Chapter 429 Hellfire

"What do you want to do to me?"

Serena Karl stared at the ferocious and terrifying Evil Thought Tree in horror, and couldn't help but retreat timidly, only to find that she was already clinging to the wall, unable to retreat.

"What am I trying to do to you? Can't you see it?"

He muttered silently and playfully, and with the slight manipulation of his fingers, under the effect of the title [Relentless Lumberjack], countless thin, transparent tentacles stretched out from the tree of evil thoughts, spread in the air, and surrounded Serena Karl .

"Don't! Don't let them come!"

Serena hurriedly begged for mercy, and instinctively wanted to use the shadow ability to escape, but was pulled back to her original shape by Shen Mo's tentacles blessed with weapons.

Almost desperate, Serena still did not let go, she began to point the finger at Silence, cursing in childish and vulgar language.

"You damn yellow monkey, you won't get good results if you do this, Sean and the others won't let you go, the ability user won this victory after all, and you will definitely regret everything you did today... When the time comes, I will lock you up in the basement, so that you will not be able to survive or die..."

Shen Mo sneered, ignoring Serena's swear words, he had heard no matter how ugly the words were, a pediatrician like this couldn't shake Mo Mo at all, even his outermost immunity couldn't break through, let alone a firm heart.

hum!The tentacles of the evil thought tree were getting closer and closer to Serena, and gradually spread to her thin body, just like the dense and vigorous creepers at the vernal equinox, constantly invading Serena's memory and body that originally belonged to her.

ah!Serena Karl screamed, feeling countless ants climbing and wreaking havoc on her body, eroding her flesh and blood, and disintegrating her will.

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the door of room 503 suddenly rang.

The movements of Silence and Evil Thought Tree suddenly froze, Serena seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and wailed desperately, "Help! Help, help me! No matter who is outside the door, please help me."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, the person outside the door was none other than Mrs. Mary, the owner of this apartment, who came to check in a hurry after being reported by the residents.

As Serena wailed, the neighbor next door complained to Mrs. Mary about the restlessness of her new neighbor.

Mrs. Mary originally thought that the silence was just making some strange noises, such as youthful and energetic things.

It now appeared that what he was doing in the room was more terrifying than Lady Mary had imagined.

But in the eyes of Madam Mary, Shen Mo is obviously a good person. He taught those little bastards a lesson, helped the girl get back the money that should have belonged to her, and even paid a month's rent in one lump sum.

He couldn't be the one to do that.

Mrs. Mary felt a little regretful. She should have called the police first, but out of trust in Shen Mo's character, she had already knocked on the door of Shen Mo's room.

Whoosh!A vine was triggered, binding Serena tightly.

creak!Shen Mo opened the door and saw Mrs. Mary who was pretending to be calm.

"Sorry, Lady Mary, I know I've gone too far, but my girlfriend likes to play this kind of trick, hope we haven't affected the other neighbors."

Silence plays the victim, as if everything is Serena's fault.

No!It's not like this, he's lying to you, he's talking, please help me... Serena wanted to ask for help, but she couldn't break free from the shackles of the Heavenly Demon Mang, even her shadow power couldn't Break through the shackles of the vines.

Mrs. Mary cast a glance at Serena on the bed. Serena, covered by Nannan's demonic aura, has changed into a different look, like a wolf at thirty and forty like a tiger with dissatisfaction.

Mrs. Mary was slightly taken aback, as if recalling her lost youth.

Why!Young people of today!What a passion.

"You should pay attention to some measures. After all, this is my house. Even if it is rented to you, you should pay attention to the impact."

Mrs. Mary thought about it, waved her hand, turned and left.

Serena almost collapsed, why did the other party look at her so strangely, and she was clearly asking for help, why did she have such a look.

"Is it strange?"

Shen Mo closed the door casually and muttered with a smile.

"The ability to affect vision or senses, haven't you seen it?"

Serena shuddered, and her last hope died, and it seemed to her that there was no way out for her.

"Then, let's continue!"

