The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 434 Hypnosis Master

Chapter 434 Hypnosis Master
Penguin twisted his fat body, and sat on the opposite side of Silence, that is, beside Serena, with a cane. He took off the tall hat on his head, revealing his middle-aged half-bald greasy hairstyle. The penguin's face was clear, it was a fat and disgusting face, even a gentleman's rimless glasses could not cover his fat breath.

Penguin ignored Serena's disgust and guard, and used his fat fingers, which were almost covered with gold rings, to pick up the half-rare bloody steak like no one else.

Silence seemed to see a pig chewing feed in front of his eyes, which made his weak appetite disappear.

In just a few breaths, the penguin ate up the bloody steak on the plate, and he turned his eyes to the French foie gras on his right. His fat fingers swept again, and the greasy foie gras stirred in the penguin's mouth. Accompanied by sober red wine rolled into the stomach.

"Your eating is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life, definitely not one of them."

Serena frowned, her disgust was beyond words.

"Quack, yeah? A lot of people say that, but I don't care, because they're the ones who are disgusting, and I'm the one who's feeling the best."

Penguin answered Serena's words with a strange smile, and wiped his oily fingers and mouth with the napkin on the table, and tapped his fingers on the table a few times, making a hollow sound.

This kind of behavior is very different from the feasting just now, which naturally attracted the attention of Shen Mo and Serena, making people's eyes not fall on each other's fingers.

An extremely dangerous vigilance came from the silent power of the mind's eye. Under the projection of the power of the mind's eye, the phantom of the penguin manifested. When his fingers were tapping, they emitted a wave-like texture like water ripples, radiating away from the finger as the center of the circle. Come, the ripples vibrate, as if some kind of magical power penetrated into the bodies of Silence and Serena, and rushed straight into their minds, affecting and changing something.

hum!The power of purification!
Mo Mo didn't hesitate, and immediately used the power of purification to remove the influence of water ripples on Mo Mo, but Serena didn't have such good luck, she didn't notice the penguin's hypnotic attack at all, under the influence of water ripples, her subconscious Already dominated by penguins.

"Knock what! What you do will only make me loathe you even more." Serena continued to taunt without realizing it, "We are here to kill you. You still want to disgust us before you die."


play ball!Serena had already been tricked, and she explained the two people's intentions clearly and thoroughly, but she didn't realize it.

Fortunately, Penguin didn't know that Silence had purified his hypnotism, and still thought that Silence had also been tricked.

quack!The penguin laughed strangely, "So you wanted to kill me, I'm really happy!"

"Happy?" Serena asked puzzled, "Listen clearly, we are here to kill you, why are you happy?"

"Because there are too many people who killed me. He wants to kill, you want to kill, everyone wants to kill, but I only have one, so there must be one who comes first!"

Serena pondered for a while, and it seemed to make sense.

Reasonable request.From Shen Mo's point of view, Serena was hypnotized by the penguin, and she was following the penguin's thinking step by step into the pit.

"In that case, I have a good idea."

"any solution?"

"You are all here to kill me, why don't you fight first and see who kills the other first, the winner will have the right to come and assassinate me. How about it?"

"That's a really good idea."

Serena was overjoyed, and did not forget to praise the penguin's intelligence and wisdom.


The real version sold you, and also helped count the money.

Penguin's hypnotic ability is really terrifying, the operation process is silent, and he led him by the nose after the operation, so he jumped into such an obvious pit without any scruples.

"In this case, you go quickly. Whoever wins has the right to kill me."

Penguin winked at the men behind him, signaling to take Shen Mo and Serena to the back alley of the Seplin Restaurant to solve the problem, which is where they used to solve troubles like Silence.

Serena stood up abruptly, staring at Shen Mo with murderous eyes.

"Today either you die or I die. The right to assassinate penguins must be mine."

Mo Mo sneered in his heart, you silly girl, don't mess around.

Mo Mo stood up slowly, raised his arms abruptly, and countless sky-reaching demon tendrils erupted, instantly restraining the penguin tightly, and all his subordinates were also captured.

"Silence, you actually snatched penguins from me."

"Steal your uncle!"

