The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 432 I'll Teach You Something More Powerful

Chapter 432 I'll Teach You Something More Powerful


Silence was a bit unexpected. In his impression, SHIELD had been infiltrated by Dan Greer, but he never expected that SHIELD still had the power to intercept the Hellfire Organization's Apocalypse Stone.

Thinking about it carefully, there is a faint shadow of Dan Greer in it.The enemy of the enemy is a friend, so Dan Greer has the motivation to disclose the information of Hellfire to S.H.I.E.L.D., and use S.H.I.E.L.D. to suppress the Hellfire organization.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. confidential document that Dan Greer handed over to Shen Mo before contains information about the Stone of Apocalypse, which further confirms Mo Mo's speculation.

However, being robbed of the two Stones of Apocalypse was their Hellfire's business, and what Shen Mo wanted was still the ten Stones of Apocalypse he wanted.

The agreed ten is ten, but in a blink of an eye, two are missing.

Although there is a way out for those two pieces, Mo Mo can't let Shen Mo go to the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. to grab them!

From anyone's point of view, this is against the rules.Silence has a feeling of being cheated.

"Mr. Shen, please don't misunderstand." Lolita with two ponytails seemed to see the silent displeasure, and she quickly explained, "The two apocalypse stones that were robbed were supposed to be prepared for Emperor Zhi and the swordsman. If it was stolen by the bureau, we will naturally snatch it back. Before that, I hope that Mr. Shen will fulfill our agreement and help us solve the Greer family."

Shen Mo frowned slightly. The eight Apocalypse Stones he got were equivalent to a deposit, and the remaining two were counted as the balance. This arrangement is also acceptable.

But then again.

"Aren't you worried that I will run away with these eight Apocalypse Stones?"

The eleven elders of Hellfire were all taken aback, their faces solemn.

Only Loli with two ponytails was as calm as water, and she smiled, "A master like you wouldn't do such a lowly thing. Isn't it?"


There is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Mo Mo really can't do things like taking people's money and absconding with it.

"Furthermore, the Six Fingers you are dealing with are cancerous tumors that have been rooted in Hell's Kitchen for many years. The darkness they brought to Hell's Kitchen is beyond your imagination."

"Really?" Mo Mo didn't know much about Liuzhi, "Tell me about them."

"Six Fingers was founded by the first patriarch of the Greer family. The Greer family is light, and the Six Fingers are darkness. They represent the darkness of the Greer family. In Hell's Kitchen, Six Fingers manages everything you can think of. Dark deeds... The contemporary Six Fingers are Ghost, Mask, Blade, Clown, Widow, and Penguin. Each of them is an ability user with powerful abilities."

"We have fought against the ghost among the six fingers, the blade, and the penguin... To tell you the truth, we suffered heavy losses."

Speaking of this, the faces of Lie Yan, Zhi Huang, and Kuang Sha were ugly. It was obvious that they had lost something important in this battle.

"As far as we know, Ghost Shadow's ability is Shadow Killing Technique, which is similar to Serena's ability, but its combat power is far superior to Serena's. Daofeng is good at using a Taidao, and can take people's heads from a distance of [-] meters .Penguins are the most insidious and cunning, they are good at using people's hearts, they are smart in strategy, and their ability is hypnosis. Emperor Zhi was once hypnotized by penguins and lost her most important thing."

Silence doesn't care about what Emperor Zhi lost in the penguin's hands, he only cares about how powerful Liuzhi's ability is.

Even the Hellfire who fought against it failed to fully grasp the ability of Liuzhi, which shows that Liuzhi is definitely not an existence that the 12 veterans of Hellfire can match.

Silence seems to have set up a big deal for himself again.

Or sing a bad face, with a flick of your heart and a flick of your face.Contact Dan Greer backhand and wipe out the Hellfire organization!
Pooh!That is absolutely impossible.Because the moment Dan Greer triggered the soul of the fallen, he was already on the must-death list.If Silence wants to get the soul of the fallen, it must kill Dan Greer, and to kill Dan, it is bound to turn against the forces he belongs to.

Only by removing the Greer family from Hell's Kitchen can Silence maximize its benefits.

Silent came to America for the first time, but he didn't want to be hunted down by the entire Greer family because of killing Dan Greer alone, and become a street rat.

