Chapter 485

With the appearance of the white-bearded old man, the demon ape under Ruyi's golden cudgel throbbed for a while, hope and longing were written on his face of despair, just like a bullied bear seeing his parents, waiting for them to be proud of him , a complete shame.

But the silent eyes fell on the white-bearded old man, and his expression changed for a while, which was complicated and indescribable.

Who do you want to say is this old man?

Silence is definitely unknown.

But Silence felt that he had seen this old man somewhere, and not only once, but also many times.

Where have you seen it?

Silent recalled carefully, but couldn't remember anything.

On the other hand, the lucky cat on Shen Mo's waist trembled slightly, and Nan Nan, who was a zashiki boy, transmitted to Shen Mo, surprised, "Boss, your family calendar has become a master!"

silence:? ? ?
How did my family calendar become perfect?Besides, whether the calendar is perfect or not has nothing to do with the white-bearded old man in front of him.

You, Nannan, are getting more and more naughty...

Silence seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Looking at the white-bearded old man in front of him again, combined with Nan Nan's words just now, Mo Mo suddenly realized that he finally knew who the white-bearded old man in front of him was!


Isn't this old man the land father-in-law!
It is the old lonely old man in Journey to the West who is only 1.5 meters tall, has a kind face, is naive, and is always on call, as if anyone can bully him.

Why is he here?How could he become the mastermind behind the mist?Could this be the wrong script?
Seeing the silence, the old man with white beard was stunned and speechless, then glanced at the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, and said bluntly, "Little friend, can you let me go first, this little ape, I have offended you so much, I will apologize to you for it. no."

Silence was brought back to reality by the words of the white-bearded old man. With a flick of his wrist, he shrunk the Ruyi Golden Cudgel to its normal size and held it in his hand, asking, "Who the hell are you?!"

"The old man's surname is Zhang and his name is Defu. He is the mountain god of Panyuan Mountain."

Silence: ==(●●|)
What is Panyuan Mountain? !
What the hell is a mountain god? !
It is indeed a fact that the spiritual energy revives, but the mountain god is amazing in this world, and it is unheard of and unseen in the super game to be silent!
"Mountain God? Are you sure?!"

The white-bearded old man pondered for a moment, and said frankly, "The old man's position as a mountain god is not given by the gods, but the panyuan mountain spirit and wild monsters, who respect the old man as the mountain god."

Silently, it turned out that it was not the awakening of the gods and Buddhas, but the mountain spirits and wild monsters became the weather, and were elected by other spirits to become a mountain god, or the old man had his own means to establish the mountain god.

"It turned out to be a temporary worker!"

Shen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, the secret old man really scared him just now, if the other party is really an orthodox mountain god, it means that the recovery of spiritual energy has reached the level enough to make the gods and Buddhas come to the world, then he is still playing Jier!Waiting for the sky full of gods, Buddhas and ants to come to life, what else is there to do.

Now it seems that the white-bearded old man in front of him is just an old hooligan who became a god after his spiritual energy was revived.

Why do you say old hooligan?
Because this group of old hooligans robbed the train that Shen Mo was on, and also manipulated spirits to absorb the souls of living people. After discovering the existence of Shen Mo, they tried to use mandrill blood sausage and magic ape to kill Shen Mo.

If it weren't for Mo Mo's tough comparison, presumably the white-bearded old man would not have come to see Mo Mo from the No. 1 carriage.

Now that the real master of this deceitful incident has appeared, Mo Mo and the other party have to make up their minds, and take a look at the whole story of this deceitful incident, and what is the cause and effect.

Why pull the whole train into a strange realm, why do you need to control the spirits to do whatever you want.

The white-bearded old man was called a temporary worker by Shen Mo, and his face turned red and white. He wanted to explode, but he thought that Shen Mo's method was too powerful, so he could only hide it and said kindly, "Little friend said so, It's not bad either."

"Since you prevented me from seeing you, you should know my purpose!"

The white-bearded old man pondered for a moment, "Little friend wants to kill me."

"My heart is transparent."

"But little friend can't kill me!"

Silent and puzzled, isn't he just a temporary worker who is self-reliant as a mountain god?Since you dare to use tricks to harm people, why can't you kill them.

"Because the old man is a seriously ill body, whether you kill the old man or not, the old man will die."

