The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 475 Fred's Physical Body

Chapter 475 Fred's Physical Body

Mo Mo woke up from his dream, and found that only four or five hours had passed, while in the dream world, a full day had passed.

Sure enough, the time of dreaming just passed slowly.

Looking at the bright sky outside the window, Shen Mo decided to get up and find Freddy's real body.

According to Shen Mo's understanding of the plot of A Nightmare on Elm Street, there are many people who know where Freddy's real body is, and Shen Mo happened to have seen one of them.

Chief Connor.

As a veteran police detective on Elm Street, he naturally also participated in the sniper killing of Freddy, so he absolutely knew that Freddy's real body was buried there.

Mo Mo simply cleaned up, the night of wild dreams did not make him sluggish, on the contrary, he was in good spirits after rubbing the dog's balls.

I went downstairs to pay the bill, chatted with the young lady at the bar, and waved silently to stop a taxi to go to the Elm Street Police Station.

But just when the taxi drove more than 100 meters away, such an urgent news was broadcast on the car radio.

[Elm Street Police Department is looking for a man of Chinese origin. He has an ordinary appearance and a strong build. He is wearing a black jacket and black trousers. He is suspected to be related to yesterday's murder case. Anyone with information is requested to provide effective clues, and there will be a reward . 】

The black driver couldn't help looking at Silence through the rearview mirror, his throat rumbled subconsciously, and a layer of cold sweat had unconsciously rubbed off his forehead.

"Where did you say you were going?"

"Em Street Police Station."

"Ha!" The black driver's expression relaxed, "Then it must not be you who shouted on the radio, how could any gangster take the initiative to go to the police station... You don't know, I was frightened just now."

Shen Mo also heard the description on the radio, he curled his lips and corrected, "Actually, the person mentioned in it is me."

Black driver: (⊙⊙)
brother!Don't scare me!

"But don't worry, I'm not a bad person."

"Hey, I hope so!" The black man looked stunned. He didn't believe in Shen Mo's words. If there was nothing wrong with the money in Mo Mo's hand, he would have abandoned the car and fled. When Mo Mo got off at the stop, the black driver was finally relieved. tone.

Shen Mo paid the fare and walked straight into the police station. Although most of the police officers had just started work, they were reorganizing the police force after receiving Locke's surrender and the new information on the suspect overnight. They wanted to arrest the Chinese man. .

That's right!After Locke surrendered himself, Director Connor interrogated Locke, and after knowing Freddy's name, he miraculously identified Shen Mo as a new criminal suspect. Murder case do something.

For example, pull him down, the Elm Street detective.

When Shen Mo walked into the police station, he saw a lot of people holding his sketch portraits in their hands, all of them were in a hurry, and kept passing by Shen Mo.

But no one cared about the appearance of silence, but directly ignored the silence and was busy with their own affairs.

During this period, there was also a clumsy female police detective who was holding a stack of documents and accidentally bumped into Shen Mo's body. After the latter helped her pack the documents, the other party continued to thank Shen Mo.

But even so, no one recognized Silence.

This makes Shen Mo feel that he has no sense of existence.

So, he went straight to the independent office marked with the words Director Connor. He planned to find Director Connor directly, clarify this matter repeatedly, and then ask Freddy's real body.

Mo Mo came to the door of the chief's office, and just about to knock on the door, he heard Chief Connor's scolding voice clearly from inside, "No matter what, we must find this man. I can find Locke and use Locke to divert our attention. My intuition tells me that he will definitely make a big move next... When necessary, tell our people that they can be killed! Do you understand!"

"Yes! Chief!"

"Go down!"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, if necessary, can he kill directly? !It seems that Director Connor is panicked!When it comes to the events of that year, he really has a gap in his heart!
Mo Mo avoided the figure, dodged those junior police detectives, and then directly pushed the door of Chief Connor's room.

"Didn't I let you go out! What else...huh?"

The cigar that Director Connor had just woken up couldn't help but froze in mid-air, chatting about the rising white smoke seemed very naughty, he squinted his eyes, and carefully looked at the man who broke in.

"Chinese, black, are the one!"

Director Connor instinctively wanted to draw his gun, but found that his hand was bound tightly by a vine at some point.

"How did you get in?"

Mo Mo walked into Director Connor, stretched out his hand and pulled the other's chair over, and sat down, "Just walked in like that!"

Director Connor: "..."

Are all my men trash!

"No! They're not, but I think you are!"

Silence cut across the cigar box on Director Connor's chest, took out a new cigar, and re-lit himself. The white smoke ring rose again and blew on Connor's face, making him squint his eyes .

"Tell me why you want me wanted."

"You... are the murderer!"

"Do you have proof?"

Connor's face darkened, he pondered for a moment, and finally pronounced the name, "Freddy! That's the proof, you must be trying to use a dead person to do something to achieve your ulterior purpose, but why did you kill A child, they are all innocent."

Pooh!Thank you for being a police detective for so many years.

But after thinking about it, he was not a competent police detective to be able to commit what happened back then.

"Since you say Freddy is the evidence, then go talk to him."

As he said silently, he twitched from the center of his brow, and the imprint of a grimace appeared between his fingers.

Under the milky white holy light, Connor also saw the marks of ghost faces.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes widened in disbelief. He actually saw the imprint of the grimace that Locke said, that disgusting, terrifying monster...
"What do you want to do?"

"Ask Freddy in your dreams!"


The grimace imprint was directly implanted between Connor's eyebrows by Silence, and the latter's eyes were confused for a while, and he fell into a dream in a trance.

Silence smoked a cigar quietly, and when a cigar was smoked halfway, Connor finally woke up in panic. He stared at Silence in astonishment, and suddenly tore open his shirt on his chest, only to see blood glistening on it. , impressively using the words carved out by fingers.

【eye for eye】

"Meet him? Are you happy?"

Connor didn't speak, but stared at his chest in a daze. After a long time, he hesitated.

"Is he still alive? How could he still be alive? We killed him. Bury his body in a dirty underground..."

Shen Mo explained, "He is indeed dead, but who told you that dead people can't kill?"

Silently snuffed out the cigar in his hand, it made his throat very dry after smoking too much, not moist at all.

"It's a terrible ghost! Isn't it a reasonable thing to happen on Elm Street?"

Connor didn't believe it at first, but with the appearance of Freddy in the dream and the testimony of Locke and others, he finally compromised.

Freddy turned into a ghost to get revenge.

So, here comes the problem.What kind of role does Silence play?

Connor said seriously, "What exactly do you want to do?"

Silence finally waited for the other party to say, "To be precise, I want to kill Freddy. You just happen to be able to help me."


How to help?
Where is his physical body?
(End of this chapter)

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