The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 500 My father is a little sloppy

Chapter 500 My father is a little sloppy
After the Hongqi commercial vehicle left Majia Hutong, it drove out of Yanjing City before the morning rush hour, and headed west along the expressway with unknown rings.

Shen Mo looked at the dwindling traffic outside the car window, and turned his head to ask the co-pilot, the young man of the Ma family.

"Isn't the venue of the supernatural exchange meeting in the urban area?"

The younger generation of the Ma family replied, "How could it be in the urban area? When the time comes, the fight will be absolutely earth-shattering. It's too ostentatious in the urban area, and the president dare not play like this."

Silence nodded a little, and he could understand it, but what he meant by this sentence was, where exactly is the venue of the supernatural exchange meeting? The younger generation of the Ma family obviously did not understand the implication of Silence's words.

Only Ma Shisanpin on the side realized what was going on, and muttered angrily, "There are a lot of people participating this time. In order to facilitate management and consider the combat needs of the competition, the conference decided to place the venue in Huangliang Gouzipo. "

Huangliang Gouzipo? !

The name sounds really goofy.

Mo Mo couldn't help but think of Goudan on his waist. Although the big locust tree where Goudan once lived was burned down, Hua Yingjun, after knowing Goudan's existence, specially spent money to repair the ruins of the big locust tree, and called it Goudan locust tree.

Could it be that there are some allusions to this Huangliang Gouzipo?

The young man of the Ma family who was the co-pilot quickly answered, "Brother Shen, there is no allusion to that place. In the past, the children of the Eight Banners raised dogs to hunt. Now they have started tourism, built a film and television base, and played with cultural connotations. The reason why The main reason for choosing that place is that it is spacious and has a large racetrack, which can be used as a competition ring with a little modification, and it doesn’t matter how loud your fight is.”

Silently expressed his understanding, but the co-pilot, a young man from the Ma family, beat and killed as soon as he opened his mouth, how violent you must be.

Or... there are other hidden secrets in it? !That's why the younger generation of Ma's family pays special attention to the game.

"You seem to be very interested in the game?"

"That's right, I opened the market."

hiss!Most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, the atmosphere in the commercial vehicle suddenly became dignified, and a faint murderous look permeated from Ma Shisan's body.

"Ma Sicheng! You bet again! Pull over and stop."

The Hongqi car just stopped rolling.

Ma Shisan suddenly jumped up, and directly dragged Ma Sicheng, the co-pilot, to the back, and beat him violently.

In just a few breaths, Ma Sicheng's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, his mother almost couldn't recognize him.

Silence is a bit unbearable, and he is also to blame for this matter, why not ask, but just ask this.

What's more, if Mo Mo doesn't stop, the Hongqi commercial vehicle may roll over.

"Okay, Master Ma Qun will spare him once."

"No, how many times has he done this, and he won't change after repeated admonitions. I have to teach him a hard lesson today to improve his memory."

"If you hit him again, he will lose his breath."

hum!Ma Shisan's hand raised a faint spiritual energy, healed Ma Sicheng's injury, saved his life, and then gave him another fat beating with pear blossoms and rain.


Ma Shisan!It really is extremely cruel!
Snapped!Mo Mo couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he decisively squeezed Ma Shisan's small fist in his hand.

"Enough! Stop making trouble for no reason."

Ma Shisan's pink face was flushed with anger, but she didn't have the strength to break free from the shackles of silence, "I made trouble for no reason? It's obvious that he can't change eating shit."

"What's wrong with Ma Sicheng?"

"Isn't it right for him to open the market? He is addicted to excessive gambling and does not think about making progress. Sooner or later, he will harm others and himself."

Silently said seriously, "Not only is he right, but he has merit!"

Ma Shisan:? ? ?

Ma Sicheng: 〣(Δ)〣

Ma Shisan was very surprised, even Ma Sicheng himself looked confused, how could he have made a contribution.

Please give us the Ma family a perfect explanation.

"What is Ma Sicheng opening the handicap for?"

Ma Shisan said without hesitation, "For money!"

Silence scolded, "Superficial!"

Ma Shisan blinked with a dazed expression.

Ma Sicheng clutched his swollen head, his eyes filled with confusion.

Not for money!What is that for?dream?

Shen Mo explained solemnly, "For the sake of money, it's just the appearance, we have to dig out the appearance to see the essence."

