Chapter 433 Penguin
There was a pattering sound of bathing in the bathroom, and Shen Mo leaned on the seat near the balcony. His mind and eyes could do things that ordinary people couldn't, but he didn't do that, because Serena didn't There is nothing worth silently prying at.

Instead, his mind fell on Dan Greer and Six Fingers. At daybreak, he and Serena will deal with the Greer family. The Greer family, which has been rooted in Manhattan for many years, is not easy. Disintegrated existence.

Shen Mo must plan well in order to seize the opportunity and win by surprise.

According to the information in Silent Hands, the abilities of Dan Greer, Ghost, Blade, and Penguin are known, while the abilities of Mask, Clown, and Widow are unknown. The first target should be on those whose abilities are known.

Dan's ability is projection, which can project things in his mind to reality or the mind of the other party. This ability is extremely powerful for ordinary people, but it is not worth mentioning for Silence, who has the power of purification.

So, should the first target be Dan?

No!This obviously doesn't work.

According to Shen Mo's understanding of Dan Greer, he is absolutely on guard against Mo Mo, if Mo Mo and Serena appear on the way to Greer Manor, Dan will definitely summon all the power that can be summoned and use all that can be used Means, to stop Silence and Serena, the degree of difficulty increases exponentially.

On the contrary, the best choice is to use the six fingers first to disintegrate the power of the Greer family one by one, and take the bottom line.

Six Fingers manages the dark industry of the Greer family. They each perform their duties and have their own industries. If they want to get out, they will not leave their jobs easily unless the head of the Greer family calls.This also creates opportunities for Silence to kill them one by one.

Then, the first target should be chosen from Ghost, Blade, and Penguin.

Who should I choose?
At this moment, the door of the bathroom slowly opened, and Serena, who was wrapped in a bath towel, came out in embarrassment, her hair was wet on her shoulders, and she glanced slightly angrily at Silence .

"Is there no hair dryer in the bathroom?"

Shen Mo recovered from his contemplation, he shook his head, "I just rented this room, if you say no, then it really doesn't exist."

Serena bit her lip helplessly, turned around and went back to the bathroom. Under the perception of Silence, Serena wrapped in a bath towel and cast her shadow ability, turned into a black shadow and left Room 503 along the crack of the door. When I came back, I had an old-fashioned hair dryer in my hand.

"Where did it come from?" Shen Mo asked knowingly.

"Borrowed from next door."

"You call this behavior borrowing?"

"Returning it is borrowing, not returning it is stealing."


This sentence also seems to have some truth.

After Serena cleaned her wet hair with a borrowed hair dryer and put on the previous black tights, she stood in front of Silence again.

"I'm done taking a shower. You said you wanted to teach me something more powerful. Can you teach me now?"

Shen Mo stood up slowly, "Wait for me to take a shower too."

Serena: "..."

Are you kidding me?
Serena's complexion was not good.

"After you take a shower, do you still want to talk about your life in bed with me?"

Huh? !What are you talking about!My silence would be that kind of person!
Mo Mo has been tossing for a whole day since he got off the plane, but he is really sweating. He can't bear to be a teacher without letting him take a bath.

"Wait! I'm not as dirty as you think."

After about half of the bathing time for Moselina, Shen Mo came out of the bathroom dressed neatly. The former stared at Shen Mo warily, leaning against the clothes hanger, making a posture that could use the clothes hanger as a weapon at any time.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, "I have a good background, I know how to use everything around me as a weapon."

The sudden praise did not make Serena let down her guard, but on the contrary became more suspicious of the attempt to keep silent.

I saw Shen Mo talking while picking up an empty teacup.

call!Serena only felt a blur in front of her eyes, and the teacup in Shen Mo's hand was like a continuously narrowing focus, approaching her eyes, she subconsciously used her shadow ability, and barely avoided it a second before the teacup hit her. This attack.

The horizontal hanger was placed between Shen Mo and Serena, and the atmosphere instantly became dignified.

"Yes, the response is quite fast."

