The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 424 The Devil's Hand

Chapter 424 The Devil's Hand
So what else can silence do?

Counting Silence's cards at the moment, all he has left is the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor, and the perfect potion of Yamata no Orochi he just obtained, but he is reluctant to play such a precious hole card against William, I also don't think it's necessary.

So, what else can silence do?
Is it necessary to use the mouth of the five-clawed golden dragon to create a frozen parasitic beast?Huh!The taste and picture, just thinking about it makes Shen Molong's tendons tremble, and he can't bear to look directly at it.

What else can he do?
hum!Silence faded away its mimetic ability in the clouds, the huge dragon body returned to human form, and a pair of angel wings suddenly rose from behind. The white feathers like holy light fell slowly, like an angel descending, and the momentum rose sharply.

Under the blessing of the angel, Silent stood in the air, but his thoughts sank into the skill panel.

【Devil's Hand】

Current Skill Level 3, Aura (0/200)

Consumes 5 points of mental power to summon a demon hand to deal significant damage to all enemies it touches.The cooling time depends on the strength of the mental power consumed by the skill.

The silent attention fell on the skill panel of the Devil's Hand, and as soon as he thought about it, he said in a low voice.

"Upgrade! Devil's Hand!"

【Ding!Consumes 200 aura points.The skill level of Demon Hand has been raised to level 4. 】

Silence didn't check the upgraded skill description, but continued to shout.


【Ding!Consumes 500 aura points.The skill level of Demon Hand has been raised to level 5. 】

【Ding!Consumes 1000 aura points.The skill level of Demon Hand has been raised to level 6. 】

[Reminder: The level of the Devil's Hand has been raised to the highest level. If you continue to improve, ask the clerics to change their job as an Avenger to obtain more demonic power. 】

Consuming 1700 aura points, Silence finally raised the Devil's Hand to the highest level, and he immediately checked the new panel of the Devil's Hand.

【Devil's Hand】

Current skill level 6, (already upgraded to the highest level) (before job transfer)

Summons and liberates the power of demons from the abyss of hell, turning into a huge demon hand, devouring or binding all enemies it touches.The power of skills depends on the strength of mental power consumed.

call!Holding the dog egg in Shen Mo's arms, taking advantage of the short amount of time, he tried his best to recover the spiritual power he had consumed. At the same time, he swung the angel wings violently to let himself continue to fly high into the sky.

"Look! Silence has become an angel!" Chris put down Jennifer on his back, pointed at Silence in the sky and exclaimed again and again.

"Chris, you just didn't see it behind Jennifer's back," Ben explained in astonishment, "Silent just transformed into a dragon, an oriental dragon."

King Ada stared at the silence that gradually turned into a black spot with complicated eyes, and asked worriedly, "What is he doing? Why is he flying so high?"

Ben surmised, "Maybe, he wanted to get closer to God, to borrow some strength or something."

"Silence said that his power does not come from God." King Ada denied.

"Maybe the vision from high places is better!" Chris regretted it just after he finished speaking, as the vision had nothing to do with the current battle at all.

King Ada and Ben ignored Chris's words. They didn't know what Silence was doing, but Silence as the person involved was very clear.

Have you ever remembered a palm technique that fell from the sky? !

These foreigners don't remember, but Silence remembers it very clearly. The seemingly ordinary palm, after adding the kinetic energy of the free fall, is enough to defeat all powerful enemies.

call!When Shen Mo flew to the ideal height, feeling the special feeling brought to him by the calm and unremarkable stratosphere, he took a deep breath and scattered the angel wings behind him, because in the state of blessing the angel wings, he could not Casting the power of the devil, so silence can only dissipate the blessing of the angel.

As the angel wings dissipated, Silence fell under the force of gravity, and there were bursts of whistling in his ears. The strong wind seemed to be able to cut flesh, and the rapidly zooming-in vision made his eyes swell and bloodshot. ··
But they didn't affect Silence in the slightest. He slowly stretched out an arm filled with pitch-black fog, and the evil power of demons was entangled in his palm. The hand of the devil from the bottom of the abyss appeared in front of everyone.

It is like an ominous omen from hell, filled with a desperately terrifying atmosphere, and on the palm as huge as a mountain, there are strange and evil cipher spells engraved on it, like countless whispering ghosts, singing and venting their grievances there The pain and loneliness that can never be reborn forever.

The arrival of the devil's hand, accompanied by the powerful acceleration of gravity, ignited a suffocating and terrifying flame, as if the doomsday had come, crushing all hopes for all hopes in the hearts of the creatures.

