The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 490 Golden Dragon Flesh

Chapter 490 Golden Dragon Flesh

What a blockage!
Before Mo Mo, he had heard that the traffic in Yanjing was notoriously congested, but now he really experienced what is called Yanjing traffic jam.

A distance of 1000 meters can block you for half an hour; if a douchebag steps on the brakes, a new ghost intersection will be created to keep you stuck for a while longer.

If it weren't for Shen Mo's nightmare doll, who went to dreamland to practice to pass the time, he might have gotten off the bus and changed to the No. 11 bus to Majia Hutong.

What was supposed to be an hour's journey turned into two and a half hours, and what was even more frightening was that the younger generation of the Ma family had already gotten used to it, and they were glad that it was quite fast this time!
When the commercial vehicle stopped at the alley of Ma's Hutong, Shen Mo Youyou woke up from the dream space. He quickly adapted to the memory of the dream, stretched his waist, and went to Ma Shisan's house under the leadership of the young man of Ma's family. Home.

Majia Hutong NO.13.

It is said that this is a small courtyard specially vacated by the Ma family for Ma Shisan, because the descendants of the Ma family couldn't get along with the violent Shisan Lolita at all, and frequent fights broke out, which led to the current Ma Shisan The status quo of living alone in a small courtyard.

The two young men of the Ma family sent Shen Mo to the door, but they didn't have the courage to go in.

"Brother Shen, we will send you here."

Mo Mo was slightly surprised, "Aren't you going in together?"

The two quickly shook their heads, "Ha, we still have something to do, so we won't go in with you. You can take care of yourself and call if you have something to do... No! It would be safer to go directly to 120."

Silently, it turned out that these two little fellows also encouraged Ma Shisan, and Ma Shisan's prestige among the younger generations of the Ma family was frightening!

It seems that Ma Shisan didn't say anything about the matter of admonishing Ma Shisan in Yancheng some time ago, and they don't know how capable of silence it is.

Shen Mo smiled and shook his head, then he pushed the door open and entered the NO.13 small courtyard with big strides.

As the old wooden door was pushed open, a strong atmosphere of Beijing spread over the surface. The courtyards in Yanjing have a unique style and charm, which makes people feel as if they have traveled through a hundred years and returned to that era.

Just when Shen Mo was slightly in a daze, there was an explosion in front of him, and the door of the main room opened without wind, shooting out a palm-sized golden treasure seal, which was printed on the body of a five-clawed golden dragon, lifelike and extraordinary in aura.

Shen Mo frowned, facing the golden dragon seal, and found that this treasure seal actually had a familiar feeling, it was the breath of a five-clawed golden dragon!
The remnant soul of a five-clawed golden dragon actually lives in this golden dragon seal!

Judging from the power of Baoyin's lasing, it has the terrifying power to severely injure Yamata no Orochi with one blow. Even now, Mo Mo wants to stop it without the power of the five-clawed golden dragon.

Silently, it suddenly dawned on me that a treasure seal made of high-quality material could explode with such momentum and power, many of which should be due to the dragon soul of the five-clawed golden dragon.

Is this Ma Shisan's new method to deal with Silence? !
Use a treasure seal inhabiting the remnant soul of a five-clawed golden dragon to deal with a real five-clawed golden dragon? !
Are you sure Ma Shisan is not here to deliver food? !

hey-hey!The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and Ma Shisan was taught that day, Shen Mo did not show the power of the five-clawed golden dragon, so Ma Shisan did not know that Mo Mo possessed the real power of the five-clawed golden dragon.

Now it was time for Ma Shisan to open his eyes.

Roar!A dragon chant resounded through the nine heavens!Behind Silence, the phantom of a five-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared. With the use of mimicry ability, Silence's arm directly turned into sharp dragon claws, and captured the seal of Lingkong Lasing in the claws with great supernatural powers.

The dragon's claw twisted, and the treasure seal shattered in response, and a broken dragon soul floated out, which was directly absorbed by Silence.

【Ding!Obtain the remnant soul of the five-clawed golden dragon*1]

[The remnant soul of the five-clawed golden dragon: This is the remnant soul of a five-clawed golden dragon. Absorbing this remnant soul can improve the strength and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon, and has a certain chance of obtaining new innate magical powers. 】

Mo Mo was overjoyed, this dish was really appetizing and delicious.