Shen Mo praised again, and picked up a teacup in his hand.

"This time, I will slow down, you can see clearly!"

call!The teacup flew across the sky, shot out again, and pressed towards Serena's chest.

Silence's decelerated movements were finally seen clearly by Serena. The way, angle, and power of the former throwing the teacup were exquisite and extraordinary, which made Serena finally understand Silence's intention.

He wanted to teach himself to throw a teacup!
No!To be precise, Silence is trying to teach Serena the throwing of hidden weapons.

Shen Mo, who is proficient in throwing, can also be regarded as a master of throwing hidden weapons. Although he can't explain why he throws this way, outsiders should be able to benefit from it through observation and comprehension.

Just like now, Serena, who knows the intention of Silence, is concentrating on learning the throwing method of Silence. She picks up the broken pieces of the teacup on the ground, and throws them fiercely like Silence.

At first, Serena's technique was very poor. The fragments shot by her were not hidden weapons at all. They aimed at Shen Mo's eyes, but they hit the wall next to Mo Mo. The target was Mo Mo's chest. It was the bedding on the bed.

But with Silence's patient teaching, Serena's throwing skills became more and more proficient. After all, she is a character who walks between thieves and assassins.

Until the dawn of the sky, Room 503 was already in a mess, and there were traces left after the battle between Silence and Serena.

Serena's throwing skills were finally no longer horrible. Within two meters, the hit rate was about [-]%, and the rest had to be done by Serena's continued proficiency, striving to be as perfect as Silence.

"Thank you!"

"It's not easy to hear this word from your mouth!"

"I'm curious why you want to teach me throwing skills."

"You'll know the answer soon."

Why does Silence teach Serena throwing skills, because the way of hidden weapons is the most suitable skill for Serena, her ability is shadow, if hiding is not for throwing hidden weapons, then hiding will become meaningless.

At that time, when Serena assassinated Shen Mo, she lost because she didn't understand the importance of hidden weapons. She insisted on playing close combat with Mo Mo, and was directly choked by Mo Mo. If Serena knew the archer's kite technique, with her shadow ability, Mo Mo It is absolutely impossible to defeat her so easily.

Now, Serena is the guide of Silence, and Silence naturally has to teach Serena some methods, otherwise, at critical moments, where would he have the energy to disperse to help Serena, and let her solve the things she can solve by herself Bar.

The strength of teammates also means the strength of oneself.

Near noon, after a morning's rest.Silence and Serena regained their energy, and after a simple lunch, they decided to go to the restaurant run by Penguin.

Someone will ask here, there is only one bed in room 503, how did Shen Mo and Serena rest together?
Of course it was the silent bed, Serena slept on the floor.

This is a basic operation, so it doesn't need much explanation.

As for the appalling room 503, after Shen Mo used Serena's money to compensate Mrs. Mary, they moved from 503 to 506 and signed a verbal agreement not to destroy the furniture again.

"Penguin was originally a small follower of the Hal Gang in Manhattan. Since he awakened his super powers, he was absorbed by the Greer family. In just half a year, Penguin became the new Six Fingers by virtue of his abilities and methods."

Serena introduced Penguin's record to Shen Mo, and was even afraid of Penguin's hypnotic ability.

"We shouldn't go to Penguin. Compared with Ghost and Blade, Penguin is the most difficult character to deal with."

"Are penguins hard to deal with?"

Serena nodded heavily, "Do you know Emperor Zhi?"

Emperor Zhi is the hellfire veteran whose career line breaks through the sky and has the ability to control plants.According to Sean Fransk, the relationship between her and Penguin

There is an mortal blood feud.

"I know, didn't Sean say that the penguin took the most important thing from her?"

"That's right! The Emperor Zhi was a resident singer at the Penguin Nightclub. In order to get her forever, the Penguin hypnotized Emperor Zhi to kill his husband and children with his own hands."


Shen Mo's face darkened slightly. He didn't want to get her, he was clearly making enemies.Is that what penguins do? !

