The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 487 Silence Moves Mountains

Chapter 487 Silence Moves Mountains
Move mountains!

That's right!After refining the mountain god Zhang into the puppet Zhang Fugui, the next thing Shen Mo needs to do is to move the Panyuan Mountain controlled by Zhang Fugui to Shen Shen's Tongtian Demon Realm.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for the Foolish Old Man to move mountains, but with the joint efforts of the silent Tongtian Demon Realm and the mountain god Zhang Fugui, moving mountains has become no longer as difficult as climbing to the sky.

With just a little patience, silence and wealth can do it.

First of all, Shen Mo woke up the demon ape who had just been knocked out with the wishful golden cudgel in his hand. The latter's first reaction when he woke up was not to hit Shen Mo's head with his red iron fist, but timidly wanted to hide.

Fortunately, the mountain god Zhang Fugui stopped the magic ape, slowed down the opponent's movements, and ran away without swearing.

"Master Zhang?!" the demon monkey asked tentatively, blinking his big red eyes.

"It's me! You don't have to doubt it, I'm your Uncle Zhang!"

Demon Ape: ((≧⊥≦))

I, Uncle Zhang, have we become like this?What did you do to my uncle Zhang? !

Shrugging silently, "I just let him realize that he's right."

"Can you regain your youth if you turn your back on the shore?" The devil's Lei Gong had doubts written on his face.

"Regaining his youth is just a small reward I gave him." Mo Mo waved his hand, fooling the matter away, and then gave Zhang Fugui a wink, signaling the other party to talk about serious matters first.

Zhang Fugui understood, and ordered, "Xiaohong, get ready, it's time for us to move!"

move place? !Where to move?Could it be that he really wants to move to the silent Tongtian Demon Realm?

Zhang Fugui nodded heavily, and explained briefly, "From today onwards, Shen Mo is our new master of Panyuan Mountain. He used his special ability to cure my stubborn illness. Now I have the ability to collect spiritual energy. Feed back the spirits and monsters of Panyuan Mountain."

What Zhang Fugui said was the truth. As he was silently refined into a puppet body, the skills of the mountain god's prestige were awakened, which made the mountain god Zhang Fugui's chronic illness rooted, and regained the ability to absorb spiritual energy and feed back the spirits and wild monsters. It is the power of the mountain god's management and control over Panyuan Mountain.

Zhang Fugui smiled and said, "Although I have lost some things, compared with what I have gained, what we have lost is not worth mentioning at all."

The magic ape was in a trance, everything was changing too fast, it couldn't react, but the magic ape still agreed with Zhang Fugui's order.

So the demon ape let go of his guard and crawled down to say hello to the new owner of Panyuan Mountain.

"Demon Ape Xiaohong, pay homage to the new owner of Panyuan Mountain."

He nodded silently, but was very surprised by the name of the demon ape. Why is such a sturdy demon ape called Xiaohong?

Looking up Zhang Fugui's previous memories, it turned out that Zhang Fugui had no culture, and when he named the devil ape and mandrill, he chose them based on their physical characteristics.

The demon ape has a pair of fiery red fists, so it is called Little Red.

The mandrill has a black stone skin, so it is called Xiao Hei.

Mo Mo couldn't help but sigh with emotion, this piece of Fugui is still a ghost named!

Now that Silence is their new master, let's give them a new and resounding name!

Mo Mo said to Xiaohong, the demon ape, "From today on, you will be called Sun Xiaohong!"

Demon Ape: Thank you master for giving me the name. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Shen Mo turned his eyes to the mandrill again, this one-legged wild monster just summoned by the mountain god Zhang Fugui, has a layer of black stone skin all over his body, has no body, and his face is born on his knees, looking like a big black ball from a distance , its legs are actually where its blood sausage is.

"From today on, you will be called Shi Xiaohei!"

