The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 445 We Are Not Short of Money

Chapter 445 We Are Not Short of Money
When Shen Mo and Serena came to the Hellfire Club again, the security outside the door did not stop Mo Mo's footsteps. They very wisely made way for Mo Mo, after all Mo Mo just stuffed the mad cow Olaf's head into each other yesterday The latter is still recuperating in the hospital. Although the injury is no longer serious, the psychological trauma cannot be expressed in words.

Through the secret door of the Hellfire Club, Silence came to the secret room built during the Prohibition Period again. This time, the other elders of Hellfire were not inside, and only Sean was sitting in his leader's seat, quietly dozing off, It seemed as if he had known the arrival of silence for a long time.

Looking at Sean in front of him, he couldn't help raising his silent brows. The Sean he saw before was a little girl with double ponytails, but now Sean looks like a young girl with golden hair. On the snow-white skirt, the blue pupils are as blue and clear as the sky, and the tip of the nose and cheeks are covered with light gray freckles, which is a symbol of beauty and holiness in Western aesthetics.

"Ding! Found the body of the Holy One (Pretender)"

Silently looking at Xiao En, his eyes couldn't help becoming fiery. The latter noticed the fiery heat, and couldn't help feeling ominous in his heart, and quickly explained, "Mr. Shen, don't get me wrong, sometimes my abilities are out of control. Always subconsciously shifting into something else."

Silence doesn't care about Sean's ability, what he cares about is who Sean's appearance at the moment comes from.

"Who are you pretending to be?"

Sean: "..."

To be exact, Sean himself doesn't know who he is pretending to be, because his abilities are always disguised randomly, as if people all over the world have some connection with his abilities, any place, any time, any Anyone can be a disguised target for Sean's abilities.

Therefore, Sean doesn't care who he is pretending to be at all, maybe his ability will change to another disguise in the next second.

"Mr. Shen, I can't answer this question for you. If you are interested in this person, we, Hellfire, can help you find her."

Shen Mo didn't answer the call, but took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function, facing Sean's face, a shutter and a flash, and a ten-shot burst came directly.

"Don't bother, I will find this person myself, you just need to tell me that there is indeed such a person in this world."

Sean shrugged embarrassingly, "Theoretically, this person does exist, but we have no way of knowing where she is and what kind of life she lives. When my ability was just awakened, I also tried to find out who I was pretending to be." Some people have been there, some people have found it, and some people have never heard of it..."

"This is not something that Mr. Sean should be worried about," Shen Mo said, with the help of Zashiki Doji Nannan, and it is not difficult to find this girl. "What Mr. Sean should consider now is how Hellfire will take over the power of the Greer family, and For the future of the Hellfire Club, the most important thing is that you should make up the balance."

There was a pleasing smile on Xiao En's face. She slowly got up from her seat, her skirt as white as snow swayed, and her frail body was like an angel descending to earth, experiencing all kinds of experiences in the world.

Sean bowed in thanks to Silence.

"Thank you Mr. Shen for everything you have done for Hellfire. You will always be our friend of Hellfire. The elders of Hellfire have already gone out to collect the two Apocalypse Stones that I promised you. Immediately hand it over to Mr. Shen."

Silently pondered for a moment, Xiao En said so far, and he didn't need to urge the other party anymore. After getting five Apocalypse Stones from Dan, Mo Mo had already completed the task of collecting large crystals, and the demand for large crystals was not so urgent for the time being. up.

Instead, the perfect soul clue about the holy man that he just learned became the answer that Shen Mo wanted to find most.

"In that case, wait for you to collect it before handing it over to me. Before that, I have a request."

"Mr. Shen, please speak."

"Serena must follow me so that you can contact me."

"Of course there is no problem."

Sean very much agrees with Silence's proposal. As long as Silence has a constant connection with Hellfire, it will be an incalculable benefit for them. Making friends with such a strong person as Silence is an essential quality for every leader.

As for whether Silence has the ambition to spy on Hellfire... In Xiao En's opinion, Silence doesn't care about the goal that Hellfire pursues at all. Silence's ambition is beyond his comprehension. If Sean is a frog in a well, Then silence is like an eagle embracing the sky. The former only seeks a well-sized sky, while the latter yearns for an infinite blue sky.

After Shen Mo finished talking with Sean, he left the Hellfire Club. When he came out, he happened to bump into Penguin.

"Master?! You came out so soon? The negotiation with them is over?"


Penguin was taken aback, and said in astonishment, "You won't really just help them defeat the Greer family, and then hand over Manhattan to them, right?!"

"if not!"

The penguin was about to cry.

"Master, you can't do this. Manhattan is a treasure land with every inch of land. How can it be handed over to Hellfire so easily? We must negotiate with them and strive for as much benefit as possible..."

Silently surprised, "Why do you want to fight for it?"

"Money! Don't you want it?"

"We are not short of money!"


What Mo Mo said was the truth, since the sales of Zhuyan Dan opened up in the island country, he is really not short of money for the time being.Because the value of a Zhuyan pill is better than the renovation of a piece of housing in Hell's Kitchen, the former is still pure profit.

Coupled with the fact that Toshiba has become the industry of Silence in the island country, the wealth that Silence is sitting on has no longer looked down on the wealth that Manhattan can provide.

Because it is too slow to come to Manhattan, where is Zhuyandan, and the high economic benefits brought by the molding industry of Toshiba Corporation!
Penguin was speechless for a while, and he wanted to continue arguing, but realized that silence didn't look down on Manhattan, a place of wealth, so in desperation, he could only suppress his inner restlessness.

"Hey, those bastards who cheap Hellfire."

Serena: "..."

"I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about those bastards from Hellfire."

Serena: "I am one of Hellfire."

"You are different from them. Sooner or later you will be the master's man."

"Penguin, what are you talking about..."

As for the quarrel between Penguin and Serena, the right to silence pretended not to hear, and only stood up to mediate when neither of them could convince the other.

"Okay! Stop arguing, we still have things to do."

"What's the matter?" Penguin and Serena said in unison.

"Find her!"

Shen Mo turned on her mobile phone, and on the screen was a holy and immature face, with faint freckles clearly visible, she was exactly the girl Xiao En pretended to be.

Penguin said in amazement, "We gave up our wealth in Manhattan just to find this girl? Who is she!"

"I have no idea!"

Shen Shen shook his head. He knew nothing about girls. It was extremely difficult to find someone in the vast crowd with only one photo.

The penguin let out a long sigh, whether it was lamenting the wealth in Manhattan, or complaining about the silent behavior, "Master, come with me, I know someone who can help us find the person you want to find."


"A blind man!"


(End of this chapter)

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