Mo Mo frowned, observing the expression and vitality of the white-bearded old man, he found that the other party's body was indeed extremely weak, as if he would go to the underworld to report if he was not careful.

But this is not an excuse or reason to evade responsibility.

"How long do you have to live?"

The white-bearded old man shook his head and smiled wryly, "The old man is dying of illness, and his life will not be long. It will last for a thousand years, or a hundred years for a short time, and he will die of drinking disease."

silence:? ? ?
What did you say?Tell me again? !

Silence has a feeling of being fooled by the white-bearded old man. You just said that you are terminally ill and about to die of illness, and then you say that if you are long, you will live a thousand years, and if you are short, you will live a hundred years.

Are you kidding me?Just kidding?
An insane and insane man who pretended to be sick to survive? !
The golden cudgel in Shen Mo's hand seemed not enough weight, so he took out his calamity · Yaqi · battle axe, because the battle ax cuts fast!
Facing the silent killing intent, the white-bearded old man quickly explained, "My little friend, you don't know something. Spirits like me have a long lifespan. A thousand-year lifespan is already premature, and a hundred years is even more fleeting..."

Silently pouted, it's not your fault for feelings, it's because I can't keep up with your weird rhythm? !

A reborn traveler like Shen Mo, with the addition of a cheat, dare not say that he has a thousand-year lifespan. In Shen Mo's view, those who live for a thousand years are bastards, not human at all.

But in the eyes of these spirits, a thousand-year lifespan is also a case of premature death.

Sure enough, humans and demons are incomparable, and there are differences.

Mo Mo temporarily put down his calamity battle axe, and the white-bearded old man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's put the matter of whether you will die or not for now, and let's talk about the current matter... What exactly do you want to do by pulling the whole train into your treacherous domain?"

The white-bearded old man didn't hide anything, and said bluntly, "Continue!"

"Sustaining life by sucking the soul of a stranger?!" There were bursts of murderous intent on Shen Mo's face. If this was the case, Mo Mo would have to raise the battle ax that Mo Mo had just put down, and cut the white-bearded old man to the ground.

Because silence will not be the first victim, nor will it be the last victim. Let this old man go, and the trains passing through the tunnel in the future will become the old man's life extension.

The white-bearded old man did not change, "Yes!"

hum!The Calamity Tomahawk emitted a blazing fire, and the flames converted from the power of chakra burned blazingly.

Facing the silent killing intent, the old man remained unmoved and continued to narrate, "The reason why this old man can become the mountain god of Panyuan Mountain is that apart from the support of the mountain spirits and wild monsters, the main reason is that this old man is Panyuan Mountain. Mount Panyuan is old."

The old man with white beard is a mountain! ?
Panyuan Mountain? !Silence savored carefully, and seemed to understand something.

"The tunnel you have passed through is Panyuan Mountain. Four years ago, you opened up the entire Panyuan Mountain in order to open traffic, and broke the root of the old man. The old man and the mountain spirits and wild monsters of Panyuan Mountain are facing There is no hope of cultivation, the hopeless situation of cutting off the spiritual energy, and we have no choice but to drink the soul of those with spiritual power to save our bodies. If you want to kill us because of this, and let the spirits and wild monsters all over the mountain perish from then on, Even if this old man fights his old bones, he will fight to the death with you..."

Silently speaking, he quietly looked at the white-bearded old man. Countless mountain goblins suddenly appeared behind the latter.

Mo Mo felt helpless, he didn't know when the tunnel of Panyuan Mountain was opened, and he didn't know that opening a tunnel would cut off the foundation of mountain gods and spirits.

After the spiritual energy recovered, many normal things became abnormal, and the matter of the old man with white beard was one of them.

Neither the human nor the white-bearded old man seems to be wrong in this matter, but what both are doing is causing harm to the other.

Silence is not qualified to stand on the moral high ground to condemn the old man with white beard, and has no reason to question the builder of the tunnel, why not change to an ordinary mountain.

Silence cannot change the past, nor can it decide.

All he can decide is the present moment.

"Zhang Defu! Uncle Zhang! Let me help you find a solution for your affairs! Also, do you know Calabash Baby?"

Old man with white beard: What baby? !
(End of this chapter)

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