Chapter 430

"Boss, does your face hurt?"

Shen Mo looked at Olaf and the others who had surrounded him, and couldn't help frowning slightly. The face was slapped so fast that he couldn't guard against it.

But Shen Mo couldn't admit cowardice in front of Nan Nan, he had to do something or say something.

"Nannan, you don't understand now. Every leader has some stupid characters. Although their existence will lower the style of the leaders, they are indispensable roles."

Nan Nan pouted, disapproving, "Then tell me, what's the use of them? Are you causing trouble for your boss?"

"No, they just came to test my depth."

"Huh? Isn't this something you often do?"


Just when Shen Mo and Nan Nan were in a relationship, Olaf and others had already surrounded Shen Mo, and the leader, the tattooed man Olaf, provoked with a murderous face, "Boy, I heard that you defeated Serena?"

"Please help me make another copy of the flaming red lips just now. Your bartending skills are quite good."

Silence did not respond to Olaf, but smiled at the bartender lady at the bar, took out a ten-dollar bill from his pocket, pressed it under the empty wine glass that he drank before as a tip, and slowly pushed it over .

"It is very beneficial to serve you."

Although the bartender lady knew what Shen Mo was facing, how could she have trouble with the dollars sent to her eyes?While agreeing to Silence, she collected the ten dollars and the empty wine glass, skillfully pulled out the mixing vessel from behind the bar, and began to re-mix the flaming red lips for Silence.

"Damn bastard, didn't you hear me?"

Facing the silent ignorance, Olaf's irritable character obviously couldn't bear it. He raised his voice and took another step forward. His thick muscles swelled, and the blood vessels with bulging veins were like earthworms stuck under the skin.

"You have time for a glass of wine, serve it together, or come one by one."

Shen Mo turned the swivel chair under his buttocks, and glanced at Olaf and the others contemptuously.

"What did you say?!" Olaf was a little surprised, as if he couldn't believe his ears. What did he hear just now?This person actually took the initiative to ask for a lesson, and even asked for a group fight.

Hey, in Hellfire, except for Sean Fransk, no one dares to provoke him, the mad cow Olaf.

You are done!

Click!Olaf's fists were clenched tightly, making the crisp sound of bones bouncing, and his muscles instantly swelled with blood. He was better than a bodybuilder who had been in the gym for many years, and at the same time he appeared more brutal and violent.

"I can put your head in your ass all by myself without them doing anything."

Shrugging silently, "This is a good suggestion. I have never done this in my life. Since you proposed it, I should satisfy you no matter what?"

Olaf sneered, staring at the silence as if looking at a fool, "After a while, you won't be able to say such words, because you can only scream like a pig."

boom!Olaf exploded with a bang, and hit Shen Mo's head fiercely with a fist as huge as a sandbag. Just when everyone thought Shen Mo would doubt his life under this punch, a strange scene happened.

I saw Silence raised his hand slowly in an understatement, stopped Olaf's iron fist with a sense of slow and fast rhythm, and clasped the latter's fist firmly with five fingers.

"Uh? What?"

"He actually caught Olaf's fist? Just because of his small stature, could it be that he is a powerful ability user like Mad Bull Olaf?"

"Impossible! Even if he is also a strength-type ability user, the strength of Mad Bull Olaf is one of the best. How could he be blocked so easily?"

Olaf himself was also shocked. Compared with the feelings of onlookers, his feelings were clearer. Under his perception, his fists seemed to be tightly welded by the ten thousand jin hydraulic pump, no matter how much he struggled, he could not Getting rid of the other party's shackles, what made Olaf's back even more chilling was that the other party kept acting calm and breezy, not even leaving a trace of sweat...
He hasn't done his best yet!He still has strength!
Olaf was surprised in his heart, and he didn't dare to underestimate silence. He took a deep breath, and there was a thunderous sound in his body, countless bones snapped, muscles swelled, and the speed of blood flowing through the blood vessels suddenly increased, which made him His skin looked bright red.

"It's gone berserk! The mad cow Olaf has gone berserk! He's going to get serious, everyone, let's disperse!"

Someone in the crowd yelled, and everyone dispersed back one after another. From their expressions and behaviors, it is not difficult to guess how manic and powerful the mad cow Olaf is after his madness.

