The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 435 Blade's Edge

Chapter 435 Blade's Edge

As Serena said before, Oswald had long been disobedient. If he hadn't been able to kill Dan Greer at once, he would never have become one of Dan Greer's six fingers.

Now, Oswald has become a silent minion, and naturally puts forward the plan that has been buried in his heart for many years.

"Master, listen to me."

Oswald told Silence and Serena in detail how he took Six Fingers, assassinated Dan Green, and became the new heir of the Greer family.

"To tell you the truth." Oswald said bluntly, "Of the six fingers, three fingers have taken refuge in my hands. As long as the other two fingers are cut off, the six fingers can be taken down in one fell swoop. Dan Gray who lost six fingers Er is like a hyena without its tusks, nothing to say about."

This is really a surprise for Silence.

According to Oswald's description, the mask, the ghost, and the widow have taken refuge in him, and Silence doesn't need to know whether the clown uses his hypnotic ability or his own means to do it.All Silence needs to know is that these three fingers are no longer his enemy.

The remaining blade and clown are the key to cutting off the six fingers.

Blade!The strongest finger among the six fingers is also the one most loyal to the Greer family.

He is an orphan, adopted by the Greer family since he was a child. He is a knife fanatic who is obsessed with knife skills. He only cares about the knife in his heart, and he only cares about the knife in his hand, so Penguin has no way to win over the knife, whether it is a ghost Shadow, or mask, or widow, are not the opponents of the blade.

The blade is the main reason why Penguin dare not do it.

The second reason is the clown, one of the six fingers.

clown!The most evil of the six fingers.

He is a lunatic, a psychopath, a person with several more strings in his head than normal people.What he was guarding was a mental hospital secretly run by the Greer family, and none of the detainees in it were normal people.

Penguin can't win over the clown, let alone ignore the clown.Because of Dan Greer's death, the Joker is like a husky without his shackles, and he may vent his neurosis anywhere he can.

Therefore, the blade and the clown are the enemies that Shen Mo must face next, and he has to face.Only by taking down the blade and the clown can the six fingers be truly severed.

"Tell them about their abilities."

Penguin pondered for a moment, then elaborated, "The blade not only possesses superb blade skills, but he is also a powerful ability user. His ability is vibration, which can transmit the vibration through the blade, and take the head from a distance of [-] meters. Level. The clown is a mental patient, his ability is very strange, some say he can control lightning, some say he can walk in the dark, and some say he can create puppet clones... In short, the clown's ability is still one fan."

Mo Mo frowned slightly, whether it was the vibrating power of the blade or the unknown ability of the clown, it felt difficult to deal with.

"Who do you think we should deal with first?"

Shen Mo throws the question to Penguin. After all, Penguin is the one who knows Six Fingers best, and his suggestion is worthy of Shen Mo's reference.

"Hey, of course we deal with it together."

The penguin smiled and said, "I have mastered the handle of the blade and the clown. As long as I manipulate them, I can make them kill each other. At that time, we only need to reap the benefits."

"Oh?!" Shen Mo frowned, "Come on, tell me your plan."

"Blade has a daughter named Harry Maine, who is a psychological counselor. For the sake of the clown's mental health, I can help the clown make an appointment for psychological counseling... We just need to let the daughter of the blade die in a mental hospital , hehe, the story between them will start from this."

As the penguin said, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Serena. It was almost impossible for Serena's ability to assassinate the clown, but it was absolutely certain to assassinate Harry Maine.

Serena's face sank, "No! I won't do this task."

"Quack?!" Penguin had a complex expression on his face, and he seemed to have guessed something, "Oh, I almost forgot, you guys knew each other before. My lovely little Serena, when you were a child, haha Li once helped you, what's the matter, don't you have the heart to kill her? Quack, it's really interesting that people like us still yearn for friendship in our hearts."

Penguin set his sights on Shen Mo, "Master, that's my plan. As for whether to do it or not, it's up to you."

