The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 480 A Different Spirit

Chapter 480 A Different Spirit

Silence instantly opened up the power of my mind and eyes, and the invisible perception spread out around me as the center of the circle. Countless strange and different energies filled the air, constantly penetrating from the outside to the inside. These energies have already affected the passengers inside the train, making people They fell into a dazed state of coma.

Mo Mo wanted to rely on the power of the mind's eye to continue to look at places with dense energy, but found that the more he peeked into places with dense energy, the perception of the power of the mind's eye became more blurred, until finally he could see nothing through fog.

In desperation, Shen Mo could only choose to leave his seat and walk along the aisle to the place where the energy is dense, which is the first compartment of the train.

But the problem is coming.

You can't get out of silence!

Looking at Guo Weiwei who was in a coma, Shen Mo's head was a bit big. The little girl's sleeping posture was not as honest as her own. Facing the silence, I can vaguely see a sokhara, flowing along the corner of her lipsticked mouth and onto her snow-white arm...
Shen Mo wanted to go out, but could only push Guo Weiwei away, or step over the opponent.

Neither of these two points is a problem for Shen Mo, the question is which method he should choose.

Silence only hesitated for a tenth of a second, then slowly stretched out his hand, trying to hug Guo Weiwei who was beside him, and leaned her body against the seat.

But when Shen Mo's hands just grabbed Guo Weiwei's fragrant shoulders, the latter's body couldn't help trembling, and suddenly woke up from the coma, she subconsciously wiped off the puff on the corner of her mouth, and drew the bright red lipstick along the corner of her mouth There was a red mark, and the eyes filled with astonishment and astonishment...
"Uncle, what do you want to do to me?"


Silence immediately let go of his hands, and they looked very flustered with nowhere to put them, like a child stealing candy being discovered by his mother, or like a kitten stealing fish being caught by a fishmonger. The scene was once very embarrassing.

Shen Mo wanted to explain something, but realized that his explanation would only make things worse, so he said bluntly, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to get out."

Guo Weiwei's delicate face is full of [I believe you a ghost] If you just want to go out, then why are you hugging me?Your posture just now was clearly trying to take advantage of me, as expected, all uncles are poisonous...
Guo Weiwei was angry in her heart, coupled with the anger of getting up, and was about to explode, but when her eyes flashed, a silent big hand covered her mouth and forced her down.

In an instant, the distance between Shen Mo and Guo Weiwei was only [-] centimeters, and Guo Weiwei could even hear Mo Mo's breathing and smell the faint fragrance from him.

Huh? !It smells so good!
Wait, that's not the point!

Guo Weiwei: ···=.
If you can't steal it, it's hard!In broad daylight, the heavens and the earth are clear, whether there is still the law of the king, and whether there is still the law of heaven.

Guo Weiwei wanted to struggle, but found that silence was extremely powerful, and it was not an existence that she, a weak woman, could get rid of. Now she wanted to cry but had no tears, but a different kind of thought arose in her heart...
This feeling is so complicated!

"Shh! Don't talk!"

Guo Weiwei: You cover my mouth, how can I speak.

She stared at Shen Mo with resentful eyes, but saw the seriousness on his face, his eyes were as deep as the starry sky, which made people fascinated by him. It was a special aura emanating from a man that fascinated women.

So handsome~~
Guo Weiwei was a little distracted, she swallowed subconsciously, she had already forgotten her situation, and chose to give up resistance.

Sometimes, not resisting is a kind of acquiescence.

But to Guo Weiwei's surprise, she waited for a long time, and there was no next move in silence, which surprised her very much, and a trace of anxiety and expectation arose in her heart.

What are you waiting for?
Shen Mo didn't know that Guo Weiwei's psychological activities were so complicated, his mind was not on Guo Weiwei at all, but at the end of the carriage.

Guo Weiwei seemed to be aware of the silent gaze, and subconsciously poked his head out to look at the end of the carriage.

I saw several eerie ghosts shrouded in black shadows, twisting their slender bodies, or crawling on the ground like spiders, or hanging upside down on the roof like bats, or floating in the air like ghosts In the process, we are approaching Silence and Guo Weiwei step by step...
They kept sniffing the unconscious passengers, as if they were looking for something?
Guo Weiwei: ==(●●|)
What the hell is this? !
What exactly did I see? !

If it weren't for Silence's hand tightly covering her mouth, she would have screamed through the sky, since it attracted the attention of those monsters.

Guo Weiwei couldn't help but look at Shen Mo, she suddenly realized that Shen Mo must have known something to have the weird behavior before, he is not a simple handsome uncle, he has other abilities besides being handsome!
I saw those shadow monsters looking around, and soon found a sleeping little girl. Like Magellan who discovered the New World, they rushed forward and shrouded the little girl in the shadow. When the shadow dissipated, the little girl's face changed. He was extremely pale and bloodless.

And under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eyes, a large part of the essence of blood energy in the little girl's body has been eaten away by these shadow monsters.

Ordinary people who are sucked by this will suffer serious illness at the least, and die on the spot at the worst.

The little girl obviously belonged to the former, after such a toss by the shadow monster, she was bound to suffer a serious illness.

Soul-absorbing shadow monsters? !
Silence frowned. In his memory, he had never heard of the existence of such a monster, and in Uncle Lame's teachings, there was no record of this monster.

In desperation, Shen Mo could only use his investigative skills.

hum!The Ring of the Detective emits a gleam of light, locking onto the spider-like shadow monster.

[Spider spirit monster: a spirit monster formed by the resentment of spiders after death, and likes to eat human flesh and blood. 】

Silence frowned slightly, ghost? !How could such a thing appear here? !Moreover, the ghosts that Shen Mo saw now were completely different from normal ghosts!

According to Uncle Lame's teachings, the so-called spirits are non-human, non-ghost animals and plants that absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. They are not very intelligent, but have alternative abilities.

This kind of life form commonly exists in the wild forests in the mountains after the spiritual energy is revived, but they are not aggressive, and they are not harmful to humans and animals. How could they be reduced to the existence of sucking human essence?
Shen Mo realized that there must be something tricky in it.

While thinking, the spider spirit crawled along the aisle and approached where Silence and Guo Weiwei were.

According to Silence's observation of them, the targets they choose have some kind of screening mechanism, not everyone will be attracted by them.

There were 22 people in front, and only the little girl was selected.

Therefore, from Shen Mo's point of view, before they knew their real purpose and the black hands behind the scenes, it was necessary to stand still and retreat to advance.

"Here they come, pretending to sleep."

Guo Weiwei was taken aback for a moment, but he also realized that these monsters are not killed on sight, and pretending to sleep seems to be a good way.

Ever since, Shen Mo and Guo Weiwei leaned together, pretending to be mature and sleeping.

The spider spirit quickly came to the two of them. It climbed up Guo Weiwei's long legs first, and rubbed some kind of slender and dark mouthparts on Guo Weiwei's face.

Guo Weiwei panicked in her heart, but she tried her best to restrain herself, so as not to let her make any abnormal movements and be noticed by the other party.

But even so, the spider spirit seemed to be having trouble with Guo Weiwei, and once again made the same strange cry as the little girl who found it, calling for its companions.

Mo Mo's heart trembled, the secret was not good, Guo Weiwei was chosen by them.

Although they don't know their screening mechanism, Mo Mo realizes that it is impossible to pretend to be asleep anymore.

He had to do something, even if he knew nothing about the overall situation, he had to take action.

(End of this chapter)

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