Chapter 484
Through the thick and strange fog, Silence came from the 5th car to the 4th car.

As he had just expected, the closer he was to compartment 1, the more dangerous the situation he was facing.

Car No. 4 is the same as Car No. 5, also under the magical transformation of the fog, a new strange environment is formed.

I saw a blood moon hanging high, and the stars scattered in the sky. Under the sky, there were handsome mountains and steep rocks. His whole body was bruised and black with thick hair, but his fists had fiery red mane and his face was like a thunderbolt. , the gigantic ape with gills like ghosts stood on the top of the mountain, bowing down to the blood moon.

The devil ape worships the moon!

In this situation, this word immediately flashed in Silence's mind.

According to common sense, Shen Mo should take out his Investigator Ring to investigate the information of the Demon Ape, but Shen Mo kept staring at the Demon Ape without any further action.

Because under the perception of the power of the mind and eyes, every time the demon ape bows to the moon, a bloody light will descend from the bloody full moon, which makes the demon ape's energy and blood churn, and its strength increases slowly.

It is using the power of the blood moon to cultivate its own body!

In this situation, Shen Mo thought that he should not disturb the other party, even though the passage leading to the next section of the carriage was in the boulder pile at the foot of the demon ape.

He should wait. Although he didn't know what to wait for, his intuition told him that he should wait.

After a while, the blood moon gradually fell, the red light weakened, and the red eyes of the demon ape gradually regained their brilliance, revealing a humane brilliance.

From this point of view, this devil ape is completely different from the previous ghosts and mandrill blood sausages. It is a higher existence with autonomous consciousness.

Roar!The demon ape raised its head to the sky and screamed, its fiery red fists hammered hard on its chest, making a dull and loud noise, as if the entire mountain began to shake violently.

Such momentum, in front of the eyes of ordinary people, has already frightened them to pieces, but for Shen Mo, it is like watching a monkey show.

Because under the perception of the power of the mind and eyes, the demon ape is not furious, but is using self-mutilation to accelerate the body's absorption of the blood moon energy. Every time it hammers the chest, the blood energy is better integrated into itself flesh.

Could this be the source of the legendary hammering on your chest with a small fist? !

Really brutal.

Shen Mo stood at the foot of the mountain, and after waiting for a while, the demon ape finally stopped all kinds of self-harm, and then set his sights on Shen Mo.

His scarlet eyes stared at Silence, his body nearly [-] meters covered the sky and the sun, looking down on the humble ant-like microorganisms.

The red mouth of the demon ape flickered, and a dull voice sounded like a bell, "You are the human who cut off the mandrill's blood sausage?!"

Nodding silently, he didn't deny it, because what the magic ape said was the truth, and he didn't need to quibble.

After receiving the silent answer, the demon ape pondered for a moment, and then burst out into a hearty laugh, "Hahaha! Well done! That mandrill has long since displeased me, if it wasn't for that lord who doesn't allow cannibalism, I wouldn't It's head has been blown off."

Shen Mo didn't answer, and secretly speculated in his heart that there was a lot of information in the words of the demon ape.

First of all, it is certain that these spirit monsters are not spirits without a master, they do have a leader who manipulates or restrains them behind the scenes.

Furthermore, these spirits and monsters also have their own contradictions and grudges.

Finally, this demon ape is not a non-negotiable spirit.

Shen Mo felt that he should be able to dig out something from the other party, of course, it was definitely not a violent practice method that hammered his chest.

Silently turned his thoughts, followed the words of the demon ape, pointed to the fog leading to the No. 3 carriage, and said, "In that case, can you let me pass? I'm in a hurry."

The demon ape was slightly angry, Lei Gong's face jumped and said, "No! My mission is to prevent you from passing here, how can I let you pass."

Mo Mo knew it in his heart, he naturally knew the purpose of the Demon Ape's appearance here, and the reason why he said this was of course for the next routine.

"That's such a pity!" Shen Mo said, patted the lucky cat on his waist, the red light flashed, and Nan Nan appeared between a man and an ape.

