The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 488 2 Instruments 4 Elephant Formation

Chapter 488
At first, the silence was refusal.

Because if Weiwei doesn't want to hug him, let her hug him if he is silent. He is a man with principles.

However, when Guo Weiwei acted coquettishly, coupled with the blessing of her natural beauty, silence still compromised. After all, being hugged by beautiful women along the way is also a good way to pass the time.

After passing through the Panyuanshan Tunnel, the train accelerated for more than four hours and arrived at Yanjing High Speed ​​Railway Station West Station two hours later than expected.

Silence patted the sleeping Guo Weiwei, whose body trembled slightly, waking up from a sound sleep.

"We have arrived!"

"Huh? Where are you?"

"Yanjing West Railway Station!"

Guo Weiwei's heart shuddered, and she immediately threw away the hand that was embracing Silence. With the end of the crisis, she no longer had any reason to cling to Silence. If she continued to cling, it would be even more difficult to explain.

She sat back in her seat cautiously, pretending to look at the scenery outside the window, the familiar scene made her restless heart slightly relieved.

Unknowingly, the scene began to become awkward.Seemingly to ease the embarrassment, Guo Weiwei had nothing to say.

"Where are you going?"

Shaking his head silently, according to Ma Shisan's arrangement on the phone, when he gets off the high-speed rail station, a special car will come to pick him up. As for where to pick him up?He really doesn't know where he is going?

According to the time, the Supernatural Communication Conference will be held at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Shen Mo's next itinerary is either the venue of the supernatural exchange conference or the hotel arranged in advance by the conference, or it is the itinerary personally arranged by Ma Shisan.

Both are possible things.

Seeing Shen Mo shaking his head, Guo Weiwei asked in confusion, "What are you doing in Yanjing?"

Silence didn't mean to answer Guo Weiwei, after all, the supernatural communication conference was kept secret for ordinary people.

Seeing that Shen Mo didn't answer his own question, Guo Weiwei bit his lips lightly and asked, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me, someone will come to pick me up later, if you don't know where to go, we can go together as a Old Yanjing who was born and bred, I can take you to have a good time."

After Guo Weiwei finished speaking, she stared at Shen Mo with expectant eyes, how she hoped that Shen Mo would tap his mind and agree to her proposal.

But Shen Mo shook his head again, and said with a smile, "Someone will pick me up later, as for where I'm going, I'm not sure."

Guo Weiwei was a little disappointed, but as she expected, she asked curiously, "Someone is picking you up, but you don't know where to go? Could it be that you have encountered a pyramid scheme..."


"Impossible!" Guo Weiwei denied his guess, "You are so powerful, who would dare to pin you! You can cut them off."

Guo Weiwei observed the silent reaction, and saw that the other party still had no intention of expressing it, so he finally gave up.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask, but if you are free, you must come to me."

Guo Weiwei said, and handed out his business card, which was a pink gold card with the imprint of a fox, on which Guo Weiwei's company, name, occupation, and phone number were clearly written.

Weiwei Minmin Studio

Guo Weiwei

Gold Professional Broker

182 **** 1986
Shen Mo didn't refuse, and put the business card away, because he found that the gold on the card was not a decoration, but a real gold thread. It can be seen that the cost of this business card is not cheap, and it is not something that ordinary people can own or be given as a gift.

Shen Mo has always been a frugal person, and this business card can get the fare money no matter what.

Guo Weiwei saw that Shen Mo had accepted the business card, a smile immediately appeared on his face, as if the embarrassment he had just had never happened.

"You must contact me!"

Guo Weiwei emphasized again, and waved his hand to Silence who had followed the flow of people to the end of the carriage.

Silence didn't look back, just raised his arms in response.

Such a performance, in the eyes of the passengers in the same carriage, naturally has another taste.

There is envy, tongue-smacking, whimsy...