The mandrill nodded and made a dull sound. Unlike Sun Xiaohong, Shi Xiaohei couldn't understand human words. Only the mountain god Zhang Fugui and the ghost Sun Xiaohong knew what it was talking about.

Zhang Fugui translated on his behalf, "Shi Xiaohei said he likes this name very much."

nice! You love it!

After completing the conquest of the demon ape and the mandrill, Mo Mo began to bring Panyuan Mountain into the Tongtian Demon Realm together with Zhang Fugui.

I saw silently operating the mimicry ability, opening the boundaries of the Tongtian Demon Realm to the extreme, and then the mountain god Zhang Fugui controlled Panyuan Mountain to continuously pour into the Tongtian Demon Realm. Take root and settle down.

After a period of time, the huge Panyuan Mountain was transferred to Tongtian Demon Realm with the efforts of Shen Mo and the mountain god Zhang Fugui.

Moreover, the old aura cycle of the Tongtian Demon Realm was broken, and a new aura circulation was established, forming a world of its own in an instant. , forming a new aura balance circle.

Mo Mo took a long breath, looking at the Tongtian Demon Realm whose total spiritual energy had increased sharply because of Panyuan Mountain, he was called Ba Shi in his heart.

Frankly speaking, Silence has obtained great benefits at a very small price, and anyone would be happy if it was a comparison.

So the question is, what good does it do for Shen Mo to bring Pan Yuanshan into the Tongtian Demon Realm?

There are many benefits.

On the one hand, the addition of Panyuan Mountain has increased the total amount of aura within the Tongtian Demon Realm, making the Tongtian Demon Realm more diversified, and the Tongtian Willow and other creatures have benefited greatly; When there are spirits and wild monsters, the combat power that can be displayed becomes more and more powerful.

In short, this move can be said to be beneficial without any harm.

At the same time, as Panyuan Mountain was included in the Tongtian Demon Realm, the disappeared train reappeared on the previous track.

Those ordinary people who were comatose due to the strange fog gradually woke up.

As for those who had their souls taken away, they were also helped and healed by Silence, as if they were having a nightmare.

When everyone opened their eyes, it seemed that everything was just a blink of an eye.

The only ones who knew about the Panyuan Mountain battle were Shen Mo, Guo Weiwei, and the conductor who drove the train.

The train conductor only knew that the train had been stalled for more than half an hour, but he didn't know what happened.

So, when Shen Mo returned to seat C8 in carriage 6, Guo Weiwei burst into tears, flew into Shen Mo's arms, and murmured, "Uncle, you are finally back, I was really scared just now! "

Faced with Guo Weiwei's cry, the silence is completely understandable, after all, the mountain god Zhang Fugui manipulated the spirits to hold Guo Weiwei hostage before, but it scared her enough.

"Uncle, don't leave me anymore, okay?"

Silently patted Guo Weiwei's fragrant back, and comforted, "It's okay, everything is over. With me here, I will protect you."

For a while, the car was filled with the smell of dog food.

The passengers on the side looked in the fog, wondering what they were doing?
The young man who knew that Mo Mo and Guo Weiwei didn't know each other lost his mentality!

handsome!Can you really do whatever you want?The rhythm of picking up girls is almost like hanging out.

Suddenly, the young man had an urge to go abroad for plastic surgery.He also wanted to be the leader of the Appearance Association.

And when the train conductor passed on the experience of this train to the main station, the relevant personnel discovered that the previous Panyuan Mountain Tunnel disappeared out of thin air together with the mountain, as if it did not exist at all.

Such a strange thing was naturally reported to the Bureau of Supernatural Phenomena Research and Defense. When the special commissioners from the Supernatural Bureau came over, they didn't even notice it. talk.

Surrounded by Guo Weiwei, Shen Mo sat all the way to the boundary of Yanjing.

Big Yenching!Silence, here he comes!

No!In silence, he was carried all the way by Guo Weiwei.

(End of this chapter)

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