The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 431 Are You Capable?

Chapter 431 Are You Capable?

There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.

This sentence seems to make no sense, but it is regarded as a classic by many people.

But it is clear that the twelve elders of Hellfire are not believers in this sentence. They stubbornly believe that silence is either their friend or their enemy.

Since he was invited by Dan Greer to deal with them, the enemy's side is at least [-]%.

Shen Mo slowly raised his legs on his throne, looked down at the nervous crowd, and joked, "Didn't Serena tell you why I'm here?"

"Stone of Apocalypse!?"

The twin-tailed loli had a slightly baby-fat face with a strange look that didn't match her age.

"Is this how Dan Greer invited you from China?"

Nodding silently, it is not impossible to say that. The purpose of his coming to America is to collect all kinds of large crystals needed for job transfer, and the so-called large crystals are the stones of apocalypse in the mouths of their ability users.

The white-robed old man's sage's face was slightly happy. He winked at the twin-tailed Lolita, and then said first, "I don't know what value Dan Greer can use to hire a master like you. Perhaps, we Hellfire I can ask you a little favor, too."

Mo Mo slowly raised his palm and raised an index finger.

"Ten pieces?! Impossible... Dan Greer can't have so many Apocalypse Stones. You are like a lion. It is impossible for us Hellfire to cooperate with you. Let me make the first move and use my The sharp teeth will wrench your head off."

With shark-like gills on his face, the extremely hideous man said angrily, he should be the so-called Mad Shark, the cousin of Mad Bull, and there seems to be little difference between the two in terms of personality.

Damn mad shark, can you open your mind a bit, he is referring to one, but you think it is ten, which makes my sage answer.Can't you shut your shark mouth?The mad cow incident is obviously an accident, so can't you solve it privately?
"Mad Shark!" Lolita with two ponytails suppressed the violent Shark, signaling the sage to continue negotiating with Silence.

"Sorry, Mr. Shen, Mad Shark is Mad Bull's big cousin, and his current words cannot represent our Hellfire."

"Crazy cow? Is it that unlucky guy whose head was stuffed into his ass just now?"

"You...damn it!" The mad shark exploded, the seat under his buttocks was torn apart like paper, and countless water waves rose from his feet, turning into water arrows and shooting at Silence.

"Eat me with a water arrow!"

Whoosh whoosh!Countless sharp water arrows came, and at the moment when they were about to hit Shen Mo, Mo Mo waved his index finger lightly, and countless water arrows froze between him and the mad shark.

The water control ability of the five-clawed golden dragon is comparable to that of the crazy shark... No, the latter is not qualified to be compared with the five-clawed golden dragon. Therefore, the water arrows condensed by the crazy shark are simply for children to play. Toy.

Puff!Under the agitation of the index finger, the water flow converges, like a sea containing hundreds of rivers, merges and penetrates, forming a huge water polo, floating above the round table.

The mad shark's face changed drastically, and his shark's gills trembled uncontrollably. He wanted to control the water flow again, but found that the water flow that could be driven at will became extremely strange, and he didn't obey his orders at all. Showing off one's abilities is also as ridiculous as a clown.

"Impossible, this is impossible, why do you still know how to control water? Don't you have divine power and plant control? How can a person have three superpowers at the same time?!"

Although Kuang Sha's words were vulgar, they expressed the aspirations of everyone present.

In the eyes of their ability users, no matter how powerful they are, they only have two kinds of superpowers. A person like Silence who seems to have three or even more kinds of abilities completely subverts their cognition.

Even Sean Fransk, the leader of Hellfire, showed horror.

Puff!The water polo condensed on the round table crashed down, tightly restraining the mad shark, no matter how hard he struggled, he could not escape from the shackles of the water polo.

The crazy shark, who has always been king of water, fell into the water polo. As a result, everyone looked at Silence's ability by three points.

"No one is bothering now, let's continue talking!"

Shen Mo raised an index finger again, and said straight to the point, "Ten Stones of Apocalypse, I am no longer an enemy of your hellfire, and I will help you get rid of Dan Greer."

