The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 428 Serena Carr

Chapter 428 Serena Carr

Whether it is the Stone of Apocalypse held by Hellfire, or Dan Greer's soul of the fallen, Silence is desperately needed.

On the Caribbean cruise ship, Shen Mo thought that Dan Greer was a good collaborator, but now it seems that he is just a cruel and despicable villain.

In order to involve Shen Mo in the dispute between the Greer family and Hellfire, he did not hesitate to betray Shen Mo, and threatened Shen Mo with the Stone of Apocalypse. This method is naturally eaten to death in the eyes of ordinary people, but on Shen Mo, He doesn't take it seriously at all.

Because silence has already seen through everything.

These guys, including Silence, are not good people!

Silence did not accept Dan Greer's daily arrangement. He chose to leave Greer Manor alone and find a place to stay first.

After the silence left, Dan Greer had a secret conversation with the butler Paul.

"Mr. Dan, do you think Silence will deal with Hellfire?"

Dan Greer continued to fish, and smiled meaningfully, "He will! Because Hellfire has something he wants, and the other party will never give up ownership of this thing easily."

Butler Paul was silent for a while, "But Mr. Dan, this alone is not enough to make them sworn enemies, is it? Although the Stones of Apocalypse are rare, they are not unique to Hellfire. For a few Stones of Apocalypse and the mysterious and powerful Hellfire It is obviously unwise to make fire your enemy."


Dan Greer did not continue to answer the words of the housekeeper Paul, but kept tapping the fishing rod with his fingers. This behavior is extremely unreasonable for anyone who has a little knowledge of fishing.

The housekeeper Paul couldn't help trembling, he swallowed subconsciously, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and apologized with extreme panic and anxiety in his heart, "Sorry, Mr. Dan, I shouldn't question you..."

"no more chance!"

A terrifying breath erupted from Dan Greer's body in an instant, and countless things that were extremely frightening to Paul appeared in front of his eyes. In just a few seconds, they swallowed Paul into the boundless darkness, leaving no corpse behind. .

Dan Greer put away the fishing rod again, filled it with new food, and continued fishing as if nothing had happened.

Let's talk about Shen Mo leaving Greer Manor, under the perception of his mind, he naturally found the people of the Greer family who were following him behind him. With a speed far beyond ordinary people, Mo Mo threw them away in just a few intersections.

About 10 minutes later, Shen Mo came to a dilapidated apartment, which was an old-fashioned apartment twice as old as Shen Mo. This kind of apartment is very common in Hell's Kitchen. The old and rusty apartment facilities make the young People would not choose to live here. Most of the people living here are poor, young and old widowed old people.

Shen Mo saw a rental information on the bulletin board downstairs, which said [3 dollars per day] [Mrs. Mary] and other information.

Such a price is unimaginably low, but even so, there is no money in silence.

Although his family is rich and tens of millions every minute, he really doesn't have even a penny in his pocket now.

What should I do if I have no money?For Silence, that's not a problem at all.

Boom boom boom!
There were loud bangs and curses from upstairs in the apartment, and women's screams and cries sounded at the same time.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, didn't the money come to the door by himself!

He went directly to the second floor, and when he turned around, he saw a group of hooligans beating a white woman, who was dressed in ragged clothes, had a swollen nose and blue eyes, scattered potatoes just bought from the supermarket, and kept crying and begging for mercy.

"Sorry, please let me go, I didn't hit you on purpose."

"Damn woman, how many times have I said this, can I just say sorry? Money! What we want is money!"

"Have pity on me, I really have no money!"

"Hmph! I don't believe it..." The man with the tattoo on his arm was about to pick up the woman, but when he saw Silence, he spat at Silence viciously, "Go away, damn monkey, this matter has nothing to do with you It doesn't matter."

"Sir, help me, help me..." The woman stretched out her hand to Silence for help as if she had grasped a life-saving straw.

The accomplice next to the tattooed man immediately took a few steps forward and showed the pistol on his waist. The meaning was already obvious. If Shen Mo dared to meddle in his own business, then they would not mind shooting him to death.