The devil is coming!Doomsday reappears!
Immediately, under the unbelievable eyes of King Ada and others, the huge and ferocious devil's hand slammed on the monster that William had turned into, and the ice sculpture fell apart in an instant, and the powerful momentum could smash all flesh and blood into pieces. The flames burned William's flesh and blood. The devouring ability of demons was far more terrifying than the self-healing ability of parasitic beasts. The roar and resentment from the abyss of hell were thicker and more powerful than the resentment entrenched in William's body.

The power shown by William is like a younger brother in front of the ancient demons.

Puff!Until the last piece of William's flesh and blood was devoured by the power of the demon, Silence finally received the notification of William's death.

【Ding!William Birken is dead!Side mission two: William Birken's secret base.mission completed! 】

[Mission reward: 10000 aura points.William Birken's Potion of Confession. (Released immediately, only for mirror world use)]

[William Birken's Confession Potion: This is William Birken's confession before his death. This potion can relieve the parasitism of parasitic germs on creatures.Clerics can use this potion to complete the main quest. 】

[Hint: If you use this potion to deal with the creatures in the town, you can still get aura rewards. 】

【Ding!Side mission three: Ada team.mission completed.Receive a reward of 3000 aura points. 】

Mo Mo took a long breath, and slowly fell from mid-air. He dispersed the devil's hand, and subconsciously looked at his palm. There was a little devil's power left on it. In a trance, he had an intuition that the power of the devil is certainly Powerful, but if he relies on the power of the abyss demon for a long time, one day, he will be eroded by the power of the demon and become a walking demon.

hum!The power of purification was ignited, and the power of the demon in Silence's palm was purified. Even with the magic purification skills, Silence's intuition is still strong. For the ancient demons from the abyss, they may have the ability to deal with the purification power. method···
Shaking his head silently, temporarily suppressing this thought in his heart, he looked at a potion lying quietly in his personal warehouse.

The scarlet potion exudes a bewitching luster in the sun. Is this potion the consciousness of William Birken before he died? !
But with only one potion, how to save the whole Donglan Township?
[Hint: Priests can use the innate ability of the five-clawed golden dragon—calling the wind and calling the rain.Maximize the effect of the potion. 】

Silent suddenly, it turned out to be such a meaning!

Holding the potion in his hand, he slowly walked towards Ada Wang and the others who looked surprised.

They were still stunned and couldn't recover. What happened just now was too magical. For their three views, they had been pressed to the ground and rubbed countless stools, especially the terrifying devil's hand. It even made everyone fall into the abyss.


The silent voice brought everyone back to reality.

"It's over?" King Ada muttered in a low voice, she felt like a dream.

"Ben, give me an ear and tell me that this is not a dream. What happened just now is beyond my imagination."

"Chris, you read that right, Silence can not only turn into a dragon, but also an angel, and summon a demon... I am now convinced that his power does not come from God, because it is impossible for a believer to have so many Strength, he must have a story."

Silence smiled and shook his head, ignored everyone, but said to Jennifer, "Jennifer, William Birken is dead. But he left this."

Everyone looked at the scarlet potion in Shen Mo's hand, realizing that it was the potion for removing the parasitic germ.

King Ada's heart trembled. Looking at the only one potion, she took the initiative to say, "Give it to Jennifer, she needs this more than me."

"No, let's give it to Sister Ada. If there is no parasitic germ, I will still die."

Ada and Jennifer pushed and pushed each other, as if Silence was not the medicine to save them, but the poison to kill them.

"Don't worry, none of you will be harmed by the parasitic incident. I have a way to help everyone in Donglan Town get rid of the parasitic germ, and I also have a way to cure Jennifer's disease."

The two looked at Shen Mo in puzzlement, wondering how he could use a potion to do this.

hum!I saw Shen Mo pinching the potion in his hand, and using his mimicry ability again, he turned into a five-clawed golden dragon, roaming the sky, riding the clouds to resist the rain, and the scarlet potion was decomposed into the thick rain layer under the innate ability of calling the wind and rain, turning into a light rain to moisten the earth.

Under the nourishment of light rain, the small town of Donglan washed away the dust and suffering brought about by this catastrophe. The parasitic beasts hiding in the shadows and corners, under the baptism of rain and dew, gradually regained consciousness, slowly walked out of the shadows, and bathed in the In the rain and dew.

They enjoyed the coolness and relief brought by the rain and dew, and regained their lost life.

【Ding!Eliminate the parasitic crisis in Donglan Town, and get 26000 aura points]

【Ding!The main mission is completed.Gain 1000 aura points.Earth Jar's Thanksgiving Pocket Jar. 】

Coming back to the real world.

As the reminder sounded in his mind, the silence had disappeared over the small town of Donglan, leaving only countless legends about dragon gods, angels, and demons.

(End of this chapter)

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