The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 444 The Soul of the Fallen

Chapter 444 The Soul of the Fallen
"Silence, don't believe him, he must be lying to you."

Serena tried her best to dissuade her, she was worried that Shen Mo would listen to Dan Greer's slander, and be blinded by the momentary interests. Although Dan had wooed Mo Mo many times, this time the wooing seemed extraordinarily sincere.

Silence looked at the sincere Dan Greer, with a meaningful smile on his face.

The latter seemed to cater to the silent smile, and the right corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch upwards.

Shen Mo looked like he was suffering from a serious second-year illness, and shouted sharply.

"Hey! You dare to raise the right corner of your mouth first. It's a heinous crime. I, Shen, don't bother to be with you. You should kill yourself!"

Dan: "???"

Dan stared at Shen Mo with a dazed expression, his dull eyes expressing the puzzlement and bewilderment in his heart.

Why is it that the right corner of his mouth is raised so that it is a heinous crime?What does it mean to disdain to be with me, and you seem to be a good person.

Wait, it's not a question of which corner of the mouth is raised first. Silence is such a rhetoric, it is obvious that he is not even willing to find a reason, and he is determined to fight with himself to the end. Choose to side with the Greer family again.

This battle is destined to be life and death.

Dan Greer's face was full of fury, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, "Since you don't want to, then fight!"

hum!Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and the Calamity Tomahawk hummed ear-piercingly, heralding that this battle had begun again, and this battle was bound to come to a conclusion.

Dan's hands were bluffed, and the stars behind him reappeared, like a dimensional space eroding the world, with him as the center, and began to radiate around.

With a silent thought, the spiritual power poured down like a tide, the blessing of the weapon and the power of purification were successively blessed on the calamity battle axe, and the milky white holy light shone brightly, like the light of a lighthouse in the dark night, dispelling the bottomless darkness. of darkness.

Dan's heart was extremely heavy. He knew that his divine power could not kill Silence 100%, but he had to choose to give it a go. Even if he was not [-]% sure, he had to show [-]% of his combat power.

hum!A black mist emerged from Dan's chest, and five Apocalypse Stones shining with different brilliance suddenly appeared.

Mo Mo frowned. Under the perception of the power of the mind, the five stones of apocalypse were not fake things created by the power of gods, but genuine stones of apocalypse.

Gold*2, Red*2, Colorless*1
The five Apocalypse Stones floated in the black mist, and as Dan's divine power squeezed, the energy in them gradually became active and restless.

Even Serena, who has no world experience, can see at a glance that Dan is preparing a fatal blow. He wants to use the energy of the five Apocalypse Stones to give Silence a fatal blow.

"Silence, let you see my true strength!"

Dan shouted sharply, manipulating the black mist to attract the energy in the Stone of Apocalypse.

Just as he was brewing, he saw Shen Mo's arm behind his back trembling slightly, as if a flame emerged, which aroused Dan's great vigilance, not knowing what Shen Mo secretly used.

hum!The next moment, the silence disappeared before Dan's eyes, and when he reappeared, the person had already floated above Dan's head in the air, the calamity battle ax was raised high, and the power of purification tore apart the domain space created by the power of God , everything seemed so unexpected and incomprehensible.


Dan exclaimed, and was about to mobilize the energy in the black mist, but only felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes,
Ax Skill - Collapsing Mountain Strike!

The powerful power directly reaches the blade through the disaster battle axe, and the penetration power of the armor-piercing effect is amplified to the extreme under the blessing of the weapon's blessing and purification power, even Dan's divine power cannot resist it at all.

A flash of blood flashed, and the disaster battle ax had hit the ground heavily, making the ground crack like a spider web. Dan widened his eyes in astonishment. He stared at the silence that appeared out of nowhere in disbelief. Second, it is scattered.

"Silence, if I didn't use you, would you kill me..."

"Your death has nothing to do with you!"

Silence slowly put away his calamity battle axe, the fate of Dan Greer was doomed the moment he became the soul of the fallen.

Even if silence doesn't kill him, when his desire swells to a certain level, someone will stand up and kill him.

【Ding!Discover the perfect soul of the fallen.Whether to absorb. 】


[Ding, found golden large crystals*2, red large crystals*2, colorless large crystals*1. Absorbed or not]


【Ding!Job transfer task 2: The task of collecting large crystals is completed. 】


Silence looked at Dan Greer's body, and slowly turned around, "Let's go, it's time for us to meet Sean."

"Master, don't we need to deal with it here?"

"give it to you."


Penguin, who is a master hypnotist, naturally has no problem solving some follow-up problems.

With Dan's death, the Greer family has come to an end.Manhattan will also usher in its unification, and Hell's Kitchen, owned by the Hellfire organization, does not know where it will go.

But for Shen Mo, he doesn't need to care about it. He only needs to get what he wants here and complete the job transfer task. That's the reason why he came to America.

So, Shen Mo took Serena back to the Hellfire Club, and as for Beunita, she still followed behind Shen Mo like a follower.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s New York branch.

"Dan Greer is dead! Take the news to headquarters."

A man with empty eyes and no pupils muttered expressionlessly.

"Owen, do you feel it?"

"Yes, a powerful force appeared in Hell's Kitchen. He killed Dan Greer, ended the war between the Greer family and Hellfire, and Hell's Kitchen ushered in a long-lost peace. But, hell The Fire Organization is obviously not a suitable manager, they are just a group of aggressive abusers of abilities."

"Yeah! Compared to letting Hellfire win, I am more inclined to let the Greer family continue to control Manhattan. After all, they are a group of people who follow the rules, and Hellfire just doesn't have such qualities."

"Let the headquarters send agents! Since they won, we should give them a chance to join us. If they want, they can become the new owners of Manhattan, but if they are greedy..."

"That's not something we should worry about, you know Owen. The world is too chaotic now, especially after the Stone of Apocalypse appeared, the crises we are facing are increasing day by day, which is why we let them survive the fittest. Oh, by the way. Where's the strong man who killed Dan? Should we keep an eye on him?"

"I'm already staring at him. His purpose of coming here is not just to help Hellfire. I have a bad feeling that he will bring us unprecedented disaster..."


"Then why don't you ask the headquarters to send an agent to get in touch with him?"

"No, I want to observe for a while longer. The agents who are able to deal with this crisis are currently performing missions in the island country. Instead of taking the risk of handing over the mission to those newcomers, it is better to wait."

"Well, I'll listen to you, who made your ability always worthy of our trust?"

At the same time, the island nation.

Xinyingwang sneezed suddenly, as if someone was thinking about it again.

Kevin: "Wow, the people from Toshiba are here, we should have a good talk with them. Just like Mrs. Kuroda, oh no, she should be called Miss Kuroda now, it's unbelievable, what the hell did she eat The panacea has become so young... After the black hole incident, Toshiba has become a lot more peaceful. They are extending olive branches to various forces, as if they are determined to make money... I can't figure it out at all, those monsters What on earth do you want to earn so much money? To be the richest man in the world?"

"After you've seen it, you'll know."

Xinyingwang muttered in a low voice, ignoring Kevin's nagging, and remembered the silence of the black hole incident.

"Silence, you let me miss this time. I don't know when I will see you next time. I'm curious, what are you doing in the island country? Does the change in Toshiba Club have something to do with you? "

(End of this chapter)

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