The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 482 Burning Fat Sausage

Chapter 482 Burning Fat Sausage

For a talent like Guo Weiwei, it would be a waste not to be an agent!
Shen Mo looked at the pile of cosmetics in Guo Weiwei's arms, and the corners of his mouth twitched. In theory, he could bless anything with weapons, but a theory is a theory after all. In practice, Mo Mo has to consider many factors, such as now.

A blessing necklace is enough to guarantee Guo Weiwei's safety if she is not in trouble, and the rest is unnecessary!
Guo Weiwei blinked her bright eyes and said hopefully, "Uncle, please give me another blessing. I love you."


Hearing these words made people's backs tingle and their brains swollen, but reason told Mo Mo that he had no time to waste any more time with Guo Weiwei.

Just when Guo Weiwei wanted to continue lobbying for silence with his beauty and skills, a fast, precise and ruthless hand knife slashed out, knocking Guo Weiwei unconscious immediately.

Before the latter could react, he passed out.

Shen Mo picked up the unconscious Guo Weiwei, placed her on his seat, and helped her fasten her seat belt, curled her lips, brushed off the long hair that accidentally got on her body, turned around and walked towards the end of the carriage .

Sometimes, all you need is the simplest way to deal with a troublesome woman.

Don't try to reason with such women because they are unreasonable.

The end of the carriage had already been filled with dark fog, and as the silence deepened, the fog became thicker and thicker until Silence's figure disappeared into the mist, and the train carriage gradually returned to silence.

Darkness, coldness, and wanton energy wrapped the silence. Under the perception of the power of the mind's eye, he could clearly perceive the hatred and disgust contained in the energy. These negative emotions continued to penetrate into his body along his pores, Straight to his heart, if it weren't for the power of purification to eliminate negative emotions, he might have been swallowed by hatred and disgust, and reduced to a walking dead in the mist.

Silence had a faint realization, no wonder those spirits would become monsters that sucked the spirit of others. Under the erosion of this fog, even a holy saint would become the most hateful villain in the world.

Well, the problem is coming.

Where did this fog of hatred come from, how did it form, and why did they appear here, swallowing the entire train and pulling it into a different space similar to ghosts and monsters.

That's right!

As Silence passed through a carriage, he already had some understanding of the situation at the moment. This train did not disappear, but was pulled into a different space similar to ghosts by some force.

The situation here is very similar to that of ghosts. The difference is that the space here can swallow the entire train. It can be seen that the things that support this different space have terrifying power far exceeding that of ordinary ghosts.

Take a deep breath in silence...

He hastened to bless himself with the power of purification. In such a thick fog, it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to breathe, and they dare not take a big breath for a comparison like silence.

Fortunately, this kind of fog seems to be restricted by certain rules, they can only occupy between the carriages, and cannot penetrate into the interior of the carriages in large quantities, which is tantamount to saving the lives of most people.

Shen Mo came to a new carriage, and as soon as he stepped out of the fog, he saw five spirits of different sizes sucking the souls of some people. Four of the victims in this train had been raped because there was no Shen Mo's intervention. , one of them was seriously injured, he was already dying, and his life was not long.

Brave beast!Die!

Silence wanted to say something different, but when it came to his mouth, the most old-fashioned rhetoric was more in line with the current situation.

The simplest is always the most turbulent, the ancients never deceived me!

hum!The iron fist exuding a light blue halo slammed heavily on the spirit monsters, knocking them apart, turning them into streaks of black mist, and escaping back into the darkness of the outside world.

In just a few breaths, Shen Mo eliminated these spirit monsters with the new fighting fist of the Holy Envoy of Blue Fist.

In the narrow environment of the car, the new fighting boxing can indeed display extremely terrifying combat power, coupled with the blessing of mental power driven by thoughts, it can be said to be invincible against these spirits.

After solving the raging spirits, silently walked to the few people who were bullied by them, and checked their conditions. Except for the most serious person, the rest of them were all things that healed slowly.

As for the most serious person, Shen Mo could only shake his head helplessly, he couldn't save her.

After all, he is only a man, not a god.

Mo Mo helped her close her out-of-focus eyes, turned around, and continued on her journey. He had to get to Car No. [-] as soon as possible, where the strange energy was strongest.

Car 6!
There are still a few spirits entrenched in this train compartment, but fortunately they have not found a suitable person, so they can only wander in the compartment like puppets, and wait until Silence appears, and they rush forward, trying to swallow Silence.

Without any accident, it was another new fighting punch, and several spirits died with hatred.

Silence strides forward, dare not delay, and moves on.

Car 5!
When the silence broke through the fog between the carriages, I couldn't help but freeze in place, because the situation in this carriage was completely different from the situation in the previous few trains.

Shen Mo found that this place could no longer be called a carriage.

Under the nuisance of strange energy, the interior of the carriage has undergone earth-shaking changes, like the intestines of some monster, surrounded by bloody fleshy tissues, and wriggling non-stop according to certain rules.

Mo Mo frowned, and immediately released the power of mind and eye to investigate the current situation. The flesh-colored intestines did not find the previous ghosts, nor did they find traces of other humans.

pig intestine? !

Shen Mo shook his head, he had never seen such a big pig intestine in his life!

Nan Nan: If it's made into roast fat sausage, how many days will it take to finish it!

Silence: When did you become a foodie? !
Nannan: Didn't Uncle Huang burn it once before?It's very similar to this one!Heat the oil in a pan, fry the onion and garlic... Tsk tsk, it's so exciting.

There was silence for a while, this thing looked a bit like burning fat intestines.

But what Jing Nannan said, the bloody scene in front of me instantly became cute...
Sure enough, in the eyes of foodies, there is no absolute fear at all.

Silently looking at the burning fat intestines... Bah, at the end of the flesh-colored intestines, there is a thick fog leading to the No. 5 carriage.

Shen Mo had to choose to stride forward, passing through this flesh-colored intestine alone.

"Nannan, you should come back first."

Mo Mo pointed to Nan Nan who was squatting on the ground and poking her with her little finger, for fear that she couldn't help but suddenly take a bite,

Reluctantly, Nannan turned into a red light and submerged into the lucky cat again.

"When you get to Yanjing, burn the fat intestines, I'll let you eat as much as you want."

Mo Mo strode forward, stepping on the soft and elastic flesh-colored intestines, as if stepping on a cotton air cushion, only to see that he had just taken a few steps, and the mutation suddenly rose.

not good!Gut changed!

(End of this chapter)

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