"Boy, you are finished! I want your..."

Before Olaf finished speaking, he felt a bright light flashing in front of his eyes, and the milky white halo instantly enveloped him. A calm, peaceful and comfortable feeling rose from the bottom of his heart. Olaf, who had just entered the mad state, could clearly Feeling that his own strength was baptized by the milky white halo, like the Khufu dam bursting, his mind became extraordinarily calm and rational, or a little bit smarter.

"Eh? What did you do to my body?"

Just finished exercising the power of purification, he smiled silently and let go of the palm that clenched Olaf's fist. The strength of nine bulls and two tigers erupted instantly, and he attacked the opponent's head with unstoppable vigor. The Hellfire Bar rang, everyone's spine felt chills, and the back door slammed shut, and they couldn't bear to look directly.

For the first time in his life, Olaf experienced pain and happiness that ordinary people would never experience.

He screamed miserably, just like the scream of a pig being bled by a knife. He struggled to get rid of this pain and fear, but found that the more he struggled, the more intense the pain that pierced his large intestine, until he tried again I couldn't bear the pain, and finally passed out...
Everyone retreated timidly, no one dared to get close to Silence, the door of the front car was vividly visible, and the teacher of the rear car, who dared to take the lead?
Silent eyes scanned the crowd again, muttering in a low voice, "Who else?"

The crowd was swept by Silence's eyes, and they couldn't help but trembled, not daring to respond. The fiasco of Olaf the Mad Bull had already made them realize the power of Silence, so they didn't dare to do it again.

After a moment of astonishment, the bartender lady behind the bar finally completed the last process, and the new flaming red lips were slowly handed over to Shen Mo.

"Sir, your flaming red lips!"

"No, it's your flaming red lips!"

Shen Mo pushed the glass to the bartender lady, showing a Yida-style smile, he was not teasing the bartender lady, but he had noticed that there was an extra person on the dance floor of the bar out of thin air, obviously there was no time for him to Continue to sit here and taste the wine.

"Mr. Shen, I'm Liu Guang. Mr. Xiao En, please meet me."

The white man who calls himself Liu Guang is the one who appeared out of thin air according to Silence. He is dressed in white clothes, but he wears a bright red round necktie. His gentle and elegant temperament is incompatible with this bar. His family background can be seen from his gestures. The upper class has a very profound cultural background.

As for personal character, I can't see it in silence for a while.

"Where's Serena?"

Shen Mo got up from the swivel chair, but he didn't find Serena's figure when he sensed it with his mind.

"Mr. Shen doesn't have to worry about her location, Mr. Xiao En is free to decide."

Silent and silent, he seemed to feel something in his heart, and motioned for the other party to lead the way, so he didn't say anything more.

Led by Liu Guang, Shen Mo went through several secret doors and finally came to an underground dark room, which was more spacious and luxurious than imagined. At the end of the eighteenth century, because of the Prohibition, many bars were secretly selling alcohol. This is obviously an underground bar built at that time. In its heyday, it could accommodate a hundred people to revel in it.

But now, it has been remodeled in a very modern style, and all the decorations are minimalist and low-key, but it looks generous and decent.

Silence glanced around, and saw the huge round table in the center of the room at a glance, and he couldn't help but sound King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table and the Round Table Conference.

Sitting at the top right now was a thin young man who looked ordinary and couldn't be found in the crowd.

Surrounding him is a round table, and there are eleven Hellfire veterans in turn, seated with the streamer, the leader, flame, sound wave, storm, mad shark, emperor plant, poisonous snake, swordsman, sage, zombie, and guard are all here .

Where's Serena?Silently searched around, but still did not find Serena's whereabouts.

Shen Mo set his eyes on the thin young man in the first place again, and the other party's gaze never moved away from Shen Mo's body from the moment Shen Mo came here.

"Is Mr. Shen looking for her?"

The old man wrapped in a white robe stood up slowly. He raised his arms slightly, and a circular passage with a width of one meter emerged, and Serena's figure emerged like a mirror, like a sleeping girl in an old castle. Sleeping Beauty, quietly waiting for her prince.

