Chapter 489
Silent eyes swept over the two black-clothed support staff. They were young, in their early 20s, and had an aura very similar to Ma Shisan. It should be the unique aura of the Ma family, but the amount of aura It is much weaker than Ma Shisan, and it seems that it is the logistics department of the Super Bureau joined by the younger generation of the Ma family.

Ma Shisan asked these two young men to pick up Shen Mo, and Mo Mo couldn't help raising his brows. It seems that Ma Shisan still has something to talk to him alone before participating in the Supernatural Exchange Conference.

Thinking carefully of the first meeting between Shen Shen and Ma Shisan, in order to deter Shen Shen, Ma Shisan pressed Shen Mo on the ground and rubbed wildly.

Silence at that time was not Ma Shisan's opponent, so he could only sit and wait for his death, trying to make a new world, and it would take 30 years for Hedong and 30 years for Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

After that, the strength of silence increased, and the backhand taught Ma Shisan to be a man.

Looking at it now, with Ma Shisan's character, he will never let it go. Ma Shisan must have dug a hole and waited for silence.

"Ma Shisan wants to see me? Why doesn't she come pick me up in person?"

The two young men of the Ma family were taken aback for a moment, but they didn't expect Shen Mo to guess Ma Shisan's intentions. They quickly realized and explained, "Cousin Shisan has something to do, let us come to pick you up, she told you, Special Shen sent As soon as the member arrives in Yanjing, she doesn't need to go to the hotel prepared by the supernatural exchange meeting, but goes directly to Majia Hutong, and she wants to see you alone."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, these two young men actually called Eternal Violence Luo a cousin? !Ma Shisan, who is only 1.5 meters tall and weighs no more than 45, has two such loyal and honest cousins.

Tsk tsk, the world is so big that there are indeed many surprises.

"Then let's go! Go to the Majia Hutong you mentioned."

etc?alley!Ma's alley?It is also an alley in Yanjing area.

hiss!Shen Mo couldn't help but gasp. In Yanjing, a place where every inch of land is expensive, those who live in high-rise buildings are not necessarily rich, but those who can afford to live in Hutongs are definitely not ordinary people.

Either a native of Yanjing inherited an old real estate worth [-] million yuan, or a rich man worth more than a billion yuan bought the small alley at the foot of the imperial city.

Although Shen Mo is already very rich, most of his money has been invested in that little girl Yu Zihui, asking him to spend [-] million to buy a small alley in Yanjing. Obviously, he can't spend so much spare money of.

Sure enough, the Ma family is rich and bold, powerful and tough.

And the words of the two Ma family juniors made the corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitch even more.

"It's our Ma's Hutong! All the people living in that street are our Ma family, and my thirteenth cousin watched us grow up."

hiss!Majia Hutong is not a big courtyard, but a courtyard of a street.

So scary!So scary!So scary!
In terms of real estate, Silence can't afford to offend the "imperial relatives" of the Ma family.

But in terms of strength, Mo Mo had already been able to press Ma Shisan to the ground and rub wildly.

So here comes the problem.Meet this time, grind?Or don't grind?

Pooh!Of course it was worn out.If you don't grind, you will be sorry for the suffering that Mo Mo has suffered these days.

It's not that it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but the more he repays, the more enjoyable he is, and he keeps repaying, and it's always fun.

"Go! Let's grind Ma Shisan!"

The two young men from the Ma family were taken aback for a moment, and said in astonishment, "Commander Shen, what did you just say?"

Silently said solemnly, "I mean, let's go meet the owner of the Thirteen Horses!"

The two were stunned, and laughed, "We thought you wanted to teach Thirteenth Cousin a lesson, but it really scared us. Since Thirteenth Cousin was born, no one dared to do anything to her."

"That's right! What happened to the rich young man who bullied her last time?"

"Break your leg, shut it in and repair the city wall."

"Not that one."

"Oh, that one never came out of the ICU."

"Not that either."

