Chapter 496

Peony is very surprised by Shen Mo's identity, and even more worried that the appearance of Shen Mo will affect Urahan Yusuke's future.

Master Huanhai has a close personal relationship with the little Hades of Hell, so Master Huanhai already has an internal candidate for the so-called apprentice.

Any disciple selection mechanism, to put it bluntly, is just going through the motions.

Huanhai's closed disciple has already been designated as Urahan Yusuke by Little Hades.

But the unexpected appearance of Shen Mo, whose aura exploded, has already affected Huan Hai's final decision.

Compared with Urahan Yusuke, Silence is obviously more suitable to be the successor of Lingboquan.

Mudan wanted to hear Master Huanhai's thoughts, but was ignored by the other party.

In desperation, Peony can only tell the little Yama who is in hell about the appearance of Silence.

As for how Little Hades will respond, that's not something that Peony should worry about.

The fourth review was over, and there were only five people left, namely Silence, Yusuke Urahan, Kuwahara, Shaolin (Rando), and Kazemaru.

Not surprisingly, there will still be one bye this time.

Master Huanhai took the five of them and Mudan to the next review venue.

【Ancient Battlefield】

This is the ancient killing battlefield, and it is also the place with the strongest aura nearby. Fighting here has a natural advantage for psionic users, and they can better display their spiritual power and combat power.

"The final decisive battle will be held here, and I will give you five to fight in groups."

Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Shen Mo. This time, Huan Hai did not hand over the decision to Shen Mo.

Huanhai was silent for a moment, pointed at the crowd and said.

"Urafa Yusuke fights against Kazemaru, Kuwahara fights against Shaolin, Silence has a bye, and advances directly."

Urahan Yusuke and others did not question Master Huankai's decision, nor did they have any objection to Mo Mo's bye, after all, Mo Mo's strength has already been seen by everyone.

The terrifying strength of the drop-out tooth field has already explained everything.

Thus, a new battle begins.

Yusuke Urameshi fights Kazemaru, a descendant of the ninja, for the first time.

Needless to say the result of the battle, Yusuke Urameshi, who has the title of Daikabi, successfully counter-killed Kazemaru.

And Luan Tong, who pretended to be Shaolin, hanged and beat Kuang Yuan directly, and used the shrinking spell to shrink Kuang Yuan, and then kneaded him for a while, and tortured doubts arose.

If the furious Urameshi Yusuke hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid Kuwahara would have been played to death by Rantong.

After being promoted, Urahan Yusuke and Rando took a short rest, and then started a new round of group duel.

This time, Huan Hai did not give Shen Mo a bye, but directly announced that there will be a three-person melee, no matter what method is used, only one person can win in the end and become her closed disciple.

Facing Huan Hai, a bad old woman who doesn't follow the routine, Shen Mo just smiled knowingly, and didn't say much.

But for Yusuke Urameshi, Genkai's decision was a big headache.

The reason why he participated in the disciple selection was, on the one hand, to win the qualification to be a disciple of the Huanguan Gate, and on the other hand, to find out the news of the monster and mess up the boy, and get rid of this monster who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

Now there are only three players left in the competition, so Luantong must be one of Shaolin and Mo Mo.

Based on the brief contact between himself and Silence, Urahan Yusuke is not sure whether Silence is a random boy.

So, he was very confused about what to do next?
Against the two of them, Yusuke Urahan doesn't have the strength at all, choose one to fight, if you choose the wrong one, Rando will become the fisherman's winner.

what!So annoying!

Urahan Yusuke let out a loud shout, he couldn't think of a way, and said bluntly, "Which of you two is the chaotic boy!"

Mo Mo wanted to laugh, only an idiot like Yusuke Urameshi would ask such a thing, didn't he see it?
Luan Tong, who is a monster, is already obvious!
Shen Mo pointed to Shaolin's bald head, "Urahan Yusuke, didn't you see the battle between Kuwabara and Shaolin?"

Urahan Yusuke was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Shaolin had used several different styles of aura secret techniques in battle. This was very consistent with Rantong's information, combined with Shaolin's cruel character, so the real Chaolin Tong is Shaolin.

Yusuke Urameshi suddenly realized, and set his target on Randou.

"Silence, please don't meddle, I will solve Luantong with my own hands."

Shrugging silently, he stood aside resolutely, since Yusuke Urameshi wanted to fight Randou 1v1, he would naturally not object.

In particular, the body shrinking secret technique that Luantong used just now can actually shrink the opponent's body, and then knead it wantonly.

With such a secret technique, Silence is quite curious.

