The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 427 Shadow Killer

Chapter 427 Shadow Killer

Beep beep beep!
The wheels of the Cadillac turned rapidly, and the harsh horn sounded through the wet, dark and dirty alleys. Like most alleys in New York, this is the favorite place for criminals or homeless people to move.

"Fake! How do you drive!"

A homeless man who narrowly avoided being crushed by a Cadillac clenched his bruised fists and cursed loudly. Just a second after his words fell, a fast-moving black hole flashed out of the shadows and plunged into him. With the long afterimages under his feet, the homeless man's body froze, his eyes widened, and his blood shot up violently, as if he was about to burst out.

Forehead!cough cough!

A chilling noise came from the tramp's throat. Like a marionette, he mechanically chased the Cadillac in the direction of escape. With step by step proficiency, the tramp's speed became faster and faster, even A terrifying speed that far exceeded his physical strength broke out.

Perceived by Shen Mo's power of mind and eyes, the black shadow controlled the homeless man, using some kind of strange ability to dominate the homeless man's body, overdrafting his body and vitality, bursting out with strength and speed far beyond the limit of human beings.

boom!The roof of the Cadillac sank suddenly, and the loud noise surprised the driver and the housekeeper Paul in the car.

"Not good! It's a capable person!"

The housekeeper Paul exclaimed, and finally showed panic on his calm face. He quickly pulled out a pistol from his pocket, and fired it towards the roof of the car very skillfully.

bang bang bang!A shuttle of bullets was finished in an instant, punching dense bullet holes on the roof of the car. The butler Paul held his breath and completed the complicated action of changing the magazine and reloading it in only two seconds.

At the same time, blood poured down the bullet holes on the roof, like a bloody waterfall, quickly soaking the entire compartment.

"Are you dead!?" The driver asked distractedly while driving.

"No, the ability user will never be killed so easily! He is still alive!" Paul the housekeeper looked around vigilantly, "Just drive and leave the rest to me."

"it is good···"

Before the driver could finish his sentence, a black shadow came from the shadow of the driver's door, slamming into the driver's only silhouette.

Shen Mo, who was sitting in the back row, had been locking onto the enemy with his mind and eyes. The moment the opponent used the homeless man to jump onto the roof of the car, the homeless man's body could no longer bear the extraordinary force, his muscles and bones were broken, and he died on the spot. However, the shooting of the housekeeper Paul was just to help the homeless man out of pain.

And this ability user also abandoned the body of the homeless man, hiding in the shadow of Cadillac.

From Shen Mo's point of view, the enemy's target is not himself. If his target is himself, the situation just now can completely kill him.

Because the location of Silence has a larger shadow area, it is definitely more suitable for shadows to live than the location of the driver.

But the other party still chose the driver. In other words, the other party was not targeting Silence, but the driver and the housekeeper Paul, or to put it more directly, his goal was Dan Greer.

He just wanted to sabotage Dan Greer's plan, and Silence was just a victim of this assassination.

hey-hey!Did you get involved in the Greer family dispute when you first arrived in New York?

Silence sneered, he smelled the smell of conspiracy, which seemed to be mixed with the smell of French foie gras that Dan Greer liked.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone? !Or pull people into the water? !

These seem unimportant for the time being. What is important is that Shen Mo can't just watch the shadow kill the driver. He doesn't want to make headlines in New York as soon as he arrives in New York, and become the unlucky guy who died suddenly in a car accident in the news.

"Get out of here!"

Silently shouted loudly, and the palm exuding a milky white halo popped out.

Tiger attack!

Even sitting in the back row, Mo Mo can still activate the Tiger Strike skill, with a powerful impact and binding force that breaks through hundreds of digits, and with the blessing of weapons, he can instantly catch the enemy hiding in the shadows.

It was a pitch-black shadow, and the moment it was pulled away from the driver's silhouette, it gradually turned into a thin, masked man with long black hair.

Silent's hand tightly grabbed the opponent's neck, and the hand was slightly soft and elastic. He subconsciously wanted to follow up with a palm and knock out the masked man in his hand.

call!She struck out with palm force, and at the same time, the masked man let out a groan, and the blood instantly soaked her black mask.