Serena's face became more and more ugly, Penguin's words undoubtedly pushed her to the cusp, it was difficult for her to choose between the only friendship and orders.

His silent eyes switched between Serena and Penguin, he pondered for a moment, and made his own plan.

"Penguin, although your plan is good, it involves a lot of people, too many accidents, and involves a lot. I have a simpler solution."

"What way?" Penguin was curious, and Serena was also relieved.

"Let's kill directly, first kill the blade, and then kill the clown."


Master, I can't beat it!If I can beat it, I won't use tricks!

Serena: "You are indeed a real man. Although this sounds reckless, it is indeed admirable."

Shen Mo sneered, isn't he just a knife idiot, a mental illness?There is nothing to be afraid of.

Silence has never seen such a big world, and he can still be afraid of these two guys.Say one thousand, say ten thousand.Although their abilities are powerful and weird, they are indeed far inferior to the Yamata no Orochi of the island country. As long as they are silent and know how to measure, they will definitely not capsize in the gutter.

"Penguin, lead the way, go to Blade first."

"Yes, my master."

Penguin himself was unwilling to go directly there with a gun in his hand, but Silence gave him an order, and he had to choose to obey the order. This is the absolute loyalty of the puppet to Silence.

Ever since, Silence and Serena, led by the penguin, went to the area where the blade was located.

Daofeng uses a famous sword called Onikiri, but the industry he is in charge of is the underground arms smuggling of the Greer family.

The gun seller uses a knife, which is absolutely incomprehensible to ordinary people.But for those who know the power of the blade, the blade with the blade is the most terrifying existence.

"According to my information, Dao Feng at this point in time should be practicing in his private kendo gym."

Nodding silently, "It seems that your usual homework is in place."

Serena made up the knife from the side, "Everyone in Hell's Kitchen knows that Dao Feng is a ruthless person who practices knives 24 hours a day."

Ok? !

Practicing knife 24 hours a day? !What is this operation?
Are you practicing knife while eating, sleeping, peeing and shitting?
"Master, you don't know. Dao Feng has a personal knife boy under his command. Her ability is to control the time flow in a certain area, so Dao Feng's time is six hours longer than normal people. He has thirty hours a day. "


Dao Feng's obsession with refining knives is really astounding, and he actually uses the abilities of the capable person to create as much time for him to practice knives as possible.

Furthermore, in the United States, the abilities of capable people are really miraculous, and any kind of capable people can appear.

If one day a person with the ability to destroy the world appears, Silence will not be surprised.

"The time flow ability of this knife boy..."

The penguin reassured, "Master, don't worry, although her ability is an extremely rare time attribute ability, it is not enough to worry about, because her ability is an indiscriminate area. Once used, all substances in the area will be affected. No problem. big."

Nodding silently, the knife boy of emotion is a tool man.

The flow of time she manipulates is either fast for everyone or slow for everyone.If you can't do it, you're fast, he's slow, he's fast, you're slow, etc. Micromanagement skills.

But Shen Mo didn't take Dao Tong lightly, because his intuition told him that there are no weak chickens with abilities, only weak chickens with abilities.

No matter how weak the ability of the time attribute is, it is also the ability of the time attribute, and it must not be taken lightly.

After half an hour's drive, the silent three finally came to the Kendo Hall where the blade was located. It is near the port and transformed from an old factory. From the outside, it looks like a bloodthirsty crocodile dormant on the bank of the river, waiting for it Their prey came to fetch water, and before they could make a mistake, they delivered a fatal blow to the prey.

Shen Mo got out of the car, and habitually scanned the kendo hall in front of him with the power of his mind and eyes. Under the perception of the power of his mind, the kendo hall in front of him was wrapped in an inexplicable energy. Everything inside was completely different from the outside world, as if it had become Very slow in general.

This is the ability of the knife boy?Time Manipulation!It is incredible that human power can actually slow down the flow of time.

Mo Mo tried to understand and comprehend this power, but he couldn't understand the essence of this power at all.