Silence said lightly, "Where is Mrs. Mary?"

"Hmph!" The tattooed man sneered, and pointed to a door at the end of the corridor, "You're smart, remember, if someone asks, you didn't see anything."

Immediately, the woman who was trampled on her feet wailed in despair. She could only watch helplessly as her only remaining money was looted by the other party, and she could do nothing.

This kind of thing doesn't happen often in Hell's Kitchen, but everyone seems to have become accustomed to it, especially in the recent period, the wanton behavior of Hellfire has made this place more and more chaotic. Without the restraint of the big gang, these little gangsters have already The poisonous hand reached out to ordinary people.

Silence knocked on the door of Mrs. Mary's room. The latter never opened the door, but she could clearly feel that Mrs. Mary was standing tremblingly behind the door. She was standing there when the woman was being bullied by the gangsters. .

Silence said in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "I want to rent a room, and I will give you the money later. Before I come back, clean up room 503."

Madam Mary trembled, "Young man, don't be impulsive..."

She looked out through the peephole of the door, and the young man just now had long since disappeared, disappearing into the corridor with the gangsters, leaving only the woman just now, tremblingly picking up the scattered potatoes.

"Poor young man, my God, when is this life going to end."

The money that the gangsters snatched from the woman is not much, it seems that the woman did not tell lies, but this amount of money plus the protection fees that the gangsters collected from several shops is enough for them to go for a long time a period of time.

For these little gangsters, they have had a good life recently, because the disappearance of several major gangs has made them the masters of this street. No one dares to make things difficult for them. Those so-called Hellfire members, they only know how to fight and kill Killing, but not knowing how to run and take care of their own business, this gave many people an opportunity to take advantage of.

"Let's go! With the money, let's go have a few more drinks!" The tattooed man said, but happened to pass by an alley. From the dark alley, a tentacles suddenly protruded, pulling him into the darkness.

ah!There was a scream, and the tattooed man only felt severe pain in his neck, and he passed out.

The tattooed man's accomplices didn't react until they heard the screams. They rushed into the alley instinctively, and they fell unconscious before they could draw their pistols.

By the time someone found them, it was already the next morning.

Boom boom boom!
Silence knocked on Mrs. Mary's door again, but the latter still did not open the door, standing behind the door and looking at Silence through the peephole.

Smiling silently without saying a word, he stuffed a hundred dollars through the crack of the door as the room fee for this period of time.

Mrs. Mary picked up the dollar on the ground, and saw Shen Mo came to the woman's door and stuffed something through the crack of the door.

Mrs. Mary seemed to understand something.

"Oh! my God, you did hear my prayer."


Room 503 has indeed been tidied up. It is obviously not important whether Madam Mary tidied it up just now or did it before.

Shen Mo put the wooden carving of Goudan on the coffee table in the bedroom, and was about to release the shadow killer Selina Karl, who had been knocked out before, from the Tongtian Demon Realm, but someone knocked on the door of her own room.

It was none other than Mrs. Mary, the owner of the apartment, who knocked on the door.

"What's up?"

"Son, this is yours," Madam Mary said, and handed Shen Mo fifty dollars. "The money you gave is enough for the monthly rent, and I should return the rest to you. Because you are a good person."

Mo Mo looked at the fifty dollars, hesitated, and chose to take it.

"May God bless you, my child."

After Madam Mary finished speaking, she turned and went back to her room.

Smiling silently and collecting the fifty dollars, the ordinary people living in Hell's Kitchen seem to have already had their way of survival.

The reason why it has become so bad recently is naturally the culprit of Hellfire.In order to deal with Hellfire, Silence must first know how much they know.The easiest way to get to know them is to ask a knowledgeable person.

hum!Shadow Killer Selina Karl fell from the Tongtian Demon Realm with a bang, and when she hit the bed, she couldn't help but let out a muffled groan because of the unhealed injuries on her body, but she didn't open her eyes, still pretending to be in a coma.

"Stop pretending, I know you're awake." Mo Mo sat on the chair beside the bed, staring at Serena Karl with interest.

