The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 436 Let's play a game

Chapter 436 Let's Play a Game
I am already dead? !

If someone said such things to Penguin, Penguin would definitely sneer, and then use his hypnotism to make the other party regret coming to this world.

But this sentence was said by Dao Feng, and the taste was completely different.

Penguin's heart tightened, and his expression changed instantly.

hum!I saw an invisible slash sweeping across, and just when the penguin was about to be decapitated, a milky white halo instantly enveloped the penguin, forming a transparent film horizontally between the two.

Ok? !

A trace of surprise appeared on Dao Feng's face, he turned his eyes away from the penguin, and looked at the silence who shot.

"Your abilities are interesting, no wonder Penguin dares to bring you to kill me."

Dao Feng restrained his mind and put on a slashing posture, like a king who looked down on the sky, looking down on Silence and Penguin.

"A despicable person like a penguin is not worthy of being called a six-finger at all. Now, I will cut off this finger on behalf of the Greer family."

Blade's body trembled slightly, as if the air had begun to become heavy, forming vibrational ripples.

hum!The rippled radiation collided with the milky white film again, and the latter disintegrated like a collapsing bubble, turning into nothingness.

Devil May Cry in the blade's hand let out a low moan, like countless ghosts screaming and roaring in the blade, and another slash came out, heading straight for the penguin.

"Master, save me!"

The penguin didn't dare to face the attack of the blade, and he sent a distress signal to Silence the moment the milky white film was broken.

Dao Feng frowned slightly and let out a loud shout.

"Whoever blocks me, die!"

boom!I saw that the blade disappeared in place in an instant, and when he reappeared, he was already within one meter away from the penguin. Devil May Cry did not cut the penguin's throat, but it collided with the calamity Yamata no Orochi and the battle axe, making a deafening sound buzzing.

A strange look flashed in Dao Feng's eyes, his wrist trembled slightly, and he cleverly used the powerful impact of the Calamity Battle Ax to distance himself from Silence.

"Good axe! This battle-axe is not unknown. What is his name?"

"Disaster · Yamata no Orochi · battle axe!"

Dao Feng exclaimed, "A domineering name, he deserves such a name."

hum!The Devil May Cry in Dao Feng's hand buzzed, eager to try, eager to compete with the Calamity Tomahawk.

"The name of the knife in my hand is Devil May Cry. She likes to fight famous swords and utensils. The battle ax in your hand is qualified to compete with her."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, Dao Feng was indeed a knife idiot, his obsession with the weapon in his hand was even more than a man's obsession with a woman.

No, exactly.Devil May Cry is the woman of the blade.The love of his life.

Hold the hand of love and kill the world.

This is the obsession of the blade.

Although Daofeng is the enemy of Silence, Moment respects such people, and he will let such people go more peacefully.

"Come on! Let's have a good fight!"

Silence is full of fighting spirit, and the disaster battle ax in his hand is also ready to go. Compared with the unstoppable sharpness of the blade, the sharpness is exposed, and Silence seems to be full of precious light and hidden.

In the kendo hall, silence and the blade are facing each other far away, and everyone retreats, watching the imminent battle that is about to break out.

In the eyes of Penguin and others, the blade is six fingers, and even the strongest ability user in Manhattan, who is silent, courageous and courageous to face the blade, is already hundreds of times stronger than his peers in courage.

Coupled with Shen Mo's unruffled aura and incomprehensible self-confidence, everyone is more curious about Shen Mo's true strength, whether he has the ability to defeat Blade and become the new strongest man in Manhattan.

All the answers are in front of everyone.

The battle is imminent!

I saw that the blade was concentrating and holding its breath, and put on a posture of drawing out the blade and slashing. As the momentum brewed, shock ripples visible to the naked eye actually formed around the body.

Dao Feng has perfectly combined his vibration ability with blade skills, and the blade he is about to slash will contain all his understanding of blade meaning and what he has learned all his life.

"One move determines the outcome, and it also determines life and death!"

These are the original words that Dao Feng said before the start of this battle, so the knife he conceived is absolutely extraordinary.

On the other hand, Shen Mo, with a calm and breezy appearance, seems to be stable, but in fact he is even more stable like an old dog.

