The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 451 The Church Bells

Chapter 451 The Church Bells

"Where are we going to find Bayoneta? Where's the Penguin? Isn't he with you?"

Serena followed closely behind Shen Mo, asking uneasily. After entering Silent Hill, she found that her ability could not avoid those unknown monsters. The last support in her heart collapsed, and she could only pin her hope on Shen Mo.

"The situation we encountered is the same. The penguin is a doll, so there is no need to worry about him for the time being. What should be worried about is Beunita. She has no power to fight back against these monsters."

Silent eyes fell on Nannan's demonic arrow. According to the arrow, Beunita's location should be in the southeast of Silent Hill, where there is a very conspicuous building.


Mo Mo's heart tightened, the church in Silent Hill is not the same as the general church, it is a place of right and wrong.

Alyssa's soul is likely imprisoned there.

And the thing that imprisoned Alisa must not be a good thing.

"We've got to hurry up. If Beunita is really in the church, she's probably in trouble."

As soon as the silent voice fell, he led Serena to the direction of the church.

The two passed through the dilapidated ruins one after the other, and when they were about to reach the church, the church bell rang loudly in their ears.




The hollow and dead bell echoed throughout Silent Hill, suppressing, suffocating, and almost despairing.

Shen Mo raised his head and looked at the gray sky. Before he knew it, countless crows appeared in the sky. They covered the limited light again, like the hands of demons from the abyss, nibbling away at Silent Hill and pulling it into the sky. The endless abyss of terror.

Perceived by Shen Mo's power of heart and eyes, as the church bells fell, a strong corrosive dark atmosphere rose from the ground, constantly corroding the already dilapidated world, and the crisis is constantly approaching Silence...

The harsh siren sounded again, piercing the entire sky.

Shen Mo realized that the real crisis was coming, and hurriedly urged, "Quick, rush to the church immediately."

"What's wrong?" Serena asked puzzled.

"The other world is coming!"

"The inner world?!" Serena knew almost nothing about the outer and inner worlds, but she could understand the imminent crisis from Silence's eyes and words, so she followed closely behind Shen Mo, struggling to run towards the church go.

"No, it's not fast enough."

Mo Mo took a round with one arm, and suddenly hugged Serena behind her. Although the latter was fast, it was much inferior to Mo Mo's swift and resolute action. Therefore, Mo Mo directly picked up Serena and rushed to the church .

The scarlet arrow was getting closer and closer to the church, and finally stopped outside the gate of the church with harsh warning sounds.

The thick and dilapidated wooden gate only left a gap for one person to pass through, and many people in worn clothes rushed into the church to avoid the coming crisis.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's mind and eyes, those people always feel a little weird. Although they are indeed ordinary people, they are somewhat different from ordinary people, and it is difficult to find out their essence for a while.

But this didn't affect Shen Mo's carrying Serena to the church. With the speed of Shen Mo, he was ahead of most of the people who wanted to enter the church.


Just before Shen Mo was about to rush into the church, a woman in a red robe stopped Shen Mo from outside the church.

"who are you?"

"I am your uncle!"


Just when the woman was surprised and puzzled, silence flashed past her and entered the interior of the church.

The next moment, the siren stopped suddenly, and the darkness visible to the naked eye flooded towards the church like a tide. Just after the last person entered the church, the woman closed the door fiercely, and the darkness was then isolated from the church.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, including Shen Mo and Serena.

When the crisis was resolved, Silence finally had the energy to check the situation in the church.The church is not big, but it is enough to accommodate the people present. After those people entered the church, they gradually took off their heavy camouflage to reveal their original appearance...

Most of them are residents of the small town, and some are outsiders who have entered the town one after another in recent years, but without exception, their faces are full of despondency, for the darkness outside the church , with deep-seated fear.

"Who do you say you are?!" The woman in red murmured sharply, and at the same time gathered everyone's eyes on Shen Mo and Serena.

Only then did Shen Mo take a closer look at the woman in red. She was not very old, but she had a calmness and sophistication that did not match her age. With a face full of haze, she tried her best to pretend to be an outsider.