I saw Nannan holding a long and thick stick in his hand, imitating the appearance of Monkey King in the TV series, and playing stick flower, but Nannan's stick technique is really too clumsy, and the stick is far too thick It was bigger than Nan Nan's little hand, so that the stick in her hand fell to the ground with a bang after only two turns.


Nannan: (oωo)
Mo Mo said in his heart: "Nan Nan, you are pretending to be someone with me!"

Nannan: "I'm a monster, why pretend to be someone? Besides, I don't know that sticks are so difficult to play with!"

have to!You'd better pick up the stick and give it to me!I'll play!
Nan Nan pouted, jumped to the side of the stick, knelt down, picked up the Ruyi Golden Cudgel (false), and threw it to Shen Mo.

As soon as the latter received the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, the stick, which was originally long and thick for Nan Nan, became bigger, longer and thicker again, which was just right for Shen Mo's height and shape.

I saw Shen Mo holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel tightly, and using his experience in swinging an axe, he started a new stick performance.

hum!The stick danced, the stick flowers were dazzling, and gorgeous flower clusters bloomed in Shen Mo's hands. Seeing Nan Nan's expression of surprise, the demon ape looked stunned.

After a little leaning, the silent performance is coming to an end.

Originally, he planned to make another mixed stick flower head and tail, but was interrupted by the magic ape.

"What are you doing there? Don't think you can bribe me by performing tricks on me. There's no way you're going to get out of here unless you beat me."

Shaking his head silently, he pretended to be serious, "I didn't intend to bribe you, but I got this treasure by accident, and I think it is destined for you, so I'll let you see how powerful it is."

Specter: "???"

What is this stick baby?
Ruyi Golden Hoop!
"What it is?"

Silently surprised, "Don't you know Monkey King?"

The demon ape shook his head with a blank expression on his face.

"You don't even know Sun Wukong, are you still a monkey?"

The demon ape was slightly annoyed, and said, "I'm an ape! Not a monkey!"

Is there any difference between these two?
Of course there is a difference. Apes are closer to humans, and generally speaking, they are more advanced than monkeys.

So the demon ape was mistaken for a monkey by Shen Mo, and he was refuted by the other party, which was tantamount to a mockery.

You insult me!

If the expression of the demon ape can be turned into words, then these four characters have already been imprinted on its face. At the same time, what descended with these four characters is the pair of fiery red fists of the demon ape.

The giant magic ape jumped down from the mountain peak, raised and smashed the iron fist, and slammed it down towards Silence's head.

Normally speaking, with such a heavy blow, Shen Mo would be smashed into minced meat in the blink of an eye, but it happened that Shen Mo was holding a wishful golden cudgel in his hand at this moment.

Although this Ruyi Golden Cudgel is a counterfeit, it can be opened from a pocket jar. Even if it is a counterfeit, its quality is excellent.

hum!With a thought in silence, the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand was good at facing the wind, and in an instant it turned into a giant stick that reached the sky, comparable to the figure of the demon ape.

boom!The demon ape fell, originally thinking that his fists could easily crush Silence into minced meat, but the next moment the giant stick that suddenly appeared hit its chest and hit them together.

The huge impact and counter-impact directly caused the demon ape's chest to sag, its back to protrude, and blood poured down like a waterfall.

With just one blow, Shen Mo, relying on the ability of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to be big or small, severely injured the Demon Ape.

At the same time, Angel Wings ignited from behind Shen Mo, soaring straight into the sky, with a blood moon printed on his back, carrying the gigantic Ruyi Golden Cudgel, reaching half of the Demon Ape's face.

"Now do you know Sun Wukong?"

Demon Ape: ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3
I really don't know Sun Wukong!
"It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, then tell me about the person you know."


"The person who asked you to stop me."

The demon ape looked helpless, it knew it couldn't speak, but judging from the current situation, if it didn't speak, it might be dead!
Just as the demon ape struggled, the fog leading to the No. 3 carriage squirmed, and a hunched figure emerged from it.

I saw a white-bearded old man walking out with a cane, a sick look, and half of his foot in the coffin.

"Are you looking for me, little friend?"

(End of this chapter)

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