He needs to use the skin of Hellfire to remove the Greer family.This is the wisdom of fools, but it is also the most appropriate method.

In addition, there is a condition for silence!
"please say."

"I want Serena Carr."

Lolita with two ponytails was a bit surprised by this, but it was also expected.

"Mr. Shen just came to Hell's Kitchen, so he really needs an experienced guide," Lolita with two ponytails pondered for a moment, pretending, "It's better to let Emperor Zhi replace Serena. She grew up in Hell's Kitchen. Every inch of the land is very familiar."

The double-tailed loli arranged Huang Zhi next to Shen Mo, and her intention was self-evident. If a woman like Zhi Huang was by Shen Mo's side, it would definitely not be a story, but an accident.

Silence sneered, cast a glance at Emperor Zhi's proud capital, and said bluntly, "Selina is still suitable for me."

Twintail Lolita: "..."

Emperor Zhi: "???"

Wild Shark: "Fake, this is the most shameless excuse I've ever heard in my life."

With his silent hearing, he naturally heard the mad shark's taunt in the water polo. He raised his fingers slightly, and countless streams poured into the mad shark's body. Even a mad shark with shark gills could not withstand such a violent water invasion.

Gululu? !Gululu... help!My crazy shark is going to be drowned.

Mo Mo's action towards the mad shark was naturally for the twintailed loli to see, the latter's complexion changed for a while, and he finally let go.

"Since Mr. Shen has identified Serena, it is her blessing."

The double-tailed loli gave the sage a wink, and the latter used his ability to open a light curtain, and Serena was released in a daze.

Mo Mo also finally knew the ability of the sage, he can create a different space, and store people or objects in it, just reflecting the old saying that the sea is as big as it is tolerant.

A sage deserves to be a sage.

Serena, who was released, woke up faintly. She knew why she was imprisoned in the different dimension of the sage, so she didn't say much after waking up. Instead, she wondered if the day and night of imprisonment would come so soon?
"Serena, I have a task for you now." The Twintail Lolita ordered.

"Yes!" Serena didn't recognize Sean at the first time, because she had never seen the image of a loli with twin ponytails, but the only person who could sit in the position of the leader of Hellfire was Sean Fronsk. .

"Mr. Shen will help us deal with the Greer family. He named you to be her guide. This is a good opportunity to make amends. You should seize it."

Serena Carr's thin body trembled slightly. She looked at Shen Mo on the throne of vines. She didn't know what kind of agreement Mo Mo had reached with Sean, why Mo Mo suddenly turned around and began to help Hellfire deal with the Greer family .

What exactly happened during the time she was locked in the small black room.

Although Serena was puzzled, she did not dare to disobey the order of Lolita with two ponytails. She complied and turned her eyes to Shen Mo again, as if she had something to say, but in the end she did not say it in front of everyone. Say it.

"Then, let's wait for the good news from Mr. Shen!"

It's night, and the streets of Manhattan look particularly depressed at night. Unlike in China, you can drink a skewer and a whole bottle of beer recklessly until dawn.The night here is a paradise for criminals and thugs. They wander around, walking in the dark like hounds sniffing their prey. Today is the festival day.

Shen Mo and Serena walked on the street one after the other. They are not ordinary people, so they naturally don't have the worries that ordinary people should have. On the contrary, they feel that the empty street scene is very suitable for the current atmosphere and situation.

"Why are you doing this?"

This was Serena's first sentence after she came out of the Hellfire Club, and it had been on her heart for a long time.

"I said it was all for you, do you believe me?"

Serena's thin body trembled slightly, and she was not fooled by the silence. She grew up in the Manhattan neighborhood, and she has seen more bad guys than the salt that the silence has eaten. Man, she has been taught many times.

"You want to fuck me!?"


Shen Mo frowned slightly. He didn't expect Serena to be so direct. He didn't think too much about Serena. What he valued was Serena's ability. She could hide in the shadows and manipulate others with the help of shadows. With a little cultivation of his abilities, he is definitely a top assassin or thief.

It is not difficult to see the value of Serena from Sean Fransk's extraordinary promotion of Serena to Hellfire's high-level and special training. Even in the end, Sean was still reluctant to hand Serena to Silence. It can be seen that Serena's ability is very important to Sean.

