The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 458 The Secret of the Steinmetz Family

Chapter 458 The Secret of the Steinmetz Family
What can Kidd's crippled soul be used for? !

Made into a new doll?Not to mention that a broken soul cannot be made into a doll, even if it can be made into a doll, whether the Steinmetz family will accept Kidd again is a question.

What to do with Kidd's broken soul to blackmail Emily? !This is obviously not Silence's style of acting, and Emily will not give in to it and let Silence do whatever she wants.

So, after careful calculation, it seems that Kidd's incomplete soul is really useless.

No!He is still useful.

Shen Mo frowned, slowly fell from mid-air, and then set his eyes on Amyra. After passing the information about Kidd to Shen Mo, the latter chose to return to the Steinmetz family, which means , The Steinmetz family has something or power that can protect them.

Shen Mo is very curious about this kind of power, and the fact that the Steinmetz family has developed a potion that can enhance the ability of a person with abilities in such a short period of time, it is even more worthwhile for Shen Mo to explore its secrets.

If Kidd's incomplete soul is used to blackmail Emily, Emily will never tell this secret to Silence.

But if Silence probes Kidd's incomplete soul, he will be able to know some secrets about that thing from Kidd's memory fragments.

Ever since, Mo Mo didn't put the milky white spirit body in his hand into the puppet making panel, but spread out the power of his mind and eyes, turned it into tentacles, and submerged into the spirit body.

hum!In an instant, countless broken pictures appeared in Shen Mo's mind like slides, and Shen Mo seemed to be swimming in the ocean full of film, searching for the memory he wanted.

Kidd's memory is very chaotic, not only because of the incompleteness of his soul, but also because Dillon's soul has long since torn it apart, except for most of the memories of lying on the hospital bed and relying on liquid food to survive. , Silence quickly found a very special memory fragment.

That's a woman!
A woman who surprised Kidd!
And when Shen Mo saw this woman, his whole body was sublimated!
who is she? !

She is the woman whom 300 million warriors swore to protect with their lives!
But many warriors could no longer guard this woman because they had no money.

She is Celia!

A girl with both beauty and wisdom, clear eyes, and a sweet smile. Even though Celia in the picture is trapped in a transparent crystal, her beauty cannot be dimmed a bit.

Mo Mo couldn't calm down for a long time. When he knew that all kinds of large crystals appeared in the United States, he vaguely had a bad premonition. Now that Celia appeared, Mo Mo's premonition became more real.

Is their appearance related to the silent goldfinger? !
Will more dungeon items appear in this world in the future? !
How will their appearance change the world? !

Shen Mo can't predict the future, but he has to prepare in advance, because he is just a priest who has just received the task of changing jobs, and his strength is simply not enough to face the future crisis.

Silently switched on the memory fragments about Celia, and the frozen slideshow played accordingly. I saw Kidd standing in front of Celia, with greed written in his eyes reflected on the crystal.

Judging from this time period, Kidd already possesses Dillon's immortal body, which means that Celia exists in the research room of the Steinmetz family.

So, is Celia the cause of Kidd's fear?

Shen Mo put his mind and eyes into Celia's memory phantom.

【Ding!Discover the perfect soul of the bard! 】


Although I can no longer protect Celia, I never thought that one day, I would snatch Celia's soul.

Celia's soul is the soul of the singer needed for silence.

The enthusiastic girl who greets you every day with "Hello" and "Today is another day full of hope" has now been reduced to a soul form, and has become a must for silently changing jobs.

Silence muttered heavily, "Seria, don't worry, let me protect you one last time!"

Silence withdrew his mind from Kidd's soul fragments. The latter was already shattered because of Silence's cocooning, and finally could only turn into Taoist soul fire and dissipate.

Silence set his sights on Emily again, "Miss Emily, Kidd has been defeated by me, and your Steinmetz family no longer needs to be afraid of his existence."

Emily was shivering from the cold before, but fortunately, she was slightly warmer now, and her complexion also improved because of Kidd's death.

