The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 481 The Disappearing Train

Chapter 481 The Disappearing Train

The spirits around sensed the call of the spider spirits, and rushed towards Guo Weiwei. The latter was still determined to remain silent, pretending to sleep, but he didn't know that he was in crisis.

In a trance, Shen Mo grabbed Guo Weiwei's arm suddenly, and the holy light blessed by the weapon ignited, and the milky white halo wrapped Guo Weiwei before the dark and weird energy of the spirits came.

Guo Weiwei, who was flustered at first, only felt warm currents coming from silent hands, flowing into her body, soothing her restless heart, and warming her body, making her groan uncontrollably~ ~~
Huh? !

What does it feel like?
Guo Weiwei has never experienced this kind of feeling, even in the happiest moment, he has never felt this kind of feeling.

She opened her eyes suddenly, but saw the spider spirit lying on her lap, breathing black air strangely from its mouthparts, which made people feel chills down their spines and felt terrified.

If it was before, Guo Weiwei would have screamed and passed out, but with the blessing of silent weapon blessings, she kept her head clear.

I saw the spirits releasing black energy to wrap Guo Weiwei, but they were all intercepted by the holy light blessed by weapons.

Looking at Silence again, he raised his fist as big as a sandbag and slammed it hard at the spider spirit who had invaded Guo Weiwei.

boom!There was a loud noise, and the strange black air of the spider spirit trembled, flying backwards like a kite with a broken string, hitting the opposite wall heavily, turning into a black shadow and disappearing.

One hit kill!

Guo Weiwei: Wow!So handsome~~I'm fascinated.

hiss!The rest of the spirits swayed their bodies, roared threateningly, immediately abandoned Guo Weiwei, and locked their targets in silence.

Invisibly, there seemed to be something controlling these ignorant spirits, silently attacking and killing them from all directions.

Mo Mo's feet were connected, and he jumped out of the seat with a bang, twisting his body with extreme agility, turning it into a series of strength, and transforming it into a powerful force.

The narrow compartment is not suitable for fighting with weapons, but for Shen Mo, who possesses the power of the Blue Fist Holy Envoy, his new fighting fist is just right for him.

Dao Dao fist wind swept across, falling on the spirit monsters like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, knocking them apart one by one, turning them into strands of black air, spilling out of the carriage, and escaping to the outside world.

In just a few breaths, silence wiped out all the ghosts in the carriage.

Looking at Guo Weiwei in the seat, she had already stood up, staring at the silent figure with adoration in the eyes of a little girl, her mouth was wide enough to stuff an entire egg.

"Uncle, are you debuting?"

Get a hammer!What the hell are you thinking?
Guo Weiwei continued to mutter, "If you debut, I am willing to be your true fan forever."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, "I don't have this idea for now."

"Then you must come to me when you have this idea."

Silently puzzled, "Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm a professional manager! Kang Minmin, do you know?"

Shen Shen shook his head, he didn't know Kang Minmin before meeting Guo Weiwei.

Guo Weiwei was a little surprised, and continued to explain, "Have you watched Super Goddess Running?"

Shen Shen shook his head, he never watched entertainment programs because he didn't have time.

Guo Weiwei's face darkened, "Uncle, are you from Earth?"

Silently said seriously, "I should ask you this question. Normal people on earth are not thinking about how to save their lives in this situation, but are asking me if I will debut. Do you think you are normal?"

Guo Weiwei was taken aback for a moment, and she finally came to her senses. Her professionalism made her temporarily forget her fear, but when she mentioned it silently, she remembered her situation again.

"Huh?! What should we do? Are we hitting ghosts? Help!"

Mo Mo's mouth twitched, such a nervous girl is actually a professional manager?When did the broker's threshold become so low.

If she can become Kang Minmin's manager, she must have a relationship!

"Hush!" Silence stopped Guo Weiwei's panic, "I just beat them away, if you shout again, you will definitely attract more monsters."

Guo Weiwei immediately silenced, not daring to take a breath, and whispered in a very soft voice, "Then what should we do next?"

Silence's eyes looked out of the train, it was still pitch black outside, with no light to be seen, as if the train had stopped running, but under the perception of Silence, the train was still running at high speed, but he didn't know where it was Driving, and how to drive.

From the perspective of outsiders, the train that Shen Mo was on disappeared from people's sight the moment he entered the tunnel. Even the signal station monitoring the train could not detect the existence of the train. It was as if the other party had disappeared out of thin air.

Vanishing train!
Shen Mo realized that the incident was not simple, and he had to go to the first compartment where the strange energy was the strongest.

"Stay here and don't move around, I'll go..."


Guo Weiwei embraced Silence's arm in horror, "Don't leave me here alone, I'm afraid..."

Silence said bluntly, "The place I am going to is more dangerous than here, you must follow me."

Guo Weiwei was taken aback, and said aggrievedly, "Then why don't you go?"

Shen Mo doesn't want to go either, but if he doesn't go, who knows what will happen next, if the train derails, everyone except Shen Mo will have to finish the game, Mo Mo doesn't want to see the sight of corpses strewn all over the place.

"If I don't go, there will be an accident on the train, and we still have to finish the game."

Shen Mo told Guo Weiwei the serious relationship, and the latter hesitated for a moment before saying firmly, "Then I'll go with you."

Is it so hasty?

Guo Weiwei also has no other choice, rather than letting her stay here alone, she would rather be with Shen Mo, at least she has someone to rely on.

"you sure?"

"I'm sure!"

Silence looked at Guo Weiwei beside her, aside from her somewhat neurotic personality, she is really a beauty, but what's the use of a beauty? !
Can you help Shen Mo deal with the unknown danger?

Can it be the strong backing of silence?

"Forget it, then you should stay here, I'm afraid you will drag me down."

Guo Weiwei:...
The child was about to cry.

At this time, uncle, please stop joking with me, okay!
But Shen Mo was joking, he was telling the truth, Guo Weiwei was far safer staying here than staying with Shen Mo.

Shen Mo shook his head, his eyes groped up and down Guo Weiwei's body, and then locked on the diamond necklace around her neck.

"give it to me!"

Guo Weiwei was taken aback, and said reluctantly, "This is my mother's relic..."

"I don't want it, I just add a buff to it!"

buff? !As a loyal fan of King's Poison, Guo Weiwei naturally knew what the buff was. She was pleasantly surprised, and immediately took off the necklace and handed it to Shen Mo.

I saw Shen Mo holding the diamond necklace and launching the weapon blessing skill.

[Diamond Necklace: (Weapon Blessing) (Mother's Thoughts) This is a diamond necklace full of mother's longing for her daughter. After the weapon blessing, it has the ability to protect the wearer from evil things. 】

The silence was rather unexpected, this is still a special diamond necklace, no wonder Guo Weiwei attaches so much importance to it.

He handed back the blessed diamond necklace to Guo Weiwei, "Put it on, it will protect you."

Guo Weiwei put on the diamond necklace suspiciously, and at the moment when the milky white holy light enveloped her, she believed the silent words.

"Can you really buff items?!"

Silence without explanation, facts speak louder than words.

Guo Weiwei happily took out a bunch of trinkets or cosmetics from his crossbody bag, "Uncle, can you buff them too?"

I finally know why you can become a broker.

(End of this chapter)

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