Silently looked Serena up and down, the underdevelopment caused by perennial malnutrition made her thin body look pitiful, her flat chest basically didn't show much ups and downs, and her slender lower limbs seemed to be able to lift her up easily.

Tut tut!Shaking his head silently, he said boringly.

"You're not my type."

"Then why do you want me?"

"All I value is your ability."

"My ability?" Serena seemed a little disappointed, but she seemed to have expected it.

"Take it!"

I saw Shen Mo flicked his wrist, and a large crystal that was as black as an abyss fell into Serena's hands.

Big black crystal!
Serena stared at the large crystal in her hand. Her shadow ability became extremely active the moment she touched the crystal, like the soil that had been dry for many years was finally moistened by rain and dew, and it glowed with new vitality. The crystals spread out and entered Serena's body along the palm of her hand, causing her abilities to slowly evolve.

"The Stone of Apocalypse! You are willing to give it to me!"

Serena naturally knew the importance of the Stone of Apocalypse to capable users. Even the twelve elders of Hellfire couldn't get a Stone of Apocalypse, let alone small members like them.

In order to help Serena improve her ability control, Sean tried his best to borrow a large black crystal from the Hellfire Elder Zombie to absorb the dark attribute energy for a day and night, so that Serena has the ability to control others.

"What do you think? I'll borrow it for you first, and you'll have to pay it back when you're done using it."

Perceived by the power of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, the energy of the large black crystal is extremely huge. Even if a hundred Serena sucked him day and night, it would take him a hundred and eighty years. So, don't worry about Serena at all. Blot up the large black crystals.

Unless under special circumstances, Serena's absorption of dark attribute energy skyrocketed... This possibility is very small, and Silence is not worried.

At the same time, under the perception of the power of the mind and eyes, the process of the large crystal's ability to improve the ability is directly projected to Silent's mind, and the dark attribute energy travels and infiltrates in Serena's body, changing her body from the cellular level, making her body Ability is constantly evolving to a higher level.

Shen Mo couldn't figure out why the large crystal of DNF could have such a benign impact on the ability users in this world. What he can figure out now is that if this situation continues to happen, the ability users in the United States will go on a path completely different from his own. different evolutionary paths.

Shen Mo doesn't know what the end point of this road is, but his intuition tells him that there is absolutely no good thing.

In the face of the inferior roots of human beings, the so-called freedom is tantamount to chaos.

America is a country of extreme freedom, but also a country of extreme chaos.

Don't worry about the future, focus on the present.

Shen Mo said to Serena, "It's very late, let's go home and rest first, and we will deal with Liuzhi tomorrow."

Serena, who was still immersed in joy just now, her face sank, she stared at Silence with strange eyes, "We? Go home?!"

"Otherwise, do you want to leave me alone in Manhattan? Don't forget your mission."

"My task is only to be a guide, not a personal attendant."

"In my understanding, guides are sometimes personal attendants."


Serena also had no choice, because the Silent Sky-reaching Demon Mango with the weapon blessing attached to it was too tough, and she couldn't escape at all.

The two returned to Mrs. Mary's apartment one after the other.

Serena looked at the only double bed in the room and fell into deep thought. She thought more, for example, did the silence really just focus on her ability?

"You go take a shower first!"

Serena: "..."

"I just don't want to smell your weird smell."

It was only then that Serena noticed that she was sweating a lot when intercepting Silence, and the smell is really not very pleasant now.

"The first thing a killer or thief has to learn is to hide his smell. Obviously, you don't even know the most basic skills."

Serena was a little surprised. Is Silence teaching her how to become a qualified assassin or thief?

She hesitated, whether to wash or not to wash.This is obviously a sending proposition.

 Title: All Heavens Villain Boss Whitewashing System
  Introduction: Liu Yi turned into the bosses of various worlds, and embarked on the road of whitewashing that will never return.

  The number one in the world is Cao Zhengchun, the Tang Shuanglong is Yang Guang, the moon worship leader of Xianjian, the Seven Nights Demon Lord of Liao Zhai, the tyrant of the Chou Fu Alliance, the stupid Azathoth...

  No white lotus, no virgin, kill and bury!
(End of this chapter)

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