But with Shen Mo's talent, it is impossible to comprehend the essence of the shrinking technique just once. Therefore, the battle between Urahan Yusuke and Rando also became an opportunity for Mo Mo to learn the secret art.

Urameshi Yusuke clenched his fists and muttered viciously, "Rantong, you have to pay for what you just did, and at the same time, I also want to avenge the 99 people you killed."

Luan Tong sneered, "That depends on your ability!"

boom!Yusuke Urameshi exploded with a bang, and his spiritual energy penetrated his whole body, causing his speed to skyrocket. He came to Rantong's side in an instant, and slammed his right fist hard on the opponent's cheek, denting half of his face.

Luan Tong was slightly startled, "It's amazing. His spiritual strike power in the previous test was obviously only 155 points, but now the power of the explosion far exceeds 200... What's going on?"

Rantong doesn't know, Shen Mo knows it naturally, Yusuke Urahan, who has the blood of the reincarnation of monsters, belongs to the kind of cheating existence, the more angry and excited he is, the stronger the strength he displays.

This is also the basis and reason why Yusuke Urameshi often counter-kills his opponents.

Before Rando had time to think about it, Yusuke Urahane took advantage of the victory to pursue and attacked again. The helpless Ranto could only use a new secret technique to stop Yusuke.

【Splitting Wind Gust】

This is a terrifying move that uses the whirlwind to create wind blades in the air, which can crush the opponent to pieces.

The invisible wind blade moves at high speed in the air, and it is difficult to distinguish its position with the naked eye.

I saw Pufan Yusuke advancing instead of retreating, letting the aura wrap his body, resisting the slash of the wind blade forcefully, and directly gave Luantong a neck attack!

If ordinary people come here for a while, they will definitely go to see God or Lord Hades.

But for Luantong, it didn't even cause any harm, because the neck is not the monster's key point.

Yusuke Urameshi had just stood up with his body full of scars, thinking he had defeated Rando, but he heard Rantong's strange laughter from behind.

"Hahaha! 500 years! A full 500 years!"

Yusuke Urameshi turned around in astonishment, looking at Rantong's corpse, his corpse actually split open, and another figure crawled out from inside.

"It's been too long since I have fought humans with Randou's real body. Besides, the opponent is someone from outside the Illusory Sea. It's so exciting! Don't worry, I will definitely torture you and let you It was a very painful death."

In a trance, a gray-haired monster boy appeared in front of everyone. His body was covered with bloody spider ciphers, his scarlet pupils flickered, and he was full of hostility, as if countless innocent souls were wandering around him.

Silence's brows were slightly condensed, and the power of his mind and eyes really saw countless wronged souls around Luantong. Those innocent people who were slaughtered by him, as well as the 99 psychics, let out a painful low growl, wanting to tear them apart. Luantong's body was blocked out by his terrifying evil spirit.

Yusuke Urameshi stared at Rando's real body, his body began to tremble uncontrollably under his terrifying demonic aura.

In order to relieve the fear in his heart, he let out a loud drink and slammed towards Luantong's body like crazy.

But to Yusuke Urameshi's astonishment, his fist couldn't even break through the opponent's defense, let alone cause any damage to Rando.

"Hey! The attack just now has used up your last strength, and your fist has no aura now."

hiss!There was a spider-like roar from Rantong's mouth, and countless filaments spewed out from his mouth, forming a large web, directly binding Urameshi Yusuke.

"This is the thread of demonic energy. It is a silk thread refined by monsters in the body with demonic energy. It is very tough, no matter how hard you use it, it cannot be broken."

Luantong shouted loudly, "Now let you taste the taste of being played with!"

Rando threw Yusuke Urameshi violently, throwing it back and forth like a toy, which made Yusuke's injuries worse and worse, almost dizzy.

When Yusuke Urameshi was about to pass out, Rando hung him upside down and taunted, "Kuwabara is your friend! Do you want to experience the joy of shrinking like him?"

As Luantong said, he recited the secret text of shrinking body technique.

Mo Mo immediately restrained his mind, and wrote down the secret text by forcefully memorizing it.Under the perception of the power of mind and eye, Yusuke Urameshi's body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and fell powerlessly from the thread of evil spirit, and fell to the ground with unknown life or death.

Rantong laughed strangely, and was about to go forward and knead Yusuke to death, but suddenly felt an extremely dangerous message coming from behind.

Years of experience in fighting made him dodge suddenly, distanced himself from the crisis behind him.

I saw Shen Mo shaking his head and smiling wryly in a daze, looking very annoyed.

Rando didn't know why, thinking that his act of torturing and killing Yusuke Urahan had angered him.