The latter's body trembled slightly, and immediately activated the shadow ability, trying to escape.


A sky-reaching demon vine with blessings on weapons pulled Serena back to the bed. Old wounds added new ones, and she grinned in pain.

"Don't struggle, I won't let you go, you can't go."

Serena Karl realized her situation, she struggled to get up from the bed, and stared at Silence with resentful eyes.

"Why are you helping the Greer family?"

Silently smiled, "You are the one imprisoned now, and I should be the one who should ask the question. Tell me! What kind of organization is your Hellfire?"

As soon as Hellfire was mentioned, Serena seemed to be a different person. Her eyes were full of hope, "We are a great organization, and we are determined to safeguard the rights and freedom of every capable person. The Riel family is different, they are just a group of vicious gangsters who eat people and don't spit out their bones, we are the real justice."

Silence's head was a bit big, and although the girl lying on her bed was not very old, her words were so secondary, she looked very much like Xiu'er who stood out from the Blue Sky Project.

pia!Silently waved his hand, another vine crit with weapon blessing.

"speak English!"

In Shen Mo's view, such young people lack the beatings and education of society, so that they can experience the dangers and complexity of society, and they will learn to be human.

Serena covered the bruises on her body and cursed fiercely.

"Ah! You... you are clearly a capable person, but you are willing to become a lackey of the Greer family, you traitor who betrays race!"

"Who says I'm a lackey of the Greer family?"

"We have received news that Dan Greer is going to invite a powerful person from China to deal with our Hellfire. Isn't this person you!"

"This person is indeed me, but I didn't make a special trip to deal with your hellfires."

Serena's body couldn't help trembling, she was not stupid, on the contrary she was very smart, "Murder with a knife?! The Greer family wants to use you to deal with our hellfire. But why should I trust you."

"Just because you are still alive."

"Then why did you come to Manhattan?"

"For this!" Shen Mo took out the Stone of Apocalypse (blue) given to him by Dan Greer. The faint blue brilliance shone on Serena's face, making her obsessed with it.

"Stone of Apocalypse! You want the Stone of Apocalypse."

Nodding silently, "I heard that you Hellfire has 10 Apocalypse Stones. If possible, I would like to take a look and take some of the ones I need, or take them all."

"Hmph, you're as ambitious as Dan Greer, Sean, you won't give the Stone of Apocalypse to someone like you."

Sean? !Is he the leader of Hellfire?What a popular name.

"Whether he is willing to give it to me is a matter between me and him. What you have to do next is to tell me what you know about Sean and other people's abilities, and then take me to see Sean .”

"Wishful thinking! I will never tell you everyone's information." Serena's will is very firm, and she will never betray her companion.

"You will pay for your words."

Serena suddenly had an ominous premonition.

With a flick of Silence's wrist, a huge space channel opened, and a deep mournful voice faintly sounded from it.

On an extremely desolate dry land, there are countless horrible human-shaped plants growing chaotically. They have heads and faces similar to humans, with hideous and terrifying expressions, and evil spirits. Under the heads, there are thick branches like the roots of old trees. , circling and twisting to firmly restrain the creature, and piercing the creature's body with branches as thin as cicada's wings, absorbing the evil thoughts and nutrients in the creature's heart.

Evil Thought Tree, parasitic on creatures, creates illusions, pulls creatures into terrible dreams, and grows as an extremely evil life-like body that devours fear.

This is a special plant collected by Shen Mo in the underground world. They have been kept in captivity in Tongtian Demon Realm. Before Shen Mo had no chance to use the evil thought tree, now it is a very good opportunity.

"Evil thought trees, they like to pierce their branches into people's brains, secrete a hormone that is frightening and desperate, and are born by devouring human fear. Of course, they also have the function of reading human memory, but they are read A person who remembers can easily become a fool or an idiot."

Shen Mo introduced the horror of the evil thought tree to Serena, the latter's face became paler and colder, and the cold sweat on his forehead couldn't stop dripping down.

"Then the question is, do you want to talk to me? Or talk to it?"

(End of this chapter)

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