Chapter 486

Calabash Babies to save Grandpa—one by one!
Judging from the reaction of the white-bearded old man, he obviously doesn't know the allusion of this allusion, just like the devil ape doesn't know the existence of Sun Wukong, these monsters and wild monsters are all people who have never seen the world, lived in the deep mountains and old forests for a long time, and don't know anything about the world Lengtouqing.

I saw Shen Mo's eyes fixed, and a new notification sound appeared in his mind.

【Ding!Discover the spirit of the mountain god*1. 】

[Spirit of the Mountain God: A special material that can be used to refine dolls. 】

【Ding!Found soul fragments*23]

[Soul fragments: The spirit of the mountain god controls the spirits and wild monsters to suck human essence, so the creatures that died tragically turned into soul fragments and entangled in the surroundings. 】

A glimmer of haze flashed across Silent's face. He had long guessed that the white-bearded old man had robbed more than one train, and now he found 23 soul fragments wrapped around his body, which confirmed Silent's guess.

The number of human beings who died at the hands of the white-bearded old man has reached 23, and there are countless people who have suffered serious illnesses because of it absorbing soul.

If you don't understand the rules this time, you will be punished for your crime!
Silently and calmly, he asked, "Shan Shen Zhang, how many monsters and wild monsters do you have under your command?"

Mountain God Zhang pondered for a moment, then replied truthfully, "The wild monsters include devil apes and mandrills, and there are 135 spirit monsters."

Silence is a bit unbelievable, ghosts rob, and wild monsters block the way, but what should be waiting for Silence in carriages 2 and 3, "Then what is occupying carriages 3 and 2?"

"There are no wild monsters and mountain spirits in carriages 2 and 3. If you break in, you will enter two large formations set up by the old man, the formation of strange stones and the formation of mountains and forests. The formation of strange stones is based on stones, which can disturb people's minds , Destroy the human body. The forest formation is based on the forest, which can trap people and imprison the enemy."

Nodding silently, Nan Nan Chuan Yin confirmed that the mountain god Zhang did not lie.

"Then why don't you use formations to deal with me?"

"With the strength of my little friend, the old man's self-awareness formation can't stop you at all. Instead of this, it's better to have a talk with you in exchange for a glimmer of life."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, the mountain god Zhang could see clearly, but it was a pity that Mo Mo didn't plan to spare him easily after learning about the crime.

Furthermore, after knowing that the spirit of the mountain god has the possibility of refining dolls, Mo Mo already has a new plan and arrangement in his heart.

"I just said, I will help you."

"I would like to hear more about it!" Mountain God Zhang bowed and bowed, waiting for a silent answer.

I saw Shen Mo raised one hand, and a gorgeous whirlpool of evil spirit manifested, like the heart of a tornado, spinning and floating, and a picture like a paradise emerged, a towering tree imprinted with mysterious runes and code words in the picture Bursting with vitality.

Tongtian Demon Realm!The innate skills of the Millennium Tongtian Willow!Has the innate ability to accommodate monsters and ghosts.

Mo Mo used the Tongtian Demon Realm to absorb the evil thought tree in the underground world, and also used it to absorb the thousand-year-old demon soldiers in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Now is the time for it to show its power again.

"I have a demon world that can accommodate monsters and ghosts. You can take your mountain spirits and wild monsters to move to this world."

Mountain God Zhang's face darkened. Although he had never seen the world, Mountain God Zhang was very clear about the consequences of entering the demon world.

If the mountain god Zhang agreed to Shen Mo, he would hand over the power of life and death of himself and all the spirits and wild monsters in Panyuan Mountain to Shen Mo.

Once you enter the demon world, you will become a demon official. From then on, demons will live, and life and death will exist, all in a moment of silence.

Just ask, who is willing to hand over his own life and death to others!
The mountain god Zhang replied in a deep voice, "My little friend is cheating the old man's ignorance. Although the old man is seriously ill, he doesn't want to be someone else's pawn and be at the mercy of others!"

it is good!well said!
Mo Mo looked upright, and gave a slight thumbs up, "You have a backbone, but I hope you will also have a backbone in a while!"

Silence flicked his wrist, the calamity battle ax manifested, and the holy light of the weapon's blessing ignited, "Come on! You and I have a match, you win, I let you go. If you lose, I accept you."

The mountain god had a complicated expression on his face. After testing several carriages, he already knew the combat power of Silence. Therefore, even if there was no battle, he already knew the outcome of the battle.

Shanshen Zhang is by no means a silent opponent.

But until now, the mountain god Zhang must not compromise.

The dragon-headed crutch in Shanshen Zhang's hand trembled violently, and the strange thick fog around him roiled and rolled, manifesting phantoms, which were the scenes in every carriage.