The elders of Hellfire fell silent.

The old sage in white robe looked at the leader of the loli with two ponytails, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, this is a negotiable situation.

"Ten Stones of Apocalypse is too much!" The white-robed sage left the crazy shark in the water polo, and now he even wants to crush him to death.


Silently asked, in his opinion, Hellfire should have wiped out the Greer family in Hell's Kitchen a long time ago. The reason why they didn't do so was definitely not the containment of Dan Zhuyan as Dan Greer said , there must be something else hidden in it.

Silent guess, Dan Greer must have a hole card that Hellfire can't match, and this is the reason why the Greer family and Hellfire are in a stalemate.

Dan Greer couldn't eradicate Hellfire or the cost of eradicating them was too high, so he brought the disaster to Silence, trying to use Silence to solve this trouble.

And Hellfire wiped out almost all the gang organizations in Hell's Kitchen with a vigorous attitude, leaving only the Six Fingers and the Greer family left untouched, and there is naturally something hidden in it.

As for the hidden secrets, I am afraid only they themselves know.

"not much!"

This sentence was said by Lolita with two ponytails, and she said seriously, "If you can really help us get rid of Dan Greer, ten Apocalypse Stones are really not many."



The rest of the Hellfire veterans all exclaimed. Xiao En is willing to give up the Stone of Apocalypse, and they are reluctant. If there is no ability increase and evolution of the Stone of Apocalypse, it is difficult for their abilities to break through. In this hellfire that respects strength, Strength is everything.

Lolita with two ponytails steadied everyone and continued.

"Mr. Shen should know that Dan Greer not only shows a little bit of strength, but he has six powerful ability users in his six fingers, and each finger has a terrifying combat power of one against ten thousand."


Six fingers belonged to Dan Greer? !Doesn't this mean that Six Fingers is a mysterious organization that has been established for many years? !
Originally thought it was a situation of the Three Kingdoms, but now it seems that what he is talking about is the struggle between Chu and Han!
This Dan Greer is really not a good person!Not a word of truth came out of his mouth.

Shen Mo pretended to look like I had seen through it long ago, but in fact he was so panicked that he was almost sold by Dan Greer for a few bucks. Fortunately, he went to Hellfire and knew the opponent's cards.

"I naturally know Dan Greer's shades."

"Is it?"

The double-tailed loli continued to talk with a skeptical expression.

"The so-called six fingers refer to the six managers entrenched in Hell's Kitchen. They are respectively in charge of the six businesses of the Greer family. These six businesses cover all aspects of Manhattan, and it is also the reason why the Greer family can take root so deeply. The reason."

Loli with twintails paused for a moment, and said without exaggeration, "As long as Six Fingers is defeated, the Greer family will definitely be removed from Manhattan. Ten Apocalypse Stones are worth it!"

The other ten Hellfire elders pondered for a moment, and they all nodded in agreement. The calculations were not bad. Even the crazy shark trapped in the water polo agreed with the proposal of the twin-tailed loli.

Is this what happened? !
No!How can it be so simple.

The double-tailed loli changed the subject, stared at Shen Mo with clear eyes, and asked, "But we don't know whether Mr. Shen is really capable of defeating Liuzhi!"


No matter how you calculate this business, you won't lose money, but the question is, is Mo Mo really capable of defeating Liuzhi?
Although Silence is very strong, but for the battle of ability users, life and death are only a thin line, who can guarantee that Silence will not die in the hands of Six Fingers.

"What do you mean?"

Mo Mo looked down at Lolita with two ponytails. Since the other party questioned her strength, she must have thought of a solution.

The loli with twin ponytails winked at the burly man with bright red hair on the left, and the latter stood up abruptly from his seat.

"I once fought against a ghost, one of the six fingers. His ability is very strange. He comes and goes without a trace, like a ghost. If you can defeat me, I will trust you and give you this stone of apocalypse. "

The strong man with bright red hair was Lie Yan, and he took out a large bright red crystal from his arms, which was the large red crystal needed by Silence.