Shen Mo threw out a sky-reaching demon vine with the power of purification, and slapped Serena's body fiercely. The latter trembled and woke up instantly.

Serena: "Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?"

"Silence, you..."

It wasn't until Serena saw the stunned penguin clearly that she finally came to her senses and realized what she was doing.

"Did I just get hypnotized?"

"No, you were just fooled by the penguin."

Serena was speechless for a while, and a trace of fear rose in her heart. If it wasn't for the silence that woke her up, she would never have imagined what happened next.

Penguin's ability is really terrifying.

"Thank you!"

"This is the second time you thank me."

Serena avoided the silent eyes, stared at the unconscious penguin and asked, "What should they do? Kill them?"

After a moment of silence, he said, "It would be a pity to kill him."

"Don't kill him. When he wakes up, no one can resist his hypnotism, except you."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, isn't this a very good thing?No one can deal with penguin hypnotism except me.

"You don't want to recruit penguins, do you! Silence, I advise you not to do this."

Serena strongly objected, "Penguin has extremely bad character. He once killed his elder brother with his own hands. If he was not afraid of Dan's power, he would even kill Dan and take everything from the Greer family. It is an exaggeration to say that he has this idea now."

"Isn't it a good thing for people to have ambitions and dreams?"

Serena frowned.It seemed that she couldn't be persuaded to remain silent.

"Since this is the case, you must be careful not to be used by penguins..."


The penguin bound by the sky-reaching demon vine was strangled to death, and the blood mist filled the air, sending chills down the spine.

Serena: "```"

Didn't you say you wanted to recruit penguins?How could he be killed in the next second?What on earth are you trying to do?
There was no explanation for the silence as a new ascending tone sounded in his head.

【Ding!Discover the complete soul of the hypnotist*1, absorb or not. 】

absorb!It must be absorbed!
A complete soul with hypnotic ability is an excellent material for making a doll with hypnotic ability.

Of course, 10 soul shards are needed to refine the permanent doll, and the source of these soul shards is silently placed on the penguin's subordinates.

As mentioned before, the six fingers to which the penguin belongs are the dark side of the Greer family.

None of them are nice people.

Each of them is covered with the blood of innocent people, so their souls have long become dirty and evil. Ordinary people may not condense a complete soul or soul fragments after death, but for them, it will definitely Condensed a complete soul or soul fragments.

Puff!Blood mist filled the air, and death spread.

【Ding!Collect soul fragments*15]

From this point of view, Shen Mo has enough materials to make a new doll.

And, Silence has a bold idea.

He set his sights on a special material in his personal warehouse.

[Ghost-eyed demon pupil: This is the demon pupil from the Red Tengu clan, which can pull the enemy into a high-level illusion.The damage received in the illusion will be fed back to the body of the caster.It is an extremely powerful sorcery. 】

Ghost eyes and demon pupils!

Needless to say, the power of the special material Silence got from Red Tengu.

Mo Mo originally planned to find a good owner for the ghost-eyed demon pupil, but now it seems that the penguin is the most suitable owner.

Because in order to maximize the power of ghost eyes and demon pupils, those who use it must understand the human heart, understand human nature, and know how to use the inferior roots of human beings.

These things are simply the skills that penguins with hypnosis ability are best at.

Mo Mo originally wanted to find a master who understands psychology for the ghost-eyed demon pupil, but now it turns out that Penguin is a master of psychology.It's just that the former is a theory, and the latter is polished by reality.

Silence, on the contrary, feels that people like Penguin are more suitable for possessing the power of ghost eyes and demon pupils.Moreover, the penguin possesses the power of hypnosis and ghost eyes and demon pupils. With the two abilities complementing each other, maybe even more dazzling results will erupt.

Ding!Open the puppet maker panel.

A triangular card slot appeared in front of Shen Mo's eyes, with a faint blue light flickering in it, densely covered with mysterious runes, making the doll's panel even more mysterious.

