Chapter 497

[Master of Hypnotism: A puppet made from the soul of the hypnotist, the ghost eyes, the flesh and blood of Yamata no Orochi and the giant North Sea monster.Possess special effects skills as follows. 】

【1 Hypnosis master, master-level hypnosis ability, can make people hypnotized by it without realizing it. 】

[2 The ghost eye magic technique can create a high-level illusion and draw people's will into it, and the damage suffered in the illusion can be resisted to the human body. 】

[3 Hypnosis Demon Eye, a special ability produced by hypnosis and ghost eye magic, can create real illusion memories in people's memories and manipulate people's hearts. 】

Hypnotist Penguin!

The puppet penguin made by Shen Mo himself has rarely been used to fight since its birth. This is not to say that the penguin's combat power is not strong, but that Shen Mo can directly solve the problem, and generally the penguin will not intervene.

But Penguin's hypnotic ability is unquestionable. His original hypnotic ability plus the increase of ghost eyes and demon pupils has reached a level that even Silence is afraid of.

His ghost eye magic can create a high-level illusion, pull the enemy's will into it, and feed back the damage in the illusion to the enemy's body.

When the enemy's will collapses in the illusion, the penguin can also use the ability to hypnotize the demon pupil to manipulate the enemy's memory, and then manipulate the heart.

With such a weird and evil ability, if it weren't for the doll's absolute loyalty to Shen Mo, Mo Mo would have sent the penguin to see God long ago.

In a trance, Youkai Luantong had finished reciting the secret text of the shrinking technique, and he let out a strange growl in his throat, like a perverted child who was about to play with his favorite toy, expecting the silent body to shrink and become his plaything.

Before he knew it, the penguin behind Silence had already activated his hypnotic ability, and the scarlet ghost eyes and monster pupils exuded a ripple-like monster aura, which went straight to his mind along the chaotic boy's monster aura, and he didn't notice it at all. Under the circumstances, he has already been pulled into the high-level illusion that has just been created.

In the illusion, Luantong saw Shen Mo's body shrinking with his own eyes, and wanted to struggle to survive in panic, and knelt on the ground begging for his life.

And how could Luantong, who always liked to play with life, let go of such a perfect toy? He used all kinds of methods unimaginable by ordinary people to torture Silence cruelly, enjoying the pleasure of inflicting pain on others.

Chaotic children!It is so insane!

But in the real world, Silence was not shrunk by the shrinking technique because it cut off its hearing. On the contrary, Luantong himself was backlashed by the shrinking technique and turned into a pocket version of Luantong.

At the same time, Luantong was pulled into the illusion because of his will, and he didn't realize it, like a puppet that lost its soul, standing in the grass and letting the mermaid be eaten.

With a thought of silence, he regained his hearing, then slowly stood up, held the puppet penguin in his hands, walked straight to Luantong, picked it up, and placed it with the penguin, so that the penguin could use its hypnotic ability to attack Luantong.

Immediately, Shen Mo turned his attention to Urahan Yusuke, who was unconscious. According to the rules set by Huankai, only one of the three could become her closed disciple.

The only person who can fight now is Silence.

Silence is the final winner of this apprentice selection competition, he is the closed disciple of Master Huanhai!

"and many more!"

Just when Shen Mo was about to welcome the joy of victory, Huan Hai stopped Shen Mo and said coldly.

"This game is not over yet!"

silence:? ? ?
Under the perception of the power of the mind's eye, Shen Mo clearly noticed that Huan Hai used his spiritual power to stab the unconscious Urahan Yusuke through the ground through the ground.

Yusuke Urameshi woke up from the pain with a strange cry, jumped up from the ground, and cursedly clutched his ass, thinking that he had been bitten by some insect.

Silence: Convex
You are cheating!Or the examiner to help cheat.Don't play like this!
Shen Mo couldn't help looking at Huanhai and Peony, based on his understanding of Yuyu Hakusho's plot, combined with the current situation, he instantly understood.

It's all a game!

A game against monsters and chaotic children!

Based on the relationship between Xiaoyan Wang and Huankai, if they want Urahan Yusuke to become Huankai's closed disciple, they don't need any apprentice trials at all, they just need to let Urahan Yusuke directly apprentice.

But they still spent a lot of time organizing this disciple selection competition.

To put it bluntly, it is to attract monsters and chaos children, and take the opportunity to eradicate this monster.

Because Yokai Rando has brutally killed 99 psykers in the human world, and took Huanhai as the hundredth target.

