The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 495 The Showdown in the Darkness

Chapter 495 The Showdown in the Darkness
The fourth review begins.

Huanhai brought the remaining nine people to a Martial Dojo. The windows here have been specially processed, and the light transmission is extremely poor, so that the entire Martial Dojo is extremely dark, as deep as the abyss of hell, and like a beast lurking in the swamp. Waiting for the arrival of prey.

"Is this the venue for the game?"

"It's pitch black? How do you fight when you can't see anything?!"

"What kind of test is this?"

Master Huanhai explained, "The rule of this game is to defeat the opponent by sensing the aura of the opponent. No matter what kind of weapon or move you use, as long as you beat the opponent until you win, five of you will enter the next round." matchup."

Everyone looked at each other, each with their own thoughts.

The upright Kuwahara discovered something, and shouted at the top of his voice, "There are nine of us, no matter how we count, there is one more person! What about that person?"

Huanhai was already prepared and said, "That person has a bye, so go directly to the next duel."

Huh? !Who will this lucky guy be?The contestants present are full of expectations, hoping that luck will come to them.


Huanhai pointed to the silence in the crowd and motioned.

"You come out!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Shen Mo. This man who won the game hall with a perfect score and passed through the magic forest with a No. 1 score is indeed more qualified than others to be the lucky one.

But what Huanhai said next surprised everyone.

"Silence, who do you think should be the lucky one."

Let silence choose? !

Even Mo Mo himself was a little surprised, let alone other contestants, they all stared at Mo Mo with weird eyes, as if there was some ulterior secret between Mo Mo and Huan Hai.

There is definitely an affair between them!
Mo Mo wanted to laugh, but he also had to face up to this problem, who should be promoted directly?

Own? !
Mo Mo glanced at Huan Hai, if it was her, Huan Hai didn't need to give this right to herself at all, she could obviously announce the result directly.

But Huanhai still gave the right to choose to Shen Mo, obviously testing Shen Mo's character and ability.

Therefore, Mo Mo immediately made a decision.

"Let Urahan Yusuke advance directly!"

Yusuke Urameshi:? ? ?
Kuwahara: ()
The rest are incomprehensible.

Silence actually handed over such a precious opportunity to Yusuke Urahan, could it be that there is some ulterior secret between them.

Urahan Yusuke himself said that he was also very confused, he only had a relationship with Shen Mo, how could it be said that he had an overly personal relationship, and how could he have the opportunity to obtain such a privilege.

"Uncle! What do you want to do?" Urahan Yusuke asked with a loud voice.

Silence shrugged indifferently, "It's nothing, I just thought it would be interesting to put you in the end."

Yusuke Urameshi became more and more curious, as if I couldn't change what you liked about me.

With an expression of knowing everything, Huanhai announced, "Since this is the case, Urahan Yusuke will advance directly. Next, the eight of you will be divided into four groups for a duel. Apart from silence, I don't know your First name, let me introduce myself."

Shaolin: A practitioner who travels all over the world.

Musashi: Demon slayer who is proficient in kendo.

Kazemaru: A descendant of the ninja.

Kibano: A fighter who is good at all martial arts.

Kuroda: Killer.

Treasure: the mysterious Chinese people.

Kuwahara: The No. [-] delinquent boy at Saraiyashiki Middle School.

Huankai pondered for a while, and said in groups, "Shaolin vs. Jumbo, Musashi vs. Kuwabara, Kibano vs. Silence, Kazemaru vs. Kuroda."

First group!Kazemaru vs. Kuroda!

In just 1 minute, Kazemaru defeated Kuroda, but Kazemaru also suffered a serious knife wound.

Second Group!Shaolin vs. Jewels!

Not surprisingly, Luantong disguised as Shaolin kills Zhenbao in seconds.

The third group!Kuwahara vs. Musashi!

Because of Uramei Yusuke's halo blessing, Kuwahara actually awakened his own light sword in the battle and killed Musashi, a master of swordsmanship.

This really surprised everyone.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's power of mind and eye, the aura sword used by Kuwahara is actually to condense aura in his hands to form a materialized sword light.

If Shen Mo can raise his aura control to an extremely high level, even without talent, he can easily do it.

Fourth group!Silence vs. Kibano!

Facing this strong man with flowing long hair but a bearded face, Shen Mo knew that he had the strength to kill him instantly with one move.

Because the four-dimensional attributes of the two are not on the same level at all.

But Shen Mo didn't plan to instantly kill the other party, but wanted to see what the other party said was proficient in various martial arts.

Silence and Bano went straight to the darkness, but Bano wore a special headgear that blocked his sight. According to Bano, his daily training is to improve his perception of the outside world and his own control in this way.

Therefore, darkness is not a threat to him, but an advantage.

Mo Mo wanted to laugh, compared to Kibano's five senses, Mo Mo's power of mind can see clearly what underwear the other party is wearing.

Therefore, the two are not in the same dimension at all.

drink!I saw Kibano shouting loudly, he thought he had sensed the breath of silence, and swung his thick arms fiercely towards silence.

But he did not receive a solid touch, but was easily dodged by his attack by Silence.

What! ?Kibano let out a cry of astonishment, quickly raised his guard, and sensed the breath of silence again.

"This is what you call being proficient in various martial arts?! I don't think so!"


"The surrounding area is too dark, no matter how advanced the fighting skills are, it cannot be displayed."

Snapped!Kibano was stunned, the special mask on his forehead burst open, revealing his astonished face.

The next moment, a milky white halo rose from Silence's body, like a lighthouse in the dark, bringing new directions to the lost.

"Now let me see your fighting skills!"

Kibano widened his eyes, although he was able to see everything clearly, but there was a trace of uneasiness in his heart.

This person is not simple!His ability is very powerful and weird.

Kibano didn't feel the blow that shattered his mask just now, and he was dealing with the ability to make himself shine, which is also incomprehensible.

But Kibano didn't want to give up. He had worked so hard to get here, but he couldn't give up because of it.

drink!Kibano let out a loud shout, and the combination of aura and strength erupted, which made him possess a powerful combat power far beyond ordinary people in a short period of time. Coupled with his master-level fighting skills, his combat power exploded.

5 minutes later!Kibano stared blankly at his hands, and knelt down in front of Shen Mo.

"What kind of fighting technique are you using?!"

"Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

Kibano stared at Shen Mo in astonishment, two streams of hot tears were shed on his face full of vicissitudes.

"I lost! Totally lost!"

New fighting technique!It is a fighting technique developed by countless clergymen, and it combines the essence of many fighting techniques. Therefore, the fighting techniques practiced by Kibano are not low-level and exquisite.

After being crushed by Shen Mo, the self-confidence in Kiba's heart collapsed. He is no longer the elegant uncle who is proficient in various martial arts, but an open-minded student.

Huan Hai looked at Silence, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, quite amused.

And at this moment, Mudan, who is the messenger of hell, appeared, and she greeted Huanhai, and then mixed with Urahan Yusuke and others.

After knowing that Shen Mo handed over the lucky spot to Yusuke Urahan, Peony's eyes also fell on Shen Mo.

Although Peony's strength is not strong, but as an envoy of hell, her spiritual sense is very strong. Whenever she sees silence, she feels as if she is about to suffocate.

"Who is he? How could a strong man of his level appear here? Moreover, there is no record of this person in the data of hell? Where did he come from?"

(End of this chapter)

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