Shen was silent and speechless, with no change in expression on his face. It was not difficult to guess that Serena was imprisoned somewhere by the old man in white robe using his abilities. However, it seems that Serena will not be in any danger at present. Kill her, she is already dead.

Now it seems that Hellfire is trying to take a look at the relationship between Silence and Serena.

"You hellfires don't even spare your own people?"

Silently mocking, looking directly into the eyes of the first thin young man, the latter raised his mouth and slowly raised his hand, signaling the white-robed old man to sit down.

"Sage, you shouldn't show Serena to our guests, she is now taking due responsibility for the mistakes she made. As a member of Hellfire, everyone should take responsibility for their mistakes , even I am no exception, it is because I trust Serena's ability too much, thinking that he can complete that task, but I did not expect that Mr. Shen's strength is really mysterious."

As the thin boy said, he got up from his seat, and the red clothes on his body slipped off, revealing his upper body covered with knife marks.

Silently frowned, he didn't expect that there were so many scars on the body of the thin and thin boy, and every scar was an extremely fatal wound. Every time an ordinary person appeared, he had walked from hell. there are so many...
"Mr. Shen, every wound on my body is from my mother except the knife on my heart, and the rest are from myself."


The skinny teenager is not only a person with a story, but also a person who loves self-mutilation extremely.

No!A normal person would never self-mutilate his body in such a perverted way, unless...his ability is related to his self-mutilation.

Just as Shen Mo realized this, he saw that the thin young man had already picked up a sharp dagger, stabbed it fiercely into his abdominal cavity under everyone's gaze, and stirred it inside extremely skillfully and cruelly, blood and organs Then it splashed, staining the round table in front of the boy red.

Watching silently, his heart skipped a beat, but the rest is a Hellfire veteran, but he is used to it.

I'll go, don't let it go!You killed yourself before I even made a move? !This is too shocking!

Just when Shen Mo thought that the skinny young man was bound to die, a strange scene happened.

I saw the body of the emaciated boy trembling violently, and immediately there were countless overlapping phantoms, including old people, middle-aged men, handsome men, beauties, uncles, and loli... until the last second, the emaciated boy had transformed into A loli with twin ponytails in a princess dress.


He widened his eyes in disbelief. Under the perception of his heart, the loli in front of him has the same soul as the thin boy before. They are definitely one person, but now it seems that their performances are really different, and they have changed immediately. attitude.

"Hey!" Lolita with two ponytails moaned, and she continued in a childish voice, "I have already paid the price of my life for my mistakes. Next, we should have a good chat with this new friend .”

Shen Mo guessed in his heart that this was the ability of the leader, he actually showed his ability in front of his own face, an existence like Selina couldn't know the ability of the other party.

Then, in the face of the crisis of silence, there are only two possible situations. First, he becomes the power of hellfire like the other eleven Hellfire elders. Second, he is a person who will never tell the secret. people, generally only the dead.

"Mr. Shen, I first apologize to you for Olaf's recklessness. Let's get straight to the point, are you our friend or our enemy?"

The eyes of the twelve elders of Hellfire all fell on Shen Mo, and they were all waiting for Shen Mo's answer.

Silence believes that if their answers don't satisfy them, they will let Silence see the horror of hellfire.

Silent and silent, he tapped his feet slightly, activated part of his mimicry ability, and used the sky-reaching demon vines to coil a wooden throne under his feet, which was in stark contrast to the twelve thrones of Hellfire. The former was naturally a bit taller than them.

Seeing Shen Mo's ability to control the sky-reaching demon vines, a sexy woman with thick smoky makeup and a pink rose on her head locked her eyes. As Emperor Zhi, she couldn't control and perceive the vines that Mo Mo summoned. It can be seen that Mo Mo In addition to the divine power detected by the mad bull Olaf, he also has the ability to control plants.

Emperor Zhi's eyes communicated with the rest of the Hellfire elders, revealing his powerlessness and shock.

Everyone was more afraid and guarded about the ability of silence, and paid more attention to his answer.

Sitting alone on the throne, Silence looked down at the 12 elders of Hellfire, and he muttered in a low voice.

The face of the twelve hellfire elders tightened.


Twelve Hellfire Elders: "..."

"what do y'all think?"

(End of this chapter)

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