Especially the young man before, his face was red and white, and he was extremely embarrassed. If Shen Mo had the ability to read minds, he would definitely hear [You have shown your love all the way, and you have to date again at the end. This world still allows single dogs to live.You don’t have to kill a dog like this, right?]

Excellence is the focus no matter where it is, and silence is also helpless, so annoying!

Following the flow of people, I got off the train silently, followed the signs, walked through the underground passage, walked for a while, and finally exited the high-speed rail west station.

According to Ma Shisan's arrangement, Shen Mo released his power of mind and eyes, and immediately found the special vehicle belonging to the Super Bureau in the dense crowd.

It was a specially modified, completely black Hongqi commercial vehicle. It was not only equipped with bulletproof glass, but also made of a special alloy that Shen Mo had never seen before. It had excellent defense, even with a disaster ax , It will take some effort to break through.

There are also various thermal weapons installed under the bottom plate of the commercial vehicle, instantly turning this vehicle into a road light tank that can be attacked and defended.

Shen Mo was slightly surprised that the headquarters of the Super Bureau actually had such a heavy weapon.

Think about them in Yancheng, there are no buses at all, and they are all used by private cars.

Just when Shen Mo was feeling the background of the Super Bureau headquarters, his power of mind and eyes discovered something unusual again.

Um! ?What's this?
With the power of the mind's eye, everything in front of him is shrouded in a vigorous energy. This energy is extremely huge, full of righteousness, and has a powerful power to restrain ghosts and evil spirits.

The spirit of the imperial city? !
Shen Mo shook his head, this kind of thing has never been recorded in the lame uncle's miscellaneous notes, so where does this energy come from.

"Master, this is a formation!"

In Tongtian Demon Realm, the mountain god Zhang Fugui sent a message to Shen Mo.

"The old man has become a master of mountains and stones, and he is quite talented in formations. From the old man's point of view, you are already in a large formation. The person who can set up such a large formation is absolutely extraordinary."

Silence is clear, Yanjing really hides dragons and crouching tigers, it is no wonder that the aura is revived, ghosts are walking in the night, but Yanjing is safe and sound, with such a large array of protection, how dare those ghosts and monsters do anything wrong.

On the other hand, Shen Mo was very curious about this large formation.

Ding!Mo Mo activates his Ring of Investigators, trying to find out information about the formation.

As the mental power poured out, information about the formation appeared in Silence's mind.

[Two rites and four images array: Taiji produces two rites, two ceremonies produce four images, and four images produce eight trigrams.This formation is formed by the way of mutual generation and restraint of two instruments and four images. 】

Shen Mo frowned slightly. Although the information he got was extremely limited, it was enough to prove the strength of this formation.

Yanjing is really extraordinary! If you want to come to Yanjing, you will gain a lot.

"Young master, this grand formation has greatly benefited the old man, and you have been opening the Tongtian Demon Realm, so that the old man can learn and understand."

Shen Mo came back to his senses, since the mountain god Zhang Fugui is quite talented in the formation, of course he cultivated it, after all, Fugui is strong, which means Shen Mo is strong.

"No problem!" Mo Mo's wrist shook slightly, and he opened a palm-sized passage to the demon world, allowing Fu Gui to comprehend the two-dimensional and four-element formation, "I also have a secret formation technique in my hand, and I will pass it on to you."

As soon as Mo Mo thought about it, he contacted Tongtian Liu in Tongtian Demon Realm, and called out the secret technique of the exorcist's formation from it.

【Exorcism: Ascension Formation】

"Fugui, this formation is passed on to you, I hope it will be helpful to your formation."

"Thank you, master!"

Shen Mo's mind came out of Tongtian Demon Realm, and landed on the special car of Chaoju again, only to see two men in sunglasses and suits walking down from it, walking straight towards Shen Mo.

They are the support staff of the Super Bureau, and apparently they also found the silence.

"Commander Shen, welcome to Yanjing."

(End of this chapter)

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