"Who are you?" Shen Mo asked the other party.

"I am Chris Bella, the owner of this church!"

Shen Mo frowned, "Are you Alisa's aunt?"

hiss!The people in the whole church gasped, and looked at Shen Mo like a jackal or a tiger, and retreated one after another. What's more, the brave man had already drawn out his weapon, intending to kill Shen Mo and Serena immediately.

"They actually called the demons by their names. They are the messengers of the demons. Kill them quickly."

I don't know who shouted this sentence in the crowd, and the rest of the people gathered around Shen Mo and Serena.

"Stop!" Chris Bella stopped the crowd. She first made a prayer appearance, then slowly walked into silence, whispering, "Do you know Alisa?!"

"I don't know him!" Shen Mo shook his head and answered truthfully.

"Then do you know me?"

Shen Mo shook his head again, "I don't know!"

Chris Bella's face sank, "Then how do you know my name and that demon's name?"

Shen Mo glanced around and replied flatly, "To be honest, I'm here to save Alisa."

Silence's words caused an uproar like a blockbuster. Everyone in the church cast malicious glances at Silence and Serena. They insulted and cursed Silence with as much obscenity as possible...
"They are indeed the minions of the devil, we should purify them now!"

"The devil's fangs have infiltrated the church, has our faith slackened... There must be an unclean among us! She must be found and burned to death!"

"My God, please forgive our sins and give us peace!"

Chris Bella stared at Shen Mo with complex eyes, and she immediately winked at the two burly men, who picked up the sharp dagger in their hands, ready to control Shen Mo and Serena.

hum!Silence flicked his wrist, and Calamity Yamata no Orochi Tomahawk appeared in his hand.

The one-man-tall Calamity Tomahawk exudes an undeniably powerful aura, causing two of Chris Bella's subordinates to stop in amazement. , a dagger is no match for an axe, especially a huge battle ax that is one person tall.

The two were very embarrassed and helpless.They gave Chris Bella a begging look.

Chris Bella also panicked in her heart. As the spiritual leader of everyone, she must keep a clear mind at all times. When she saw Silence for the first time, she realized that Silence was not an ordinary person. When he picked up a tomahawk as tall as a man, he was pushed to the top.

nonsense!Can ordinary people lift such a big battle ax with one hand?
In Silent Hill, even the triangular head doesn't have such terrifying power.

Although she has the power to deal with silence, now is obviously not the time to show this power.

"Stop it, everyone! I think there must be some misunderstanding between us."

Chris Bella stopped the furious crowd, and with her prestige in the hearts of the crowd, she could naturally do this easily.

"What's your name, please?"


"What about this one?"

"Serena Carr."

"So, is your purpose of going to Silent Hill really to save Alisa?"

Silence nodded heavily, "Of course."

hiss!Criticism resounded in the crowd again, and the voices of discussion were overwhelming, and the hostility became more and more intense.

Chris Bella waited for the public opinion to brew for a while, and said again, "I think Mr. Shen and Miss Serena must have been deluded, and your understanding of Alisa must have been distorted."

Shen Mo tilted his head, "To be honest, I don't know what kind of person Alisa is."

Chris Bella seemed to have grasped something, and was about to speak in accordance with the meaning of silence, but was interrupted by silence.

"But my purpose of coming here is very clear, that is to save Alyssa from escaping here."

Chris Bella's face became more and more gloomy, and she said sharply, "Didn't Mr. Shen see our attitude towards Alyssa? Alyssa is a demon walking in the world! There is a reason for her to be imprisoned here , how can you save it if you say you can save it?"

"You mean, Alisa is indeed here."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and the power of his heart and eyes burst out instantly, covering the entire church. In an instant, Mo Mo found the secret room hidden underground, and the soul imprisoned there was naturally Alisa's soul.

I saw a human-shaped demon with a hideous and terrifying appearance imprisoned by countless iron chains. Her body was covered with scars. Hot blood stained the rusty iron chains into crimson red. Countless strange breaths ate away at her flesh and blood. Defiled her soul... But her expression was serene, as if she was in a warm hot spring, giving people a sense of peace and stability.