"Thank you, Mr. Shen, for helping our Steinmetz family solve such a serious problem. I promise you that we will collect all the Stones of Revelation as soon as possible and hand them over to you. Please..."

Silence immediately interrupted Emily's words, "Why don't you do this! Before you collect all the Apocalypse Stones, let me wait at the Steinmetz family. As your partner, should I go and have a look? your research."

Emily's face remained calm, but she was full of calculations in her heart. Before Shen Mo, she had never mentioned that she wanted to go to the Steinmetz family, so why did she want to go now.

Apocalypse potion!

That's right!It must be the Apocalypse Potion, Mo Mo must have seen the existence of the Apocalypse Potion, and thought of the research room to find out.

If that was the case, Emily would naturally agree, but she would definitely not let Silence touch the core of the experiment. The matter of that woman must not be known to any outsiders.

In Emily's view, cooperating with a strong person like Shen Mo naturally needs to reflect their respective values ​​and abilities, so as to build a stronger relationship of interests between the two.

As long as that woman is still there and the Stone of Apocalypse is not exhausted, the Steinmetz family's apocalypse potion can be continuously developed.

"Since Mr. Shen has already spoken, as your inviter and collaborator, he will naturally not stop you. You are welcome to visit the Steinmetz family."

"Emily, I'll go too. It's been a long time since I went home to see my uncles and aunts." As Emily's boudoir friend, Xin Yingwang naturally raised a question when she learned that Shen Mo was going to the Steinmetz family. Together, as for the purpose of her following, it is unknown.

"Wang, are you not busy?" Emily asked in surprise.

"This matter is over, and I shouldn't be too busy recently."

"Well, we sisters haven't been together for a long time, and my mother has also mentioned you many times."

Ever since, Silence's next itinerary was to follow Emily to the Steinmetz family.

And on this trip, apart from Silence, no one knew that Silence's real purpose was to seize the secret of the Steinmetz family - Celia.

Along with Silence this time are Penguin, Serena, and Beunita. After experiencing two crises, Beunita’s hostility towards Silence has become weaker and weaker. Although she keeps saying that she wants to kill Silence, But he no longer had the slightest killing intent.

As for Serena, she will not leave Silence until Hellfire sends the remaining two Apocalypse Stones.

The Steinmetz family is not far from New York. It is located in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. It is directly under the jurisdiction of Congress, so it does not belong to any continent.

The fact that the Steinmetz family can sit here shows how powerful the family is.

Shen Mo and the others sat on the private jet prepared by the Steinmetz family for Emily, enjoying the luxury of nobles, especially the stewardess who poured wine for Shen Mo, her hands were really not ordinary white.

"I can help you if you like."

Mo Mo pretended in embarrassment that he was looking at the scenery outside the window, but he just felt that it was too white, so he looked a few more times, and there was no extra thought.

Xinyingwang saw the embarrassment of Shen Mo, not only did not help Mo Mo step down, but also asked, "Mo Mo, you are so good, do you have a girlfriend?"

Emily couldn't help feeling refreshed, and was also curiously waiting for the silent answer.

Serena and Beunita on the side also raised their ears, wanting to listen carefully.

Even the puppet penguin made by Shen Mo is curious. Although Shen Mo can explore the memory of the doll, the doll cannot know the memory of Silence. The penguin is very curious about its master.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, looking at the mischievous Xin Yingwang, recalling the past, she did not offend the other party, why did she suddenly ask this personal question.

"!" Shen Mo shook his head.

"Then you have someone you like?" Xin Yingwang asked.


"You can't be gAy!" Emily exclaimed, her small mouth was big enough to hold a round egg.

hiss!Everyone gasped, could it be that Emily explained the mystery with one word, silence is really a...


Shen Mo couldn't help swearing, who said that if you don't have a girlfriend, you're the one who doesn't like the other party?
It's the 21st century now, why is your thinking still black and white?
Shen Mo also wants to find a girlfriend!But in the end, we must have the same mind, let's hit it off!Just find a woman... there is no shortage of silence around.