Sorting out cause and effect, everything makes sense.

The result of this match is not important, what matters is the death of Yokai Rando and the default quota of Yusuke Urameshi.

Mo Mo looked at Urahan Yusuke again, and instantly changed his eyes to the strongest relationship in history.

This is a fart!

Shen Mo was upset, because he knew that even if he defeated Yusuke Urahan, Huan Kai still had an excuse to change the result of the game.

But he is really upset!

Just reduced to a pawn on someone else's chessboard, at the mercy of others? !

hey-hey!A trace of cruelty flashed in the silent eyes, since you want Yusuke Urahan to be the final winner of this competition, then I will do as you wish.

hum!The silent figure disappeared, and the mind drove a new fighting fist, which hit Urahan Yusuke like a rainstorm of pear blossoms. The latter had just woken up and hadn't realized what happened. I'm dumbfounded.

Numerous fists with a faint blue light on Urahan Yusuke's body, leaving deep and visible fist marks, Urahan Yusuke didn't even have a chance to breathe, he just passed out and fell powerlessly on the ground.

Magic Sea: (灬)

Kuwahara: ( ̄□ ̄)
Are you not scheduled?Didn't you plan it?

Since I can't be the final winner no matter what, let me have a good time and make a cool word.

Under the power of her mind, Huankai actually wanted to use her spiritual energy to stab Urahan Yusuke again, but this time, no matter how she stabbed, Urahan Yusuke just couldn't wake up.

The silence was so severe that Yusuke Urameshi had already entered a deep coma, and the general stinging pain could no longer wake him up.

But life should be worry-free, unless Genkai inhumanely thinks of other ways to wake Urameshi Yusuke and let the silence strike again.

Silence dares to guarantee that Urahan Yusuke may die next time.

Huankai stabbed a few more times, seeing that Yusuke Urahan really couldn't wake up, he could only sigh and announce.

"This time the game is over!"

She didn't directly announce the victory of Silence, but wanted to capture the sluggish Luantong and learned about Luantong's life.

"Wait!" Shen Mo stopped Huan Hai, obviously unwilling to hand over Luan Tong to Huan Hai.

"You should know his identity. He is a monster and a chaotic child. You should not let him continue to live in the human world."

Silence said bluntly, "I caught him, and his life and death should be decided by me, not you. What you should do is announce the result of this game."

Huanhai was silent for a long time, and could only announce loudly, "The winner of this match is Silence!"

Before Silence could be happy, Huanhai changed the subject.

"But my closed disciple is Yusuke Urahan!"

Silence has already seen through everything.

The other passers-by were dumbfounded, and such a result was obviously not convincing.

Huan Hai argued, "Although Shen Mo won the match, what I tested was not who won, but who was more suitable to inherit the talent and character of Lingboquan. Although Shen Mo's strength is very strong, but his Talent and character are not in line with my boxing intentions. Compared to this, Urameshi Yusuke is more in line with the essence of Lingboquan's profound meaning."

Mo Mo has a watch in his heart that he bought last year, and he doesn't know whether to talk about it or not.

It's fine if you trick me, but you still insult me ​​meow.

Silence wanted to explode, but Huanhai's words changed again.

"However, considering Shen Mo's strength and background, and his victory in this selection, I decided to make an exception and teach Lingbo Quan to him as well."

This result is really convincing.

From Shen Mo's point of view, Huan Hai did not accept him as a closed disciple, that is to say, he would not be taught the essence of Lingboquan, but only the foundation or part of Lingboquan's skills.

But that's enough!

Silence is just using Lingboquan's training method to master the blue boxing holy envoy's boxing skills by analogy, and he doesn't care about the essence of Lingboquan's profound meaning.

This thing is not as cool as the blue boxing holy envoy's 360 punches.

At this moment, the penguin's hypnosis on the chaotic boy ended.

I saw the pocket version of the penguin respectfully proclaimed, "Master, he is yours now."

The shrunken version of Luan Tong did not lose consciousness and become a puppet, nor did he lose his murderous personality, he is still a maddened Luan Tong.

The only difference is that the look in his eyes towards Silence has become strange.


silence: o_o
"Dad, I'm a little Tongtong!"

Shen Mo almost sat on the ground and flew up. He quickly checked the memory of the puppet penguin, and finally knew what the penguin did in the illusion.

The penguin first pulled Luan Tong into the illusion, and repeatedly asked the penguin to torture Silence in the illusion, but Silence just couldn't die, so repeated, I don't know how many years, how many times, how many times...