Ma Shisan and Ma Sicheng looked at each other, come on!Plan one and we'll have a look.

"What should I do first to open the market?"

Ma Shisan shook her head, she didn't understand this business.

Ma Sicheng was clear in his heart, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"Collect information!"

Silently slapped his thigh, not giving Ma Shisan a chance to react, "There is an old saying, knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible. Is the importance of intelligence self-evident? Although Ma Sicheng may be greedy for money, his main purpose It is to collect the intelligence and strength of the contestants from all walks of life, and issue the corresponding odds to win, you say, is this collecting information and focusing on logistics."

Ma Shisan suddenly realized that it seemed to be true, but things always felt weird.

Ma Sicheng also suddenly realized, he muttered and cried, "Cousin... I really only focus on logistics, it's fine if you don't understand me, and you still hit me... I'm so hard!"

Ma Shisan was a little at a loss, could it be that she really made a mistake, but gambling is wrong, it is an act that harms others and oneself!
Seeing Ma Shisan's will start to waver in silence, he continued, "Didn't you say that? This match is extremely important. We need to unite all forces that can be united to win this championship. Ma Sicheng's plan is full of many things." Is it important? Let him go down to collect information, integrate it, and pass it on to us, which will definitely increase our chances of winning."

Ma Shisan is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very smart. She knows that the words of silence are deceiving her, but there is indeed some truth in what the words of silence say. Ma Sicheng's plan can indeed have some good effects.

There are many forces from all sides. Although they submitted the information of the contestants to the conference, no one would be so stupid as to report their real strength to the conference. Therefore, the various news and battle information during the conference became the basis for judging the strength of the players. an important basis.

Ma Sicheng's plan is feasible, but Ma Shisan cannot admit his mistake.

"Hmph! Even so, he can't gamble. I promised my uncle that I will take good care of him and help him get rid of the bad habit of gambling."

Mo Mo went downhill, "He doesn't bet, I bet, this mouth, I will!"

Ma Shisan:? ? ?

Ma Sicheng: o_O???
"You drive?!" Ma Shisan and Ma Sicheng said in unison, both surprised.

"I'll invest [-] million first, press myself, win all!"

Ma Sicheng was enlightened, he was addicted to gambling, but he had never seen such a coquettish manipulation by Mo Mo, he opened the market by himself, and even bet on himself to win, the hand was [-] million.

Silently patted Ma Sicheng on the shoulder, and casually applied a shot of slow healing to help him recover from the injury, "You help me fight and collect information. When the conference is over, I will pay you."

Ma Sicheng is a little unhappy, I have tens of millions of business every minute, you pay me a salary?

But when he saw the look in Ma Shisan's eyes, he decisively chose to be cowardly. At least he could play with his salary. If he gambled, he would be beaten by Ma Shisan again.

This matter, after silent dealings, was finally settled, and Ma Sicheng also became the silent eyes and ears, probing the intelligence and information of various forces.

After all, the information disclosed by the Super Bureau is really limited, not enough for Shen Mo to understand his opponent.

Furthermore, Shen Mo felt that he could make a lot of money in this game.

An initial investment of [-] million will lower their odds extremely low, and those who want to make a big upset with a small blog will become silent dishes.

The red flag car started again, and after an hour's trek, it finally arrived at Huangliang Gouzipo.

Shen Mo, who just got out of the car, looked at the very commercial tourist attraction in front of him, full of people, and the tourists who came one after another, his head was a little big.

"This is Huangliang Gouzipo? Why is it like an amusement park?"

After slowly healing in silence, Ma Sicheng has recovered from his previous injuries. He said courteously, "Cousin, Brother Shen, please wait here for a while, I'll go buy a ticket."

"Buy tickets?!" Silence was stunned, "We are here to participate in the Supernatural Exchange Conference, what tickets should we buy?"

"A pass to the film and television base is 250." Ma Sicheng explained, "Don't make a fuss, this is mainly to deceive people, and it is also to generate income for the tourism industry. Competition! Income! Both are correct, these are the original words of the chairman, after all, here There is also investment from our Ma family... Hey! Isn't that the president of the conference!"

Silence is hehe, the organizer of this conference is definitely a talent.

He looked along Ma Sicheng's fingers, and saw a burly, unusually strong, bearded, unkempt middle-aged man who was selling sticks filled with candied haws along the road.

Ma Shisan: That's my father!


Father, it's a little sloppy!
(End of this chapter)

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