Chapter 446 Blind Owen
"Shall we go to a blind man to help us find someone now?"

Serena felt that either the penguin was crazy, or she was crazy, anyway, one of them was crazy.

"That's right, believe me, there is no one he can't find in this world. There are only people he doesn't want to find."

Penguin said very firmly, his eyes showed trust in this person's ability.

"In addition to being blind, he is also a capable person!"

"That's right!" Penguin nodded heavily, "He used to be a very famous painter, and my ex-girlfriend liked his paintings very much, so..."

"So you blinded him? Penguin, I know you will definitely do this, after all, you are such a person." Serena said aside.

"Quack, if that person has a bad mouth like you, it's not just a simple matter of blinding his eyes. I will definitely kill him."

"Are you admitting it?"

"Admit that you have a bad mouth?" Penguin sneered and returned to the topic, "His eyes were blinded by himself, because since he awakened his ability, he always saw things he didn't want to see... he He felt that those things insulted his eyes and aesthetics, so he blinded himself."

Shen Mo glanced at Serena, who asked curiously, "What did he see?"

The penguin said with a smirk, "For example, when you are taking a bath, his ability can spy on you silently. Maybe it's because you made him feel that his eyes were insulted, so he might blind himself!"

"Penguin, get the hell out of here!" Serena said angrily. She didn't like others talking about her body, because her slow growth due to malnutrition was an eternal wound in her heart.

"Okay! I'm not kidding anymore. In fact, it's his perverted aesthetics that made him unwilling to see the world again, but what he never expected was..."

Silently replied, "Even if he lost his eyes, he can still use his ability to see the world. His ability does not come from the eyes, but from here."

Silence pointed to his temple, where the soul resides.

"Yes! He was already blind when he found out. That's why we all call him Blind Owen."

Penguin said with a rather complicated expression, "It is also worth mentioning that he is currently working for S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Serena; "..."

Penguin, you should know that it's never a good thing for an ability user to have anything to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. We're still trying to find them? !
The penguin shrugged, "The master needs it. No matter whether there is a good thing or not, we have to go to him. Only he can give us the answer."

Shen Mo nodded, and subconsciously looked at the lucky cat on his waist. Although the zashiki boy Nannan who lived in it could help Shen Mo find this girl, he had to be in the same city as the girl to be able to feel it. To find someone in the huge United States, no matter how strong Nannan's ability is, it is still difficult.

"Let's go! Let's meet this man named Owen."

Shen Mo agreed with Penguin's suggestion, especially after learning that the other party was a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., he became more convinced of Penguin's proposal.

For Penguin and Serena, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a character they don't want to get in touch with, but for Shen Mo, his identity does not conflict with S.H.I.E.L.D. To put it more broadly, they are considered international colleagues, There are also some intersections in business, and the identity of the special commissioner of the Silent Super Bureau, for SHIELD, can also enjoy the treatment of foreign guests, so why not do it.

So Silent, led by the penguin, left Manhattan and was going to New York County, where Owen was located.

At the same time, in a secret base in New York County.

Owen's eyes were empty and lifeless, and his brows were slightly frowned. The colleague on the side had been with Owen for a long time, and he could tell at a glance that Owen had sensed it, so he hurriedly asked.

"Owen, what did you see?"

"They're here!"


"The strong man who killed Dan Greer."

hiss!Owen's companion gasped, and he said anxiously, "He found you? Then what should we do, should we leave here immediately and seek support from the headquarters?"

"Don't be so nervous." Owen reassured, "They are not malicious, they just want to ask me for a favor."

"Help? What can you do to help them?"

"Find a very special girl."

A trace of complicated emotions flashed across Owen's face. Talking about that girl, even Owen, who is so calm, couldn't describe it in words.

"If they hadn't been looking for her, I couldn't believe that such a thing would still happen in this world, and there would still be such a pure girl. She shouldn't have come to this world, just like angels shouldn't suffer in hell."

"Owen, what are you talking about?"

"You don't understand! Just like your appreciation of beauty."

After half an hour.

Penguin came to a noisy fast food restaurant with silence. It opened at the corner of the intersection. The traffic was very large and the business was very good.

"We'll wait for him here."

Penguin ordered some food for Shen Mo and Serena, and then sat by the window, waiting for Owen to come.

Serena was puzzled, "Are we just waiting? There is no need to contact him, or you have already contacted him."

Penguin shook his head, "I haven't contacted him, but I know he's coming soon."

Serena was puzzled, it was difficult for her IQ to understand what the penguin said.

"If his ability is to see everything, he should really know that we are waiting for him."

Shen Mo picked up the waffle on the plate in front of him and bit into it. It was very sweet. This chef does not know how many sugar merchants he can support in his life.

Jingle Bell!
As the silent voice fell, the glass door on the right side of the fast food restaurant was pushed open. It was a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and holding a cane for the blind. It was cleaned extremely neatly, and even the details of the neckline were handled properly. A person like him should not have appeared in this fast food restaurant. He should have appeared in a high-end restaurant in the upper class, or at a concert or something.

I saw that the man in the sunglasses didn't look around or wander, but went straight to the place where Silence was. Even a person with sound eyes couldn't be as stable as him.

"Look! He's here!" Penguin beamed, pointing at Owen who had just entered.

"Hello, Mr. Shen! I am blind Owen, you can call me blind, or Owen."

Shen Mo nodded slightly. Such remarks should not have appeared in the mouth of such an elegant person as Owen, but his behavior at the moment was like this. Facing Shen Mo, he seemed to try to lower his posture as much as possible to win Mo Mo's goodwill.

"Since you're here, you should already know why we're looking for you!"

"Yes, Mr. Shen." The blind man Owen sat opposite to Shen Mo, took off his sunglasses, and stared at Shen Mo with empty eyes.

"I know where she is. I can tell you, but you must promise me, save her!"

Mo Mo frowned, realizing that things were far from simple.

 Push the book, 【Purdue of the Heavens】

  [Discover the secret book "Golden Image Art" (false), whether it is turned into "Golden Image Art" (true)...]

  [The level of "Golden Image Art" is MAX, and the advanced level is "Bronze Man Art"...]

  [The level of "Bronze Man Kung Fu" is MAX, and the advanced level is "Arhat Kung Fu"...]

  ["Arhat Kung Fu" level is MAX, and the advanced level is "Zhang Er Golden Body"...]

  [The level of "The Golden Body of Zhang Er" is MAX, and the advanced level is "The Golden Body of the Tathagata"...]

  ["The Golden Body of the Tathagata" is completed, and the move is obtained: "The Palm of the Tathagata". 】

(End of this chapter)

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