"You may have misunderstood hypnosis." Serena explained, "If Sean hadn't told Emperor Plant the truth, Emperor Plant would never have known that Penguin had hypnotized her."

The power of hypnotists is that they can make you unaware that you have been hypnotized.

For example, he killed his own husband and children with his own hands, and was still counting money for them.

"Based on what you said, I want to meet this penguin even more."

"Hey, did you listen to me? Penguin's hypnotic ability is very powerful, and the two of us are probably not his opponents."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, "Don't talk, just take me there."

Serena had no choice but to see that she couldn't persuade Shen Mo, so she could only take Shen Mo to the restaurant run by Penguin.

Surprise restaurant.

It looks like an average restaurant, but it really is an average restaurant.

It's just that during the day, Seplin is a restaurant open to ordinary people, while at night, Seplin is open to people who don't want to be ordinary.

The former is to feed one's stomach, and the latter is to feed one's desire.

After Shen Mo knew the truth about Seplin, she decisively chose to pass by during the day, because accidents are prone to happen in the past at night.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" The young waiter stopped Shen Mo and Serena.


"Then sir, please identify yourself."

"I need to show my identity to have a meal? Do you think this is an open room?" Mo Mo just wanted to explode, but Serena hugged her arms.

"Sorry, my husband forgot to make an appointment. We are friends of Mr. Greer, and he recommended us to try French foie gras in the store. You can call my husband Murphy, Murphy Shen."

"please wait."

The young waiter nodded, turned and entered the restaurant, after a while, the waiter greeted Shen Mo and Serena to enter the restaurant.

"There are rules here. If you don't want to attract too much attention, a false identity is extremely important."

After Serena sat down, she explained everything to Silence with a slight voice.

"Are you not afraid that they will check our identities?"

"No, Mr. Greer has a lot of friends, and they won't investigate carefully."

"Let's wait for the clown to show up, and I'll tell you."

Seplin's office.

"Mr. Oswald, a man named Murphy Shen is here with Serena from Hellfire."

The person sitting on the leather seat was wearing a fat mink fur coat that completely covered his short figure, and the English-style tall hat was pressed on his head, making it impossible to see the changes in his expression.

"Go and find out about Murphy Shen."

"Yes, Mr. Oswald."

Oswald turned the leather seat under his buttocks and looked down at Silence and Serena through the one-way mirror on the second floor.

"Quack, people from Hellfire dare to come to my restaurant. Naturally, I have to treat them well."

Ding!Oswald rang the brass bell in the office, and the chef in the back kitchen hurried over and greeted An Dao respectfully.

"Mr. Oswald, what can I do for you?"

"Two friends came downstairs, what did they order?"

The chef looked at Oswald's thick fingers, and replied with embarrassment on his face, "They ordered two Laoganma fried rice, one stinky tofu, and an extra seaweed soup..."

Oswald frowned, "Does our restaurant have something like this?"

"No sir, but I ordered takeaway for them, and it will be delivered soon. You know that the takeaway in Chinese restaurants is always on time."

quack!Oswald pondered for a moment in displeasure, "Order another French foie gras and medium-rare sirloin steak for them, and wake up a bottle of 76-year-old red wine... remember, charge first."

Although the chef was surprised, he followed Mr. Oswald's order.

When Shen Mo and Serena's takeaways arrived, they were reprocessed and plated by the chef, and brought to the table by the waiter. Both of them had lunch, and they ordered something just to put on a show.

But what they didn't expect was that a French foie gras and a bloody steak were served on their table one after another, and the refreshing red wine was also served together with the red wine glass.

"We haven't ordered these things." Serena stopped the waiter.

"I ordered this for you." Oswald had already come out of the office. He leaned on a black wooden crutch, and looked up and down at Shen Mo and Serena with hazy eyes.

"If you don't want to eat, it happens that I haven't eaten yet, but the money is still yours, how about it?"

Serena immediately winked at Silence.

"He is Penguin, an extremely dangerous man."

(End of this chapter)

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