Chapter 450
Mo Mo and the others walked straight along the straight expressway for about an hour, and finally saw a faint red mountain in front of them.

As the saying goes, when you look at the mountains up close, they are actually far away.

After they saw the red mountain, they thought they would reach Silent Hill soon, but no matter how fast they sprinted, they couldn't close the distance between themselves and the red mountain. It seemed that the red mountain also had four wheels, He was playing racing with Shen Mo and the others.

One chases and the other runs.

Penguin frowned slightly, and glanced at the car's oil dial, "Master, the car is full of gas and is almost exhausted, but we still haven't gotten close to the red mountain you mentioned. I feel something is wrong!"

Shen Mo nodded, he had already discovered this problem, but under the perception of the power of the mind, there was no way to lock the red mountain, Shen Mo could only let the penguin continue driving, and wanted to use the most stupid way to find the passage into Silent Hill .

Now it seems that gasoline is about to run out, and this method is obviously not feasible.

"pull over!"

Silently looked out the window, his eyes fell on the red mountain peak, and when the car stopped and the engine was turned off, he got out of the car and faced the mountain peak far away.

hum!The power of the mind and eye exploded, condensed into a white silk thread, and radiated as far as possible towards Silent Hill. After about a minute, Shen Mo finally shook his head helplessly.

He still couldn't lock the location of Silent Hill with his mind and eyes, as if Silent Hill didn't exist at all, but the red mountain was clearly in front of him, seemingly close at hand, but in fact it was out of reach.

In a trance, Silence has a sense of confusion of falling into the sea of ​​mist and clouds, as if the road ahead is lost, and it is difficult to find the trace.

"How to enter Silent Hill?!"

Shen Mo frowned, and he began to recall what the convenience store clerk said. The other party once said that many people wanted to enter Silent Hill, but all of them failed to come back. This means that these people have entered Silent Hill, so they don't know what to do. trace.

Since those ordinary people can enter Silent Hill, there is no reason why Shen Mo and others can't enter!

There must be something tricky here.

The silence must have overlooked something extremely important.

What kind of information will it be?

"Idiot, it's time!"

The lucky cat on Shen Mo's waist trembled slightly, and Zashiki Doji Nannan gave Shen Mo a reminder. As a monster that controls the luck attribute, he has some skills in pushing and avoiding evil. After pushing sideways, he will know The key to entering Silent Hill.

"Time!" Silently puzzled, he calmed down and asked, "What time?"

"Silent Hill is a special space hidden between reality and illusion. If you want to enter Silent Hill, you must find the right person at the right time and at the right place. Like you running around like a headless chicken, you Do you think it's appropriate?"


I don't think it's appropriate and I can't help it!Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Didn't you not ask?I thought you had other ideas.

After pondering for a moment in silence, he couldn't help but cast his eyes on Bayonetta in the back row of the car, as a person with the ability to control the flow of time.Although her ability is not strong, her perception of time is more sensitive than everyone present. If the method of entering Silent Hill is related to time, Bayonetta must be able to perceive something special through her ability.

Bayonetta noticed the silent gaze, and looked sideways.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I want to ask you a favor!"

Bayonetta's face darkened slightly.

"Don't worry, it's not the favor you thought. I just want you to use your ability to detect any abnormalities around you."

Bayunita's face was cloudy and uncertain, and she took a long breath, "This is simple."

hum!Beunita closed her beautiful eyes slightly, and the surroundings of her body began to blur and slow down, and time became viscous, thick, and palpable like liquid.

After waiting for about a minute, Bayoneta slowly opened her eyes, staring at an old road not far from the car with surprised and puzzled eyes.

"The time there is strange, chaotic, depressing, and cold... It seems that something is imprisoning the time, making them irritable and restless."

Silently following Beunita's fingers, the old path didn't attract attention at all, as if it didn't exist there in the first place.

