The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 422 William Birken

Chapter 422 William Birken

As the iron door was closed heavily by Silence, the parasitic beasts in the castle hall suddenly woke up from their daze. They looked at Silence in unison in an extremely tacit understanding, with greed and bloodthirsty in their eyes and pupils. .

hum!Silence adds a weapon blessing to the iron gate behind it to prevent parasitic beasts from escaping from it, and it also means breaking the boat and fighting with one's back.

"You are all mine!"

Silence let out a low cry, and the disaster battle ax in his hand manifested, preempting the beast, and instantly cut off the parasitic beast closest to him with a sweep.

But every parasitic beast has an extremely powerful self-healing ability. Even if it is cut off at the waist, it can still climb and attack with its forelimbs or arms. They are also the first parasitic beasts to attack Silence.

I saw Shen Mo's wrist shaking, and the calamity battle ax came out, drawing a brilliant arc in midair, and then ruthlessly pierced into the ground, nailing the upper half of a parasitic beast to the ground.

Taking the initiative to lose the silence of the Calamity Tomahawk, he suddenly squatted down, put his palms on the floor of the hall, and assumed an extremely coquettish posture.

"The sky-reaching demon vine!"

Accompanied by the deafening roar, countless arm-thick vines spread out from the palm of Silence. Under the urging of the mimicry ability, the sky-reaching demon vines spread out like a madman dancing wildly, and the tenacious vines instantly bound the parasitic beast to death. Rise up and lift the parasites up in the air like Duke Dracula pierced his enemies.

Puff puff!
As the vines strangled, bursts of crackling sound came from the vines, blood mist rose and filled the air, blood and broken flesh flowed down along the vines and gaps, and soon soaked the entire hall.

New notifications kept ringing in his silent mind, he temporarily blocked the information, concentrated on manipulating the sky-reaching demon vine, and strangled all the parasitic beasts present.

Sky-reaching Yaoman is originally a powerful ability of the group attack system. The previous silence has never had a chance, but now is the best time to show the true strength of Sky-reaching Yaoman.

In an instant, the entire hall became a hunting ground for the Heaven-reaching Demon Mang. Those parasitic beasts were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Before they could resist, they were tightly bound and strangled to death by the Heaven-reaching Demon Mang. Even though they had a strong self-healing ability, They couldn't hold back the Sky-reaching Demon Mane and directly smashed them to the ground, no matter how strong their self-healing ability was, it wouldn't help.

I don't know how long it has passed, until the last parasitic beast was beheaded by the sky-reaching demon vine, Shen Mo stood up slowly from the ground, and those parasitic beasts turned into dust and disappeared after death, not even a trace of blood was left.

The hall was full just a moment ago, but now there is nothing left.

After silently scanning the surroundings, after making sure that a parasitic beast hadn't been let go, he separated a sliver of consciousness to check the harvest this time.

[Reward aura value 5800.]

5800 aura points!A total of 58 parasitic beasts all died under the silent sky-reaching demon vine.Such a harvest is not insignificant.

Compared with the tyrants they killed before, these parasitic beasts are clearly making a profit.

After solving the crisis in the castle hall, Shen Mo didn't rush to open the iron door behind him, but set his eyes on the passage leading to the basement.

There is still a strange suction force regularly there, trying to swallow the parasitic beast into it, obviously the things below don't know that all the parasitic beasts in the hall have been killed by Silence.

When human beings face the unknown, they are always surrounded by fear.

For example, now, facing the master of this strange suction force, Mo Mo has the courage to go directly into the basement without knowing the opponent's combat strength.Because he didn't know what was waiting for him in the basement.

But what is certain is that it must not be a good thing.

Silence still didn't open the iron door. He didn't want King Ada and others to face such a strange situation, and he had to do something, otherwise the things in the basement would definitely notice the change in the hall.

Silently glanced around, and found a relatively intact ironware in a ruined wall. It was a medieval candlestick, which was supposed to be inlaid on the wall and used as the base of the candle to bring light to the night in the hall. The candlestick has been destroyed by parasitic beasts, and the base is deformed and twisted, but it can still be used for Silence.

Silence picked up the candlestick, held it in his hand, and directly activated the weapon blessing to bless the candlestick with holy light.

【Ding!Damaged Candlestick (Weapon Blessing): This is a medieval-style candlestick. After being blessed with Weapon Blessing, it can cause certain damage to enemies and illuminate a certain range of darkness. 】

When the strange suction force rose again at the entrance of the basement, Shen Mo suddenly threw the candlestick in. Watching the candlestick spin and jump in mid-air, and finally fell into the basement, his heart couldn't help suspending, and he was ready to fight.

