The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 440 The Clown's Horror

Chapter 440 The Clown's Horror (3)

Jingle bells!Jingle bells!
The clown rode a children's bicycle that didn't match his figure at all, and came out from behind the curtain accompanied by the sound of immature brass bells.

The moment he rode to the center of the stage, the bicycle under the clown's seat unexpectedly squirmed and turned into countless colorful balloons that soared up and flew up.

"There should be applause here!"

The clown made a playful voice, and Shen Mo started to applaud as if his body was out of control. He couldn't control his hands, and under the control of the clown, he applauded crazily for the scene just now.

Shen Mo frowned, it seemed that the clown's ability was to control everything in the madhouse, including the people who stepped into the madhouse.

The silence at this moment has been manipulated by the clown's ability.

When the applause settled down, Mo Mo was not in a hurry to use the power of purification to release his imprisonment, but waited for the best opportunity to kill the clown with one blow.

"Thank you for your applause, I have heard your enthusiasm and desire from your applause, next, please..."

The clown's fingers swung back and forth between the audience stands, but there was only Shen Mo in the audience at the moment. In the end, the clown's fingers landed on Shen Mo's body without any surprise.

"I invite you to cooperate with my performance!"

Silent's body was uncontrollable again, like a marionette under the control of a clown, trembling onto the stage.

"Quack! Let's think about it, which game should we start with?"

The clown began to rummage through his toolbox. Flying knives, sharp swords, ropes, iron whips...everything you can think of, or anything you can't think of, seems to be able to fit into that small toolbox.

"Aha! Let's start with that!"

As the clown said, he raised his colorful tall hat, showed off and teased the silence, and then inserted his hand into the tall hat, groping for a while...

At first, the clown just put one hand in, but with the strange change of his expression, his arm was completely submerged in the tall hat, and then half of his body together with his head. It is hard to imagine how such an ordinary tall hat can be used The volume of the lower half of a person.

"Aha! Look, what did I find in there?"

The clown pulled out of the tall hat abruptly as he spoke, holding a beating heart glistening with blood in his hands.

Silence was astonished, and he immediately searched with the power of his mind and eyes, and found that there was really no heart under his chest.

But he can still feel the beating of the heart and the feeling of blood pumping, so his heart is still working, but was it taken away by the clown? !

"Quack! Don't you think this heart looks familiar?" The clown asked with a strange smile, "Oh, I almost forgot, you've never seen your heart with your own eyes, so you don't even know it's yours .But it doesn't matter."

As the clown spoke, he took out a small scalpel from his tall hat, and the gleaming scalpel slid in mid-air. The clothes on Shen Mo's chest were torn instantly, and the skin on his chest was also cracked. Open, revealing the chest ribs and tissues inside, but strangely, Mo Mo didn't feel the slightest pain, and there was no abnormality in the body, as if everything was an illusion, but under the perception of the power of the mind, everything was so real .

The abilities of the Joker are simply unimaginable.

"Tsk tsk! Take a look, is this heart yours?"

Silence's head drooped uncontrollably, and he saw scenes that he couldn't see in his life, his chest, and everything in his chest.

It turns out that my chest looks like this!It's really beautiful!

wrong!You shouldn't be like this, you should tremble in fear, and then beg me to spare you, why are you so calm, and still admire your own chest, how narcissistic are you, or your spirit Is there something wrong with it.

Silence was surprised, "Aren't you just a mental patient? A mental patient said that I have mental problems. Am I already diagnosed as mentally ill?"

The clown was stunned for a moment, snorted coldly, raised the heart in his hands high, and then fell hard to the ground.


"Look, this is your heart, even if I drop it, I won't give it back to you."

Silence only felt a throbbing pain in his heart, yes, that was the feeling of a heart attack.

This feeling is very familiar to Shen Mo, but fortunately, Mo Mo is no longer afraid of this feeling, and the damage to the heart is almost zero after only one shot slowly heals.

"Clown, are you tickling me?"

Instead of pleading in pain, Silence began to mock the clown.

This greatly insulted the clown's self-esteem.

"Are you going to be okay?! Is this your ability? Self-healing or avoiding harm."

The clown shook his colorful head and murmured, "These are not important, you will pay for your stupidity. Let me think about how to avoid your abilities."

The clown continued to rummage in his toolbox. This time, he found a burlap bag, which was full of withered yellow burlap bags. Countless living creatures wriggled and twisted inside, deforming and twisting the surface of the bag.

"Tsk tsk, next, you will fall in love with this feeling."

As the clown said, he untied the rope buckle of the burlap bag and scattered it in the air. Countless snakes, insects, rats and ants poured towards Silence, as if they hadn’t eaten for hundreds of years, they rushed towards Silence crazily, wanting to bite Silence flesh and blood.

That's all you can do? !

Shen Mo snorted coldly, he, who had eaten the flesh and blood of the Dragon God, was not angry, and the aura of the Dragon God's blood erupted, and those snakes, insects, rats and ants froze in place as if they had seen a natural enemy, not daring to approach Shen Mo and screamed, what's more, , Some snakes, insects, rats and ants were shocked to death on the spot by the momentum, and died suddenly on the spot.


How can it be?how did you do it?Why are they so afraid of you?What exactly is your ability?
The clown was a little flustered, he took out several daggers, painted the green toxin on the daggers, aimed at the vital points of Silence, and stabbed them fiercely, just a second before the daggers were about to pierce Silence, countless The demon vine manifested, knocked down all the daggers, and lifted Shen Mo up high, looking down at the clown at his feet.

"Quack?! Your abilities are too much!"

The clown is no longer entangled with what the ability of Silence is. He just wants to kill Silence as soon as possible. Originally, he wanted to make Silence break down and become a psychopath like himself. Now it seems that his intention is impossible. It was realized, so he could only settle for the next best thing, killing Silence directly like killing ghosts, masks, and widows.

This time, the clown took out a rag doll from the toolbox, stained it with Silence's blood, and fiddled with it in his mouth, breaking the doll into pieces before the Silence's Sky-reaching Demon Tend could restrain it.

Puff!In an instant, Silent's body was torn apart like that rag doll.

"Quack! This time, you can't heal yourself! You can go to God with the doll!"

"I don't want to see God."

The clown's question was answered by the torn apart silence, and under the latter's unbelievable gaze, it turned into countless sky-reaching demon vines and gathered together.

"I have an ability called mimicry, so your fragmentation can't kill me."

In the next second, countless sky-reaching demon vines restrained the clown, and after a cloud of blood mist burst, the surrounding scenery began to change drastically.

When Shen Mo opened his eyes again, he had already returned to the door of the madhouse, everything seemed to have happened, but those strange breaths disappeared.

"Master, what are you doing standing there? Where's the clown?"

"he died!"


But didn't you just step into the lunatic asylum, didn't even a second pass?How did the clown die?

"He died on his stage."

Next, it's time for us to meet Dan Greer for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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