Um? !It's a female killer!
Ding!Scouting skills activated!
[Serena Carr, an orphan living in Hell's Kitchen who lives by stealing, awakens the ability: Shadow on the day of the apocalypse. 】

[Shadow: It can turn into a shadow and hide in the shadow. If you live in the shadow of a creature, you can even control the owner of the shadow. 】

Silence frowned slightly. Why would an orphan with awakened abilities have trouble with Dan Greer? Let Dan Greer answer this question himself!
Snapped!Shen Mo knocked out the Shadow Killer with another hand knife, and then threw it into the Tongtian Demon Realm.

Everything happened in seconds, and by the time the housekeeper Paul and the driver realized it, the crisis had been resolved.

"Take me to Dan."

Shen Mo coldly dropped a sentence, and began to fall asleep again. Under the perception of the power of the mind, as the mission of the shadow killer failed, the enemies following the car also scattered like a tree falling macaque, which further confirmed Shen Mo's conjecture .

This attack was really not easy.

"Yes!" The housekeeper Paul took a deep look at the silence, not daring to say anything more, and signaled the driver to speed up and rush to Greer Manor.

The most chaotic place in New York is Manhattan, and the most chaotic place in Manhattan is Hell's Kitchen. Greer Manor is located in a corner of Hell's Kitchen, like a lion, overlooking the entire Hell's Kitchen.

When Shen Mo came to the Greer Manor, he was not only impressed by the financial strength of the Greer family, but also that a place like Manhattan, where every inch of land is expensive, can have such a large private estate.

"Shen, you are finally here!"

Dan has not changed much compared to before, and he is as friendly as a fat man at the next table, but his temperament makes people feel that it is difficult to resist and violate, like a dormant beast, and his sharp fangs will be exposed in the next moment. tooth.

"Come on, let's go fishing with me!"

As Dan said, he motioned for Shen Mo to sit beside him, where the fishing gear had already been prepared for Shen Mo, and a waiter was tremblingly serving him.

"You are so elegant!" Shen Mo said with a smile, sat down slowly, entered the state, picked up the fishing rod, glued some mixed bait on it, and threw the hook into the private fish pond of Greer Manor.

Plop!The water splashed a little ripple, sending out ripples.

"I'm really sorry about what happened just now, it surprised you."

Shen Mo cast a glance at Paul, the housekeeper, and with a flick of his wrist, he pulled up the fishing rod suddenly, and a fat fish broke out of the water.

"Good luck!" whispered Dan Greer.

"Hey!" Shen Mo snorted coldly, unhooked the hook from the fish's mouth, and said meaningfully, "The moment I cast the bait, it is destined to be dropped by me."

Plop!Shen Mo casually threw the fish into the fish pond.

"Then why did you let it go again?"

"Because I don't like to control other people's lives."

"I didn't do this, but it has something to do with me." Dan slowly put down the fishing rod in his hand, "I apologize to you again for this, and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Smiling silently without saying a word, he threw the baited hook into the fish pond and waited quietly for the fish to take the bait.

Dan Greer looked at Shen Mo from the side. He noticed that Mo Mo's float sank several times, but the other party didn't intend to lift the rod. Presumably, the little bait had been eaten away by the small fish, but the other party was still waiting for something .

After a long silence, Dan Greer couldn't help laughing at himself, he really underestimated the silence.

"To be honest, I recently encountered a problem."

call!Mo Mo raised the rod suddenly, and when the hook had no bait, it actually hooked the body of a fish and forcibly pulled the fish out of his hand.

"Hey! Checked!"

Dan Greer heard the overtones of silence, shook his head and said helplessly.

"Hell's Kitchen has a large abandoned factory up for auction."

"Does this have anything to do with the Stone of Apocalypse?"

"To be precise, there is no direct relationship," Dan Greer confessed. "This abandoned factory originally belonged to the Greer family, but now it is being watched by others."

"That's why you dragged me into this crisis."

Dan Greer was silent for a long time, he gave the housekeeper Paul a look, and the latter took out a wooden box from the table beside him and handed it to Dan.

Dan slowly opened the wooden box, and then handed the wooden box to Shen Mo.

【Ding!Found a large blue crystal*1]

oh? !The second big blue crystal!
Before Silence, he bid for a large blue crystal on the Caribbean cruise ship, and told Dan Greer that he needed a large golden crystal for his projection ability.