"No! I say! Whatever you want to know, I'll tell you."

oh?Shen Mo frowned, Serena still collapsed after all.

After all, she was just a child.

A poor child who accidentally acquired abilities and was brainwashed by hellfire. When she slaughtered the homeless man, she was doomed to go astray.

"Tell me all about Hellfire."

Serena replied helplessly, "Actually, I don't know much."

They popped up in Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen a year ago, no one knew where they came from, and it seemed like they appeared out of nowhere.

The leader of Hellfire is Sean Fransk, just like the appearance of Hellfire, no one knows where he came from and what kind of ability he possesses.

Because the power that Hellfire showed to the outside world at first came from the other eleven elders, and their abilities are enough to stand alone.

An ability user like Serena is just a rookie who has just joined Hellfire, but her ability is special and suitable for various assassination missions, so she was specially received by Sean Fransk for special training.

But even so, Serena's understanding of Sean Fransk is limited to knowing that the other party is a great person with leadership qualities.

As for the remaining eleven elders, their abilities are Lie Yan, Sound Wave, Storm, Shark Shark, Emperor Zhi, Viper, Swordsman, Sage, Streamer, Zombie, and Guard.

Their abilities are just like their names, and the approximate ability can be guessed just from the words.

"So, what's Sean Fransk's nickname?"


leader! ?Well, it's hard to infer his ability from this nickname!

"That's all you know?"

Serena nodded, "We have an extremely strict system, and the information that each member can access is limited."

Serena seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly added, "However, I have asked other people in the organization in private. It is strange that they have completely different views on the leader. Some people think he is a burly hero. Some people think he is a feminine lawyer, some people think she is a combination of wisdom and beauty..."

"What do you think?"

Serena froze for a moment, then said obsessively, "I think the leader is like my father."

Tut tut!Thinking of this, Mo Mo seems to have guessed what the leader's ability is, but he is not sure, after all, the information he can know is too limited.

"Let's go!"

"Where are you going?" Serena recovered from her nympho, and asked in confusion.



Serena asked in surprise, "You're going to Hellfire, now?"

"How about? Wait for them to come to me?"

"You are not afraid of them killing you. You have to know that you are about to go to the most mysterious and powerful Hellfire organization in Hell's Kitchen."

Silence sneered, "It's them who should be worried, not me. Then again, why are you worried about me?"

"I... I'm not worried about you, but I've never seen you so fearless of death."

"Ignorant and fearless!"

Serena could understand the meaning of this sentence, but she didn't know whether Silence was talking about herself or them.

Silence removed the evil thought tree and the vines that restrained Serena, and gave the latter a look, "What are you still doing on it? Do you really want to spend the night with me here?"

Serena blushed, and quickly got up from the bed, tidying up her messy clothes, feeling at a loss and a little flustered.

In her opinion, Mo Mo could do whatever she wanted with her, but after she softened, Mo Mo acted extremely gentlemanly and polite. The contrast between before and after, coupled with Mo Mo’s mysterious and powerful ability, made Serena couldn’t help feeling a little bit about Mo Mo. curious.

Although Serena knew that this kind of thought was extremely dangerous, but for the little girl who was just in love, once this kind of thought came up, it would spring up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and there was a tendency to hide it more and more.

To put it in a more scientific theory, this is called the Stockholm effect, a story that cannot be told and has to be told between the hostages and the kidnappers.

Hellfire Club.

Mo Mo never imagined that the mysterious and powerful Hellfire, which is famous in Manhattan recently, would be displayed in front of everyone in such a majestic manner.

Looking at the feasting lights and the endless flow of people, Mo Mo can hardly imagine that the headquarters of Hellfire is located in this late-night bar.

"Is this Hellfire?"

"Yeah! Didn't you see it? Isn't it written Hellfire Club?" Serena replied a little puzzled.


All right!You Americans really know how to play.

"Take me to Sean Fronsk."

Silently corrected his face, he tried his best to ignore those gorgeous girls, even if the other party had already teased him in front of him.