Why?Isn't the blade strong enough?
No!Dao Feng is very strong. Among the people Shen Mo met, Dao Feng is extremely strong in both blade skills and abilities.

But for Silence, his strength is not so invincible.

Silence is someone who has seen a powerful swordsman like A-Gumpzuo. His vision and knowledge are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Although Dao Feng is strong, compared with Forrest Ganzuo from the Arad continent, Dao Feng is simply a younger brother, the younger brother of that kind.

His sword intent and ability are not worth mentioning in front of A-Gumpzuo.

The reason why Silence is so stable is that it has a way to deal with Blade.

hum!The calamity battle ax instantly blesses the power of purification, the power of purification like a panacea, causing the shock ripples overflowing from the blade to stagnate. His ability is to cause material shocks, which is an alternative to the material itself. state, so the power of purification can restore this state.

This is one of the reasons why Silence can face the blade head-on.

Dao Feng frowned tightly, and he realized that the milky white halo on the Calamity Battle Ax had the effect of restraining his ability.

Therefore, he couldn't delay any longer, he had to take advantage of Silence's failure to bring out the milky white halo to the extreme, and kill Silence instantly on the spot.

His advantage is that his Devil May Cry is fast enough and sharp enough... As long as he hits Silence, the latter will be decapitated.

hum!In an instant, as if the sky and the earth changed color, Dao Feng's hand finally moved.

The humming sound of Devil May Cry resounded through the entire Kendo Gym like thunder.

Silence only felt that the blade in front of him became illusory, as if an afterimage appeared in front of his eyes, the next moment, the sharp slash hit his neck, and the cold force climbed up from his back like ants, making his scalp numb and his mind Blank, thinking stopped abruptly.

"You are already dead!"

Dao Feng stood with his knife back, his back facing Silence, and a sneer of extreme confidence rose on his face.

His slash was so perfect, extremely fast, extremely lethal, and extremely skillful...everything was so perfect and extreme.

From Dao Feng's point of view, Mo Mo didn't even react, and died under his knife.

Even before the silent mind could react, it had already been separated from his body.

Has silence failed?
Beunita's eyes widened in disbelief, she ran towards the blade in panic, her face was full of panic and uneasiness, she tried her best to use her ability to make the flow of time around the blade slower.

But no matter how hard Bayoneta tried, she couldn't stop the blood gushing from Blade's neck.

The latter only felt the heat on his neck, and saw his body in astonishment... Those callused palms were tightly holding the handle of Devil May Cry, and Devil May Cry seemed to be trembling there, as if screaming there ···

He lost? !His blade actually lost? !

Dao Feng kept repeating this sentence with the last sliver of will. He didn't know what Shen Mo had done, but he was able to cut off his head.

Mo Mo obviously didn't even raise the battle axe, and he didn't even move at all. Why was the blade defeated, not Mo Mo.


Dao Feng wanted an answer, an answer that would make him rest in peace.

Mo Mo turned around slowly, there was only a trace of blood on his neck, and this trace of blood was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, depending on the situation, it only took a few breaths to recover.

"Do you want to know why you failed?"

Silence didn't wait for Blade's answer, because the latter's time was really running out.

"Crispy can never beat a warrior in melee."

Blade: "???"

He is a knife idiot, he has never played any games, so he doesn't understand what crispy skin is, but he can understand the definition of melee and warrior.

He stared at Silence's neck, and seemed to finally understand why he said it.

In fact, he didn't lose, he just died by his own knife.

Wasn't the knife that cut off the neck the one he had been brewing for a long time?

Silence seems to have the ability to reflect damage back on the owner, he bounces his critical strikes back to himself.

Dao Feng was a little relieved, he was not defeated, because he lost to himself.

Being defeated by himself may be his most suitable destination, but Dao Feng never thought that this day would come so soon.

"Beunita, I lost this battle, and you will be free from now on."

Shen Mo looked at Dao Feng's slowly closing eyes, and bowed deeply to the opponent's corpse. Such an opponent deserves respect.

In this battle, Silence was indeed a bit invincible. He used the anti-injury scales of the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor, coupled with the powerful self-healing ability of slow healing at full level, and killed the blade on his own without even moving an axe. Devil May Cry.