Could it be the passage into Silent Hill? !
Shen Mo groaned, and gave the penguin a wink. The latter came out of the cab and walked straight onto the path. After walking a distance of about ten meters, the penguin's figure flashed slightly, and disappeared strangely in front of Shen Mo and the others .

Mo Mo was overjoyed, "I found it! Silent Hill!"

Beunita's face was gloomy, showing panic and uneasiness, she exclaimed, "Don't go in!"


"There is the tomb of time. Even if time is buried there, we will definitely die after we enter."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, "Your consciousness is that the penguin is dead?"

Bayonetta shook her head, "He shouldn't have died, but entering that place, no one can escape, death is just time... no, there is no time there. Death has become a luxury. I don't want to go in...・Let's go back!"

Silence can't go back!

Not to mention that the penguin has entered Silent Hill, even for Alisa who is in it, Silence must venture into Silent Hill.

Even if it is the tomb of time, even if it knows that there are dangers everywhere, Silence must go forward and rush into Silent Hill.

"Beunita, you can stay here with Serena. Wait for me to come back... If I can't come back, you can return to Hellfire with Serena. It may be your best destination."

After silently speaking, he took big strides and walked towards the old path, where the penguin disappeared.

Beiunita and Serena looked at each other, the two were silent one after another, got out of the car silently, and followed behind Shen Mo.

"I have a mission to keep in touch with you for Sean, so I will follow you wherever you go." Serena said firmly.

"You are my enemy, you can't die in Silent Hill, you can only die in my hands, so I will go with you." Beunita murmured.

Smiling silently without saying a word, he strode forward with great strides.

A sense of time-disordered trance suddenly arises from the bottom of my heart. I have experienced the silence of entering the mirror world many times. I am very familiar with this feeling, but I never thought that there is such a mysterious place in the real world.

Silence looked around, and found that he was on the edge of a cliff, surrounded by white mist, like looking at flowers in the fog, not real enough, but with a sense of substance, the white mist is vast, but it does not have the moist feeling that fog should have. It gives people a tingling feeling of dryness in the nasal cavity, and the sky keeps falling pieces of small snowflake-like things, and I reach out to catch them, only to find that they are not snowflakes, but burnt dust...

As the convenience store clerk said, Silent Hill disappeared in a fire ten years ago. Now it seems that the fire not only burned Silent Hill, but also pulled Silent Hill into a closed, dark and strange space.

Silently turned around and looked behind him, there was an endless abyss under the cliff, like a gap formed by a space break, leading directly to hell, exuding a steady stream of abyssal breath.

Silence is not afraid of Silent Hill, on the contrary, he is a little excited, because he is getting closer to the perfect soul of the Holy One, which means that he is getting closer and closer to changing jobs.

Silence is worried about the safety of Penguin, Serena, and Bayonetta.

As I said just now, there are nothing but cliffs, ruins, and ashes around Silence, which naturally includes penguins and others.

They didn't appear together with Silence, but were teleported to different places by some rules of Silent Hill.

If this is a scene like a children's paradise, Silence naturally doesn't have to worry about anything, but this is Silent Hill, a silent hill that cannibalize people without spit out bones. If people with abilities like Serena and Bayonetta encounter danger, It's like delivering food to the monsters.

As for the penguin, as the body of a puppet, even monsters would probably find it a bit gritty to eat.

Therefore, Silence must first find Serena and Beunita, hoping that they will not die in the hands of monsters.

Mo Mo took a long breath, patted the lucky cat on his waist, and muttered in a low voice, "Nan Nan, I want to find Serena and Bayoneta first, and show me a way."

"Ok, no problem."

Nan Nan's scarlet evil spirit condensed in front of Shen Mo, turning into a scarlet arrow, pointing out the direction for Shen Mo.

The latter stepped forward along the dilapidated and ashes-filled asphalt road pointed by the arrow.

About 5 minutes later, Silence stopped. He didn't find Serena or Beunita, but was blocked by a monster.

