The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 425 Please choose a job transfer task

Chapter 425 Please choose a job transfer task
Looking at the familiar bedroom, Shen Mo relaxed. He finally came back from the depressing Donglan town. Moreover, the mission reward this time was very rich, definitely the richest reward ever.

He immediately checked his property panel.

Name: silence

Level: Level 15 (59550/9000)

Nearly 6 aura points!Even though Shen Mo was prepared, he was surprised by so many spiritual energy points.

Originally, he thought that the mission of parasitic crisis would bring him at least [-] aura points, but now it seems that he still underestimated the horror of the mission of scoring points.

Then the next step is naturally how to consume these aura points.

Silence's first thought was to use these aura points to increase his level.Now Shen Mo is at level 15, only one step away from level 18, and this nearly 6 aura value is enough for Shen Mo to take this step.


Shen Mo uttered three upgrades in succession, and the thrill of the three consecutive upgrades pushed Mo Mo's spirit to the subversive level, and the power continuously emerging from his body made him tremble uncontrollably.

"Master, are you alright!!" Sensing the unusual silence, Ji Nai hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry, this happens from time to time every time he finishes a task, just shake it and he'll be fine." Nannan is well-informed and waved his little hand indifferently.

"Are you really okay? The master seems to be mentally unstable!"

"You can understand this state as an epiphany after the war. Anyway, every time he shakes, his strength will improve. I'm used to it!"

After Nan Nan's explanation, Ji Nai, who had never seen the big world, gradually felt relieved. According to her perception, the breath of silence was indeed rising, and the pressure on her was getting stronger and stronger, as if it was true. It's like a legendary epiphany.

Shao Qing, Shen Mo slowly opened his eyes, he felt his own power, this level upgrade brought a completely different power change from before, and the four-dimensional attribute has undergone tremendous changes.

Name: silence

Level: Level 18 (29550/12000)

Power: [128] [Awakening: Nine Bulls and Two Tigers]

Physique: [126] [Awakening: Man of Steel]

Agility: [104] [Awakening: Vigorous and Resolute]

Spirit: [116] [Awakening: Mind Eyes]

Lucky: [4]

Even without the temporary attribute blessings of Calamity, Yamata no Orochi, and Tomahawk, and other equipment, the silent four-dimensional attribute has already broken through the hundreds.

Just like the mental power breaks through the hundred digits, once the other attributes of Silence break through the hundred digits, it also has its own awakening ability.

[Nine Bulls and Two Tigers: When Chen Xiang met Lu Zu, he had to eat nine bulls and two tigers, and gained the great strength of nine bulls and two tigers.You, whose strength attribute breaks through the hundredth place, have also obtained the great strength of nine bulls and two tigers. 】

[Man of Steel: With a physique that breaks through the top [-], you have a steel-like defense, and ordinary swords and guns are no longer able to harm you. 】

[Thunder and wind: You, who quickly break through the hundred ranks, have the speed of the wind, and the speed of the instant burst is like a flash of thunder. 】

After perusing the three awakening abilities he had just obtained, Shen Mo could clearly perceive the changes brought about by his strength, physique, and agility in every gesture, but these did not make Shen Mo feel excited or excited.

Because a new reminder sounded in his mind.

【Ding!When the clergyman reaches level 18, the job transfer task will be triggered. 】

[Optional occupations: paladin, blue boxer, exorcist, avenger. 】

[Reminder: Avengers have special professional attributes, please choose carefully. 】

Shen Mo put his consciousness into the four major occupations, and the information about the four major occupations was clearly fed back to his mind, and at the same time, there were conditions and props needed for changing occupations.

They are the blessed mages of the Great Sept of Bel Mare.Their duty is to protect the safety of the team members and maintain justice in the world.They have recovery, protection shield, and various enhanced attack, defense and other abilities.

Job transfer requirements:
1 Cleric level reached level 18 (Completed)
2Collect red large crystal*2, white large crystal*2, perfect soul of the holy person*1.