But it never occurred to Dan Greer to get another big blue crystal in such a short period of time.

This condition is indeed a bit tempting for Shen Mo. With this large blue crystal, the two large blue crystals needed for the job transfer task have been collected.

But before accepting this condition, Shen Mo must figure out who the enemy is?

"Tell me!"

Dan narrated, "Hellfire!"

Hellfire is an organization of ability users that has just emerged in Hell's Kitchen. They claim to have twelve extraordinary ability users and two king-level ability users.

King level ability user? !Who came up with such a title?
Dan smiled awkwardly, "To be precise, it should be themselves. Just like the title of the second... Their behavior is also very difficult to understand. In other words, there is no principle and bottom line."

"You mean to say that the killer who attacked me came from Hellfire? Although you deliberately let them know about my arrival."

Dan Greer laughed, "As expected, you guessed it. In order to get you involved in this dispute, I deliberately released news to the outside world and specially invited a powerful ability user from China to deal with Hellfire. As expected, They've got their hands on you."

Hey, you are not afraid of me being killed!
"Aren't you standing here properly? Shen! You are the most powerful ability user I have ever seen, oh, no. Among you, you should be called a practitioner."

"Okay, go ahead, they have no bottom line and the original work."

"They are like children who have tasted candy for the first time, greedily wanting to get everything in Hell's Kitchen. In just half a month, most of the forces in Hell's Kitchen have been wiped out and annexed by them, leaving only the long-rooted Six Fingers, as well as us. Greer family."

Mo Mo frowned slightly. According to what Dan said, he himself must have been in contact with Hellfire's top management.

"What are their abilities?"

"I have no idea!"

Um? !How could you not know.

"Their people have looked for me many times, but every time they found me in a dream. My abilities have been known to them, but I still don't know anything about them."

call!Mo Mo took a deep breath, which meant that one of the opponent's people had the ability to enter dreams.

But Shen Mo still felt something was wrong, "Since they already know your ability, why are you still alive?"

Dan shook his head helplessly, as if laughing at himself, "Because of you."

I?How could it be because of me?

"It was your Zhuyan Pill that saved my life. The reason why they haven't killed me yet is because I promised them to give them a Zhuyan Pill every month."

This really surprised Shen Mo, who didn't expect Zhuyan Pill to have a life-saving effect.

"So, what about the six fingers you just mentioned? What kind of power are they?"

Dan explained, "They are ancient forces that have been rooted in Manhattan for a long time. Even Hellfire doesn't dare to fight with them easily. In addition, their scope of interests is special, so it is not the last moment."

Nodded silently, pondered for a while.

"Dan, a stone of apocalypse, let me fight to the death with a power user like Hellfire, it's a bit unreasonable!"

Dan seemed to have expected Silence to say this, and he winked at the housekeeper Paul, who took a stack of papers from the desk.

This is a red-headed document from S.H.I.E.L.D.

[Investigation and Analysis of Emerging Dangerous Forces Approved Level * 0008 Document]

Approved target: Hellfire Organization in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York.

Authorized Person: Unknown.

Approved Combat Strength: Unknown.

Approved risk level: three and a half stars. (five-star full)
Mo Mo looked at a series of unknown marks, and his head couldn't help but feel dizzy. Even S.H.I.E.L.D. could not investigate clearly the situation in the Hellfire organization. It seems that there must be people in their organization who can hide their identities.

But why did Dan hand over such useless information to himself?

Um? !When Shen Mo turned to the last page of the document, he finally realized it.

Number of Apocalypse Stones controlled by Hellfire: 8 (known) 2 (undetermined)

Eight Apocalypse Stones are definitely in their hands, and two more are suspected to be in their hands. Such a large number of Apocalypse Stones is really a great temptation for Shen Mo!

It seems that Dan Greer has already understood the silence, thinking that the silence will definitely help him solve the crisis of Hellfire.

Hey, if it were the previous silence, I would definitely choose to help Dan Greer deal with Hellfire.

But the current Silence will not do this, because the moment Silence came into contact with Dan Greer, a reminder sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Discover the perfect soul of the fallen*1]

Shen Mo felt that he should be the ultimate beneficiary of this war.

(End of this chapter)

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