"Xina, you'd better stay away from him!"

Serena looked at the harassed silence, her face darkened.

"Serena, do you still know to come back? Sean has been waiting for you for a long time."

The woman named Xina took the initiative to put her arms around Shen Mo's arm, "How about I help you take care of him first, after you see Sean?"

"I don't want to say it a second time."

Serena's tone was tougher this time, obviously her relationship with Xena was not good, or in other words, there was a festival between them.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eye, the entire Hellfire Club is shrouded in a strange energy, and every capable person is shrouded in a layer of fog, making Shen Mo unable to see through the ability attributes of the capable person, and even Spotting skills also become useless.

And the moment Serena stepped into the bar, she was also wrapped in strange energy and became unperceivable.

This is the reason for the mystery of Hellfire, there are capable people who can hide them.

Xina snorted coldly, and said with an unfriendly expression, "Serena, don't think that you can be arrogant because you are taken care of by Sean. This time the mission failed, and Sean will not let you go easily. I told him a lot After all, a little kid like you is simply unreliable."


Serena did not continue to argue with Xina, but walked into the bar with silence.

"Why, is there a festival between you?"

"Xina is a narrow-minded, short-sighted villain. She thinks that Sean's promotion of me is not in line with the rules, so she has been targeting me."

"Do you need me to kill her?" Shen Mo just said casually, after all, it doesn't cost money to say something nice.


Serena was taken aback, staring at Silence with weird eyes, as if she wanted to see through Silence, but she couldn't see anything.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Silence shrugged, "Didn't I tell you? I want the Stone of Apocalypse."

"No, what I'm asking is, what do you want to do to me? Why do you want to help me?"

"Who knows! Maybe it's because of your pity!"

"You... I'm telling you, if I bring you to Sean, there will be no debt between you and me. I won't say a good word to you, let alone get the Stone of Apocalypse for you, so don't You want to confuse me with your rhetoric. Because, I am a killer without emotion."

Shen Mo replied with a half-smile, "Well, I understand."

The little girl Serena is quite interesting, Shen Mo doesn’t expect Serena to do anything for her now, but thinks that Serena should not be the killer of Hellfire, her abilities should be used in the right place, such as Helping Shen Mo steal the Stone of Apocalypse from various organizations is far more fulfilling than being the killer of Hellfire.

"No, you don't understand!"

Just as Serena and Silence were arguing, a burly man with tattoos on his arms and chest walked up to Silence and Serena.

"Serena, Sean is waiting for you."

"I'm going to see him right now."

"Wait!" The tattooed man stopped silent, "Who is he?"

"Who is he, I will tell Sean face to face."

"No, he can't see Sean unless Sean agrees to see him."

"Olaf, do you want me to say it again?" Serena knew that she was wronged. According to the formal procedure, only people whom Sean met can see Sean. Situations like silence are absolutely unacceptable. Sean's.

"Serena, we'd better follow the rules. Otherwise, I can only invite him out of the Hellfire Bar."


Serena still wanted to argue, but was stopped by silence, "It's okay, I'll wait here, you go to see Sean first, and tell him I want to see him."

"How about it... I promised you that I would bring you to meet Xiao En, and we will settle the matter."

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Said silently, sat in front of the bar, ordered a fiery red lips cocktail for himself, "This drink is yours."

Serena nodded, glared at Olaf, turned to go deeper into the bar, and disappeared after only a few turns.

"Boss, are you stupid? If Serena leaves like this, what will you do if you are besieged by them alone?"

Shen Mo took a sip of the sweet cocktail and said with a smile, "They wouldn't be so stupid to fight me. A real leader shouldn't only have such a little courage."

Just as Shen Mo put down his wine glass, Olaf has led a group of people towards Shen Mo with murderous intent.

 Recommend a book "Fat Beat the Interstellar Merchant"

  Three years after the Alliance of Star Merchants and Predators invaded the Azure Planet, Qin Guan received the "Grass World" bestowed by a higher civilization in the universe.


(End of this chapter)

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