【Ding!Embedded materials: the complete soul of the hypnotist*1, soul fragments*10, ghost eyes and demon pupils*1, the fat of the North Sea monster Kraken*2, the flesh and blood of Yamata no Orochi*1]

[If all the doll materials are collected, you will get a full body doll*1 (sustainable, wearable and repairable)]

[Whether to start manufacturing! 】

Shen Mo didn't hesitate, and immediately started making new dolls.

hum!The triangular card slot trembled slightly, and the faint blue light became more and more dazzling, until the blue light enveloped the entire puppet manufacturing panel, and the silent spiritual power poured into it like a tide. A mysterious and mysterious connection was created. When the brightness of the blue light reached its peak, a ray of golden light was born from it, and soon swept all the blue light with an unstoppable momentum, turning into a dazzling golden cluster.

【Ding!Do you want to shape the puppet shape manually? 】

Shen Mo doesn't want to be as fat as the human idol penguin he created, there is nothing wrong with being fat, the fault is that being fat is disgusting, and that is the penguin's fault.

【Ding!Go to the Puppet Shaping panel. 】

A flesh-colored phantom appeared in front of Shen Mo's eyes. First, the complete soul of the hypnotist reflected his original appearance, and then Mo Mo made a second creation based on him.

First of all, it is natural to remove the excess fat on the penguin so that he does not look so fat, and secondly, pinch his face so that he does not look disgusting.

After a series of manipulations, a new penguin image appeared in front of Shen Mo.

Tut tut!Isn't this the penguin in its youth?
The young penguin was a little less disgusted and a little more energetic; a little less tactful and a little more immature.

Although such a penguin is not satisfactory to Shen Mo, it is still much more attractive than before.

Doll · Hypnotist.Finish!
【Ding!The doll is finished, please check it out. 】

Shen Mo immediately checked the new dolls in his personal warehouse.


[Master of Hypnotism: A puppet made from the soul of the hypnotist, the ghost eyes, the flesh and blood of Yamata no Orochi and the giant North Sea monster.Possess special effects skills as follows. 】

【1 Hypnosis master, master-level hypnosis ability, can make people hypnotized by it without realizing it. 】

[2 The ghost eye magic technique can create a high-level illusion and draw people's will into it, and the damage suffered in the illusion can be resisted to the human body. 】

[3 Hypnosis Demon Eye, a special ability produced by hypnosis and ghost eye magic, can create real illusion memories in people's memories and manipulate people's hearts. 】

After reading the attribute panel of the hypnotist, Silence is quite satisfied.

Needless to say, the first two special effects skills, the third special effects skill, isn't it memory tampering?

Being able to arbitrarily manipulate other people's memories is simply a skill against the sky.

When encountering some enemies who are powerful but weak in heart, the hypnotic demon pupil is simply the best magic skill to turn enemies into friends and restrain thugs.

It's a pity that Penguin's mental power is not strong enough. After making a doll, his mental power will be difficult to improve, and the targets he can enslave and tamper with are quite limited.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is easy for Penguin to tamper with Serena's memory, but it is a bit powerless to tamper with Dan Greer's ability.

After all, Dan Greer is an ability user of the spiritual department, and his spiritual power is far better than that of Penguin.

hum!Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and released the made puppet. The palm-sized puppet was good at facing the wind, and quickly turned into a height as tall as a person.

"Oswald has seen the master."

Nodding silently, he is very satisfied with his work.

Serena on the side opened her mouth wide in surprise. She stared at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her in disbelief, and exclaimed, "You are Oswald? A penguin?!"

"Exactly, Miss Serena."

Penguin saluted Serena politely, his tall hat drew an arc across his chest, and put it on top of his head again, and the crutch in his hand hit the floor with a thumping sound.

"Aren't you already dead? Also, how did you become so..."

Serena's astonishment was completely within Shen Mo's expectation. She saw Shen Mo kill the penguin with her own eyes, but she didn't expect that the penguin not only did not die, but became younger, or in other words, became much more attractive.

"Miss Serena, the master gave me a new life. For the rest of my life, Oswald will serve the master until the end of his life."

Serena: "..."

What the hell did you do to the penguin?
Wait, what you did to the penguin, did you do it to me?

Shen Mo smiled, "I said before, you are not my type."

"Penguin, next, you know what to do!"

"Of course, the penguin will definitely help the master disintegrate the Greer family. This is something I have long wanted to do."

(End of this chapter)

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