The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 439 The Clown's Horror

Chapter 439 The Clown's Horror (2)

How did the clown manage to capture the ghost, the mask, and the widow to Arkham Asylum in such a short period of time, and then kill them?
No matter how powerful the clown is, it is impossible to kill the three fingers at the same time. There must be some unknown secrets in it.

Penguin's face was cloudy, he pondered for a moment, maybe there is another possibility.Just before Shen Mo finds the penguin, the clown has already targeted the rebels. The three widows have actually been imprisoned in the Arkham Mental Hospital, but because the penguin's rebellious behavior started, the clown brutally killed them.

Penguin doesn't know that he is getting closer to the truth, because the truth is not important to him. The important thing is that Shen Mo and others are about to face the clown, but they don't even know the clown's ability.

This is a tough battle of life and death!

There are always many accidents in life, such as now: you thought I would give you an example.

Penguin, who thought he was scheming, now realizes that his arrogance is so immature and shallow in front of the Greer family.

"Damn clown, you have the ability to kill people, come out if you have the ability! Hiding in your orphan house that exudes stench and jokes, are you missing your miserable and pitiful childhood?"

Penguin stood outside the door, cursing at the top of his voice. What he has to do now is to lure the clown out. No matter what method he uses, as long as he can lure the clown out, the crisis they are facing will be lessened.

Enemies on the bright side are not terrible, what is terrible is that your enemies have been lurking in the dark, waiting for you to slack off, and give you a fatal blow.

Perhaps it was the penguin's words that hit the clown's sore spot. As the penguin's voice fell, a creepy and strange laughter resounded from the depths of the madhouse. That laughter was the weirdest laugh that Silence has ever heard, evil and arrogant. , loneliness, mourning... Countless complex emotions mixed together, poured into everyone's eardrums, and pulled everyone's nerves.

"Since you are here, come in!"

The clown's provocative voice sounded faintly, and the door of the madhouse slowly opened, like a beast with its mouth wide open, waiting for its prey to throw themselves into the net.

Penguin looked at the silence, saw that the latter had no intention of going in, and cursed loudly, "As the master of Arkham, a guest came, but let us go in by ourselves, clown, do you think this is appropriate?"

"Heck! Do you want to see me that much?" The clown's weird voice sounded again, as if the whole madhouse had started to become weird.

"In that case, let's do as you wish!"

As soon as the clown finished speaking, under the watchful eyes of Shen Mo and the others, a colorful figure flashed out of the darkness.

He has jujube green messy hair, and there is no trace of blood on his pale face. The bright red lipstick dyed his lips red and cracked to the roots of his ears. People felt extremely horrified, their bloodshot pupils were wide open, and they were staring at the silent people.

He is the clown!The most mysterious and evil neuropathy among the six fingers!Patient and director of Arkham Asylum.

"How? Am I as humorous and lovable as you expected?"

The clown performed his pantomime very funnyly, but in the eyes of Shen Mo and the others, there was no trace of joy, because everyone knew that watching a clown's performance was not for laughing, but for a desperate business.

"Tsk tsk!" Seeing that his performance didn't have the expected effect, the clown couldn't help spitting, "You guys are really a group of people who lack comedy! But don't worry, because you will be saved when you meet me. You experience happiness that you will never experience in your lifetime."

The clown's happiness, silence does not understand.

Even Penguin and Serena would not understand.

Because you can't understand the happiness of a mental patient, if you can understand, you are not far from becoming a qualified mental patient.

"Come on! Come on to my stage and let me show you what happiness is."

The clown continued to taunt, trying to lure everyone into the madhouse.

By now, even Serena, who was not very bright, realized something.

"Silence, he has been urging us to enter the madhouse, is there a trap or something?"

Penguin: "My stupid Serena! You finally said something wise this time."

In fact, Mo Mo has long seen the strangeness of the lunatic asylum. Under the perception of the power of the mind, even if the nuisance of the widow's poisonous gas is removed, Mo Mo can't use the power of the mind to gain insight into the lunatic asylum, as if the lunatic asylum is a living body. , capable of shielding Silence from its perception.

And at the moment when the clown arrived, Shen Mo became more convinced of his guess.

Because the clown in front of him is exactly the same as the feeling of silence given by this lunatic asylum, as if the clown is the lunatic asylum, and the lunatic asylum is the clown.

Mo Mo understood a little bit, this might be the ability of the clown, the ability to control the entire madhouse.

From what the clown said just now, it can be speculated that the stage he called was the madhouse he controlled.

No wonder the ghost, the mask, and the widow are no match for the clown, the realm between them is not at the same level at all.

"You wait for me outside the house, I'll go in and meet the clown for a while."

Silence chanted to Serena and Penguin behind her.

"Master, is it too dangerous for you to go in alone, or we will go in with you!" Penguin loyally protected him, and naturally he didn't want to see Mo Mo in danger alone.

As for Serena, she also clearly understood that if Silence died, it would be difficult for her to escape from here.

"Yeah! Let's go in together, there is more or less a care."

"No!" Shen Mo rejected Penguin and Serena's proposal, because he knew in his heart that no matter how many people go in, it will make no difference to the clown. The clown who has the ability to control the madhouse can completely disperse the crowd. , Breaking through one by one, therefore, silently entering alone is the most suitable choice.

"His ability is weird. Let me go in alone, Penguin. You protect Serena outside. If an accident happens, don't hesitate to escape from Arkham Asylum first."

After silence, he stepped out and entered the madhouse.

quack quack!
The clown's strange laughter suddenly sounded from Silence's ears, like a hunter who caught a prey and celebrated his harvest with a shotgun held high.

But Silence only felt that the world was spinning for a while, and the scene in front of him flickered and changed. When the picture was frozen, he was no longer in the madhouse, but appeared in the auditorium of a circus.

"Quack! Now, my guest, enjoy a clown performance by the greatest clown performer of the century, George Hall."


As expected, the clown's ability is really to control the entire madhouse.

This is really a headache ability!
(End of this chapter)

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