Whether it's Zhang Jiayi, Lin Linger, or Chen Xue, which one is not the best among them, they are absolutely beautiful.

But things like feelings cannot be forced. Mo Mo has not yet met the person who made him fall in love at first sight, and maybe it is possible to have a relationship for a long time in the future, but that is all in the future.

Silence is not in a hurry now, and he doesn't know why, he just wants to wait.

"I just haven't met that person!"

Silently replied perfunctorily.

"Then what do you think of Emily?" Xinyingwang asked persistently.

Emily's calm face finally changed, she seemed shy, surprised, puzzled, and looking forward to it.


Are you kidding me?This little girl is not my type at all.

"Emily is the only daughter of the Steinmetz family. As long as you marry her, you will have a successful career in America."

Xinyingwang's eyes became sharper.

Emotional Xinyingwang thought that he went to the Steinmetz family for Emily, plotting the property of the Steinmetz family, but he didn't know about the deal between Shen Mo and Emily.

Emily looked calm, she now understood Xin Yingwang's intentions, and stared at Shen Mo with curious eyes, wanting to see how Shen Mo would respond.

hey-hey!Silence was transparent in his heart, and he said bluntly, "Although Miss Emily is very good, marrying her will indeed make her rise to the top, but I am a stubborn person. My love is not a business, but a mutual gratification. Twilight...although it is naive to say this, but love is naive, isn't it?"

Xin Yingwang and Emily looked at each other, the former snorted coldly, and the latter nodded silently.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and he added, "Of course, if you are a woman who treats me well, I can't guarantee that I will fall in love with her. After all, women chase men's interlayer gauze. You say so, Xin Yingwang."

Xinyingwang: "..."

Her face turned red in an instant, and her small hand, which had nowhere to rest, raised her glass to take a sip in embarrassment, and then pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

Everyone was watching this situation, and it seemed that Xinyingwang's pressing question just now was not only for Emily, but also for herself!

The party didn't say much more. When everyone arrived in Washington, D.C., the sky was already dark. Through the window, they could see the dim lights below, but there were no tall buildings. The tallest buildings were the Capitol and the Washington Monument.Without the shelter of high-rise buildings, the skyline of the city is extraordinarily wide, giving people a pleasant feeling of entering the garden.

The Steinmetz family is located near the famous Brandenburg, which is also the battlefield of the famous Brandenburg Battle, which is the key to protecting Washington.

After the private plane landed, everyone took the special car that had been prepared earlier, and after about half an hour's journey, they finally arrived at the Steinmetz family.

In addition to the steward of the Steinmetz family, McConnor Steinmetz, the current patriarch of the Steinmetz family, received Shen Mo and the others.

He is the father of Kidd and Emily, the real ruler of the family, and a powerful figure in the United States.Although he has handed over many matters in his hands to Emily to deal with, he is still the core figure of the Steinmetz family.

"Mr. Shen, you are indeed young and promising, with extraordinary abilities and limitless future."

"Mr. McConaughey deserved it."

Facing McConaughey's praise, Silence just responded politely and didn't pay too much attention to it. However, under the perception of the power of mind and eye, McConaughey is not a person with abilities, but an ordinary person.

No wonder the Steinmetz family fully supports the research on the Stone of Apocalypse, and the patriarch must have helped a lot in it.

It's a pity that McConaughey didn't expect that the immortal body he personally found for his son Kidd would actually kill Kidd.

At this moment, McConaughey had already learned about Kidd's death from Emily. He came here to see Silence, which was naturally related to Kidd's death.

how?Is McConaughey going to avenge Kidd's death?
"I already know about Kidd's death." McConaughey stared at Silence with a calm face, "I was a little surprised that he was able to die in the hands of Mr. Shen, because Emily once mentioned you to me, saying that you were not Not capable."

Nodding silently, he is indeed not a capable person.

"Then, what kind of power did you use to kill my son?"


(End of this chapter)

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