The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 476 Nightmare Doll

Chapter 476 Nightmare Doll
Where is Freddy's body?
Director Connor couldn't help but fell into the memory. The stormy night more than ten years ago was a memory he could never forget in his life. It was like a deep imprint in his mind. Whenever he sat alone, he would always think of the monstrous The screams of fire and despair.

When the flames were extinguished and the lingering warmth was still there, it was he who led the crowd into the ruins, found Freddy's body, and disposed of it.

"Why do you want Freddy's body?"

"Because that's the only way to deal with him."

Connor stared closely at Silence, and habitually wanted to take out a cigar from his breast pocket, but suddenly realized that his cigar had been snatched away by Silence, his hands trembled slightly, and his expression seemed to be in a trance. Aged ten years old.

"Can I have a cigarette?"

Mo Mo threw a cigar towards Connor, who skillfully cut off the cigarette holder, causing the cigar to rise in bursts of smoke rings while the flame flickered.

call!Connor pondered for a moment, smoking his cigar quietly, and after a long time, he said, "What should happen will come anyway. I'll take you there... When this matter is over, I should retire early. "

Shen Mo nodded, and didn't say much, and Shen Mo didn't have to care about Connor's decision about his future.

As a result, Chief Connor left the police station in silence, and the two of them took Connor's private car and drove all the way in a hurry, leaving the Elm Street block, heading for the abandoned car remodeling site.

This is the place to dispose of scrapped vehicles. Because of the economic downturn in recent years, there are piles of cars waiting to be scrapped here, which has turned this place into a steel grave.

And Freddy's body was buried here by Connor and others.

The two quickly got out of the car, walked another section of the path full of garbage, and came to a barren dead place.

Under the silent perception, there is no grass growing in this piece of land, and the ground is constantly oozing a dark ghostly aura. Even in the daytime when the sun is shining, it gives people an extremely cold feeling.

Judging from this terrain, Freddy's body was indeed buried here.

"It's there!"

Connor pointed to the center of the dead place, where the ghostly aura was the strongest.

Shen Mo nodded, slowly raised his hand, and called out several vines to move away the maroon soil that was soaked in blood, accompanied by faint sobs, a black skeleton exuding a foul smell appeared between Shen Mo and Kang. Na's eyes.

Under the shining of the sun at noon, the black bones were filled with thick black air, as if they were resisting the baptism and purification of the sun, and under the perception of the power of the silent mind, Freddy's ghost was in the black mist Struggling and twisting, roaring and screaming, constantly cursing something with obscenities.

Connor's face was gloomy. Seeing Freddy again after more than ten years, he still couldn't contain his anger back then, especially when he saw the strange black air permeating Freddy's bones, which made his statement before the silence even more certain.

Freddy came back from the dead, turned into a ghost and came back for revenge!
"You damn filthy bastard, even after you die, you don't forget to mutilate the children. I should have burnt your bones to ashes!"

Connor didn't regret what he did back then, because anyone with a conscience would make the same choice as him after knowing what Freddy did back then.

This ugly and dirty demon should not have been born in this world, his appearance will only bring pain to others.

Some people are born as demons, and their purpose of coming to the world is to harm the world.

Silence ignored Connor, but went straight to Freddy's skeleton. The next thing he had to do was to find a way to extract Freddy's soul from the skeleton and make it a special material for refining dolls.

This kind of drudgery was originally solved by the system, but as Shen Mo became a general manager, some things had to be done by himself.

Silence raised the corners of his mouth and smiled at Freddy's skeleton, "We meet again."

"Get out! I don't want to see you."

Silence chuckled, and slowly raised the palm exuding a milky white halo, "You can't help this, as I said, I will get you."

Freddy suddenly realized that the most terrifying thing in this world was not what he did, but being remembered by people like Silence.

hum!The holy light that welcomed Freddy hit the black bones like a viscous thick jelly, pulling Freddy's soul out of the bones, wrapping it in groups, and squeezing it into a black spirit body.

【Ding!Discover the mutated nightmare soul*1]

[Mutated Nightmare Soul: A monster transformed from a person who died because of hatred and hatred, has the power to enter and control dreams.Freddy killed many children during his lifetime, and their resentful spirits entangled Freddy, causing Freddy's nightmare power to mutate and gain the ability of nightmare clone. 】

[Nightmare clone: ​​The souls of those who died in Freddy's dream will become Freddy's nightmare clone. 】

【Ding!Found soul fragments*13]

[The soul fragments formed from the souls of the people who were brutally killed by Freddy. 】

Shen Mo frowned, absorbed Freddy's soul and the rest of the soul fragments, and stored them in the puppet making panel.

The moment the black skeleton lost the support of Freddy's soul, it turned into a ball of powder and disappeared with a gust of wind.

Silence said to Connor who was stunned beside him, "It's over! It's time to go back!"

Connor didn't react in a trance, but when he came back to his senses, the silence had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

If the deep pit where Freddy was buried was not right in front of him, Connor would have thought he had a very real dream.

【Ding!Nightmare Quest: A Nightmare on Elm Street.mission completed. 】

[Mission rewards are being calculated, please pay attention to check. 】

Shen Mo slowly opened his eyes, and he easily solved the so-called nightmare mission. This is not to say that the nightmare mission is not dangerous enough, but the power of Mo Mo has an absolute advantage in dealing with ghosts and spirits, even the vicious Fu To Shen Mo, Lei Di is just a fledgling ghost.

Although the vocation of the clergyman is to purify these ghosts and spirits?
For such opponents, they are professional.

Silence did not rest, but directly sank his consciousness into his mind, and opened the puppet making panel.

As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot, while we have just obtained Freddy's soul, let's make a tool man right now.

After completing the job transfer task, Shen Mo urgently needs a dream master like Freddy to help him cultivate the four major professional skills.

With a burst of brilliance, a very mysterious talisman inscription appeared in front of Shen Mo, and the triangular talisman groove emitted a faint blue light, and a new doll was about to be born here.

He will become the strongest tool for silently learning skills.

(End of this chapter)

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