After Shao Qing, Mo Mo had no choice but to choose to give up. People without talent, no matter how hard they try, cannot achieve the results that others can easily achieve.

Don't tell me that you can succeed by working hard. Some things, even if you work hard, will not succeed in the end.

1 people work hard, and only one succeeds.But you told me that as long as you work hard, you can succeed.Have you ever thought about the feelings of those nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine people.

Shen Mo came back to his senses, and said to Serena and Penguin beside him, "Come on, let's go meet the strongest blade of Six Fingers for a while."


The door of the old subway was opened, and silently stepped in. There was an abrupt feeling of breaking through the time gap. After a rough perception, nothing abnormal was found, but when you looked back and looked at the road, you found that everything in the outside world was faster. .

Shen Mo knew that the outside world did not speed up, but they slowed down.The flow of time in the kendo hall is much slower than the flow of time in the outside world, which is why there is such an unimaginable spectacle.

call!Mo Mo and the others entered Daofeng's Kendo gym so smoothly? !

That's right!Because Dao Feng's kendo gym doesn't have a guard, in everyone's eyes, no one dares to trouble Dao Feng, and no one dares to fight Dao Feng's idea.

"someone is coming!"

Therefore, when the silent three came, Beyo Nita, who was the knife boy, was a little surprised.

drink!drink!drink!The blade was still slashing Devil May Cry in his hand, he ignored Beunita's surprise, and he didn't care who came.

"This is a private domain. Before the owner gets angry, I advise you to leave."

Bayonetta warned with a gloomy face.

Silence looked up and down Bayunita, the knife boy that Penguin said, a person with the ability to control the flow of time. She was much older than Silence imagined. The bigness here was not only her age, but also her age. Where she should be big.

Beunita has a sexy figure, long black hair over the shoulders, and a professional attire that perfectly sets off her figure. A bright red pistol pinned to her waist adds a bit of arrogance and wildness to her .

This is a very flavorful knife boy.

Silence made his eyes move away from Bayonetta's body, and looked at the blade who was practicing the knife. He was a black man with a body as strong as steel. With a powerful explosive force, every time he slashed, it seemed that the surrounding space trembled.

Silence's power of mind and eye projected towards Daofeng, wanting to find out his true strength.

Um? !Before the power of the mind's eye got close, Dao Feng seemed to be aware of something, the Devil May Cry in his hand stopped suddenly, and the corner of his eye subconsciously glanced at Shen Mo.

For a moment, Shen Mo had the illusion of being stared at by a beast, as if every movement of his was locked by the other party.

As long as you dare to move, you will be cut under the knife by the opponent.

What a terrifying coercion!Could this be the so-called sword intent! ?

Silence originally didn't believe in sword intent or sword intent.But the second he stared at Dao Feng, he believed it.

There are really people in this world who can condense the so-called sword intent and use it in actual combat.

"You are here to find me!"

Blade asked with a magnetic voice.

Silence didn't lie, he said bluntly, "I'm here to kill you."

"Kill me?!" Dao Feng turned around, and the Devil May Cry in his hand seemed to be buzzing there, longing for the baptism of blood. He looked at Silence with great interest, and suddenly laughed, "Haha, I am silent too How long has it been? Nowadays, a young man like you dares to delay my saber practice time."

"Blade, you really haven't done anything for a long time."

This sentence was said by Penguin. He stood beside Shen Mo, staring at Dao Feng with a strange smile, like a fox pretending to be a tiger, showing off his charm.

"Oswald?!" Blade recognized the identity of the penguin, but he didn't quite believe his eyes, because how could the penguin he saw be a penguin from decades ago, when the penguin was still Hell's Kitchen A small follower in a small gang, except for being a bit more sinister, there is nothing worth caring about.

The reason why Dao Feng knew Oswald was mainly because Dao Feng once cut off a man's arm in front of Penguin, and the latter peed his pants because of his timidity.

"That's right! It's me, Oswald, Blade, today is your death day, and I want you to know who is the final winner."

Dao Feng sneered, "You are already dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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