Luantong is crazy!

His mind becomes fragile and confused, giving Penguin the chance to modify his memory.

So Penguin slightly modified Rantong's memory, replacing his father with Silence, and added the idea that only fathers are good in the world to his subconscious.

That's why Luan Tong called Shen Mo his father like crazy.

But Shen Mo doesn't want such a son at all!
On the one hand, such a son is really too cheating, Luan Tong's murderous nature, it takes a lot of effort to correct it, Mo Mo doesn't have such thoughts.

On the one hand, such a son cannot be brought to the real world, and the silence in this mirror world does not last long.

Why!Penguin, look at the good son you found for me!It's really giving me a headache!
Shaking his head silently, he can only respond first, and then find a chance to let the penguin hypnotize the chaotic boy, modify his memory, and turn him into what everyone wants.

Facing the silent helplessness, Huanhai naturally sees the changes in Luantong. Huanhai knows that Penguin is modifying the memory of the other party, and she suddenly has a bold method.

Maybe, if he wasn't in a hurry to kill Luantong, he might still be able to save him.

As a result, Urahan Yusuke, who was seriously injured and unconscious, "inexplicably" became Master Huankai's closed disciple.

And Mo Mo also got the opportunity to practice Lingboquan, and Luan Tong also followed his father and lived under the Huan Haimen.

The Illusory Sea Master's apprentice selection competition has since come to an end, and a new experience has begun.

【Ding!The general worker successfully became a disciple of Huan Hai Ji, and got the opportunity to practice Lingboquan. 】

[Mission rewards are being calculated, please pay attention to check]

[Reminder: The general worker will return to the real world after one month. 】

Silence is clear, although he has completed the main task, he still needs time to learn the Lingboquan skills from Huanhai, so the system gave him a month of training time.

It would be enough for a month to master the basic Lingboquan silently, and use Lingboquan to comprehend the basic skill of the Blue Boxer: Fist Qi.

At the same time, Luan Tong's surrender also gave Shen Mo the opportunity to learn other secret skills he has mastered. As for what he has mastered, it depends on what Luan Tong has.

At least shrinking technique is a secret skill that Shen Mo wants to master. Although there are flaws in this secret skill, he still wants to learn it based on the basic principle of not overwhelming one's body with too many skills, and the basic idea of ​​not learning for nothing. Learn this secret skill.

The following month was the most fulfilling and painful month for Shen Mo.

The practice Huanhai prepared for them was simply hell-level practice.

What hanging upside down with a finger on a steel needle!What a golden rooster independent cliff top!What speed in the crocodile pond!

In short, in Shen Mo's view, it is completely abusive cultivation method, but it is Huanhai's favorite cultivation method.

Moreover, this bad old woman also called it a perfect training to challenge the limit.

According to her, hanging the steel nails upside down is to train the cohesion of spiritual power, the golden rooster's independent cliff top is to train the stability of spiritual power, and the speed in the crocodile pond is to train the explosiveness of spiritual power...

Silence can only say, with your mouth on your face, of course you can say whatever you want.

Until the middle of the month, Shen Mo tried to cultivate his fist qi, and unexpectedly found that he could successfully condense the vortex of fist qi and shoot it out. Although the accuracy and power of the fist qi were not high, it still had made substantial progress.

Only then did Shen Mo believe that Huan Hai's practice is indeed useful, and it is also extremely helpful for the cultivation of fist qi.

Since then, Shen Mo has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the cultivation Huan Hai prepared for him.

Here I have to mention Urahan Yusuke again, this big hanging wall has left the dojo of Huanhai after the first week of practice.

Because Yusuke Urameshi has mastered the essence of Lingboquan.

Yes, you heard it right, the protagonist who cheated is just so unreasonable.

While Shen Mo was still sweating profusely for the basic training, Urahan Yusuke had already grasped the essence of Lingboquan.

It's not that Huankai hides his secrets or makes a small fuss for Yusuke Urahan, but that Yusuke Urahan's talent is really higher than that of Mo Mo, or the kind that is several grades higher.

Shen Mo could only sigh helplessly, if it weren't for his body system, an ordinary man like him would not be able to find a partner in their village.

Talent is important, but for Shen Mo, hard work is the basis and way for him to catch up with talent.

Silence can only work harder to catch up with the speed of Yusuke Okabi Urahan.

Thus, Silence started a struggling life of being abused by the fantasy sea during the day and being abused by the nightmare at night.

A man should work so hard!

(End of this chapter)

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