Mo Mo saw the Achilles' heel of Dao Feng when he saw Dao Feng's first cut to kill the penguin.

Blade has extremely powerful lethality, but he is weak because he is just a mortal, his physical body is not strong enough, and his defense is far inferior to his attack.

It just so happened that Shen Mo had such a magical weapon as the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor. As long as he stood and let the blade slash, it would definitely be the blade that died in the end, not Shen Mo.

Because silence can resist the attack of the blade, but the blade cannot resist its own attack.

That's why Silence said that Crispy can never beat a warrior in melee.

You are not meaty enough!
"Blade... did you die like this? You should die by my hands, why did you die like this!" Beunita hugged Daofeng's head emotionally, her crying was consistent with what she said In stark contrast.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, and instantly knew that there was a story between Dao Feng and Beunita, and it was an extremely tortuous story.

Do you want to know more about it? !After all, ability users who can manipulate time are really rare, maybe they can be accepted as subordinates, like the blade, borrowing Beunita's ability?

Beunita held Blade's head and slowly walked towards the latter's body. After returning Blade's head to its original position, Beunita turned around abruptly, pulled out the scarlet pistol pinned to her waist, and pointed the black muzzle at the silent Between eyebrows.

"Blade is my biggest enemy in this life. Why did you kill him? He should die by my hands."

Mo Mo smiled, "I killed your enemy for you, is there anything wrong?"

The penguin who knew the truth stood up and explained repeatedly.

"Master, you don't know that Beunita's family members were all killed by Dao Feng, only she survived and became the adopted daughter of Dao Feng. The grievances between them are beyond the understanding of ordinary people, so you killed Dao Feng, Even though he avenged her, he also killed her adoptive father and cut off the meaning of her life."

So, then what?
This is the question that silently cares about. What will Beunita do next?

"I'm going to kill you." Beunita shouted murderously.

"You should know that you can't kill me."

Silence looked directly into Beunita's eyes, and he didn't avoid the other's gaze.

Beunita looked at the scarlet pistol in her hand. She knew that she couldn't kill Silence with this gun, because the power of this gun was not as powerful as the attack of the blade. Silence could even resist the slash of the blade. Like a child's toy.

But she didn't put down the pistol because of this, instead she held it tighter, as if it was her last resort.

The scarlet pistol spewed out fiery tongues, and the scorching bullets pierced the void, but they didn't shoot at the silent brow, but rushed to Bayonetta's temple.

She is going to kill herself!

All of this happened so fast that he didn't even react to the quick silence. When he opened his eyes again, Beunita had already fallen into a pool of blood.

Shen Mo was speechless, frowning.

A hint of admiration appeared between Penguin's brows, but it was only fleeting.

Serena couldn't bear to look any longer, she avoided her eyes, pretending that she didn't care about anything.

Is that how Bayonetta died? !Did she choose to die so casually?

No, to be precise, the real Beunita is dead long ago. What lives in front of Shen Mo is a poor girl hovering between revenge and affection. After Shen Mo defeats the blade, the only sustenance of the girl in this world collapse.

Death may be the most suitable destination for her.

Mo Mo hurriedly came to Beunita's side, looking at the twitching girl in a pool of blood, she felt somewhat unbearable.

He squatted down, and didn't have any dirty thoughts about taking advantage of the heat.

Instead, he threw his hand at Bayonetta and placed it gently on her chest.

Source of life!launch!
The preciousness of life is the origin of life.

Life is so precious, there is no reason to commit suicide.

Silence uses the ability of the source of life to activate the effect of the source of life in Beunita's body, allowing her to be reborn at the last moment of her life.

Bayonetta stared at Silence in astonishment, she didn't care why Silence's hand appeared on her chest, what she cared about was why she was still alive?

"I should be dead, but why am I still alive?"

"You are indeed dead, but I brought you back to life."

Bayonetta: "..."

what on earth do you want?Are you humiliating me?

Silence approached Beunita's ear, and whispered, "I gave you your life now, why don't we play a game!"


"Yeah! A game aimed at killing me, I wonder if you are interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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