"What? Are you going to go against what you just said and choose to make a move?"

Silently sneered, "I don't have any idea about Urahan Yusuke's life and death, but I'm curious, why is your shrinking technique so difficult!"

Chaotic Boy:···

nonsense!The body shrinking technique is an extremely advanced secret technique. Do you think that with your aptitude, you can learn it after watching it twice?who do you think You Are?

In silence, it suddenly dawned on me that it was so difficult!

"Then teach me."

Luan Tong:! ! !
This monster is famous for stealing other people's secret arts, the kind that kills people without blinking an eye, you actually want to learn secret arts from me?what's on your mind?
Silence sneered and stared, "You don't want to teach me?"

Luantong: Nonsense, I have to not teach you, I will also take your secret technique from you, your secret technique of glowing all over is very good.

hey-hey!The little white rabbit is eyeing the big bad wolf!

"Then let's see who is more capable!"

Silence let out a loud shout, flashed out his calamity battle axe, and pointed it directly at the center of Luantong's eyebrows.

Rando's expression straightened, he also abandoned the unconscious Urameshi Yusuke, and changed the enemy into silence.

A war is inevitable.

hum!Rando smiled strangely and raised his hand, stretching out his index finger, this posture is exactly Urahan Yusuke's spirit pill.

Rando actually learned Urahan Yusuke's spirit pill after seeing it twice.

puff!A scarlet-white spiritual pill burst out and shot towards Silence.

Although the power is not strong, it is indeed Urahan Yusuke's spiritual pill.

With a flick of his wrist, Shen Mo smashed Luan Tong's spirit pills away with his calamity battle axe.

Terrifying monster power and fighting qualities!
In terms of talent, Rando, a monster, is not at all inferior to Urahan Yusuke, a big hanger.

In Shen Mo's eyes, Luantong's move was not to kill Shen Mo, but to show off his talent.

Like naughty kids showing off their toys.

You see, my talent is better than yours.

I understand what you don’t understand, I will do what you don’t know, you say it’s annoying or not.

Facing Luantong's ridicule, he smiled silently and shook his disaster battle ax again, fighting with passion.

His purpose of entering the mirror world of Yuyu Hakusho was to practice his fist energy, and when his fist energy was successful, he would be able to do the same thing as Lingwan.

The crux of the problem at the moment is that Luan Tong, a monster, has 99 secret techniques of psykers, and any one of them is a good secret technique, such as the shrinking technique.

Shen Mo wanted to dig out a little more useful things from the opponent, even if he couldn't dig out much, the shrinking technique was also a good choice.

"Although my talent is not as good as yours, my fist is bigger than yours!"

Luantong: You are using an axe!
It does not matter!What matters is that you're screwed.

hum!Mo Mo's feet clicked, and the whole person disappeared in place. Luan Tong's scarlet eyes froze, and he immediately moved his body, and also disappeared in place.

In an instant, there was only the sound of two people fighting on the entire ancient battlefield, but there was no figure of two people fighting.

Huanhai: So fast!

Peony: Are they both monsters?
In Shen Mo's eyes, his agility talent has been used to the extreme, and Luan Tong also used some kind of speed secret technique to increase his speed.

At the same time, Rantong also used some kind of secret technique to make his hands so strong that even the sharp edge of the Calamity Battle Ax could not cut off its claws.

Luan Tong, who has added many kinds of secret skills, has used the endless lifespan of monsters to cultivate all kinds of secret skills to the extreme and use them in battle.

If it weren't for the extremely comprehensive ability of Silence, I'm afraid he wouldn't be the opponent of Luantong.

Shen Moben had the trump card to kill Luan Tong with one blow, but in order to get the practice method of shrinking from this guy's mouth, he had to choose to hide his real strength and continue to deal with Luan Tong.

The two fought for several more rounds, Shen Mo pretended to sell a flaw, causing himself to be knocked into the air by Luan Tong, and then half-kneeled on the ground, pretending to be injured.

"Haha, you are nothing more than that!"

As the distance between the two was opened and Mo Mo was injured, Luan Tong already had the opportunity to perform the shrinking technique.

He recited the secret text of the shrinking technique again, wanting to shrink the silence, and then squeezed it wantonly.

Shen Mo, who had known everything for a long time, immediately restrained his mind, cut off his hearing senses, and stopped listening to the shrinking secret text. At the same time, he took out the hypnotist penguin from his personal warehouse and hid it behind him.

Mu Mo wants to see whether it is Luantong's shrinking technique or Penguin's hypnotism.

(End of this chapter)

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