But things did not develop as expected by Shen Mo, the expected rage or chaos did not appear, and the suction still appeared regularly, trying to devour the parasitic beasts that had been killed by Shen Mo long ago.

Um? !This script is not right!Could it be that the weapon blessing is invalid?Or maybe the temper of the monster below is out of proportion to its appetite.

Just when Shen Mo was surprised, there was a huge roar from the basement, like the roar of a demon dormant in the abyss, with endless greed and rage, forming waves of air that rushed out.

Mo Mo's heart was shocked, and he secretly said, finally here!

The Calamity Tomahawk rested on his chest, ready to face the coming crisis, but saw another suction force formed at the entrance of the basement, this time the suction force was several times stronger than the previous one.

Silence only felt that his body was being pulled over uncontrollably. He stabbed the Calamity Tomahawk hard on the ground, trying to resist the pull of the suction force, but for the ever-increasing suction force, Silence's resistance seemed minimal .

He only lasted for a few seconds before he was dragged into the basement by the suction force. After a whirl, Silence fell heavily to the ground.

He didn't dare to stop, resisting the discomfort caused by the suction and the impact, a carp bounced up from the ground, his night eyes glanced around, looking around.

The dark and damp basement was in a state of chaos, with broken pieces of research equipment everywhere, as well as scattered flesh tissue and bone fragments of parasitic beasts.

Silent eyes soon fell on the center of the basement, where there were two thick iron chains with the thickness of the calf, connected with huge shackles, tightly bound to a white man in a research uniform, his face was pale and pale. With a trace of blood, the blood-stained palms kept tearing at a parasitic beast, sending pieces of flesh and blood into the huge mouthparts that had been split to the base of the ears. With the stirring of the sharp saw-toothed fangs, the flesh and blood were instantly stirred crushed and became his food.

He is greedy like a glutton from hell, and his never-ending appetite makes him crazily eat parasitic beasts.

In just a few breaths, the parasitic beast was devoured by him, leaving some minced meat and bones ruthlessly thrown in a corner.He immediately raised his head, his scarlet eyes staring straight at Silence.

He was a little surprised at first, because he didn't feel even a trace of parasitic germs in Shen Mo, but the terrifying appetite coming from his abdomen made it difficult for him to continue thinking rationally, and there were bursts of abnormal noises in his throat, instinctively Beckon silently.

hum!An unstoppable thought rose from the bottom of Silence's heart, as if the man's call was a cry from heaven, as long as he walked towards the man, he could obtain eternal life, or in other words, immortality.

Snapped!The lucky cat on Shen Mo's waist suddenly woke up, and he quickly used the power of purification to eliminate the unrealistic assumptions in his mind. Looking at the man imprisoned by chains, his heart became more and more dignified.

mind control? !
The man in front of him has the ability of the mind control system. Unlike the aggressive mental power of the tyrant, the man's ability is more effective in manipulating people's hearts.

Such an enemy is more difficult to deal with than a tyrant.

quack!There was a puzzled look in the man's throat. He couldn't figure out why Silence could resist his spiritual domination. His spiritual domination has always been without any disadvantages. Any creature controlled by him will obediently become his food.

The man was a little unbelieving, and raised his palm again, and the chains that imprisoned him rang, and just as he was about to strike again, Silence suddenly shouted.


The man froze for a moment, his raised hand froze in mid-air, his scarlet eyes showed a ray of humanity, he tilted his head slightly, as if he was remembering something, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Jennifer sent me to you. She needs your help!"

The man's mood became more and more unstable, and his whole body trembled accordingly, his hands hugged his head tightly uncontrollably, and a mournful roar came from his throat.

He wanted to speak, but the mutated mouthparts couldn't make any words at all. He wanted to express something in sign language, but the severe pain in his head made him unable to do it at all.

"If you're in pain, I can help you."

Shen Mo spoke again, like the last straw that crushed the camel's camel, instantly crushing the man's spirit that was on the verge of collapse. He roared angrily, trying to break free from the shackles of the iron chains, but the tough iron chains bound him tightly. The power is hard to get rid of, especially the barbed steel collar stuck around his neck, which restrains his body from changing, restricts his strength, and draws bloodstains on his neck.

He growled and wailed in pain, trying to get rid of the shackles of fate, but found himself so fragile in front of fate.

Shen Mo frowned, the man in front of him was definitely William Birken, and his situation was very different from what Shen Mo expected.

Silence originally thought that William was behind the parasitic crisis, the instigator, but now it seems that William is also the victim of this crisis.

He is now suffering never-ending pain for the mistakes he made.

"William, let me help you out!"

(End of this chapter)

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