【Ding!Discover the perfect soul of the Holy One. 】

Mo Mo was overjoyed in his heart, he was searched thousands of times in the crowd, and when he looked back suddenly, the man was in a dimly lit place.

The perfect soul of the holy one is really hard to find.

But to Silence's surprise, why is the soul of a holy man the body of a demon?Why does she have a demon body?Could it be that the system is joking with itself?

Silence's power of mind and eyes confirmed again and again that the devil in the underground secret room was indeed Alisa.But such an appearance always makes Silence feel surprised and incomprehensible.

If the devil has the perfect soul of the saint, then...

What happens to the angels? !
Shen Mo immediately put away the power of his mind and eyes, and projected his mind power onto Chris Bella and others. From the moment Shen Mo stepped into the church, he noticed that some people inside were a little weird. When Alisa was discovered, Silence confirmed her guess even more.

There is often only a thin line between angels and demons.

Angels are demons, and demons can become angels.

The imprisoned demons became angels, and the angels walking in the world became demons.

hum!The power of the mind and eyes broke through all the layers of camouflage of Chris Bella, and finally reached her heart. There is no longer a holy place, but a demon with scarlet diagonal horns lurking. Looking directly at Shen Mo, it discovered the power of Shen Mo's mind and realized that its identity had been exposed.

Roar!The demon roared like a roar from the abyss, and Chris Bella's body twisted for a while, and under everyone's gaze, it turned into a scarlet demon with diagonal horns.

The rest of the demons hidden in the crowd were summoned, and amid Bella's roar, they manifested their prototypes one by one.

The devil is coming!

"How is it possible?! Bella is actually a devil! She is actually a devil..."

There were bursts of exclamations from the crowd. It was hard for ordinary people to accept this fact. In their eyes, Bella was the leader who led them to resist the devil, why became the devil itself.

So, what exactly have they been fighting against for so many years?What exactly do they believe in?
As the belief in the crowd fell apart, a certain energy covering the church collapsed, and the darkness outside the church broke through the door like a tide and poured into the church.

That mysterious and powerful darkness is not as evil and cold as everyone expected, but radiates a warm light, protecting those ordinary people from being harmed by demons.

The ground of the church shook violently, and the secret room collapsed. Elisa, who was bound by iron chains, finally broke free. She slowly floated up and faded away from her original demon body, revealing the holy appearance that a holy person should have.

"I was originally a devil!"

Alisa uttered a light voice like a copper bell.

"But compared to what you've done, I'm an angel."

hum!Alisa's identity erupted into an atmosphere that was very familiar to Silence. The holy light rose from the darkness, illuminating the earth and bathing everything. Under the baptism of the holy light, those lowly demons turned into sparks and dissipated in an instant.

The monsters that wandered around Silent Hill gradually returned to their original bathing with the baptism of the holy light. They clasped their hands together and prayed devoutly, and finally turned into stars and dissipated.

In the end, only the scarlet diagonal demon transformed by Bella remained in Silent Hill.

I saw the scarlet diagonal demon agitating the power of the demon around it, resisting the attack of Alyssa's holy light, it swallowed its long scarlet tongue, and sneered coldly.

"Alyssa, although you can purify those low-level demons with your power, you are definitely not my opponent. I must kill you, even if I betray my belief and become a demon."

Just before Bella wanted to do something to Alisa.

I saw a huge and ferocious devil's hand rising from under Bella's feet, bound the opponent in an instant, and crushed her into minced meat under the incredible gaze of the opponent.

Alisa: "..."

Who are you?

Shen Mo turned his head and smiled, "Didn't I say that? The person who saved you. It's just that the way of saving you is a little different."

How is it different?
"You'll find out in a moment, where did my friend Bayonetta go with the penguin before that?"

 Recommend a new book: Gou Xian of the Heavens
  One person, Demon Boy, Fox Demon, Xian Ni, Zhetian, Emperor Ba, Journey to the West, Mystery, Xiling, Nuwa...

  Through the heavens and the world, the endless sea of ​​​​empty, and eventually become a generation of immortals!

(End of this chapter)

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