All kinds of monsters opened their teeth and claws, pointing their fangs and claws at the comatose ordinary humans.

"Little friend, their life and death are all in your mind."

The calamity battle ax in Shen Mo's hands froze, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he sneered, "You think I care about their life and death, they are just a group of ordinary people. What does death have to do with Silence!"

"Really?" The mountain god Zhang smiled sinisterly, and the faucet shook again, and the scene in the No. 8 carriage suddenly appeared. Several spirits surrounded Guo Weiwei, who was holding a diamond necklace. Trembling in the light.

"Does her little friend who lives or dies don't care?"


"As long as Xiaoyou turns a blind eye and acts as if nothing happened, this woman and the whole train will be able to live."

The mountain god Zhang continued to argue, "Furthermore, everything we do is for our survival. We are not wrong. This is the same as you humans slaughtering pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep, isn't it?"

Mo Mo picked up the disaster battle ax in his hand, "What you said makes sense..."

But, I just don't like seeing you!

hum!Behind Shen Mo ignited a ground-to-inch talisman, and the power of the talisman flowed through the whole body. In a trance, it made Mo Mo disappear before the eyes of Shanshen Zhang.

The latter was slightly startled, but he didn't expect Shen Mo to dare to do it. Just when the mountain god Zhang was about to order the spirits to do it, a flash of ax flashed in front of his eyes, and the mountain god Zhang suddenly saw his crooked body, and Hold the old palm of the dragon head staff tightly.

Silence's eyes were slightly condensed, and murderous aura burst out.

As long as I'm fast enough!You don't get a chance to call the shots.

The next moment, under the astonished eyes of the demon ape, Shen Mo directly absorbed the remnant body of Shanshen Zhang with a wave of one hand, and incorporated it into the puppet refining panel, and those soul fragments entwined around Shanshen Zhang were also collected by Shen Shen.

"Master Zhang!" The demon ape roared, wanting to avenge the mountain god Zhang, but was knocked out by Shen Mo with an axe, and fell into a coma. In a trance, he faintly heard Shen Mo say.

"Your uncle Zhang is not dead. When you wake up, I will return you a new uncle!"

Silence did not delay, directly opened the puppet making panel, called out the triangular groove, and listed the puppet materials one by one.

【Mountain Spirit*1】

【Soul Fragment*20】

[The petrified bull horns of Niuguijiaodu*1.Ushi Kakuto's Steel Spider Leg*1]

Mo Mo dug out the doll materials at the bottom of the box from his personal warehouse. The materials from the horns of the cows and ghosts that were killed in the island country before were useless, and now they have a place to use.

Zhang Nai, the mountain god, is an essence of mountains and stones, and has a high degree of fit with the materials of Niu Gui Jiaodu.

I saw Shen Mo activated his sub-professional skills, and a burst of golden light flowed in the groove. Under the transformation of the mysterious runes, it gradually transformed into a doll.

[Whether to reshape the appearance of the puppet. 】

Shen Mo doesn't like the image of the old man of Shanshen Zhang, so it is necessary to re-make a shape that you like.

However, considering that Shanshen Zhang will also control the mountain spirits and wild monsters in Panyuan Mountain, Mo Mo can't be fabricated at will, so he modified some small details according to Shanshen Zhang's appearance.

After a while, a white-bearded old man dressed in a Chinese-style housekeeper's uniform appeared. He was much younger than before, and his stooped body was straightened up, giving people a kind, amiable, loyal and old-fashioned feeling.

【Ding!Puppet refining is complete! 】

[Steward of the Mountain God: Zhang Fugui. ] (Silent renamed it, the previous Zhang Defu was not festive enough.)
[The housekeeper puppet refined by the spirit of the mountain god and the bull ghost has the ability to manage and control Panyuan Mountain. 】

[Special skills: 1 Mountain god's power, can manipulate mountains, rocks and civil engineering for his own use. 2 Petrification, which can put the target into a petrified state. 3 fine steel blade legs, with legs that cut iron like mud. 】

After checking the doll information of the mountain god Zhang Fugui, Silence is quite satisfied, except that the petrification and steel blade legs are from the horned capital of Niugui, but the power of the mountain god comes from the spirit of the mountain god, which is also the most important skill.

Manage and rule Panyuan Mountain!

This is an essential skill for farming!

Thinking about the upcoming Panyuan Mountain in my Tongtian Demon Realm, as well as a lot of spirits and wild monsters, that's really flattering!
"Come on! Zhang Fugui! Come out and show everyone."

hum!The puppet Zhang Fugui is good at facing the wind, and soon turned into a housekeeper, and bowed to Mo Mo very respectfully, "Zhang Fugui, I have met the young master."

"Okay! From now on, Panyuan Mountain will be managed by you. Now, let's move a mountain together."

(End of this chapter)

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