Chapter 459 Hive Base
Silence stared at McConaughey in surprise.

After confirming that there is no murderous look in the other party's eyes, continue to speak along the other party's words.

"Kidd's strength is very powerful. If it weren't for his insanity, I would not be able to defeat him. The element of luck in this battle has a large proportion."

"Oh? Really?" McConaughey glanced at Emily, who nodded slightly, echoing the silent words.

"Even so, Mr. Shen's power is extraordinary and refined. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Steinmetz family?"


He knew that McConaughey would have a great chance of recruiting him, but he didn't expect that McConaughey extended an olive branch to himself when the two met for the first time.

Silence on this has long been prepared.

"Mr. McConaughey, my knowledge of your family is limited to Miss Emily and Kidd's battle. Now that you let me join, it's hard for me to make a rational decision!"

"Haha!" McConaughey laughed, "The power of our Steinmetz family will never let you down. Since Mr. Shen has come, let Emily take you to have a good understanding, I believe Mr. Shen is a smart person who knows how to choose."

Shen Mo smiled without saying a word. With McConaughey's words, Mo Mo's hope of seeing Celia increased by [-]%.

After pondering for a moment, he continued silently.

"Mr. McConaughey, although I am not capable, I know a lot about the Stone of Apocalypse. Miss Emily should have mentioned this to you..."

Indeed, the attribute problem of the Stone of Apocalypse is the information disclosed to Emily by silence, which saved their research from a lot of trouble and misunderstanding.

McConaughey nodded, understanding the intention of silence, "Then let Emily take you to the laboratory of the Stone of Apocalypse."

"Father..." Emily wanted to say something, but was interrupted by McConaughey.

"Okay, let's stop here. I still have something to do, so I won't disturb your young people's time. Emily, Mr. Shen and the others will leave it to you to entertain."

After McConaughey finished speaking, he drove away surrounded by the housekeepers, leaving silence to wait for the Steinmetz family.

Silent glanced at Emily quite unexpectedly, "What? Miss Emily doesn't want me to see the laboratory of the Stone of Apocalypse? Could it be that there are dark places there?"

"The laboratory has always welcomed Mr. Shen's arrival very much, but there has just been an explosion there, and it needs to be cleaned up. It is better to let Xinyingwang take you to the yard first, and I will deal with the situation there, and then lead the Mr. over. How?"

"what ever!"

Emily also oiled her feet and disappeared from the silent sight.

The penguin muttered rather dissatisfied, "Hey, we are here as guests, and now even the owner has left. Is this the way the Steinmetz family treats guests?"

"Penguin, didn't Emily tell you already? She needs to deal with something in the laboratory." Xin Yingwang eased out of the sisterhood with Emily.

"Hey, who would believe such a boring excuse? In my opinion, she should have gone to hide something that can't be seen. When she comes back, all we can see is what she let us see."

Penguin is indeed a puppet with the ability to think silently, and what he said is exactly what Silent thought.

Moreover, Shen Mo also knew that Emily's trip must be to hide Celia, not wanting others to know Celia's existence.

On the surface, Shen Mo pretended to be willing to follow Xin Yingwang for a stroll in the garden, but in fact, he used his power of mind and eyes to follow Emily.

He wants to see if everything is as he expected.

After Emily left, she walked straight along the gravel path covered with green grass on both sides, passed through several corridors, and finally stopped under a lighthouse.

This lighthouse is not high. In ancient times, it was used to detect the enemy's situation and transmit signals, but now it has been transformed into the entrance of the laboratory.

I saw Emily press a string of codes on the code door of the lighthouse, and after face recognition, entered the interior of the lighthouse.

When Shen Mo wanted to follow in, he found that the power of his mind and eyes could not penetrate into the lighthouse, as if something was blocking Shen Mo's investigation.

The power of mind and eye can't enter the lighthouse?This made Silence very surprised, but from another perspective, Celia must be trapped inside the lighthouse... or, in other words, under the lighthouse!
Shen Mo's power of mind spread out again, and he went straight into the ground, and soon the outline of the hidden underground base gradually appeared in Shen Mo's mind. The lighthouse was indeed just a cover, and the real laboratory had been hidden underground.

The laboratory is like an upside-down beehive, the space becomes smaller as it goes down. Although Silence can't detect the internal situation, he knows that there are four floors in the laboratory.

The first floor is about the size of a football field, the second floor is smaller, the third floor is smaller, and the last floor is only about [-] square meters in size.

In Shen Mo's view, the most important things must be hidden on the bottom floor, and the fourth floor must be prepared for Celia.

hum!Mo Mo withdrew his power of mind and eyes, as long as Emily didn't take Celia away from the lab, he wasn't worried that he wouldn't get Celia.

Xin Yingwang took Shen Mo and others to visit the Steinmetz family. It was hard to imagine that in a place like Washington, a private person would own such a mansion.

"The ancestors of the Steinmetz family were the first people to come to America. In the Battle of Brandensburg, Emily's great-great-grandfather was the leader of that battle. So, it has always been The territory of the Steinmetz family."

Nodding silently, regarding Emily's family history, he regarded it as a short story to pass the time.

Xinyingwang saw Shen Mo's indifference, and she kindly reminded, "Shen Mo, don't underestimate McConaughey, he is not a simple person."

Shen Mo naturally knows that a man who can transfer other people's bodies to his own son can be an ordinary person?
From Shen Mo's point of view, what McConaughey wanted was nothing more than Shen Mo's ability.With McConaughey's means, even if he tried everything, it was impossible to get even a little bit of power from Silence.

Because no one can handle Goldfinger, not even silence.

After everyone waited in the garden for a long time, Emily finally returned.

"Mr. Shen, everything is well arranged, please come with me!"

Penguin and the others also wanted to follow, but they were stopped by Emily, "Mr. Shen is only allowed in the laboratory, you wait here!"

Xinyingwang has no choice but to continue impulsing the owner and take care of Penguin and others.

Besides, Shen Mo followed Emily and came to the lighthouse again. After the latter verified her identity, she signaled Shen Mo to follow her closely.

"The guards here are very strict. If someone breaks in privately, it is likely to trigger the base's self-disclosure procedure."


It's too much for others to self-destruct when they trespass!
"Of course, that's just the worst case scenario. There are also guards in the laboratory. They are all capable users who have taken the apocalypse potion, and many crises have been resolved by them."

"Why did you tell me this?"

"It's nothing! I just want to tell Mr. Shen that the security level of our laboratory is very high!"

Hey with a silent face (→_→)
Emily said so much, isn't she warning Silence not to act rashly? !

With the ability of Silence, Emily is worried that Silence will seize the research results of the laboratory, which is understandable, and it is normal to behave like this.

Silence doesn't care, what he cares about is when will he see Celia, and what does the singer's perfect soul have to do with the apocalypse potion of the Steinmetz family?
Ding!The elevator leading to the underground base stalled, and the gray elevator door slowly opened.

"Mr. Shen, we are here."

(End of this chapter)

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