As the golden dragon seal was shattered, an exclamation erupted from the main room, and Ma Shisan's loli figure flew out of it, with an uneasy and frightened expression on his face, "My seal! You pay for my seal!"

silence:? ? ?
You hit me with Baoyin first?You can't hurt people after the end, and you still want me to pay you your treasure seal, what kind of international joke are you making?
Do you think you are Chuan Pu?After killing someone, everything is for your own good? !

A mournful sob sounded, and Ma Shisan squatted on the ground suddenly, holding the fragments of the treasure seal, crying sobbingly, heart-piercing.

Silence was stunned, he had never seen Ma Shisan shed tears, nor had he seen such a vulnerable side of Ma Shisan.

Could it be that this treasure seal has a special meaning to Ma Shisan? !Shouldn't he crush Baoyin? !
"Ma Shisan, don't cry, I didn't mean to... Is this seal important to you?"

Ma Shisan said in despair, "The Golden Dragon Seal is a family heirloom of the Ma family. If Dad hadn't arranged for the exchange meeting, I wouldn't have had the chance to steal it... I wanted to use the power of the Golden Dragon to teach me a lesson. You, this is a good move, the treasure seal is broken, when my father comes back, I will be beaten to death by him... woo woo!"

Ma Shisan cried terribly, as if Shen Mo had really done something utterly devoid of conscience.

Silence is also very helpless, this Golden Dragon Seal is actually a family heirloom of your Ma family? !Why are heirlooms so fragile?The kind that explodes when pinched?Are you a family heirloom of Porcelain?

There is no way to keep silent. Judging by Ma Shisan's appearance, she is not like Pengci. If what she said is true, this matter will become a big deal.

When he first arrived in Yanjing, he smashed the family heirloom of the land snake Ma's family, and everyone knew that something was wrong!

Silence is remarkable, Ma Shisan!Ma Shisan!Tell me about you, if you don’t want to learn, you must learn to take revenge on others. It’s not good to take revenge on anyone. You have to hit me on this titanium alloy steel plate. This will destroy the ashes of your ancestors!

Looking at the remnant soul of the five-clawed golden dragon in his personal warehouse, Shen Mo decided that it was impossible for him to hand over this treasure.

But there must be a good solution to this matter!Otherwise, the silent trip to Yanjing would turn into a hunting trip for the Ma family.

Mo Mo thought for a while, and there was a plan in his heart.

As soon as he thought about it, a piece of raw meat glistening with blood appeared in his hand.

[flesh and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon*1]

Before Silence, the five-clawed golden dragon that he killed in Falling Dragon Valley obtained 5 pieces of flesh from it, and he ate two pieces himself, and now there are still three pieces left.

Based on the Ma family's worship and obsession with the five-clawed golden dragon, this piece of flesh and blood should be worth the value of the golden dragon seal.

After all, taking the flesh and blood of the five-clawed golden dragon can enable ordinary people to obtain the blood of the dragon god, which is simply a blessing from heaven for the Ma family.

Ma Shisan glanced at the flesh and blood in Shen Mo's hands with tears in his eyes, and cried, "What time is it now, what are you doing with a piece of raw meat? What should I do when my father comes back later! He will definitely kill me mine."

The silence is clear, no wonder Ma Shisan is so violent, it turns out he inherited it from his father.

Like father, like daughter!

"This is not ordinary flesh and blood. This is the flesh and blood of a five-clawed golden dragon. Eating it can give people the blood of the Dragon God."

Ma Shisan was crying, "The golden dragon seal is broken, so what's the use of eating meat? Can the blood of the dragon god be used for silence?"

"Huh?! Wait, what did you just say!?"

"I said, eat meat to get the blood of the Dragon God!"

Ma Shisan immediately stopped crying, "Give me the meat!"

"Given it to you, the matter of the broken treasure seal will be over again."

"Yes! If I get the blood of the Dragon God, my father won't be able to beat me. This matter can definitely be turned around!"

Silently stunned, your father-daughter relationship is really impressive!
Come!Raw meat for you!The matter of the Golden Dragon Seal is over.

Ma Shisan took the flesh and blood, held the bloody raw meat, and wondered, "This... how to eat?"

"Eat raw!"

"Can I fry it? Or sprinkle some cumin or something..."

"Do you think this is barbecue? I can't guarantee whether it will be effective if it is cooked. At least I eat it raw."

For the first time, Ma Shisan cast an admiring look at Shen Mo. This little girl was frustrated by Shen Mo's hands twice in a row, and she had already accepted the fact that she couldn't beat Shen Mo.

She adjusted her state, her heart froze, her tender face froze, she opened her mouth, and bit the raw meat fiercely.

Eternal loli, eat meat online!
(End of this chapter)

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