Mo Mo frowned, he had already collected two large blue crystals, and the large red crystal was exactly what he needed, and, judging from the properties of the large crystals and the name of Lie Yan, the opponent's ability should be the ability of the fire attribute.

Using the ability of the fire attribute to deal with the silence of the water attribute, it seems that Lie Yan is very confident in his own strength!

"Come on, let me see how capable you are."

Shen Mo didn't get up from his throne, but used his index finger to control the water polo above the round table, releasing a trace of water vapor, and swam around like a spirit snake.

Lie Yan trembled slightly, and the raging fire rose from under his feet, turning it into a ball of fire in an instant, and the temperature of the whole room suddenly increased, the heat wave hit his face, making people sweat profusely, like a volcano falling into the sea of ​​sand.

It really is a fire attribute ability!

Under the perception of the power of the mind's eye, once Lie Yan released his ability, the strange energy that protected his secret identity dissipated into nothingness, and all the changes in his body were collected into the silent mind.

The flames burned, burning the sky and devouring the earth.It seems overwhelming and unstoppable.

But under the perception of the power of mind and eye, the adrenaline in Lie Yan's body soared rapidly, pouring into a special organ and tissue continuously, and after the reaction and changes of this organ and tissue, it turned into a steady stream of fire attribute energy radiating out.

This is how Lie Yan manipulates the flame, his genes and body determine his ability.


Smiling silently without saying a word, he flicked his index finger to control the water vapor to condense into water chains, and the spiritual power poured out, turning into milky white halos to bless the water chains.

The water chains integrated with the power of purification have become more holy and solemn. Under the control of silence, they are like swimming dragons, like spirit snakes, swimming and shuttling, strangling towards the flames.

snort!Lie Yan sneered, the temperature of his flame was extremely high, and the general water flow would turn into water vapor before approaching, Shen Mo wanted to put out the fire with water?It's just a dream...

But a scene that shocked Lie Yan happened. As soon as his flame touched the silent water chain, it shattered into sparks like a flash in the pan, and scattered around. What was even more frightening was that the water chain hit him, instantly making Lie Yan's ability useless. All those flames were extinguished, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't use any more.

"How is it possible?! You suppressed my ability?!"

Lie Yan was terrified. After confirming that his ability was restricted, he subconsciously looked at a thick black man, "Guard, you restricted my ability?!"

"No, not me."

The thick black man's face darkened, and he looked dully at Silence on the vine throne, "It's him, he still has the ability to suppress."

hiss!The rest of the elders were shocked again, this is already the third ability.How many kinds of abilities does Shen Mo have? Perhaps, his abilities are copying or stealing abilities!
Lie Yan felt his body being hollowed out.

Those milky white energies were acting recklessly in his body, so that he didn't have enough adrenaline to transform the flames. In front of the milky white energies, he was as weak as a younger brother.

And the thick black man called the guard also used his ability to test Silence. He found that not only could his suppression ability not suppress Silence's ability, but he couldn't even protect the opponent's secret. Follow everything you do.

"I lost!"

"I lost!"

Lie Yan and the guard said almost in unison, and they looked at each other, and the former reluctantly threw the big red crystal in his hand to Silence.

"She's yours! Please be kind to her."

【Ding!Obtain a large red crystal*1]

"and this!"

The thick black man also took out a large crystal from his arms. It was a colorless and phaseless crystal, and it was the large colorless crystal that Silence needed.

【Ding!Obtain large colorless crystals*1]

As Lie Yan and the guards surrendered one after another, the rest of the Hellfire veterans also recognized the facts.They took out the large crystals they had in turn.

Streamer—white large crystal*1
Zombie - big black crystal *1
Mad Shark——Blue Big Crystal*1
Viper - large black crystal *1
Storm - large white crystal*1
Sage—Golden Large Crystal*1
A total of eight Apocalypse Stones fell into Shen Mo's hands.

Um? !Why are there only eight, isn't it the promised ten?

Loli with twintails explained, "The remaining two Stones of Apocalypse are not in the hands of our Hellfire, they were snatched away."




(End of this chapter)

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