3 Enter the copy of the Paladin and pass the test of the Paladin Obes Roshbach.

[If the task fails, you can collect all the materials again and enter the instance. 】

Blue Fist Holy Envoy!

They are priests advocating the new fighting boxing. They are good at using combo, first strike, smooth movement, dodging and other combat skills to crush all enemies.

Job transfer requirements:
1 Cleric level reached level 18 (Completed)
2Collect blue big crystal*2, white big crystal*2, the perfect soul of the brave*1
3 Enter the copy of the Blue Fist Holy Envoy and pass the test of Taida Bena.

[If the task fails, you can collect all the materials again and enter the instance. 】

A clergyman with excellent exorcism powers from the land of the void ancestors.They are good at using various talisman formations, summoning shikigami, and controlling demons to fight.

Job transfer requirements:
1 Cleric level reached level 18 (Completed)
2Collect large golden crystal*2, large white crystal*2, perfect soul of the singer*1
3 Enter the copy of the exorcist and pass the test of Merlin Doyle.

[If the task fails, you can collect all the materials again and enter the instance. 】

the Avengers!
They are priests who use the power of demons to walk in the world. If they do not retain the last bit of human conscience, they are almost no different from pretenders.They are good at using the power of abyssal demons, summoning demons and driving them to fight.

Job transfer requires:
1 Cleric level reached level 18 (Completed)
2 Collect large black crystals*2, large golden crystals*2, dirty souls of the fallen*1
3 Enter the abyss hell and accept the soul contract of the abyss demon.

[This task cannot be repeated. 】

【Ding!Please select the job transfer task for the clergyman. 】

Mo Mo read the lengthy job transfer task carefully, and now it's time to decide his fate.

He had imagined which profession he should choose countless times, but when the four major professions were placed in front of him, he still hesitated.

Paladin!Blue Fist Holy Envoy!Exorcist!the Avengers!
Every profession has its strengths, but also its weaknesses. For Shen Mo, he wants any of them, and he doesn't want to give up any of them.

But fate is always so unruly and unruly. What you can choose is often only a part of what you want, and sometimes you have no choice at all.

So, here comes the problem.How should silence be chosen? !

【Ding!Clerics please choose job transfer tasks! 】

In his silent mind, the reminder of career choice sounded again, which made him froze in place, frowning. He did not choose one of the professions under the urging, but waited quietly...
After a long time, the reminder sounded again in the silent mind.

【Ding!Clerics please choose job transfer tasks! 】

Silently, as if grasping something extremely important, he replied with his own thoughts.

"I choose all!"

【Ding!Choice failed!Clerics please re-select job transfer tasks! 】

"I choose all!"

【Ding!Choice failed!Clerics please carefully choose job transfer tasks! 】

"No! I want to choose all!"

At dawn the next day, Shen Mo was brushing his teeth while slamming against the system in his mind. The lines between them were repeated over and over again, but no one could convince the other, and the stalemate lasted all night.

Mo Mo didn't know how many times he answered, one thousand? !Three thousand? !Or ten thousand!He didn't remember how many times the system prompted him, anyway, he was determined to fight the system to the end.

Ever since, a tug-of-war with no known outcome began, and for a whole day, Silence seemed to outsiders to be in a state of absent-mindedness.

"Nannan, look at the master, he's in a daze again!" Ji Nai worriedly pointed at the blank silence.

"It's okay, he often thinks about things blankly, you will get used to it in the future."

"I know this, but it took a long time this time, didn't it?"

"Well! It's a bit long, but who cares! Let him stay. If he wakes up, he will definitely drag us to work. After finally being free, let's go to Summoner's Canyon to play ranked!"

"But I can't play!"

"It's okay, just watch me play!"

Lying silently on the bed, he repeated a sentence over and over again.

In the world of adults, there is no choice, I want it all!

Until night fell, in the depths of the night, Shen Mo finally got the result he wanted!
"I want it all!"

【Ding!Please Saint (¥⊙﹏⊙¥)φλγζξ槑]

[Trigger a hidden job, ask the cleric to choose a job transfer task. 】

(End of this chapter)

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