The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 498 Fist Qi Mastery

Chapter 498 Fist Qi Mastery

"Although your talent is extremely poor, your hard work has shown me a different you. You are destined to become an extraordinary person."

Huanhai had his hands behind his back, his face was kind and full of relief.

I saw Shen Mo sweating profusely, constantly waving his blue iron fist, tempering his spiritual power and body, the perfect body line and steel-like muscle texture integrated, interpreting the pinnacle of masculinity aesthetics.

After swinging the last punch of today's training task, he turned and looked at Master Huanhai in silence with a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for your teachings during this time, they have benefited me a lot."

Master Huanhai shook his head with a smile, and said modestly, "Actually, I didn't teach you anything. What you get comes from your hard work."

Shen Mo knew it in his heart, bowed to thank Master Huanhai, and then expressed his intention of leaving, "I should go."

Huan Hai was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't mentioned that he was going to leave before the silence, but this time it was a bit abrupt.

But Huanhai knows in his heart that if a struggling person like Shen Mo wants to achieve something, he must go through wind, frost, rain and snow. where the brightest flowers in the world bloom.

What should come will always come, and what should go will always go.

Huan Hai nodded, acquiescing to leave silently, with a sad expression inevitably.

Silence smiled knowingly. After getting along for a month, she already knew the character of this bad old woman very well.

Loneliness and loneliness created her desire for companionship and understanding.

The period of silence and Urahan Yusuke can be said to be the happiest period of Huankai's later years.

"When I hear your name again, I hope I'll be proud of you."

Huan Hai uttered his last advice to Shen Mo, which was to let Mo Mo go down the mountain alone.

Mo Mo doesn't want Huan Hai to know his true identity, so he is stuck in time and plans to go down the mountain and return to the real world.

And the monster Luantong who had been subdued before, under the constant hypnosis and brainwashing of the penguin, has been transformed into a disciple of the fantasy sea. A few days ago, he was dispatched to Xiaoyan Wang to carry out a secret mission.

The ending of Luan Tong is naturally the most appropriate.

Mo Mo also learned two good secret arts from the monster Luantong.

Shrinking and escaping.

Needless to say, the body shrinking technique is just the secret spell that Luantong used before to shrink the enemy's figure. Although the secret spell has fatal flaws, it can already have a miraculous effect if one is not expecting it.

As for the technique of escaping from the ground, as the name suggests, using this technique can blend into the ground under your feet and walk in ambush.

Although Luantong has mastered 99 kinds of secret arts, in Shen Mo's view, only these two secret arts can catch his eyes, and the rest of the secret arts are flashy, fragile and not strong.

Of course, Shen Mo also mastered the basic skill of the blue boxing holy envoy through the cultivation of Huanhai's Lingboquan: fist energy.

[Fist Qi (Proficient): Concentrate spiritual power and release it outward to attack the enemy. 】

What is "proficient" is that under the influence of Lingboquan, the fist energy of the blue boxing saint can not only be released through fists, but as long as Mo Mo is willing, he can condense spiritual energy in any part of the body, increasing the attack power and defense of that part At the same time gain the ability to release spiritual energy waves.

At this time, someone jumped out and thought of some good ideas that shouldn't be thought of.

But there is no doubt that this kind of thinking is difficult to use in actual combat. To be precise, it is okay to use it for defense, but it is somewhat inferior to use it for attack.

When Shen Mo came to the foot of the mountain and waited for a while, he received a new task reminder.

【Ding!One month has passed, and the job passer returns to the real world. 】

[Nightmare mission: You Yu Hakusho.The mission is completed and the rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check. 】

Shen Mo slowly opened his eyes, and found that he had returned to the room, and directly sank his consciousness into his mind to check the mission rewards.


Silence directly ignored the aura, the pocket pot, and the infinite copy, and set his sights on the entrance ticket to the mirror world.

[Mirror World Return Ticket (one-time item): Use this ticket to return to the mirror world you experienced before and stay for one month. 】

[You can choose the mirror world: Sadako; Exorcist Daoist; Kill a Dawn; A Chinese Ghost Story; The Mummy; Resident Evil; Yuyu Hakusho. 】

Silently staring at the dark black gilt ticket in his personal warehouse, he couldn't calm down for a long time. The value of this ticket is self-evident, and he can return to the mirror world he experienced before and stay there for a month.

During this month, Shen Mo can do whatever he wants in the mirror world, and do everything he wants to do. On a deeper level, Shen Mo can continue to explore the mirror world, and the benefits and values ​​in it can be seen by a discerning eye.

The task reward this time is definitely a lot of money.

But the question also arises, which mirror world should Silence return to.

Sadako?Didn't silence kill Sadako?Entering the world of Sadako again, she can really do whatever she wants with the ability of silence, but it seems to be of little value.

Exorcist priest?Mo Mo really misses Uncle Jiu quite a bit, but with his current ability, he is no longer suitable for a newcomer mentor, Uncle Jiu.

Kill the dawn?Silence swears that he would not want to see that ugly vampire again even if he was killed.

A Chinese Ghost Story?The Montenegrin old demon once killed Shen Mo in seconds, and Shen Mo had to avenge this revenge. Coupled with Qian Nu's background and hidden value, it can be considered.

mummy?Tut tut!don't go!Anubis, the god of death in that world, has already set his sights on Silence, and he doesn't want to deliver food to him.

resident Evil?Pass!This mirror world is too depressing, the virus is rampant, and the people are dying.It's not fun to play!

You Yu Hakusho?Hmm~ Yuyu Hakusho's world background and hidden value are equally inestimable, so it can be considered.

After weighing and comparing, Silence's choice is only two mirror worlds: A Chinese Ghost Story and You Yu Hakusho.

How should he choose?

Hey!Choose neither!
Shen Mo didn't know why, he just wanted to wait a little longer, with the refreshing speed of daily tasks, there were a sea of ​​valuable mirror worlds, why Mao had to choose now.

Silence and no rush, keep the ticket in hand, and use it when you need it, isn't it delicious?

After making up his mind, Shen Mo put away the return ticket and took out the pocket jar he had just obtained.

According to the usual practice, Zashiki Doji Nannan was summoned, and with Nannan's ability to knock open the pocket pot, a burst of brilliance flashed, and the props inside were displayed before Shen Mo's eyes.

[Skill Stone: Manipulate Plants.The special ability comes from the fox and Tibetan horse, and uses the evil spirit or aura to summon plants to assist in combat. 】

[Reminder: After crushing, you can get the built-in skills of the skill stone. 】

【Ding!Reminder: This skill stone can be integrated into the title "Ruthless Lumberjack" to upgrade the title. 】

Silently stunned, he took the light green skill stone with the imprint of the demon fox that Nan Nan handed over.

He didn't expect that a skill stone could be found in the pocket jar, and this skill stone could also upgrade the title.

Tut tut!Then let the title be upgraded and see how it will change.

(End of this chapter)

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