The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 449 The Location of Silent Hill

Chapter 449 The Location of Silent Hill

Shen Mo and the others learned about the location of Silent Hill from the blind Owen, which is located in the southeast of West Virginia, but it was quite laborious to find it.

After they entered the territory of West Virginia, they encountered the first problem.

Where is Silent Hill? !

Penguin unfolded a map he had just bought from a convenience store. After 5 minutes, he determined that there was no place called Silent Hill on the map.

"Master, is blind Owen lying to us? There is no place called Silent Hill in West Virginia."

Shen Shen shook his head and pondered for a while, "Blind Owen didn't lie to us. His injuries are not fake. Then there is only one possibility. Silent Hill was deliberately wiped off the map."

Penguin and Serena looked at each other, and then looked at Shen Mo, "What should we do then? We want to save Alisa, after all, we must find Silent Hill!"

Looking out of the window in silence, he said in a deep voice, "It's very simple, just ask a local person, and you'll know."

Ever since, Shen Mo pushed open the co-pilot's door, got up and walked straight to the convenience store where Penguin had just bought the map.

Jingle Bell!
The welcome bell swayed and made a crisp sound, and the clerk who was working looked at Silence.

"Sir, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Silent eyes fell on the clerk. He was young, thin and frail, and looked very weak. The long night shift life made his eye sockets sunken and his energy was low.

Shen Mo went straight to the clerk and said with a smile, "Hello, my friend just bought a map from you, but he couldn't find the place we want to go, so I came here to ask for advice."

The clerk was slightly taken aback, according to his understanding, the map should be clearly marked, it is impossible not to find the place you want to find! ?

"Are you unable to read the map? It doesn't matter, I can help you. After all, I have lived in West Virginia since I was a child, and no one is more familiar with it than me."

"Do you know Silent Hill?"

Clerk: "???"

Mo Mo clearly saw the twitching of the corner of the clerk's mouth, and the originally smiling face was instantly covered with a layer of haze, as if recalling something extremely frightening, he quickly shook his head and replied.

"I don't know... I've never heard of this place. You better ask someone else!"

Mo Mo knew it from the bottom of his heart. The other party behaved like this, obviously knowing the existence of Silent Hill, but the other party didn't want to mention it.

I saw Shen Mo repeating his tricks, taking out a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket wallet, and dangling it in front of the clerk's eyes.

"I just want to know where is that place? Why doesn't anyone help me with this trouble?"

The clerk's eyes moved back and forth following the hundred-yuan bill, and he swallowed, hesitating.

Mo Mo flicked his wrist, took out another hundred-yuan bill, and pinched it on his other finger.

"Actually, this question is not difficult at all. Who is asking the question? Who is answering the question?"

The clerk's last psychological defense finally collapsed, and he said repeatedly, "I've heard of the place Silent Hill, it was erased from the map ten years ago, and people here call it an ominous place, Because anyone who has been there, has never been able to come back..."

"where is it?!"

"Follow this road, go straight down, and you will see a red mountain, and Silent Hill is just below that mountain."

"You know it really well," Shen Mo smiled.

"To tell you the truth, my friend and I ventured there once, but when we saw the red mountain, we were frightened back. Because we heard a terrifying cry, it was definitely not a human cry. Sound... that thing should come from hell."

The clerk murmured with lingering fear, "Since we didn't get there, we were seriously ill when we came back, and we haven't recovered yet..."

Nodding silently, according to the clerk and his physical condition, the location of Silent Hill should be determined.

"I have one last question, what happened there?"

The clerk's body trembled suddenly, "I advise you not to know."

"Say!" Two hundred-yuan bills kept dangling in front of the other party's eyes.

"Ten years ago, there was a big fire there. People in the whole town could not escape the attack of the fire. It is said that many people died at that time... The fire brigade who went to the rescue did not come back. Many people went there, but no one came back... Later, someone organized an expedition, but they couldn't escape the curse of Silent Hill... Even now, there are people who are brave and not afraid of death, and want to enter Silent Hill , to spy on the secrets inside."

The clerk glanced at Shen Mo, obviously identifying Shen Mo and the others as adventurers seeking wealth in Silent Hill. After all, no one from the entire town came out, and it was indeed a treasure land, if it weren't for its curse of eating people.

Nodding silently, he was very satisfied with the clerk's answer.

"Thank you!"

The two hundred-yuan bills flickered and disappeared before the clerk's eyes.

Clerk: "???"

"my money!"

"What your money?"

"The two hundred-dollar bills just now."

"Can't I take out the money and shake it?"

Clerk: "````"

Jingle Bell!Shen Mo left the convenience store without waiting for the clerk's answer.

"You bastard, I curse you to die in Silent Hill like those people."

Silence didn't hear this, because he had already returned to Penguin's car.

"Go, let's go!"

"Have you found it?"

"Of course! Keep going along this road, and when you see a big red mountain, we will reach Silent Hill."

Penguin nodded heavily, "Alright! Let's go!"

Penguin stepped on the gas pedal, and the car jumped out of the convenience store with a blast of dust. At the same time, the clerk in the convenience store also came out and made a humiliating gesture to Penguin's car.


That bastard just gave me the middle finger!He is greeting my mother!
Puff!The penguin slammed on the brakes, put on reverse gear, jumped back with a whoosh, and stopped suddenly in front of the clerk.

The latter looked confused, there was nowhere to put the middle finger that he just compared, and helplessness and embarrassment were written on his face.

"Are you looking for death!"

Clerk: "..."

The aura of the penguin completely frightened the clerk. The other party was obviously just an ordinary person.

"Forget it, let's go. I teased him first."

Shen Mo persuaded Penguin, patted the co-pilot's door, and glanced at the clerk with a smile.

"If the master didn't persuade me, you would already be a dead man!"

Penguin's words sent chills down the clerk's spine. He felt that he had done nothing wrong, but in the United States of human rights and freedom, it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or not, what matters is the kind of person you are dealing with.

People with power, power and money can indeed do whatever they want in the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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