, which lasts for three to 10 minutes. 】

[The tyrant has special effects skills: 1 giant claw tearing, the sharp giant claws can easily tear the enemy apart. 2 Psychic power, strong spiritual power is enough to crush all enemies. 3 Super self-healing, strong self-healing ability and excellent hand-to-hand combat ability. 】

[Reminder: Summoning a parasitic tyrant does not have the ability to spread parasitic germs. 】

[Reminder: This reward will be issued after the priest leaves the mirror world. 】

Shen Mo read the information in his mind, and secretly thought in his heart, this wave finally did not lose.

Not only did he get 5000 aura points, but he also got a tyrant summoner.

He glanced at his aura value, and using the black hole twice in a row had reduced his aura value to 1950, and it was obvious that he would no longer be able to perform skills that required aura value.

Whether it is the three thousand feathers of the heavy sword or the black hole skill of the calamity battle axe, the consumption of spiritual energy is extremely high.

hum!With a shaking of his wrist, Mo Mo put away the Calamity Tomahawk temporarily.

"Are you all right!"

The crisis was resolved, and everyone gathered together.

"What's the origin of that monster just now? Why is it so terrifying!" Chris muttered with lingering fear. Under the impact of his mental power, he almost fainted.

King Ada nodded. This time, she agreed with Chris's words very much.At that time, she was standing behind Shen Mo, and had a more intuitive understanding of the horror of the tyrant, "Silence, did you really defeat that monster?"

"Or else?"

"You are such a monster!"


Are you complimenting me?Why does it sound weird.


At this moment, Jennifer behind King Ada began to sob, she murmured sadly, as if she had discovered something.

"What's the matter? Jennifer, what did you find?" Silently asked, Jennifer is the only person who has been to William's Castle, so her feedback is naturally very important.

"I know him... the monster you killed just now."

Silent paused, could it be William? !
"No! He is not Uncle William, but Uncle Lincoln, the only gardener in the castle. He is responsible for taking care of the garden."

There was silence for a while, a parasitic beast of the level of a tyrant, but a gardener in charge of cutting flowers, how terrifying the owner of the castle, William, must be.

"Jennifer, are you sure? He's really just a gardener!?" Chris asked in disbelief.

"I won't admit it wrong. My instinct tells me that he is Uncle Lincoln."

Jennifer, who was also parasitized by the parasitic germ, was indeed unlikely to make a mistake on this point.

In this regard, Silence must be prepared. William, who is about to meet, may be more difficult and terrifying than the tyrant.

"Jennifer, how far do we have to reach William's laboratory?"

"Soon, through this corridor, you will reach the hall of the old castle, where there is a road leading to the basement."

Nodding silently, "Then, let's go!"

Everyone walked through a messy corridor, turned a corner, walked about 20 meters, and finally came to the gate of the castle hall that Jennifer mentioned.

Along the way, they saw many corpses of parasitic beasts and the remains of parasitic plants torn apart by the tyrant, but they did not find a single living parasitic beast.

But just as they were about to push open the heavy iron door of the hall, an extremely dangerous warning rose from the bottom of Silence's heart.

Shen Mo immediately used the power of mind and eyes to detect the situation in the hall. It was okay if he didn't look at it. After seeing it, Mo Mo took a breath and immediately stopped Chris from pushing the iron door.

Under the perception of the power of the mind, the hall that is half the size of a basketball court is filled with various types of parasitic beasts. There are parasitic spiders, parasitic aphids, and parasitic dogs... It seems that all the creatures around the castle are gathered here we go.

They stood there in a daze, like puppets who had lost their souls, subconsciously swayed their bodies, and made chilling roars and strange sounds, constantly echoing in the castle hall.

And just at the entrance to the basement, parasitic beasts were constantly being sucked into it by the strange suction, accompanied by the crisp sound of bone breaking and the sound of blood splattering, which made the silent expression even more dignified.

No matter what monster is in the basement, it is feeding on these parasitic beasts and devouring their strength.

Watching a parasitic beast being devoured every minute, the silent heart is bleeding!That's a reward worth 1 aura points!
no!Silence had to do something.

He looked at the nervous crowd beside him, weighed it up, and made a decision.

"Ada, Chris, protect Jennifer and Ben. I'll go in and deal with those monsters...don't open the iron door no matter what sounds you hear."

hiss!Ada frowned, and she asked subconsciously, "Is it full of monsters?"

Nodding silently, he didn't hide the truth from everyone, "If I die in a while, you all run away. Never break in to avenge me. As for the parasitic germ on your body... hey!"

Although the probability of this possible occurrence is only [-]%, the ugly words are still said first to highlight the difficulty and bravery of Silence's trip.

"No. You will be fine." Ada Wang Qi stared at the silence, "We will wait here for you to come back."

Shen Mo took a deep breath and pondered for a moment, "You wait for me here."

creak!The thick iron door was pushed open a gap, and Shen Mo rushed into it. The next moment, the iron door was slammed shut by Shen Mo, not forgetting to apply a layer of weapon blessing.

Immediately, deafening roars and fighting sounds resounded in the castle hall.

King Ada and the others stood anxiously outside the iron gate, praying that Shen Mo could come out safely.

As for Shen Mo, what follows next will be a gluttonous feast for him alone.

(End of this chapter)

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