This monster, like a human being bound by a membrane, struggled and twisted to break away from something. It was toddling and approaching the silence step by step.

What is this?
Silence No matter what it is, as long as it is a monster blocking his way, it will have exactly the same fate.


Before Shen Mo moved, the monster erupted suddenly, and swooped towards Mo Mo at a terrifying speed far exceeding that just now. With a mouth full of blood, foul-smelling, highly corrosive liquid spewed out, shrouding in silence.


I saw the dots under Silence's feet, swiftly and resolutely, perfectly avoiding the monster's thick liquid spurt, and at the same time, the calamity battle ax blessed with weapons easily tore apart the opponent's body, and the latter dissipated into nothingness like ashes accompanied by fire .

Shen Mo finally remembered the name of this monster - the man in the suit.

A kind of monster that often appears on the periphery of Silent Hill. Their appearance means that you are getting closer and closer to the depths of Silent Hill.

At the same time, Shen Mo also realized that there is also a terrifying inner and outer world in Silent Hill in this world.

When the outer world exists, only a very small part of those monsters will exist, but when the inner world falls and darkness covers Silent Hill, all monsters will appear, hunting and killing all humans that exist outside the church.

Therefore, it is necessary to find Serena or Beunita before the other world descends.Otherwise, when he saw them again, Shen Mo would have to collect their bodies.

Because their bodies were already cold.

Thinking of this, Mo Mo didn't dare to procrastinate, and the dots under his feet turned into a black shadow and disappeared in place.He ran all the way according to the arrow transformed by Nannan's demonic energy.

After 15 minutes, Shen Mo finally saw a familiar figure.

The shadow hiding behind the abandoned building was Serena herself.

She was like a frightened child, shivering in the shadows, staring in horror at an old iron gate not far away.

Mo Mo stepped to Serena's side, just opened his mouth, but was pulled into the shadow by Serena.

"Shh! Don't talk!"

This is the first time for Silence to enter Serena's shadow state. To be honest, the inside is not as cold and gloomy as imagined. Instead, there is a trace of warmth, and the changes in the external light can be clearly detected.

Just when Shen Mo was surprised, the dilapidated iron gate not far away shattered, and several monsters with strange shapes rushed out from inside. They were like the lower limbs of two women stuck together, with ballerina-like long legs, giving The person has the ultimate sense of beauty, but the ash-covered costume and the weirdly twisted body make people shudder.

hiss!Leg models!

How could such a monster appear in the table world?Could it be that the other world can no longer tolerate monsters of this level?

Silence hadn't had time to think, and I saw a few leg models jumping like ballet dancers, rushing towards the position where the two were lurking.

not good!They found us!

The leg models do not lock the target by sight, because they only have legs, no upper body, and no eyes.

Therefore, Serena's shadow ability cannot escape their perception at all.

"Serena, let me out!"

"No, they are too dangerous. Don't look at those slender and straight legs. The iron gate just now was broken by their legs."

"Don't worry, I have my own measure."

Serena: "..."

hum!Silence was released from the shadows by Serena. The former faced several leg models, and the calamity battle ax drew gorgeous ax flowers. In just a few breaths, the pair was chopped under the ax and turned into ashes and disappeared. .

Monsters of this level are not a threat to Silence, especially in the surface world. Their abilities seem to be suppressed by some force, so they are not Silence's opponents.

"It's all right!"

The crisis was resolved, and Silence called Serena.

"Why are you alone, Bayonetta?"

Serena shook her head, "I didn't see her. As soon as I came out, I was chased by this kind of monster. Fortunately, I ran away, otherwise..."

Serena muttered with lingering fear, not daring to recall that terrifying side. Although the little girl has seen the world, she has seen such a strange monster there.

Mo Mo frowned, and he had a faint feeling of bad premonition, "Let's go and find Bayonetta."

(End of this chapter)

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