"Huh? I remembered. After being beaten up, I doubted my life and went to Thailand for surgery. I just came back a while ago and I'm looking for a boyfriend recently."

Listening to the words of the younger generation of the Ma family, Shen Mo knew Ma Shisan's great reputation in Yanjing, but this aroused Shen Mo's heart of friction even more.

No wonder Ma Shisan was so violent the first time they met. It turned out that she was such a violent loli in Yanjing.

Just as Shen Mo and the young man of the Ma family were about to get in the car, a familiar voice sounded from behind.

"Uncle, what a coincidence, we meet again."

The person who spoke was none other than Guo Weiwei, who was on the same ride. The difference was that she was followed by two men in black uniforms. Judging from their aura, they should be ordinary bodyguards.

Mo Mo wanted to laugh, Guo Weiwei's word "again" is really spiritual, and it is not ruled out that Guo Weiwei brought two bodyguards here to find Mo Mo.

After seeing Shen Mo, Guo Weiwei smiled like a flower, and flew up happily, especially when she saw the two men in black uniforms beside Mo Mo, she was also in a trance. Hee hee, so handsome and so strong, it really is not easy. He is like a golden turtle son-in-law who fell from the sky...I Guo Weiwei really picked up the treasure this time."

"Where are you going, uncle?" Guo Weiwei asked again, with a look of reluctance.

Shen Mo really knew his itinerary this time, but in front of the two younger generations of the Ma family, he couldn't tell Guo Weiwei bluntly, so he could only continue to pretend not to know and shook his head.

The younger generation of the Ma family understood, and muttered, "Sorry, it's a state secret!"

Guo Weiwei: wow~⊙o⊙

Such a high-end atmosphere and high-grade baa!They are all state secrets!

Guo Weiwei was also discouraged, but she didn't give up, waved her hands and smiled, "Then I won't ask, but uncle, you must come and play with me! I'll wait for you."

When Guo Weiwei left, the young man of the Ma family asked curiously, "Commander Shen, who is she?"

"A passer-by I met in the car seems to be Kang Minmin's manager."

"What?! Kang Minmin!" The young man of Ma's family panicked and kept asking, "Shen Te... no! Brother Shen, can you still contact her?"

"What's the matter?" Shen Mo was a little confused. With the momentum of the Ma family, would he be interested in ordinary people like Guo Weiwei?
"If you can contact her, be sure to ask her to help us get a signed photo of Kang Minmin."

Whoa! ?Mo Mo wanted to laugh a little, but he didn't expect these two young men from the Ma family to pursue stars. What kind of character is this Kang Minmin?Are you so popular?
"Brother Shen, you don't know! Kang Minmin is the head of Yanjing's famous Four Young Stars, and she is the house goddess in our Min fans' hearts!"

Silence was surprised, "Shouldn't the goddess of nerds be Mrs. Tachibana or Teacher Ju?"

The face of the young man of Ma's family darkened, "Commander Shen, if you chat like this, you will kill the chatter!"

Silently smiled, "Just kidding, if there is a chance, I will ask for one for you."

The two were overjoyed and emphasized, "No! Two!"

"Okay! Two!"

Ever since, Shen Mo got into the business car with the Ma family's offspring, and in the car, Shen Mo used his mobile phone to check out Kang Minmin's information.

Finally, I have some understanding of this traffic actress who has participated in more than 20 hit movies and more than 30 hit TV series, and has dominated the hot searches all year round.

It's no wonder that the younger generation of the Ma family has such a crush on Kang Minmin. Judging from her information, the silence of ordinary people will also fall in love with this actress who is passionate about charity, cheerful, enthusiastic, and has zero scandals and negative negatives.

Unexpectedly, Guo Weiwei, a seemingly clueless girl, was actually her manager.

Really unexpected facts, like you thought I would give another example.

Sitting in the commercial vehicle heading to Ma's Hutong, Shen Mo was already thinking about how to teach Ma Shisan a lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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